Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 343: Fruit Flower Queen Bee Breaks Through Foundation Building (3000 words, please subscribe

It was early morning.

The sunlight from the sky spread across the earth, and the autumn wind, which carried the fragrance of ripe fruits and a hint of warmth, kept blowing over the bodies of Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi who were standing in Luoxia Mountain, making them feel extremely relaxed.

The two of them stood there quietly, watching the gorgeous morning glow rise.

Until a dazzling light shot out from the sky and the beauty of the morning glow disappeared, Yan Siyi slowly spoke.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, let's meet again next year!"

Ling Pengyun's expression moved slightly when he heard this, and he couldn't help but want to eat the delicious spiritual food cooked by Yan Siyi.

It just so happened that there were only the two of them at this small gathering, so Ling Pengyun also smiled and said.

"If the fairy has nothing to do, you might as well come and walk around more often."

"In this way, I will have someone to talk to when I am stationed in this uninhabited place."

Yan Siyi raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at Ling Pengyun in surprise.

Seeing Ling Pengyun's smiling face, Yan Siyi immediately understood Ling Pengyun's thoughts and answered with a smile.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, I'm afraid you miss the spiritual food I made."

"If there is a chance, I will come often."

"Fellow Daoist, the cultivation of the fruit flower queen bee in the perfect state of Qi training should also be improved. I am quite looking forward to the taste of the second-level fruit flower honey."

"If the barbecue cooked with fruit flower honey of this level must be more delicious, don't you want to try it?"

Ling Pengyun couldn't help swallowing his saliva when he heard it.

He was a greedy person, and he loved the barbecue spiritual food cooked with fruit flower honey.

"It's a pity that my fruit flower queen bee failed to break through the foundation three years ago. However, according to the time, it should have recovered from the injuries of the failure of the foundation building in these years."

"When the fairy comes next time, I will definitely treat you with second-level fruit flower honey."

Three years ago, Ling Pengyun's fruit flower queen bee broke through from the ninth level of Qi training to the perfection of Qi training.

Ling Pengyun also used his contribution points to exchange for a bottle of Bailing water from the family, and bought a pulse protection pill from Yang, and gave it to the bee to help it build its foundation.

But the fruit flower queen bee was weak and suffered a great loss during the period of spiritual energy infusion, which made its first foundation building fail.

"Then I will remember this. If you don't do it when we meet next time, you will break your promise."

Yan Siyi said, waved a white flying boat, and stepped on it.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, goodbye!"

Before she finished speaking, Yan Siyi controlled the flying boat under her feet and flew away quickly.

Ling Pengyun looked at Yan Siyi's back as she left, and gradually lost himself in thought.

It took him a long while to come back to his senses.

"One year, that's a long time!"

"Next time, I have to ask Fairy Yan for some low-level spiritual food secrets to learn, so that I can cook them myself in the future when I'm hungry."

Ling Pengyun sighed with a hint of regret.

"However, Fairy Yan's reminder is good. My fruit flower queen bee should indeed try to break through the foundation again."

His back foot immediately turned into a breeze, left the mountain, and ran towards the place where the family was located.

After several hours.

Ling Pengyun ran thousands of miles, and as soon as he returned to the Ling family mountain, he directly entered the spiritual plant area on the top of the mountain, walked under the highest-grade stone spirit walnut tree here, and looked up at a beehive several feet long hanging on a trunk of the tree.

After a while, a fruit flower spirit bee as thick as a calf flapped its wings and flew out of the beehive, calling out "zizi" twice to show its goodwill to Ling Pengyun.

Ling Pengyun didn't care about this, but mobilized his spiritual sense to scan the bee's body and investigate the queen bee's condition.

When he found that the injury caused by the failure of the bee's foundation building three years ago had healed, and the physique was several times stronger than three years ago, Ling Pengyun nodded with satisfaction.

"This queen bee has not been lazy in tempering her physique in the past three years."

Ling Pengyun was quite satisfied with this, and then asked.

"How confident are you in building a foundation by yourself now?"

The fruit flower queen bee thought about it carefully, and called out "zizi" twice, indicating that because of the experience of the first failure of the foundation building, now her physique has been tempered, which is comparable to the physique of the perfect Qi training monster, and she has a full "four or five percent" confidence.

Ling Pengyun was delighted when he heard this. He took out the last bottle of Xiaobailing Water and the last pulse protection pill from his storage bag and gave them to the queen bee.

The queen bee was overjoyed when he saw this and thanked Ling Pengyun twice.

It knew what these two things were for.

Ling Pengyun waved his hand and told the bee to quickly take the two foundation-building spiritual objects and try to break through the foundation.

The queen bee immediately did as he was told and swallowed the two foundation-building spiritual objects into her stomach. Then she lay directly beside Ling Pengyun and began to try to build the foundation.

Ling Pengyun took out a cushion and sat cross-legged on the ground, meditating here.

In just half a month, the fruit flower queen bee relied on the drop of liquid spiritual power condensed during the first foundation-building to trigger the spiritual energy infusion.

Relying on the large amount of spiritual energy flowing into the body as the source, it began to condense the inner pill.

During this process, Ling Pengyun, who had been guarding the queen bee, could see with his naked eyes that the queen bee had a look of pain on her face.

Obviously, the infusion of spiritual energy was not pleasant for the queen bee.

"I hope that the queen bee can hold on during this infusion of spiritual energy. Otherwise, if the queen bee fails again, with my current wealth, it will be difficult to buy spiritual objects for the foundation building for the queen bee in a short period of time to help it try to build its foundation again."

Ling Pengyun sighed secretly.

During the beast tide chaos eight years ago, Ling Pengyun made a lot of money by killing monsters.

But in recent years, relying on the relationship of his cousin Yang Siling, Ling Pengyun got dozens of kilograms of second-grade top-grade Xuanyuan heavy iron and thousands of kilograms of first-grade water-attributed spiritual iron from Bailingmen.

In addition, in recent years, he spent 15,000 spiritual stones from Yang family to buy three pulse protection pills.

Now he only has a few thousand spiritual stones left.

Of course, if he waits for some time, when the family sells some of his life instruments obtained by killing those foundation-building monsters in the beast tide, his spiritual stones will naturally increase slowly.

It just takes time to do so, and there is no time for the "one-year agreement" agreed with Yan Siyi.

Fortunately, this time, the fruit flower queen bee finally fought for a while.

After enduring the three days of spiritual energy infusion, he successfully condensed the inner elixir in the dantian.

A strong pressure of building foundation also spread from it.

The consciousness, spiritual power, and even spiritual intelligence of this bee also increased rapidly in a short period of time.

After it opened its eyes, it was ecstatic and kept thanking Ling Pengyun.

The improvement of spiritual intelligence made this bee understand that if it were not for Ling Pengyun, the "harsh master", who did not hesitate to cultivate it and took out precious spiritual objects twice to assist it in building foundation, it would not have had much chance to break through to the current state by itself.

Unconsciously, Ling Pengyun's status in the heart of this bee has become extremely high.

Ling Pengyun, who was guarding the fruit flower queen bee on the side, was also very happy when he saw the queen bee successfully build a foundation.

First, he could give Yan Siyi the second-level fruit flower honey at the small gathering next autumn as promised, so that she could cook delicious barbecue spiritual food with fruit flower honey.

Secondly, he has three foundation-building spirit beasts under his command. Although the combat power of this fruit flower bee queen is not comparable to Fengying Peng and Xuanjia Turtle, the value this bee can bring is much greater than the latter two.

In Ling Pengyun's eyes, the foundation-building fruit flower bee queen is a gold mountain, and the bee colony under her command can gradually give birth to second-level spirit bees.

At the same time, as the queen bee's cultivation level improves, the number of bee colonies can also be expanded, producing more fruit flower honey and bringing more benefits.

"Since you have broken through to the foundation building stage, the spirit bees in the bee colony will also have the opportunity to break through to the foundation building stage in the future."

"In the future, the honey produced by the bee colony will leave 30 kilograms, 20 kilograms, and 10 kilograms of first-level lower, middle, and upper-grade fruit flower honey for me as usual, and leave a portion of honey to the family. The remaining fruit flower honey will all be used to concentrate on training the spirit bees you value."

"In this way, it will also help them break through the foundation building stage as soon as possible."

"In addition, at the beginning of next spring, when the dozens of spirit fruit trees in this spirit plant area bear fruit and flowers, you, the queen bee, should not be so arrogant and collect spirit pollen for me. You should brew as much second-level fruit flower honey as you can. Don't be lazy."

After saying this, Ling Pengyun threw a demon beast inner pill in the early stage of foundation building to the queen bee to eat in order to increase the enthusiasm of the queen bee.

"This demon beast inner pill of the initial stage of foundation building is a reward for you. Consolidate your cultivation as soon as possible."

The queen bee was delighted when she saw the inner pill thrown to her, which contained huge spiritual power. She quickly swallowed it and fell into a deep sleep.

Ling Pengyun added a wind control technique, left the clan mountain, and returned to Luoxia Mountain.


After several hours.

After Ling Pengyun returned to Luoxia Mountain and entered the cultivation cave on the top of the mountain, he immediately took out the "Renshui Blue Cloud Grass" spiritual seed sold by Yan Siyi.

He transferred the fifth mouthful of Yin and Yang Taichu Qi that he had condensed over the years into this spiritual seed.

Suddenly, the water spiritual energy emitted by the spiritual seed became several times richer, and the vitality was also much stronger.

Obviously, that mouthful of Yin and Yang Taichu Qi worked.

Ling Pengyun did not waste any more time, and transferred his consciousness into the Renshui Blue Cloud Grass spiritual seed, refining this spiritual seed into his second life spiritual plant.

He also sent the spirit seed into his dantian to nourish it with spiritual power.

He also took this opportunity to look inside.

As soon as the spirit seed of Renshui Blue Cloud Grass entered his dantian, it slowly absorbed the pure liquid spiritual power in the dantian into its body.

The liquid spiritual power absorbed by it will be divided into two parts by the spirit seed of Renshui Blue Cloud Grass, one part is used to improve cultivation, and the other part is stored in the body.

However, because its cultivation is still low, and it is not even practicing Qi, it is difficult to store more liquid spiritual power without absorbing two mouthfuls of liquid spiritual power.

However, its cultivation is also rapidly improved due to the extremely pure liquid spiritual power in Ling Pengyun's dantian.

In just half a day, it began to sprout and grow.

This also made Ling Pengyun very happy.

In addition to the Renshui Blue Cloud Grass, there are two things in his dantian now.

They are respectively the second-rank medium-grade innate magical weapon "Bi Hai Chong Yuan Zhu" and the thorny vine, the innate spiritual plant in the middle stage of foundation building.

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