Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 370: Information about the Second-Class Superior Spiritual Fruit Tree (3400 words, please su

But just as the orb was about to make a contribution, the late-stage foundation-building golden-horned mad bull that was fighting with Ling Pengxing also reacted.

It let out a roar, and a golden stream of light flew out of its mouth, turning into a huge golden shield.

This shield is called the "Liujin Shield", which is the innate defensive magic weapon of the Golden Horned Mad Bull clan, forged with a large amount of second-level Liujin Cloud Iron.

The Golden Horned Mad Bull clan has a long history, and there are more than two Jindan demon kings in each era of the clan, so naturally they have the inheritance of refining innate magic weapons.

This Liujin shield has been nurtured by the late-stage foundation-building golden-horned mad bull for hundreds of years, and with a large amount of second-level Liujin Cloud Iron smelted in it, this shield has already reached the level of second-level superior.

Its power is comparable to the second-level superior defensive magic weapon of the same level.

The Bihai Heavy Yuan Pearl bombarded this shield, causing a huge sound of golden swords and iron ringing.


The flowing golden shield actually blocked the Bihai Chongyuan Pearl, but under the impact of the Bihai Chongyuan Pearl, the spiritual light flashing around the shield gradually dimmed.

But just when the late-stage golden-horned bull was celebrating, a blue flying sword with a chill suddenly appeared, and with the help of the Bihai Chongyuan Pearl, it knocked the flowing golden shield away.

Then, the flying sword and the Bihai Chongyuan Pearl drove straight into the late-stage golden-horned bull.

The golden-horned bull was forced to use the inner elixir that had been nurtured for hundreds of years due to the crisis.

But the Bihai Chongyuan Pearl blocked the inner elixir with its own strength.

The flying sword mixed with a lot of chill also cut off the head of the late-stage bull demon.

Ling Pengxing, Ling Penglin, and Ling Pengshan, who were originally worried because of the crisis, were shocked when they saw that the late-stage foundation-building bull demon was killed in an instant.

"Bi Hai Chong Yuan Gemstone!"

"Han Bing Fei Jian!"

"It's my eighth brother."

Ling Pengxing saw the blue gemstone with huge power and the Han Bing Fei Jian that suddenly appeared in the formation. The worry on his face quickly disappeared, and he turned happy and exclaimed.

He looked at the place where the two magic weapons came from, and immediately saw Ling Pengyun two miles away.

In addition, he also saw Wu Hong, the only grandson of the Bailingmen Ling Fu Patriarch, next to Ling Pengyun.

At this moment, nine green flying knives with the second-level upper-grade aura flew out of Wu Hong's dantian, turning into nine green streams of light, with extremely fast speed, killing into the yellow sand erosion formation, and quickly breaking the defensive magic power of a bull demon in the early stage of foundation building.

Before the bull demon in the early stage of foundation building could react, the nine green flying knives cut off the head of the bull demon.

"The cultivation method that Wu Hong practiced should not be simple. Judging from the power of his nine flying knife magic weapons, it is estimated that they are superior life magic weapons, and the grade is as high as the second-grade upper-grade realm, which is nearly twice as strong as the general second-grade upper-grade magic weapons."

"This person is worthy of being backed by the Lingfu Patriarch, and with the support of a Jindan realm strongman, his path is indeed smooth."

Ling Pengxing looked at Wu Hong two miles away, and a touch of envy appeared in his eyes.

Thinking back, he also came back to his senses and controlled the magic weapons to fight again.

With the help of Ling Pengyun, Wu Hong, and Feng Yingpeng, after a while, the herd of golden-horned mad bulls trapped by Ling Penglin's yellow sand erosion formation were killed by everyone.

The crowd did not dare to delay, and quickly collected the bodies of the six foundation-building gold-horned mad bulls, and fled quickly.

Not long after the crowd left, a group of thousands of gold-horned mad bulls, led by a foundation-building gold-horned mad bull, arrived here.

The foundation-building gold-horned mad bull looked at the bodies of more than 600 Qi-training gold-horned mad bulls on the ground in front of him, and his eyes were full of anger.

These are all its offspring. You should know that there are only about 1,600 Qi-training gold-horned mad bulls in its tribe.

Now more than 600 Qi-training bull monsters have been killed, and six foundation-building bull monsters have been killed. Its tribe has suffered heavy losses.

It roared to the sky and sent a foundation-building bull monster to stay here to guard the bodies of more than 600 Qi-training bull monsters.

Then, according to the breath left by Ling Pengyun and others, it led the herd to chase Ling Pengyun and others who had left.

But this bull demon with perfect foundation building led the herd of cattle and chased for only a dozen miles before losing the breath of Ling Pengyun and others.

It could only be furious and roared to vent.

After venting, it had no choice but to lead the herd of cattle away from here.

But just as the herd of bull demons walked away, a transparent light curtain suddenly appeared in a place three or four miles away from the herd.

Ling Pengyun and his companions hid in this light curtain and avoided the pursuit of the bull demons.

The transparent light curtain was supported by eighteen formation flags around.

The formation formed by these eighteen formation flags is a superior second-level upper-grade breath-retaining formation. Even if it is a demon beast or a cultivator with perfect foundation building, it is difficult to use spiritual consciousness to detect the existence of the formation if it is not within three miles of the formation.

This formation was created by Wu Hong, a descendant of the Golden Core.

Wu Hong waved his Taoist robe and put away the eighteen breath-retaining formation flags inserted in the ground around.

At this moment, Ling Pengyun also looked at Ling Pengxing, Ling Penglin, and Ling Pengshan and asked.

"Brother Pengxing, sister Penglin, brother Pengshan, how did the three of you end up in the Golden Horn Grassland? And you even offended the Golden Horn Mad Bull Clan?"

Ling Pengxing spoke as a representative.

"A few months ago, my sister and brother Pengshan and I went out of the mountain to the Jiaomang Lake to hunt for foundation-building monsters to make money, but the foundation-building monsters in the Jiaomang Lake are too rare now."

"The three of us have been groping in the Jiaomang Lake for nearly a month, and we haven't killed many foundation-building monsters. So we came to the Golden Horn Grassland to find foundation-building monsters to kill."

"As for the group of golden-horned bulls that chased me, Pengshan, and Penglin, it was really bad luck for us."

"Yesterday, Pengshan, Penglin, and my sister were attracted by a strange movement of spiritual energy and touched the outside of a valley with a second-grade upper-grade spiritual vein."

"But before we got close to the valley, we were occupied by the golden-horned bulls that occupied the valley. The group discovered us, causing us to be hunted down. "

"However, when I was escaping from the group of bull monsters, I relied on my spiritual sense to detect a huge amount of Jiamu power spreading out in the valley. Nine out of ten, it was a spiritual tree that attracted the spiritual energy of the surrounding dozens of miles in the valley. "

"And the grade of the spiritual tree is not low, at least it has reached the level of the second-grade upper grade, otherwise it would be difficult to attract all the spiritual energy in such a range. "

"And the spiritual tree attracting spiritual energy is probably in the process of reaching the third level. If the spiritual tree attracts spiritual energy to impact the third level, there will not be only foundation-building monsters stationed in that place, I am afraid it can attract golden elixir monsters. "

Speaking of this, Ling Pengxing's expression moved, and he asked Ling Pengyun.

"Eighth brother, the second-grade high-quality spiritual fruit tree that is bearing fruit will take at least a few days to stop moving and bear fruit smoothly."

"Now, the spiritual fruit produced by the spiritual fruit tree should not have fallen into the mouths of the golden-horned cattle in the valley."

"Nearly 30% to 40% of the foundation-building bull monsters in the golden-horned cattle in the valley were killed or injured, leaving only one bull monster in the perfect foundation, one in the late foundation, four in the middle foundation, and five in the early foundation."

"With the combined strength of the five of us, Feng Yingpeng, and the Immortal Crane King, we have a chance to kill the remaining golden-horned cattle occupying the valley."

"Eighth brother, what do you think of the second-grade high-quality spiritual fruit tree?"

Ling Pengyun was shocked when he heard this.

Second-grade high-quality spiritual fruit trees are extremely rare. Even second-grade medium-quality spiritual fruit trees can only be found in a few trees in the entire Bailingmen territory. Second-grade high-quality spiritual fruit trees are only found in one or two families with very strong foundations.

The second-grade high-quality spiritual fruit tree can produce second-grade high-quality spiritual fruits with huge spiritual power. This grade of spiritual fruit can improve the cultivation of late-stage foundation-building cultivators.

And this grade of spiritual fruit tree can produce a huge number of first-grade spiritual fruits every year.

This advantage alone is of great benefit to the Ling family.

After all, 99% of the spiritual fruits in Tianfu Chamber of Commerce are supplied by the Ling family.

And the Ling family has also tasted a lot of sweetness by relying on spiritual fruits.

For a moment, Ling Pengyun was quite moved by the proposal made by Ling Pengxing.

He also said immediately. "I did it."

"Xiao Hong, will you participate in this? If you do it, I will give you 30% of the second-grade high-grade spiritual fruits produced by the second-grade high-grade spiritual fruit trees in the valley."

"In the future, I will also help you find a few late-stage foundation-building monsters for you to fight against."

"I don't know if you can agree to this."

Although Wu Hong has the support of the Lingfu Patriarch, the second-grade high-grade spiritual fruits are rare, and he can only get one at most every year.

He is still quite eager for spiritual fruits of this grade.

Moreover, Ling Pengyun promised to find a late-stage foundation-building monster for him to fight against.

Under these two factors, Wu Hong agreed without any hesitation.

"Uncle, I will do this too, but you have to keep your word."

"Of course, when have I ever lied to you." Seeing Wu Hong agreed, Ling Pengyun's face suddenly lit up.

He knew that Wu Hong was very powerful. With several second-level high-quality magic weapons and the set of Fengming Flying Knives, his strength was enough to match that of a seventh-level foundation-building cultivator.

Moreover, he also knew that Wu Hong had a foundation-building monster on him, but he had never encountered a strong enemy, so he had never taken it out.

With Wu Hong's help, they would have a better chance of conquering the valley occupied by the golden-horned cattle.

Ling Pengxing, Ling Pengshan, and Ling Penglin on the side all knew Wu Hong's strength through the destruction of the monster group led by the six foundation-building bull monsters.

They did not object to Ling Pengyun giving Wu Hong so many spiritual fruits.

"If there is really a second-grade high-quality spiritual fruit tree in that valley, it will be difficult for that spiritual fruit tree to bear fruit in a short period of time."

"We have just experienced a war and are not in the best condition. Let's rest for half a day and then rush to that valley directly after half a day, okay?"

Ling Pengyun saw that Ling Pengxing, Ling Pengshan, and Ling Penglin were a little pale due to excessive consumption of spiritual power, and suggested.

Ling Pengxing and the other two naturally had no reason to refuse.

If they relied on their remaining spiritual power to fight, they would probably be in danger and even risk their lives.

Everyone agreed and found a secluded place together.

Wu Hong also followed suit and once again arranged his superior second-grade high-quality breath-retaining formation around to isolate the breath of everyone in the formation from leaking out.


Half a day later.

When everyone's condition recovered to the best, Ling Pengyun and Wu Hong also rushed to the vicinity of the second-grade high-quality spiritual valley under the guidance of Ling Pengxing and the other two.

As we got within five miles of the valley, the Jiamu energy around us became indeed thicker.

"The strength of this Jiamu power is indeed not weak."

"And there is indeed an aura of a second-level high-grade spiritual plant in the valley."

"It is completely certain that there is a second-level high-grade spiritual fruit tree in the valley that is bearing fruit."

Ling Pengyun looked happy and muttered.

The other people around him gradually showed joy on their faces after hearing the affirmation of Ling Pengyun, a second-level spiritual plant husband.

The pace of the five people's sneaking was also several times faster.

After a while, the five people stepped into the range of two or three miles in the valley.

At this moment, the valley was also filled with deafening cow calls.

Immediately afterwards, a bull demon with a body size of ten feet, five feet high, and an aura of perfect foundation building, led a late foundation building, four mid-foundation building, five early foundation building, and nearly a thousand qi training bull demons, rushed out of the valley.

Ling Pengyun saw this and gestured to everyone.

"Be careful. If you are defeated, just give a signal and leave. Don't force yourself."

Thanks: Book friend 2022011917045348, Book friend 50220119170145348, Forever 101, Public Game Player, Bai Yingzi Qiange's monthly ticket.


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