Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 351 Marketing Model (3400 words, please subscribe)

But the Yang family and the Ling family are not stupid. Now that the Tianfu Chamber of Commerce is still small, their two powerful foundation-building families can completely provide the spiritual objects sold by the guild without the help of other foundation-building family forces.

If you join one more force, you will get more benefits.

However, the Ling family and the Yang family did not treat each other with a bad face, and both declined in a tactful manner.

The other side.

Ling Pengyun, Yang Siling, and Pei Xue, who left Yang Clan Mountain, returned to Jiao Python Island in Feng Ying Peng.

Ling Pengyun still had to attend the auction in Jiaomanfang City five days later to purchase foundation-building spiritual objects, so he did not directly return to Luoxia Mountain to garrison.

After entering Jiaomang Lake Island, Yang Siling took Ling Pengyun to a second-level spiritual food feast in Lingfu Mansion and thanked Ling Pengyun for proposing the Chamber of Commerce.

Ling Pengyun didn't take any credit for this.

With the capture of Jiaomang Lake by Bailingmen, the territory of Bailingmen has nearly doubled, and so has the number of spiritual veins.

However, Bailingmen's foundation is not strong, there are not many disciples under the sect, and the spiritual veins cannot be managed at all. Many of the spiritual veins are used by the monks under his command to establish families, or are rented to casual cultivators for practice.

Such good things have caused many casual cultivators from other realms of the Yan Kingdom to flock to the Bailingmen realm in recent years.

As a result, the business in various markets and bazaars is getting better and better, and the business in various shops is getting better and better.

As long as the ancestor of Lingfu is not stupid, he will definitely get involved and establish a chamber of commerce in a few years.

Now that the Chamber of Commerce has been opened in advance, Ling Pengyun just wanted to go ahead of the Lingfu Ancestor.

Of course, forward thinking is also a way to get rich.

After chatting with her cousin for a while, Ling Pengyun also said goodbye to her cousin, left Lingfu Mansion, and walked along a trail on Jiao Python Island.

After a while, Ling Pengyun stopped outside a small courtyard named "Cangdao".

This courtyard is relatively simple and not as magnificent as Lingfu Mansion.

But the identity of the monks living in this courtyard is not simple.

After all, this place is Jiaomang Island, the core of Jiaomang Lake.

The monks who can live in this spiritually rich place are not ordinary people.

Ling Pengyun reached out and knocked on the closed courtyard door, and there were two "dong-dong" sounds.

After a few breaths, the courtyard door was opened.

A arrogant-looking female cultivator appeared in front of Ling Pengyun.

"Fairy Yan." Ling Pengyun said with a smile when he saw this girl.

This female cultivator is none other than her old friend Yan Siyi.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, why are you here?" Yan Siyi was a little surprised to see Ling Pengyun appear here.

She knew that Ling Pengyun had to guard Luoxia Mountain for the Ling family, and usually would not leave Luoxia Mountain unless there was something important.

"I came here this time to discuss some important matters with my cousin, so by the way, I wanted to come and see Senior Yan Cang and... Fairy you." Ling Pengyun replied.

When Yan Siyi heard this, she felt a little complicated, feeling both disappointed and happy at the same time.

Disappointed, Ling Pengyun just came here by the way.

I'm happy that Ling Pengyun can remember to come here.

After being stunned for a while, Yan Siyi also showed a smile on her face and said hello.

"Please come to Fellow Daoist Ling's room."

Ling Pengyun nodded and followed Yan Siyi into Cangdao courtyard.

Yan Siyi's grandfather, Yan Cang, is currently sitting on a stone table in the small courtyard, drinking tea and reading a book.

When he saw Ling Pengyun arriving, a smile appeared on his face.

"Little friend Ling, you haven't come to my place for a few years and chatted with me. This time you come, you want to chat more with me."

"Okay." Ling Pengyun replied with a smile, patted the storage bag on his waist, and took out some half a catty of second-level fruit flower honey, delicious blue moon spirit fish, pine flower spirit eggs and other rare spiritual objects that had been prepared. , handed it to Yan Cang.

"Senior Yan, these are some local specialties of my Ling family. They all taste very good. Senior, please try more."

Then, he took out a pound of second-order fruit flower honey from the storage bag and handed it to Yan Siyi.

"Fairy Yan, this is specially prepared for you."

When Yan Siyi saw this, a blush rose on her face, but she accepted it very happily.

"Siyi, little friend Ling has brought a lot of delicious food this time. You can use these spiritual creatures as materials to cook some spiritual food. The three of us will eat together later."

Yan Cang spoke to Yan Siyi.

Yan Siyi nodded lightly, then very obediently carried the gift brought by Ling Pengyun to the kitchen in the courtyard hut.

Ling Pengyun and Yan Cang, who were still in the small courtyard, were sitting on the stone table in the small courtyard, drinking tea and chatting.

During this chat, the two of them talked about a lot of things, such as Lingzhi, the current layout of Bailingmen, or the situation of the blazing iron ore vein in the Baiyun Mountains, etc.

Ling Pengyun also noticed that although Yan Cang's life was short, he still cared about improving the spiritual rice.

Ling Pengyun could understand this.

After all, Yan Cang was a genius at improving spiritual rice. When he was about to die, it was normal for him to want to improve another high-quality spiritual rice as a final work.

When meal time arrived, Yan Siyi had cooked a large table of spiritual food, and the two of them stopped chatting and switched to chatting at the dinner table.

During the meal, Yan Cang noticed that he was sandwiched between Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi, which made the two young people who had a good relationship feel a little restrained, so he took the initiative to return to the hut to practice cultivation.

After he left, Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi, who were still on the stone table, did become more enthusiastic.

The two of them had a great conversation.

It was not until the night that Ling Pengyun said goodbye to Yan Siyi and Yan Cang and left the "Cangdao Courtyard".

He went to the "Lingxiao Huibao Pavilion" in Jiaomang Market next to Jiaomang Lake and found his parents who ran the shop.

He went to look for his uncle and aunt who also ran a shop in this market and had a small gathering with these relatives for four days.

The auction held once every three years in Jiaomang Market has also officially begun.

There are many good things in this auction, and there are six foundation-building spiritual objects, including three pulse-protecting pills, three bottles of Bailing water, and one foundation-building pill.

Ling Pengyun used the 30,000 spiritual stones given by the family to buy two bottles of Bailing water at the price of 8,500 and 8,700 spiritual stones, and bought two pulse-protecting pills at the price of 5,440 and 5,960 spiritual stones.

The auction was over. As he had been away from Luoxia Mountain for a while, he said goodbye to his parents and left the Jiaomang Market.

On the way out, many foundation-building cultivators had evil thoughts about Ling Pengyun, who was generous at the auction.

However, they did not take action because they were afraid of Ling Pengyun's powerful cultivation of the eighth level of foundation-building.

Ling Pengyun did not want to cause trouble, so he turned a blind eye and returned directly to the Ling family mountain. He handed over all the foundation-building spiritual objects auctioned this time to the clan leader Ling Yunhong.

Afterwards, he and Ling Yunhong started a huge project.

Together, they transplanted more than 20 first-level spiritual fruit trees, dozens of spiritual mulberry trees, and more than 20 spiritual fruit trees planted on other low-level spiritual veins in the family mountain to the first-level spiritual plant garden in Luoxia Mountain.

As for the spiritual plants originally planted in the spiritual plant garden, they were transplanted by the two to the place where the spiritual fruit trees were originally planted, and those spiritual plants were not wasted.

The reason why the two transplanted the spiritual fruit trees now was because of this.

It is also because the spiritual medicine that can be used to refine pills in the spiritual plant garden of Luoxia Mountain is more valuable.

Although planting spiritual fruit trees can produce a lot of spiritual fruits with great effects, the value is slightly lower than planting spiritual medicine.

Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong are now doing this because they want to rely on the five formations in the spiritual plant garden to harvest more spiritual fruits.

In this way, after the Tianfu Chamber of Commerce is built, the huge number of spiritual fruits can also increase the reputation of the Tianfu Chamber of Commerce.

After a period of time.

After the Ling family, the Yang family, and Yang Siling gradually spread the news that the Tianfu Chamber of Commerce, which is about to be opened, will sell various rare spiritual fruits, spiritual fish, second-level spiritual talismans, and other spiritual objects, and even foundation-building spiritual objects.

Some casual cultivators and family cultivators who have a heart for Taoism were quite excited when they heard this news.

After all, one of the shareholders of the Tianfu Chamber of Commerce is Yang Siling, the daughter-in-law of the old ancestor of Fu.

In addition, anyone who is not stupid can basically guess that the name of Tianfu Chamber of Commerce is backed by the Lingfu Patriarch of Bailingmen.

With such a Jindan Patriarch in charge, it is certain that Tianfu Chamber of Commerce will have spiritual objects for foundation building.

And the cultivators in Bailingmen will have more opportunities to build their foundation because of Tianfu Chamber of Commerce.

Even if they cannot buy spiritual objects for foundation building, spiritual objects such as spiritual fruits and spiritual honey can greatly improve their cultivation speed.

In the past, these spiritual objects were relatively rare. Not to mention that they would be bought once they appeared, they were at least highly sought after and in short supply.

The news that Tianfu Chamber of Commerce will be opened has been preheated for nearly a month, and the cultivators in Bailingmen are more looking forward to Tianfu Chamber of Commerce.

There are even many wealthy independent cultivators and family cultivators who stay in various markets every day, guarding the doors of the shops under Tianfu Chamber of Commerce that have not yet opened, in order to enter the shops first and buy spiritual objects such as spiritual fruits.

When the Ling family, the Yang family, and Yang Siling felt that the time for warming up was ripe, they stopped dragging their feet.

The "Tianfu Qianbao Pavilions" opened in the fifteen markets in Ningzhou, Jingzhou, and Jiaozhou, which have a large flow of people and many foundation-building families in the four states of Bailingmen, also opened their doors to welcome customers.

Since this is the first time that the Tianfu Chamber of Commerce has appeared, the Tianfu Qianbao Pavilions in various places have also begun to offer bundled promotions.

For example, if you buy a bottle of first-grade upper-grade elixir, you will get a first-grade lower-grade blue moon spirit fish or half a catty of fruit flower honey, etc.

Because the taste and efficacy of low-level spiritual objects such as blue moon spirit fish and fruit flower honey are very good, this sales method has also made the business of Tianfu Qianbao Pavilions in various places better and better, and the threshold is almost broken.

Such a large flow of people has also driven the sale of some more common spiritual objects in Qianbao Pavilion.

For example, many first-grade inferior Qingling swords, Xuanshui swords, Xuanshui shields and other magical instruments that had been accumulated in the clan treasury for many years and were difficult to sell were also sold at this time.

The sale of a large number of spiritual objects brought a lot of cash flow to the Ling family, the Yang family, and Yang Siling.

However, the three parties did not directly choose to share the first wave of cash flow.

Instead, relying on this huge cash flow, the Chamber of Commerce sent a fleet to various foundation-building families and Qi training families to purchase some raw materials for refining spiritual objects at a price higher than the market price.

Under the price advantage higher than the market price, those foundation-building families and Qi training families are naturally willing to sell some unused spiritual raw materials to the Tianfu Chamber of Commerce fleet.

Of course, although it is a bit of a loss to purchase raw materials at a price higher than the market price, the Chamber of Commerce is taking the path of small profits and quick turnover.

After all, with foundation-building spiritual objects as a signboard, small profits and quick turnover are not impossible.

After the huge amount of raw materials purchased flowed into the Chamber of Commerce, the two Hundred Arts Masters of the Yang and Ling families behind the Chamber of Commerce also turned them into finished spiritual objects and sold them at double, triple, or quadruple the price.

The newly built shops under the Tianfu Chamber of Commerce gradually gained a foothold in various markets.

During this period, the shops under the Bailing Chamber of Commerce did not cause trouble, and did not take the initiative to reduce the price of the spiritual objects in the store, and engage in a price war with the Tianfu Chamber of Commerce.

Obviously, the Bailing Chamber of Commerce did this because of the Lingfu Patriarch.

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