Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 36: Selection of a Weapon Refining Seedling (Please collect and recommend)

It's also a coincidence that when it comes to Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here.

Ling Pengyun, who was originally stationed in Qingshi Mountain, had previously noticed an extremely powerful wave of spiritual energy erupting in the Qingshi Lake nearby. He immediately paused his practice and looked at the situation. He saw Ling Yunhong, Ling Ruxian, and a stranger. After seeing the movement caused by the formation of the magic circle, he felt at ease.

He thought that the Xuanshui mineral vein was discovered by others, and had a fight with Ling Ru who was stationed in the mineral vein.

After noticing the situation, he immediately went down the mountain and rushed over, arriving at the edge of Qingshi Lake, next to Ling Yunhong and Ling Ruxian.

Ling Pengyun asked curiously. "Third Grandfather and Thirteenth Great-grandfather, did you just arrange the formation on that mineral vein?"

"Not bad!" Ling Yunhong responded, then thought of something and asked. "Peng Yun, how far have you mastered the Earthly Sword Art recently?"

Ling Pengyun was not surprised that Ling Yunhong knew that he had learned the sword art, and simply replied. "There is not much progress. According to my grandson's estimation, it will be difficult to master this sword art within three to five years!"

Ling Yunhong and Ling Jin heard the words first and their hearts trembled.

Ling Yunhong saw Ling Pengyun's helpless look and smiled. "It took your thirteenth great-grandfather seven years to comprehend this sword formation, Pengxing took five years to comprehend, and it also took me four years to comprehend this sword formation. Are you sure that you can comprehend this within three or five years?" You already have a good understanding of sword tactics, and you are comparable to me, so don’t be discouraged!”

"This sword technique is the core of the sword formation, so it is naturally more difficult to master it!"

Ling Pengyun's eyes lit up when he heard these words of comfort. He thought he was slow to comprehend the sword art, but he didn't expect it to be quite fast.

"It seems like that breath of Yin-Yang Taichu Qi from earlier probably improved my understanding a lot!"

"It's getting late. I have important things to do, so I'll go back to the family first. Let's talk!" After Ling Yunhong finished speaking, he rode the Fairy Crane King and rushed back towards the family.

"Peng Yun, have you encountered any difficulties in comprehending the sword art?" After Ling Ruxian heard about the speed with which Ling Pengyun comprehended the sword art, he was very satisfied with it, and then he took the initiative to speak, thinking We need to help one or two of them.

Ling Pengyun was not polite and told. "Yes, when I was studying this sword technique..."

The two of them stood by the Qingshi Lake and "discussed the Tao" with the title of sword tactics.

Several hours passed before the discussion ended.

Ling Pengyun glanced and saw that many villagers in Qingshi Village stuck their heads out to look at this place, frowned, and asked. "Thirteenth great-grandfather, what should we do with the villagers of Qingshi Village who, like me, were attracted by the strange formation that was guarding the mine just now?"

"Let them go. Even if they spread rumors, it won't be a big deal. Now that the Bailing Sect is involved in this mine, the other foundation-building families in Huaishui County can't do anything to us. The other major sects in the Yan Kingdom also look down on this. Mine, don't worry!" Ling Jin waved his hand first.

The two chatted for a while before parting.

One person returned to Qingshi Mountain, and the other returned to the Xuanshui iron ore vein at the bottom of Qingshi Lake.

Lingxiao Mountain, meeting hall.

As soon as Ling Yunhong rode the Fairy Crane King back to Lingxiao Mountain, he summoned the first elder Ling Ruda and the fifth elder Ling Yunxi to the meeting hall.

After receiving the news, Ling Ruda, who had just entered the meeting hall with Ling Yunxi, saw Ling Yunhong sitting at the long table of the meeting hall, with his face glowing red, looking expectant, and asked.

"Yunhong, did you gain anything from your trip to Bailing Gate?"

"Third brother, can I exchange for the second-level alchemy inheritance?" Ling Yunxi said with the same expression.

Ling Yunhong said with a smile, detailing this harvest. "Fortunately, I have lived up to my destiny. During this trip to Bailingmen, I exchanged the Xuanshui iron ore for not only the second-level alchemy and the first-level weapon refining inheritance, but also a set of first-level array mage inheritance. As for the foundation building skills, I The one I chose was the metal-based technique "Geng Jin Sword Code" that complements Peng Xing's main practice of golden spiritual roots."

"The first reason for choosing this sword cultivation method based on golden spiritual roots is that the family owns the Earthly Sword Formation. If it is used with the sword cultivation method, the full power of this sword formation will definitely be unleashed to kill many enemies across realms. I'm afraid All right!”

"Secondly, I chose Peng Xing after considering that Peng Xing, who majored in the Golden Spiritual Root, also followed the path of sword cultivation and understood the sword formation and sword intention early on!"

"It's just that in exchange for these four items, we spent a full 50,000 kilograms of Xuanshui iron ore, which exceeded our expectations!"

Ling Ruda didn't care about the share of Xuanshui iron ore he spent, but laughed out loud. "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. With the second-level alchemy inheritance here, as long as you, Yunhong, can become a second-level alchemist and the two alchemy seedlings in the clan are better, our Ling family will definitely prosper, and these three hundred things you have obtained this time The inheritance of arts can also complete the five kinds of hundred arts that our Ling family does not possess: array, weapon, talisman, elixir, and plant. I, the Ling family, have the first-level inheritance of these hundred arts, and I am afraid that my background is enough to be comparable. It’s a well-established foundation-building family, so why not be happy!”

As for Ling Yunxi, who had been stuck in the first-level mid-level array for many years because he did not have a complete inheritance of a first-order array master. When he heard that there was an additional gain this time, in exchange for a complete inheritance of a first-order array master, He was already smiling from ear to ear and lost his mind for a moment.

After a long while, she finally came back to her senses and expressed gratitude to Ling Yunhong. "Third brother, thank you very much!"

Ling Yunhong also knew what she meant. He took out a classic book from his storage bag and threw it to Ling Yunxi. "It doesn't matter, in exchange for this formation inheritance, it is not only for you, but also for the family. This is the rubbing of the inheritance of that level of formation mage, please don't pass it on!"

Ling Yunxi took the book and looked through it. When she saw the content of the formations, she looked extremely excited.

"Fifteenth sister, okay, let's put down the cultivation of formations in advance. We have already selected the seedlings that are the focus of the family's cultivation of alchemy and spiritual talismans, but the seedlings of formations and weapon refining have not been selected yet! During my absence, have you found any candidates?" Ling Yunhong saw Ling Yunxi's expression and interrupted to ask.

Ling Ruda didn't say anything, but looked at Ling Yunxi. It was obvious that Ling Yunxi had someone to recommend.

Ling Yunxi looked at Ling Ruda, looked at each other, hesitated for a moment and then spoke. "Third brother, you also know that the difficulty of formation is far higher than that of other arts. As the only formation master in my family, I look for people with formation talents every year. However, in the entire clan, only my granddaughter Peng Lin is the only one. There are some talents, I plan to recommend Peng Lin to help cultivate the seedlings, I don’t know if it is possible!”

In order to prevent the patriarch Ling Yunhong from suspecting that he was using power for personal gain and promoting his own descendants, Ling Yunxi added another sentence.

"Please third brother, please believe me. I have no intention of seeking personal gain with power. This child Peng Lin's formation skills are indeed good. Under my teaching, she is now on the verge of entering the first level of low-grade formations!"

Ling Yunhong said. "We have known each other for decades. I know who you are. The important clan member of the formation is designated as Peng Zi generation old Shi Penglin. In the future, she can get the support of the family's formation resources, but the fifteenth sister , let me say bad things first, Peng Lin still needs to focus on cultivating her clan members together with alchemy, spiritual talismans, and spiritual plants. If she fails to formally join the respective Baiyi before the age of eighteen and enter the first-level low-level realm, she will Losing the focus of family training!”

Ling Yunxi said happily. "Third brother, don't worry. In less than a year, Peng Lin will be able to arrange her own formations and enter the first-level low-level realm!"

"Okay, I'm waiting for my Ling family to get another formation master. The fifteenth sister and the eleventh uncle are the only missing weapon refining seedlings among the formations, plants, pills, weapons, and talismans. Do you have any candidates?" Ling Yun Hong asked.

"No! In the past few months since the Xuanshui iron ore vein was discovered, I have asked Yun An to screen the Xiao and Peng generations in the family to see if there are any seedlings for the art of weapon refining, but in addition to following him early, Except for Xiao Hua, who processed some ores and tempered them into spiritual iron, no one around Yun An had the talent for refining. However, Xiao Hua was already fifty years old. Although he had some talent for refining, he was not very talented. After all these years, He has been wandering around as a weapon refining apprentice, and his success rate in refining is also low, and he has never been able to reach the first level! If he is to become my Ling family’s weapon refining seedling, I am afraid that some young talents will be used too much. "Ling. Ruida shook his head.

When Ling Yunhong saw this, he frowned slightly and was extremely disappointed.

He spent a lot of money to acquire the weapon refining inheritance from Bailingmen, but no one in the family can inherit it, which is really the Ling family's tragedy.

With a helpless sigh, Ling Yunhong thought that he was not only a second-level spiritual planter, but also a first-level middle-level weapon refiner, a first-level low-level alchemy master, and a fellow practitioner of three hundred arts.

He planned to let a tribesman with outstanding understanding practice two hundred arts, so as to prepare for Ling Yunan's death, so as not to leave the family in a situation where there is no weapon refiner.

His expression lit up and he suggested.

"Do you think Pengyun is okay?"

As soon as this proposal came out, it was sharply rejected by Ling Ruda, who regarded Ling Pengyun as his successor. "No, let's not talk about whether Pengyun can comprehend the weapon refining path. Let's just say that Pengyun has already entered the spiritual cultivation path and needs to practice. If he is allowed to step into the weapon refining path again, I'm afraid he won't be able to do it before he is sixty years old. There is no hope of achieving a breakthrough in Qi practice!”

Seeing Ling Ruda's refusal, Ling Yunhong frowned slightly and said. "Eleventh Uncle, it is well known that any Baiyi attaches great importance to understanding and spiritual consciousness. Among Pengzi's generation, the only one who can compare with Peng Yun in terms of understanding and spiritual consciousness is Pengxing. Although Pengxing does not have Baiyi In the body, I have already entered the path of swordsmanship, and it is difficult to be distracted!"

"The Xiao generation is basically depleted of talents. The younger members of the Peng generation who can be named have all joined other branches. As a spiritual planter myself, I naturally know how long it takes to grow a spiritual plant. In fact, compared to other arts, it doesn’t take much.”

"Furthermore, even without the drag of weapon refining, what are the chances that Peng Yun can break through to perfect Qi training before the age of sixty?"

"What's the probability that he can step into the foundation building?"

"Instead of letting this happen, it's better to give him a way to earn more spiritual stones. If Pengyun strives for success, he can do what I did when I was young, spiritual planting and weapon refining walking side by side, relying on spiritual planting and refining. Together, we can earn spirit stones, purchase resources, and speed up our cultivation progress!"

"In addition, Pengyun and I have also made an agreement. If he can break through to perfect Qi training before the age of sixty, the family can jointly invest with him to purchase a second-class foundation-building spiritual object. If he can rely solely on Lingzhi earns spiritual stones together, it’s probably a bit difficult to earn so many spiritual stones!”

"Although I am also a weapon refiner, because I have to take up the family's alchemy path and reach the second level of the alchemy path as soon as possible, I don't have much energy to refine magic weapons for the family. Another weapon refiner in the family Master Yun'an doesn't have long to live, so he must find another weapon-refining seedling, otherwise our Ling family's magical weapons will be trapped here in the future, and we can only buy them from outside, and the inheritance of the weapon-refining family will be wasted. "

As soon as these words came out, Ling Ruda was speechless.

Indeed, there are no talents in the family. Only those who are capable are already the seedlings of other Baiyi. Only Ling Pengyun lives in the same place as the other Baiyi. Compared with other Baiyi, it does not require much time. , and a person with excellent understanding and spiritual consciousness.

"Okay, I agree to this, but if Pengyun doesn't agree to this, you can't force him!" Ling Ruda said helplessly.

"Of course!" Ling Yunhong said with a smile.

The talents of refining weapons and formations have been selected, and this council is coming to an end.


Thanks: Yun Tianwang Chui Mo Qingchi's monthly ticket

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