Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 35 Zhang Li of Bailing Sect (Please collect and recommend)

After more than 20 days, the yellow jade spiritual rice, Qi training grass, and sword star grass that had been in the spiritual soil for some time had sprouted one after another.

After these spiritual plants sprouted, they also had the characteristics of spiritual plants and exuded a trace of spiritual energy.

It happened that this period was approaching the "beginning of spring", and many insects, birds and beasts that fell asleep in winter all woke up.

These sprouting spiritual plants that exuded spiritual energy also attracted many flying insects and birds like last year.

Fortunately, the yellow-haired sparrow on the hillside of Qingshi Mountain also ended its sleep and once again served as the guardian of the six-acre spiritual field of Qingshi Mountain, protecting the safety of the spiritual plants in the six-acre spiritual field on the top of Qingshi Mountain.

Ordinary flying insects are not its enemies at all, and will only become food in the mouth of the yellow-haired sparrow.

There are some flying birds and peng birds with higher cultivation, which the yellow-haired sparrow cannot fight against. At this time, it needs to trouble the master Ling Pengyun to take action.

Time was tight, and Ling Pengyun, who was practicing hard, didn't want to go through so much trouble, so he had to catch another gray-haired Peng bird that was attracted by the spiritual plants on the top of the mountain.

He put a master recognition restriction into its body, subdued it, and combined the power of one bird and one Peng to guard the spiritual plants in the six-acre spiritual field on the top of the mountain.

With the combined power of one bird and one Peng, Ling Pengyun no longer received any requests for help.

In addition to the flying insects and birds, these spiritual plants can also withstand Ling Pengyun's "Ling Xiao Ripening Technique" every three days after germination to accelerate their growth.


More than twenty days passed.

After leaving the clan mountain for nearly three months, the Ling clan leader "Ling Yunhong" rode the Fairy Crane King and led a white-haired old man on a green flying boat to appear above the Qingshi Lake.

The white-haired old man's eyes flashed with light, lowered his head and looked at the Qingshi Lake below, and asked Ling Yunhong.

"Clan leader Ling, is this where the Xuanshui iron vein is?"

"Yes, senior, please follow me to dive into the lake!" Ling Yunhong was very humble and said politely, which showed that the white-haired old man had a very high status.

Before the two of them left, a figure jumped out from the bottom of the lake. The white-haired old man frowned and subconsciously took out a flying sword with a spiritual charm from the storage bag on his waist, ready to kill the figure that suddenly appeared.

"Senior, this is a member of my Ling clan, sent by me to guard the Xuanshui iron vein at the bottom of the lake!" Ling Yunhong saw the action of the white-haired old man, his heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly explained.

Hearing this explanation, the white-haired old man took back the flying sword he had taken out.

The man who jumped out of the water was Ling Ruxian, the second elder of the Ling clan who had been in charge of the vein for a long time.

When Ling Ruxian was stationed at the vein, he heard the iconic crane cry of the fairy crane, so he left the vein and came out to see the situation.

He first bowed to Ling Yunhong, and then looked at the white-haired old man who was standing on the flying boat.

He looked up and down, and saw that the cuffs of the Taoist robe on this person were embroidered with the words "Bai Ling" and many array patterns, and there were two golden threads on the right chest, and his expression suddenly trembled.

The golden threads represent the second-level Baiyi, which is the symbol of Baiyi in Bailing Sect.

Seeing that Ling Yunhong had been standing behind the white-haired old man and not standing in the same row with him, he immediately understood that the white-haired old man was probably of high status.

Ling Yunhong also saw Ling Ruxian's doubts, so he started to introduce. "Thirteenth uncle, this is the Bailing Sect's supreme elder, the disciple of Lingzhen Zhenren who is in charge of Lingzhen Hall, and Senior Zhang Li. This time he came to explore the Xuanshui mine!"

Ling Ruxian was shocked when he heard this, and a look of surprise appeared on his cold face.

The title of "real person" is not for everyone. Only those who have reached the Jindan stage can be called so. However, there is a Jindan master named "Lingzhen" in Bailing Sect.

The disciple of a Jindan master must be a dragon among men.

Ling Ruxian rarely showed a respectful look and bowed his hands. "Senior Zhang!"

Zhang Li seemed a little impatient and said to Ling Yunhong. "Take me to see the mine quickly!"

Ling Yunhong saw that Zhang Li did not give face to his elders and was concerned about the people behind him. Although he had some opinions in his heart, he did not dare to express them and could only nod and say yes.

Not long after, the three of them entered the Xuanshui mine passage in the dark river at the bottom of Qingshi Lake and the demon python's nest.

Zhang Li saw that the surrounding area of ​​the passage was full of Xuanshui iron ore. After another exploration with his spiritual sense, he found that the Xuanshui iron ore vein was indeed as Ling Yunhong said, extending for more than 480 feet. He was overjoyed.

"This mineral vein is indeed good. Your Ling family did not deceive my Bailing Sect. Sign this contract we have drafted together, and this matter will be settled!"

While speaking, Zhang Li handed two yellow papers to Ling Yunhong.

Ling Yunhong took the two yellow papers. Although he also participated in the drafting of the contents, in order to avoid changes from Bailing Sect, he took a rough look at them. Seeing that the contract was normal, he used blood as a pen to sign his own name and "Ling Xiao Ling Family" on the two yellow papers.

This contract is of no great use. Its main function is to stand on the moral high ground and take direct action against the party who broke the contract after the other party broke the contract.

In order to maintain its thousand-year reputation, Bailing Sect will not easily break the contract.

For the safety of the family, Ling Family will naturally not break the contract.

Two contracts, one for himself and one for Zhang Li.

Zhang Li took the contract and saw that everything was done. He waved several items from the storage bag and said. "The contract has been completed, and our transaction has been completed. This is the "Legacy of the Second-Level Alchemist" and the "Legacy of the First-Level Alchemist" that you, Ling, exchanged for 50,000 kilograms of Xuanshui iron ore in this vein. , "Legacy of the First-Order Array Master", and the foundation-building technique "Gengjin Sword Code"."

"As for these ten humanoid puppets in the early stage of Qi training, they are specially used for mining. We, the Bailing Sect, lent them to you, the Ling family, for mining. We will provide the puppets, and the spirit stone men who will activate the puppets to mine will be produced! According to the annual Five thousand kilograms of Xuanshui iron ore, and fifty thousand kilograms of Xuanshui iron ore will be handed over within ten years. If it is too late, you know what the consequences will be!"

"Okay, you go out, I will set up a formation here to protect this place, so that no one from other sects will covet this place!"

Ling Yunhong frowned slightly when he heard that 50,000 kilograms of Xuanshui iron ore had to be handed over to Bailingmen within ten years, and then relaxed again.

After receiving the four classics handed over to him, his eyes flashed brightly. He didn't care about Zhang Li's rude words and quickly flipped through the four classics to check their authenticity.

After looking at it carefully, I saw that the contents of the four classics were not wrong, but the alchemy, weapon refining, and formation inheritance were relatively ordinary and not distinctive.

Ling Yunhong didn't care about this. It would be good to have a complete inheritance. He believed that in the future, his Ling family members would be able to continuously improve the content of these two arts and enhance the content of these inheritances.

He put away these four classics and the ten humanoid mining puppets, and took Ling Jin out of the mine first, leaving the space of the mine to the second-order array mage Zhang Li.

It didn't take long for Zhang Li to place a set of second-level defensive formation flags that had been prepared on the mineral vein.

A huge light curtain suddenly stood up from the bluestone lake, covering the entire bluestone lake that was thousands of feet wide.

As soon as the light curtain was completed, it disappeared, and then a sound of gold and iron was heard from the bottom of the lake.

After a few breaths, Zhang Li emerged from the bottom of the lake with a happy face and came to Ling Yunhong and Ling Ruxian by the lake.

"Clan Leader Ling, this is the control array for the second-level low-grade water-containing curtain formation. This formation can only be used for defense, but its defensive capabilities are among the top among formations of the same level. Even if it is controlled by a monk in the Qi training period, as long as the spiritual energy is It is enough to block the simultaneous attacks of more than three monks in the early stages of foundation building! Ten years later, when you, Ling, have to hand over the Xuanshui iron ore to the sect, this formation will also be collected by the sect! , don’t damage it intentionally! Otherwise, you will be compensated according to the price!”

Ling Yunhong had already been unhappy with Zhang Li's unkind words.

Seeing the red light on Zhang Li's face, and the sound of metal strikes coming from the bottom of the lake just now, he knew without much guessing that Zhang Li was probably using a magic weapon to cut a lot of ore and intended to steal it for himself.

Such things are not fair and square.

With this person in hand, Ling Yunhong showed a hint of joking on his face, stretched out his hand to take the array plate that was handed to him, and said meaningfully.

"The ore that Senior Zhang takes is treated as a filial piety from my Ling clan. Please take care of me, Ling clan, in the future! Otherwise, my Ling clan's things will not be so easy to get! I am just a second-level low-grade formation mage!"

Zhang Li's face froze, but he looked at Ling Yunhong's sharp expression, and Ling Yunhong boldly put his hand on the storage bag, really intending to take out the magic weapon from it to fight in the next moment.

He was in the wrong when it came to embezzling some ore. Whether it was a big deal or a small matter, no one held him accountable.

But if this matter is revealed to the sect, his reputation will plummet, and it may even affect his own and even his descendants' promotion in the sect.

Bailingmen Spirit Formation Hall, he still wants to hold the position of deputy hall master in his lifetime.

Zhang Li also felt a little guilty and thought to himself. "We actually encountered a tough problem!"

"Got it!" Zhang Li responded in a deep voice, with a deflated look on his face, and sent the flying boat to leave the place.

Ling Yunhong kept looking coldly at Zhang Li's leaving figure until Zhang Li's figure was difficult to see with the naked eye, and then he looked away.

Afterwards, he handed the formation plate and a storage bag to Ling Jin and spoke first. "Uncle Thirteen, you are the only one in the family who can leave, so we have to force you to stay here for a while. The control array of the water-containing curtain formation and these ten mining puppets are all handed over to you. , there are still five hundred spiritual stones, which can be used to activate these ten mining puppets and activate this pulse protection formation in times of crisis!"

"I'm serious. As the elder of the family, I naturally have to take responsibility. When I am in the clan mountain, I am also idle. There is no difference between stationing here and being in the family! When I am free, I can also give some advice. Understand the sword art!" Ling Jinxian was devoted to his family, and he was actually very happy to be valued by his family and sent to station in an important place.

Today's two chapters are 3,000 words each, which is three chapters in length. Please read them tomorrow.

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