Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 37: Practicing Dual Arts (Please read on)

In Qingshi Village.

The villagers who had previously seen something strange in Qingshi Lake were summoned together by the village chief Ling Dong after the two immortals Ling Pengyun and Ling Ruxian left.

Using family affairs as an example, the villagers who saw the vision were asked to hide the scene in their hearts. If they violated it, they would break the clan rules and be beheaded.

These warnings have indeed achieved their effect, and few people have spread the news about the strange phenomenon happening in Qingshi Lake.

Only a few sneaky people informed the ordinary people of other families about the strange phenomenon happening in Qingshi Lake and the gathering of four immortals in exchange for money.

Although these people were eventually killed by Ling Dongxun Genmo Liu, who personally led the Qingshi Village Lingxiao Guards, they also brought a lot of trouble to Qingshi Village.

Only three days after this incident ended, more than ten monks from the other four major foundation-building families in Huaishui County disguised themselves as mortals and came to Qingshi Village. They approached the villagers and asked if the strange phenomenon in Qingshi Lake was related. reality.

There were even several bold family monks who sneaked into Qingshi Lake to investigate the situation.

In the end, Ling Ru, who was stationed in the Xuanshui Mine, took the lead and killed several monks who had sneaked into the Bluestone Lake to establish his authority.

Then he didn't hide anything, and directly informed the public that there was a spirit iron mine here, and Bailingmen also had a share of the mineral veins.

With the majesty of the Bailing Sect, it was able to scare away those major foundation-building clans who were interested in the Qingshi Lake mineral vein.

The fifth day after the incident at Qingshi Lake.

Ling Yunhong, the leader of the Ling clan, came to Qingshi Mountain again, found Ling Pengyun, and informed him of the family's plan to train him to become a weapon refiner.

"What? You want me to learn weapon refining?" Ling Pengyun was really shocked when he heard what Ling Yunhong told him, and he exclaimed.

"That's right, calm down and don't make a fuss!" Ling Yunhong saw Ling Pengyun's expression and said with a smile. "Of course I know your situation. Like you, I first entered the spiritual cultivation path and then practiced the weapon refining path. I even tried alchemy and practiced three hundred arts, but I haven't reached the same level. Now that he has cultivated like this, and his spiritual cultivation has also entered the second level, if he had not had a complete inheritance in weapon refining and alchemy, he would have already reached the top level of the first level. "

"In the final analysis, no matter what kind of skill it is, understanding is rare, and the second most important thing is talent in a certain skill. Your understanding and the strength of your spiritual consciousness are not inferior to mine, so I can do it!"

"The family's talents are now withering away, and Yun'an's longevity is running out. In less than twenty or thirty years, the family will have no weapon refiner to refine weapons for the family. Only you can hope to take up this responsibility!"

"I don't need you to reach the first-level high-grade weapon refining level or let you become a second-level weapon refining master. I just hope that you can succeed Yun An and become a first-order mid-grade weapon refining master!"

"Furthermore, do you think you can earn a lot of spiritual stones through spiritual cultivation? Among the hundreds of arts, spiritual cultivation is the most difficult to earn spiritual stones and the results are slow. If you can master the weapon refining method, you will earn more in the future. It’s no problem to take a large amount of spiritual stones and then use spiritual objects to help supplement your cultivation. You can even save enough to purchase the first-class foundation-building spiritual objects with your family!”

"Of course, if you are still unwilling, I will not force you to do so. And if you agree, the family will also fully assist you in providing you with materials for refining. Likewise, you must not be lazy and must take it seriously!"

Hearing this, Ling Pengyun saw that Ling Yunhong had more confidence in himself than he did, and wanted to complain. He really wanted to say, "If I had your cultivation talent, I would definitely agree to this, but who made me just A person whose cultivation talent is comparable to that of a person with three spiritual roots.”

For a moment, he felt particularly embarrassed.

If you agree to become a weapon-refining seedling, you will have to concentrate on the weapon-refining process and reduce your limited training time.

Fortunately, if you become a weapon refiner, you can indeed earn a large number of spiritual stones through weapon refinement, purchase training resources, and make up for the shortcomings of less training time.

But if you don't become a weapon refining master or if you don't succeed at a high level, you will waste a lot of time on the weapon refining process. This is not only for Ling Pengyun, but also for the family that invested a lot of weapon refining resources in him. It's all a "regret".

Without agreeing to become the family's weapon-refining seedling, the family's talents will wither, and there will be no successors to refine the weapons. Decades later, after Ling Yunan's death, the family's magical weapons will probably have to be purchased externally, which will cost a large sum of money. If it is sold, it will definitely be severely punished by those aristocratic weapon refining families.

Ling Pengyun was somewhat complacent and somewhat confident about his own understanding, but when he stepped into the realm of weapon refining, he was just not sure enough and did not dare to agree easily.

After hesitating for a few breaths, Ling Pengyun made a decision and replied. "Third Grandfather, I will follow the path of two hundred arts!"

Ling Yunhong saw that Ling Pengyun agreed, but did not feel any joy. He immediately understood that Ling Pengyun had not chosen to practice two kinds of arts for his own sake, so he explained. "Peng Yun, don't blame the family for putting all the pressure on you. The family is really in trouble and has no way to deal with it!"

Ling Pengyun said. "I understand Third Grandfather, my family has raised me and treats me well. I will definitely devote my whole heart to this weapon refining process and will not neglect it!"

Ling Yunhong nodded slightly, took out a storage bag that had been prepared long ago, and handed it to Ling Pengyun. "In this storage bag, there are the refining insights and inheritance left by the Ling family's successive refiners, a thousand pounds of ordinary iron for refining ordinary iron, fifty pounds of firewood, a first-level low-grade refining furnace, and ten recording disks. They were recorded a few days ago when I was refining seven different kinds of ordinary iron in the family, as well as refining the first-level low-grade magic weapon Qingzhu Sword, Light Taoist Robe, and Round Iron Shield. Watching more will help you comprehend the refining of weapons!"

"As for those ordinary irons, they are for you to practice!"

"After half a year, I will come to Qingshi Mountain to stay for a month and teach you how to refine magic weapons! If you can refine a magic weapon after that month, you can officially become a key seedling of my Ling family's refining, and get the family's support for refining spiritual materials!"

"Okay!" Ling Pengyun took the storage bag and said solemnly.

Ling Yunhong patted Ling Pengyun on the shoulder, then left the cave and rode the Fairy Crane King away.

Ling Pengyun walked to the cave entrance, watched Ling Yunhong leave, and stared blankly at the storage bag Ling Yunhong had just given him, lost for a moment.

This weapon refining really messed up his future plans.

"Since I have taken on this matter, I must also plan this weapon refining thing carefully!"

"Now, the only way left for me is to achieve something in this weapon refining. The success rate of refining magic tools is extremely high, and I can earn a lot of cultivation resources to feed back to my cultivation."

"Otherwise, there is no hope of breaking through to the perfection of Qi training before the age of sixty!"

"You can only succeed, not fail!"

Ling Pengyun's expression gradually became firm.

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