Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 342 Changes after the Beast Tide (3100 words, please subscribe)

Time passed gradually.

A few months later, it was the beginning of autumn.

At the top of Luoxia Mountain, inside the Tengyun Cave Mansion.

Ling Pengyun, who had been in seclusion in this cave for a long time, opened his eyes, stepped out of the cave, and came to the outside world, looking towards the distant sky as if waiting for someone.

I don’t know how long I waited, but a female cultivator in a white flying boat, wearing a white Taoist robe with an air of immortality, a tall figure, fair skin, and a little bit of baby fat, quickly sailed towards Luoxia Mountain.

After a while, this person landed on the top of Luoxia Mountain.

"I haven't seen you for a year, Fairy Yan, you still look beautiful!"

"Brother Qin, why didn't they come this year?" Ling Pengyun praised the beautiful cultivator in front of him, then looked at the sky and saw that there was no trace of anyone else in the sky, he asked doubtfully.

That beautiful girl turned out to be Ling Pengyun's old friend Yan Siyi.

Yan Siyi smiled when she heard Ling Pengyun's praise, but didn't take it too seriously.

"Fellow Daoist Ling liked it instantly."

"Senior Brother Qin and the others went to the blazing iron veins in the Baiyun Mountains, the largest gathering place for demonic beasts in the Yan Kingdom, to garrison half a year ago. That's why we didn't gather together at the beginning of autumn according to the agreement we made back then."

Yan Siyi replied appropriately.

In the past eight years, although Ling Pengyun was stationed in Luoxia Mountain, Qin Shi and others still often stayed in Tuyuanfang City and went to the boundary of Jiaomang Lake to hunt monsters.

It is only tens of thousands of miles away from Luoxia Mountain.

Qin Shi and others also knew that Ling Pengyun was stationed in Lingshan and it was difficult to leave, so every time at the beginning of autumn, he would take the initiative to come to Luoxia Mountain for a small gathering.

It has been like this for the past eight years, and it can be regarded as establishing a deep friendship with Qin Shi and others.

"Brother Qin is a physical practitioner. It is normal to go to the blazing iron veins in the Baiyun Mountains to garrison. But Brother Zhang and Brother Xue are both in the same profession. Fairy Ye Yu is not very strong. Why go to that dangerous place? ?”

Ling Pengyun asked in confusion.

"In recent years, as Jiao Python Lake has been occupied by our sect, the monsters in the Baiyun Mountains have become extremely disgusted with the move of the five sects of the Yan Kingdom to occupy the second-level blazing iron vein on the boundary of the Baiyun Mountains. There are often incidents Many monsters attack the blazing iron veins."

"Although there is a third-level formation in the blazing iron vein, there is only one second-level high-grade spiritual vein there. When attacked by a large group of monsters, the formation consumes too much spiritual energy, so we can only use spiritual energy. On the top of the stone, even the combined efforts of our five sects cannot withstand the consumption of such huge spiritual stones."

"Therefore, as long as it is not a large-scale invasion of monsters, formations will rarely be activated in that place, and the monks stationed there will usually resist it with their own strength."

"This also caused the five monks stationed there to suffer heavy casualties."

"However, it is precisely because of this that the blazing iron vein is also a good place to establish meritorious deeds."

"It just so happened that Senior Brother Zhang Chuan and Senior Brother Xue Chao planned to take this opportunity to establish meritorious service and prepare for serving as senior leaders of their respective Baiyi branch in the future, so they took the initiative to go to the Blazing Iron Mine half a year ago."

"Junior sister Ye Yu has been married to senior brother Xue Chao for many years. The two of them have a very good relationship, so naturally they can follow her."

"My strength is low, and my grandfather doesn't have long to live, so I stayed here and planned to accompany him in Jiaomang Lake."

Yan Siyi replied carefully.

A few years ago, Yan Cang resigned as the head of Lingzhi Hall.

However, Bailingmen did not neglect Yan Cang.

Instead, the retired Yan Cang was sent to Jiaomang Lake to manage the spiritual cultivators of Jiaomang Lake. Yan Cang could still receive offerings according to the position of the hall master.

For this reason, Yan Siyi stayed in Jiaomang Lake.

Hearing this, Ling Pengyun nodded clearly.

Then he asked.

"Is Senior Yan Cang's condition okay?"

"A few months ago, when my grandfather's longevity was about to fall to the Qi-training stage, Patriarch Bailing thought that my grandfather had made great contributions to the sect and improved the Yan Cang Lingdao that had benefited the sect for generations. He spent a lot of money to get the rice from Yan Cang. From other parts of the country, I specially found a precious spiritual object for my grandpa that will increase his life span by ten years.”

"For now, grandpa's condition is pretty good." Yan Siyi said with a hint of joy.

Yan Siyi's grandfather, Yan Cang, had a short life expectancy. Eight years ago, when Bailingmen captured Jiaomang Lake, his cultivation began to decline.

In the past eight years, I have been relying on my cultivation to support my longevity.

Ling Pengyun was slightly shocked. He had never thought that Master Bai Ling would be so willing to find a life-enhancing spiritual fruit for Yan Cang to extend his life.

However, thinking about the yield per mu of the high-grade Yancang Lingmi rice that Yancang improved, I feel that it is normal for Master Bailing to behave like this.

After coming back to his senses, Ling Pengyun also said congratulations. "This is a good thing. In these ten years, Senior Yan can recover his declining cultivation level, so that he can survive for a while longer."

"Not bad." After Yan Siyi nodded lightly, she noticed slightly that the strength of Ling Pengyun's aura had reached the late stage of foundation establishment, and it was not comparable to that of ordinary late stage foundation establishment monks.

She was shocked and asked immediately.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, have you entered the eighth floor of the Foundation Building?"

"I walked in by luck some time ago." Ling Pengyun said with a smile.

When Yan Siyi heard this, she naturally didn't believe Ling Pengyun's humble words.

During the gathering last autumn, she knew about the Ling Peng Yun Card and the Peak of the Sixth Level of Foundation Establishment.

Now, in just one year, it is not easy to break through two realms in a row.

You know, for ordinary foundation-building monks, it is considered a happy event if they can break through the first level of cultivation in ten years.

Furthermore, she did not notice that Ling Pengyun's spiritual power was superficial, but his foundation was extremely solid.

"Could it be Ling Daoyou's life spirit plant?" Yan Siyi thought.

After thinking about it for a long time, Yan Siyi came to her senses and did not ask more about this cultivation. After all, this was a private matter.

She waved her hand and patted the storage bag on her waist, and took out a spirit-locking jade box from it.

When she opened the jade box, a strong water spirit quickly gushed out of it.

And inside the jade box was a seed with a flashing blue light.

Seeing this object, Ling Pengyun's eyes suddenly flashed with a brilliance. This object was exactly what he had been thinking about for a long time.

"Renshui Blue Cloud Grass Seed!"

Yan Siyi nodded in response. "It is this thing. My grandfather asked me to pass it on to you. It is also a fulfillment of my grandfather's promise to you to find this thing. However, this spiritual seed is expensive, and my grandfather spent a lot of face to buy this thing from a second-level spiritual plant husband in our sect."

"I will pay one thousand spiritual stones. Can you accept it?"

"Of course I will." Ling Pengyun replied with a smile, and then immediately took out one thousand spiritual stones from his storage bag and put them on the ground.

The seeds of Renshui Blue Cloud Grass are extremely rare, and their effects are even more powerful.

Among the hundred spiritual plants that are most suitable for spiritual plant husbands to sacrifice and refine their life spiritual plants, it ranks very high.

Under normal circumstances, if this thing appears in major markets, it is normal to sell it at a high price of two thousand spiritual stones.

Now, Yan Siyi sells it to him at such a low price, which is already a consideration of the old relationship, so Ling Pengyun naturally cannot ask for more.

Yan Siyi saw the spiritual stones appear, and knew Ling Pengyun's character. She waved her hand and put the spiritual stones into the storage bag, and then handed the soul-locking jade box containing the Renshui Blue Cloud Grass spiritual seeds to Ling Pengyun.

After Ling Pengyun reached out to take it, he looked at the Renshui Blue Cloud Grass spiritual seeds in the jade box and sighed.

"My second life spiritual plant is finally settled."

When he came back to his senses and put the Renshui Blue Cloud Grass spiritual seeds into the storage bag, he immediately thanked Yan Siyi.

"Please ask Fairy Yan to thank Senior Yan for me."

"Okay." Yan Siyi nodded indifferently and asked with a smile.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, I wonder if you have prepared the batch of fruit flower honey I wanted last year?"

"Of course, I have already prepared this." Ling Pengyun nodded lightly and waved his hand to take out three glass bottles from the storage bag.

"The first-grade lower, middle and upper-grade fruit flower honey are 30 jin, 20 jin and 10 jin respectively."

Yan Siyi saw this, and her face was even more happy. She immediately took out 330 spiritual stones from her storage bag and handed them to Ling Pengyun.

Afterwards, the two sat on a stone table on the top of Luoxia Mountain and chatted about other things.

Ling Pengyun also learned from Yan Siyi that Bao Ling Zhenren, who relied on the 300-year-old Changqing spiritual fruit of Bailingmen to break through the golden elixir eight years ago, and Bailingmen Sect Master Bailing Zhenren, both went to guard the blazing iron vein in Baiyun Mountains.

And Bailingmen is now under the command of "Yuan Ling Zhenren" in the false elixir realm.

This "Baoling Zhenren" and "Yuan Ling Zhenren" are both direct disciples of Bailingmen Sect Master Bailing Zhenren.

Baoling Zhenren's name is "Lin Fan", who is an undisputed weapon refining genius and has been following Bailing Zhenren for many years.

The Yuanling Zhenren who was in the fake elixir realm was Ma Yuan, the former head of the Steward Hall. Ma Yuan relied on the golden elixir of the fake elixir realm Lei Yuan Dapeng who besieged Bailingmen during the beast tide chaos eight years ago. He had also become a fake elixir realm several years ago.

Counting this Baoling Zhenren, Yuanling Zhenren, and the sect master Bailing Zhenren and Lingfu Zhenren, Bailingmen now has four golden elixirs, which can be regarded as a prosperous time.

As for the original Lingzhen Zhenren of Bailingmen, he left Bailingmen after the beast tide ended eight years ago.

It is said that this Lingzhen Zhenren left the Northern Wilderness Xiuxian World and went to the Wubianhai Xiuxian World to establish a Xiuxian family called "Moshi".

As for why Bailingmen let this sinister person who violated the sect rules and attacked his fellow disciples when the third-level Changqing Lingguo of Bailingmen matured leave, it is not something that Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi can know.

In addition, Ling Pengyun also learned from Yan Siyi that his cousin "Yang Sitong", who entered Bailingmen with the help of Yang Siling, had been accepted as a disciple by Ye Mu, the deputy head of the Alchemy Hall, with his superb alchemy skills.

This Ye Mu was the father of Ling Pengyun's old friend Ye Yu. He was also a profound second-level top-grade alchemist, and could even refine the extremely difficult second-level top-grade elixir, the Foundation Establishment Pill.

After a small gathering for about half a day, Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi had finished talking.

However, Yan Siyi did not leave immediately.

Instead, according to the tradition of previous small gatherings, she cooked a table of second-level spiritual food and ate with Ling Pengyun.

Of course, the materials for this table of second-level spiritual food were jointly provided by Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi.

But in the final analysis, Ling Pengyun still took some small advantages.

After all, if there was no Yan Siyi, a second-level spiritual chef, even if he had the meat of a monster beast in the Foundation Establishment period, it would be difficult to find precious second-level spiritual food.

After eating, Yan Siyi stayed in Luoxia Mountain for another two days to refine the pure spiritual power contained in the spiritual food in her stomach.

Thanks: Yang Zhiji, iPingpingwuji, Family Cultivation My Cuisine, Book Friend 20230124173627208, Tianqiyi, Gao Gaoxing.Ee, Book Friend 20230321074355841, Tianxuan Palace Jumen Xingjun for their monthly tickets.

Thanks: Xin Mingjing and EriWSC for their 100-point reward.

I still need 700 reward points to add another chapter

Thank you all

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