Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 369: A tribesman in danger in the Golden Horn Grassland (3600 words, please subscribe)

On the other side.

In the desolate valley at the border of Jiaomang Lake.

Ling Pengyun, who had triggered the Yin-Yang Taichu Sutra and remotely activated the Yin-Yang Taichu Qi in Yang Siling's body, had a look of curiosity on his face.

"I don't know if the Yin-Yang Taichu Qi helped my cousin."

Although he could remotely control the Yin-Yang Taichu Qi, he didn't know the effect of the Yin-Yang Taichu Qi on Yang Siling.

Ling Pengyun closed his eyes and circulated his skills to regulate his breathing.

The next morning.

Wu Hong, who was in the same valley, felt extremely helpless because he had not found a foundation-building monster in the past three days.

He knew that Ling Pengyun would leave Jiaomang Lake and return to Luoxia Mountain where he was stationed every winter.

Now, there were only fifty days left before the beginning of winter.

He wanted to take advantage of these days under Ling Pengyun's protection to find those monsters at the sixth level of foundation-building or even the late stage of foundation-building to fight one-on-one.

If we stay in the Jiaomang Lake area where there are few foundation-building monsters, this move is obviously impossible.

In desperation, Wu Yan proposed.

"Uncle Pengyun, there are too few foundation-building monsters in the Jiaomang Lake area. How about we go to the Golden Horn Grassland to kill monsters? There must be a lot of foundation-building monsters among them."

Ling Pengyun frowned when he heard this.

The Golden Horn Grassland belongs to the Wubian Daze and is the only monster gathering place close to the Bailingmen area.

As for the current Jiaomang Lake area, although there are still monsters, there are no golden elixir monsters sitting in it. It can only be regarded as a "zoo" and cannot be regarded as a monster gathering place at all.

And there are millions of miles of empty land between Jiaomang Lake and the Golden Horn Grassland.

This empty land is a barren land with not many spiritual veins. Most of them are first-level spiritual veins. There are few second-level spiritual veins, and there is no third-level spiritual vein.

Those who occupy these spiritual veins are either powerful independent cultivators or some small groups of Qi training monsters.

As for the monsters occupying the Golden Horn Grassland, they are not simple, but a large group of Golden Horned Wild Bulls.

There are now two Golden Horned Wild Bulls in the Jindan stage in this group of monsters, and there are many Golden Horned Wild Bulls in the foundation building and Qi training stages under their command.

At the beginning, when the boundless vast lake counterattacked the Jiaomang Lake occupied by the Bailing Sect, the Golden Horned Wild Bull clan also attacked the Jiaomang Lake.

There were even many Golden Horned Wild Bulls in the foundation building and Qi training stages of the Golden Horned Wild Bull clan that invaded the Ningzhou territory.

But they were wiped out one by one by the counterattack teams launched by the foundation building cultivators from all over the Bailing Sect territory at that time.

Ling Pengyun took into account that his Taoist partner Yan Siyi needed a lot of blood and flesh of foundation building monsters to cook the second-level spiritual food to improve her cultivation and impact the seventh level of foundation building.

There would not be much gain if he continued to stay in the Jiaomang Lake territory. Instead of doing so, it would be better to go to the Golden Horned Grassland where the journey was long but there were many foundation building monsters.

Thinking back, Ling Pengyun also said immediately.

"You can go to the Golden Horn Grassland, but after you go there, you must listen to me and not act on your own."

"Okay." Wu Hong agreed immediately.

The two agreed that the Golden Horn Grassland was more than one million miles away from here, so they could set off.


Ten days later.

Ling Pengyun and Wu Hong rode Fengyingpeng across more than one million miles in the boundless swamp and finally approached the Golden Horn Grassland.

The Golden Horn Grassland is a very vast grassland, which covers hundreds of thousands of miles.

It is said that there are more than 500,000 monsters, which is about twice as many as the monsters in the original Jiaomang Lake.

Because of the large number of monsters here, Ling Pengyun and Wu Hong also jumped off Fengyingpeng and used stealth to go deep into the Golden Horn Grassland.

And Fengyingpeng is still in the sky, helping Ling Pengyun and the others to explore the surrounding situation.

The monster resources of the Golden Horn Grassland are indeed extremely rich. With the help of Feng Yingpeng, Ling Pengyun and Wu Hong went deep into the Golden Horn Grassland for only about a hundred miles, and found a group of hundreds of long-haired wild bulls beside a small river, among which there was a bull monster in the early stage of foundation building.

Although there are many bull monsters in this group, there is only one bull monster in the foundation building stage, and it is a bull monster in the early stage of foundation building.

This group of bull monsters is no match for Ling Pengyun and Wu Hong. Within a hundred breaths, the group of bull monsters was slaughtered.

Ling Pengyun and Wu Hong, who have not been able to kill the foundation building monster for a long time, also showed joy on their faces.

"In the grassland, there must be monsters in places with water sources. We can find more foundation building monsters more conveniently by following this small river."

"This is better than us going deep into the Golden Horn Grassland in any direction to find foundation building monsters."

Ling Pengyun looked at the small river beside him and gestured to Wu Hong.

Wu Hong naturally agreed with this.

The two agreed, Ling Pengyun and Wu Hong took away the corpse of the bull demon in the early stage of foundation building, and then followed the river and gradually went deeper into the Golden Horn Grassland.

Because Ling Pengyun and Wu Hong were powerful, and the monster resources here were very rich, in just half a month, Ling Pengyun and Wu Hong killed ten monsters in the early and middle stages of foundation building.

As for the monsters in the late stage of foundation building, although the two had encountered them, they did not dare to make plans easily.

Monsters generally have tribes, and the tribes under the command of monsters in the late stage of foundation building are even larger, with at least four or five hundred subordinates in the late stage of Qi training, and three or four descendants of monsters in the early and middle stages of foundation building.

If such a large group of monsters were in the territory of Jiaomang Lake, Ling Pengyun and Wu Hong would naturally dare to take action directly, but this place is the Golden Horn Grassland with a large number of monsters.

Once you are held back by a group of monsters for a moment, there is a risk of attracting surrounding groups of monsters.

Ling Pengyun and Wu Hong had encountered this situation several times in the past half month.

This day, it’s noon.

Just when Ling Pengyun and Wu Hong worked together to destroy a group of monster beasts with foundation-building monsters, the Ling Family's Supreme Elder Token suddenly flashed brightly on Ling Pengyun's waist.

"Clan members asking for help?"

Ling Pengyun's eyes trembled when he saw this.

He waved the flashing token at his waist into the air, and then made a seal with both hands to hit the token.

As the seal blended in, the flashing aura suddenly calmed down and flew north on its own.

Wu Hong on the side saw this and said in confusion.

"Uncle, is this...?"

Ling Pengyun explained. "There is a monk of the Ling family who is three thousand miles away and crushes the family token to ask for help. Relying on my token, we can find the clan members who are in danger."

"Xiao Hong, can you help me?"

Wu Hong responded immediately. "nature."

"Thank you very much. Follow me to follow the flying token." Ling Pengyun was happy when he saw Wu Hong's reply. After thanking him, he led Feng Yingpeng on the other side of the sky to chase the leading token first. Card.

Wu Hong followed closely behind.

Ling Pengyun's cultivation is as high as the ninth level of foundation building, and the second-level wind control technique has already been comprehended to the perfection of foundation building. His speed is extremely fast, and his attack speed is enough to travel sixty or seventy thousand miles a day.

Although Wu Hong's cultivation level is only the fourth level of foundation building, he is the wind spirit root who is best at speed, and the skills he practices are wind attributes. Using the wind control technique can get twice the result with half the effort, and his speed is no weaker than Ling Pengyun.

Needless to say, Feng Yingpeng is a demon beast that is good at speed.

As for the two of them not riding Feng Yingpeng directly to rush to support, it was also for safety.

The sky is vast and boundless, and the eyesight of monsters is generally good. If Ling Pengyun and Wu Hong dare to ride the Fengying Peng here, I am afraid that within a hundred breaths, they will be noticed by the monsters and attract a large number of people. Besieged by a group of monsters.

As a result, support failed, and instead they themselves were in danger.

Therefore, Fengyingpeng is mainly used to hunt monsters during non-combat periods.

In less than half a stick of incense, Ling Pengyun, Wu Hong, and Feng Yingpeng from Tianji rushed to the place where the clan members crushed their family tokens and asked for help.

This place, like the surrounding area, is a grassland with no cover.

But the Ling clan member who asked for help is not here now.

However, this place seemed to have experienced a great war. The ground was full of potholes and there were many sword marks.

Ling Pengyun frowned as he looked at the sword marks that left Gengjin Qi on the ground.

"Only the Pengxing clan brother with a cultivation level as high as the seventh level of Foundation Establishment can use this powerful Gengjin Qi."

"There is also a trace of the aura of the Pengxing brothers around, as well as the auras of Pengshan and Penglin. It seems that it is the three of them who are asking for help this time."

"But, what are the Pengxing clan brothers doing here?"

With so many thoughts on his mind, Ling Pengyun didn't have a clue, so he didn't think much about it. He led Wu Hong and Feng Yingpeng from Tianji and quickly chased in the direction of Ling Pengxing's remaining breath.

After probably running for hundreds of miles, Ling Pengyun and the three suddenly erupted with roaring sounds a few miles in front. They could even be seen with the naked eye. The place where the loud noises came from was filled with sword energy and yellow sand.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun narrowed his eyes slightly, two white rays of light attached to his eyes, and his vision was also blessed.

He could clearly see the situation at the fighting place several miles away.

Ling Pengxing, Ling Pengshan, Ling Penglin, and the Fairy Crane King were fighting a group of golden-horned mad bulls.

There are more than 600 golden-horned mad bulls in that group, including three golden-horned mad bulls in the early stage of foundation establishment, two golden-horned mad bulls in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and one golden-horned mad bull in the late stage of foundation establishment.

Now, these golden horned bulls are trapped by the second-level low-grade "Yellow Sand Erosion Formation" in Ling Penglin's hands.

Countless yellow sands with aura continuously swept over the bodies of the golden-horned mad bulls in the formation, leaving wounds deep into the bone marrow of those golden-horned mad bulls in the Qi training period.

Even the six golden-horned mad bulls in the foundation-building realm did not dare to underestimate the "erosive sand" transformed by the formation, and they all used their own magic "Golden Spirit Tiangang Cover" to resist the erosion of the yellow sand.

Ling Pengxing, who had reached the seventh level of Foundation Establishment, was also extremely powerful. With a set of 18 second-level mid-grade Purple Star Flying Swords, he powerfully blocked the late-stage Foundation Establishment Sword in the formation. A natal flying sword made from bull horns shot by the bull demon.

The Fairy Crane King, who was at the peak of the sixth level of foundation building, also relied on the powerful "Feather Arrow, Tornado, Gangfeng" combination spell to block the two bull monsters in the middle stage of foundation building.

Ling Pengshan, who is at the pinnacle of the second level of foundation building, although his cultivation is weak, can rely on a pair of hammers weighing 30,000 to 40,000 kilograms.

In addition, the remaining three golden horned bulls in the early stage of foundation building need to expend a lot of energy to withstand the countless yellow sand transformed by the yellow sand erosion formation.

This also allowed Ling Pengshan to barely block the attacks from the three golden horned bulls in the early stage of foundation building.

This situation seems pretty good.

But Ling Pengxing, Ling Pengshan, Ling Penglin, and the Fairy Crane King found it difficult to accomplish anything in a short period of time.

And once dragged on, the three of them and the Immortal Crane King will also exhaust their spiritual power.

It may even attract surrounding monsters.

Ling Pengyun, who was several miles away from the battle, saw this scene, frowned, and greeted Wu Hong beside him.

"Xiao Hong, use your full strength later, don't delay."

After saying this, he used all his strength to drive the wind control technique and rushed forward.

When he was about two miles away from the battlefield, Ling Pengyun also summoned the "Blue Sea Heavy Yuan Pearl" from his dantian.

This pearl quickly expanded to a size of six feet during the flight, and the surface of the pearl also showed the Blue Sea Heavy Yuan Spiritual Pattern.

With the help of the Blue Sea Heavy Yuan Spiritual Pattern, the weight of the pearl, which was only 65,000 jin, doubled to 130,000 jin.

Although the weight of this pearl was high, its speed was not slow at all. It turned into a blue spiritual light, and in just half a breath, it crossed a distance of two miles and directly killed into the yellow sand erosion formation, and hit the strongest foundation-building late-stage golden-horned mad bull's life spell, the Golden Spirit Tiangang Cover.

This defensive magical power is quite powerful, and it is 10% or 20% stronger than the defensive light curtain supported by the general second-level upper-grade defensive magic weapon.

But the Jade Sea Heavy Yuan Pearl, which contained a huge force of 130,000 jin, was even stronger. With one strike, it blasted a huge groove on the Golden Spirit Heavenly Gang Cover.

The groove was covered with cracks all around.

Then, the Jade Sea Heavy Yuan Pearl quickly moved back, and in just half a breath, it accumulated power for two consecutive strikes, directly shattering the Golden Spirit Heavenly Gang Cover.

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