Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 352 Ling Chengping, a genius in silkworm breeding (3100 words, please subscribe)

One month after the establishment of Tianfu Chamber of Commerce, on this day of the beginning of autumn.

In order to further increase the popularity of Tianfu Chamber of Commerce, the Ling family, the Yang family, and Yang Siling established a Tianfu Auction House in Jiaomang Market, the largest market in Bailingmen, and held the Tianfu Auction held every five years.

At this auction, the three forces took out three pulse-protecting pills, a bottle of Bailing water, and a foundation-building pill, a total of five foundation-building spiritual objects.

The pulse-protecting pill was naturally taken out by the Yang family.

The Bailing water was taken out by the Ling family, which was purchased by Ling Pengyun in Jiaomang Market. He had no choice but to take it out to increase the popularity of the Chamber of Commerce.

The foundation-building pill was taken out by Yang Siling.

Under the influence of these five foundation-building spiritual objects, the Tianfu auction venue was full of 5,000 seats.

Relying on the five foundation-building spiritual objects of the finale, the Ling family also put a large number of spiritual objects that were not used but of good quality at the auction, and made a lot of money.

At the same time, many casual cultivators sent some unused items to the auction venue for auction, and the Tianfu Chamber of Commerce also collected a handling fee through this and made a small profit.

Gradually, with the support of various marketing methods and auctions, the reputation of the Tianfu Chamber of Commerce spread throughout the Bailingmen territory.

Many casual cultivators or family cultivators with some wealth would basically go to the Tianfu Qianbao Pavilion for a stroll as long as they arrived at the market where the Tianfu Qianbao Pavilion was opened.

With its reputation, the Tianfu Chamber of Commerce also reduced the value of bundled sales of spiritual objects.

Originally, a blue moon spiritual fish could be given away for buying a bottle of first-level high-quality elixir, but now only one can be given away for buying two bottles.

After all, bundling spiritual objects is still a bit of a loss, of course, this loss will make less spiritual stones.

If it were not for the early days of the establishment of the Tianfu Chamber of Commerce in order to make a name for itself, the Tianfu Chamber of Commerce would not be willing to do this.

But even so, the visitors to the shops under the Tianfu Chamber of Commerce are still endless.

The Ling family, the Yang family, and Yang Siling also made a lot of money through the operation of this chamber of commerce.

Time passed slowly, and three years passed in a blink of an eye.

A lot of things happened in these three years.

For the Ling family, the most important thing is that "Ling Pengshan" and the formation master "Ling Penglin" among the three foundation-building seeds of the Ling family have successfully broken through to the foundation-building realm.

The last foundation-building seed "Ling Chengxin" also broke through to the ninth level of Qi training and is striving for Qi training perfection.

Ling Pengshan tried to build a foundation three years ago.

Because he had tried to build a foundation once before, although that foundation-building failed, it also brought him a lot of experience.

In addition, the family gave Ling Pengshan a portion of Bailing Water and a pulse-protecting pill to help him, and the probability of Ling Pengshan's second foundation-building was as high as 50% to 60%.

It is normal for him to break through, and it is a real failure if he cannot break through the foundation-building.

You should know that the Ling family spent several foundation-building spiritual objects on him to assist him in building his foundation, which were worth more than 30,000 spiritual stones.

Ling Penglin broke through to the perfect state of Qi training last year.

Then, relying on the Bailing Water and a pulse protection pill purchased by the family in recent years, he successfully built his foundation at one time.

Ling Penglin is also one of the few people in the Ling family who can successfully build his foundation.

Including Ling Pengshan and Ling Penglin, the number of foundation-building cultivators in the Ling family has increased to as many as twelve.

The foundation-building cultivators are the clan leader Ling Yunhong, who is at the ninth level of foundation building, Ling Pengyun, who is at the eighth level of foundation building, Ling Pengxing, who is at the seventh level of foundation building, Ling Pengliang, who is at the fourth level of foundation building, Ling Pengqiu, who is at the fourth level of foundation building, Wen Nianling, who is at the second level of foundation building, Ling Pengshan, who is at the first level of foundation building, and Ling Penglin, who is at the first level of foundation building.

The foundation-building spiritual beasts include the fairy crane king, who is at the sixth level of foundation building, the wind shadow peng, who is at the fourth level of foundation building, the black armored turtle, who is at the second level of foundation building, and the fruit flower queen bee, who is at the first level of foundation building.

In addition to the change in the number of foundation-building cultivators.

The business of the Tianfu Chamber of Commerce, which Ling participated in opening, is getting better and better every year, and Ling has also made a lot of profits from it.

The number of shops of the Tianfu Chamber of Commerce has also expanded from 15 to 20, and has opened in all the markets in the four states of the Bailingmen territory.

As for the small markets opened by those foundation-building families, the Tianfu Chamber of Commerce did not avoid angering those foundation-building families, and just like the Bailing Chamber of Commerce, it was very wise not to get involved.

But even so, relying on the 20 famous shops alone, the business of the Tianfu Chamber of Commerce is still good.

The idea of ​​expanding to other sects and territories, Ling, Yang, and Yang Siling all have, but there are local chambers of commerce in other territories. Once they move in, they will definitely start a price war.

After all, it will seize the interests of those local chambers of commerce.

The Tianfu Chamber of Commerce has just been built and cannot afford to fight a price war, so it can only consolidate its foundation first and wait and see what happens in the future.


This day, early summer.

On the top of Luoxia Mountain.

A smiling girl in her teens ran out from a place with few clouds and mist.

The girl ran to the stone table under a giant green tree on the top of the mountain and said happily to Ling Pengyun who was sitting on the stone table enjoying a book.

"Uncle Pengyun, the thirty spiritual mulberry trees planted in the spiritual plant garden have produced 10% to 20% more mulberries than the batch of mulberries produced in the past few months. I estimate that each mulberry tree has produced at least more than 100 mulberries."

"Thirty spiritual mulberries can produce as many as 3,000 to 4,000 spiritual mulberries."

There were only 23 spiritual mulberry trees in the Luoxia Mountain Spiritual Plant Garden. The extra seven spiritual mulberry trees were cultivated by Ling Pengyun based on the roots of seven first-grade low-grade spiritual mulberry trees.

However, the seven spiritual mulberry trees that were subsequently cultivated were not bred by spiritual seeds, so their qualifications were also extremely weak. If there was no great opportunity in this life, their grades would always be stuck at the first-grade lower grade.

The spiritual mulberry tree whose roots were cut was also damaged, and its qualifications would also be affected.

However, for the spiritual mulberry tree, qualifications are not important, as long as it produces spiritual mulberry leaves.

The spiritual mulberry trees planted in the spiritual plant garden, with the addition of the spiritual plant garden formation and the help of Ling Pengyun, a second-grade spiritual plant husband, have changed from one fruit a year to three fruits a year.

The same is true for the other first-grade spiritual fruit trees.

Hearing this, Ling Pengyun put down the idle book in his hand, looked at the smiling little girl in front of him, and said with a smile.

"You little girl, you're thinking about those spiritual mulberries again."

The little girl's thoughts were seen through, but she didn't care. Instead, her big watery eyes looked at Ling Pengyun with more expectation, and she called out coquettishly.

"Uncle Pengyun, you're the best."

"You little girl." Ling Pengyun had no way to deal with this girl's coquettishness. After scolding her, he said with a smile.

"After one or two months, when the batch of mulberries mature, keep 500 spiritual mulberries, and the rest must be handed over to the family."

"I knew that Uncle Pengyun was the best." When the little girl heard that she could eat 500 delicious spiritual mulberries, her eyes suddenly sparkled.

Although spiritual mulberries contain little spiritual energy and are difficult to compare with spiritual fruits of the same level, they taste good. They are the key items for the Ling family to participate in the opening of the Tianfu Chamber of Commerce to sell spiritual objects.

Many casual cultivators who like to take advantage of the situation valued the spiritual mulberries and went to the shops under the Tianfu Chamber of Commerce to buy spiritual objects, so that they could get some spiritual mulberries for free.

Therefore, the Tianfu Chamber of Commerce still has a relatively large demand for spiritual mulberries.

"Don't be too happy too early, girl. You have been trapped in the third level of Qi training for more than a year. During this year, I have given you a lot of spiritual objects to assist you in your cultivation. It is really wrong that you have not made a breakthrough in your cultivation."

"If you have not made a breakthrough when the spiritual mulberries in the spiritual plant garden mature next summer, I will have to eat the spiritual mulberries produced for the third time this year for you."

Seeing the proud look of the little girl, Ling Pengyun smiled even more and said.

"Uncle Pengyun, how could you do this?"

"When Sister Yan comes to Luoxia Mountain in autumn, I will complain to Sister Yan." The little girl heard the words, and the smile on her face disappeared immediately. She sat down on a chair in front of the stone table angrily, looking at Ling Pengyun angrily.

Seeing the little girl's expression, Ling Pengyun was very helpless. He waved his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, took out three first-level medium-grade stone spirit walnuts from the bag, and handed them to the little girl.

"With these three things to help, it should be okay."

The little girl, who was still angry, was immediately happy when she saw this, and immediately took the three stone spirit walnuts.

"Thank you, Uncle Pengyun. I said that Uncle Pengyun is the best to me in the family."

"Uncle Pengyun, I'm going back to the cave to retreat."

The little girl said with a smile, and then jumped away from here and entered a cave called "Duckweed" in Luoxia Mountain.

Ling Pengyun, who was still sitting on the stone table, looked at the little girl's back as she left, and felt a little headache.

"I really can't do anything about this little girl."

The little girl's name is Ling Chengping. She ranks 28th among the four generations of the family, Yun, Xiao, Peng, and Cheng. She is 11 years old and was born in the secular world.

However, this little girl is pitiful. Not long after her parents gave birth to this child, they died of serious illness one after another, and the girl grew up eating food from hundreds of families.

This is why Ling Pengyun is so good to this girl, perhaps with a little heartache.

In addition, this girl has very good talents in both cultivation and silkworm breeding.

Although she has three spiritual roots of wood, water, and gold, this girl has a strong sense of wood spirit, and her cultivation speed is comparable to that of double spiritual roots.

At the same time, she is also the only silkworm breeder in the family, and she has a good talent for silkworm breeding.

The family's silkworm breeding is inherited from the Sun family in Jiaozhou.

This girl is only eleven years old now, and her silkworm breeding is close to the first-level middle-grade. It won't take long for her to be promoted to the first-level middle-grade.

You know, her cultivation is only at the third level of Qi training now.

The family also values ​​this girl's talent, so they put her in Luoxia Mountain to take care of the thirty spiritual mulberry trees in the spiritual plant garden of Luoxia Mountain.

At the same time, Ling Pengyun, a strong man, can also teach this little girl to practice.

After Ling Chengping left, Ling Pengyun, who encountered a bottleneck in his cultivation, continued to read the books in his hand.

Since half a month ago, Ling Pengyun relied on the large amount of cultivation resources obtained during the beast tide to improve his cultivation to the peak of the eighth level of foundation building.

Unfortunately, the bottleneck of the eighth level of foundation building is relatively solid.

It is difficult for him to break through it in a short time.

Of course, if he relies on huge cultivation resources, he can break through quickly, but Ling Pengyun is reluctant to consume it like this.

Therefore, Ling Pengyun now uses the method of polishing the bottleneck carefully.

When you are bored, you can sit on this stone table to look at the scenery outside the mountain, drink tea and read some books.

Thanks: Wangxianc, Pineapple?, Zongfeng Sanren, Book Friend 20210823201959966, Mo Ershiliu, Huahua Yulong, Book Friend 20221124001924738, Book Friend 20190517121520166, Book Friend 202012303240287, Book Leaf Shadow, for the monthly tickets.

Thanks to EricWSC for the reward.

Yesterday's reward was for the joint reward of soulTOmmre, Heart Mirror, EricWSC, Floating Years, Experienced Mr. Liu, Dream Back to Chang'an 12, and Unforgettable Reincarnation.


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