Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 383: The sect's enemy, the Holy Demon Sect (3200 words, please subscribe)

The other side.

Kuiyuan Zhenren sent the coral flying magic weapon across dozens of miles, and finally landed on the top of a spiritual mountain with a third-order spiritual vein.

There is a rather luxurious attic built on the top of the mountain. There is also a plaque with the words "Wenxin Palace" hanging on the attic.

"Junior Sister Kuishui, aren't you stationed at the entrance to the secret realm over the Dragon Scale Sea? Why do you have time to come to my Heart-Questing Palace? Are these two little friends...?"

A white-haired old man who was also wearing the Canglan Blue Sea Sect's Taoist robe walked out of the Wenxin Hall.

"Asking Senior Brother Yun, these two young friends are the descendants of Junior Brother Bishui's direct disciple Ling Zhu more than two hundred years ago. Now these two young friends are here because they want to join the sect."

"I will follow the sect's rules and bring him here to ask you, Senior Brother Yun."

According to the rules of the Canglan Bihai Sect, no matter who leaves the sect's secret realm, they must enter the Wenxin Hall.

Even a real person in the Golden Core Realm cannot escape the effect of the third-level high-grade Heart-Questing Formation arranged in the Dawenxin Hall.

Master Kuishui bowed his hands to the white-haired old man named "Wen Yun" and then said.

Listening to the title of Master Kuishui, Ling Pengyun could easily guess that "Senior Brother Wenyun" was also a Master of the Golden Core Realm, and his seniority was higher than that of Master Kui Yuan.

After hearing this, Master Wenyun thought about it carefully, and he also remembered the character "Ling Zhu" under Master Bishui.

Two or three hundred years ago, when Ling Zhu, the ancestor of the Ling family, was still in the early stages of foundation building, he found a third-level high-grade Xuanshui spiritual tree main pole from the ruins of the Jindan sect in a small secret realm while out for training, and became the master of Bishui. The fact that a third-level talisman master refined the powerful natal mysterious water talisman could make the entire Canglan Bihai Sect famous.

It was precisely because of the opportunity of Ling Zhu that Master Bishui became famous in the Canglan Bihai Sect.

After returning to his thoughts, Master Wenyun looked at Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong, and because of the ancestors of the Ling family, he showed a kind smile to them.

"It turns out that these two little friends are the descendants of little friend Ling Zhu, so the two little friends are somewhat blessed."

"Join my sect and ask about the Heart Palace."

Ling Pengyun, who possesses the Taichu Sutra of Yin and Yang, heard this and his expression moved slightly.

However, I thought about the fact that I had tested that it was difficult to express the Yin-Yang Taichu Meridian and the Yin-Yang Taichu Qi cross.

Just like the Yin and Yang Taichu Sutra was covered by this square of heaven and earth, there was no fear and he stepped into the hall together with Ling Yunhong.

There is nothing special in the Wenxin Hall. It is similar to an ordinary hall, with tables and chairs.

Just when the two of them entered the Questioning Heart Hall, a majestic voice sounded outside the hall.

"Heart-Questioning Formation!"


Countless formations suddenly appeared on the ground in the Wenxin Hall, turning into a cloud and mist that enveloped Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong, and traces of cloud and mist quietly entered their bodies.

The next moment, Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong felt a wave of sleepiness coming from the sea of ​​consciousness, which was difficult to resist even with the use of spiritual power.

Within five breaths, Ling Yunhong became unresponsive and fell into a deep sleep.

Because Ling Pengyun's spiritual consciousness was stronger than that of ordinary monks with perfect Foundation Establishment, he was able to hold on for a longer time. It took a full ten breaths before he lost consciousness.

Outside the palace.

Master Wenyun, who was controlling the heart-asking formation, looked at this situation and looked at Ling Pengyun. His eyes flashed slightly and his heart moved.

"This person's spiritual consciousness is quite tenacious, and it seems that he has not practiced any secret method of spiritual consciousness."

"I think this person either has a great chance to obtain some spiritual object that enhances his spiritual consciousness, or he is born with a strong spiritual consciousness and has a talent for spiritual consciousness."

"If it's the latter, and with the help of a profound method of training his spiritual consciousness, perhaps this person will have the opportunity to possess the spiritual consciousness of the Golden Core Realm in the foundation-building stage."

"In this way, this person can increase the probability of breaking through the golden elixir by 10%."

"The older monk is a good seedling, and his spiritual consciousness is stronger than that of ordinary foundation-building perfection monks. Both of them are pretty good."

"If these two people can intervene in the heart and are not spies sent by the enemy sect, then it depends on Junior Brother Bishui's attitude towards these two people."

After returning to his thoughts, he looked at Master Kui Yuan aside and said.

"Junior Sister Kuiyuan, you still need to go and ask for Junior Brother Bishui. During the journey, you can talk to Junior Brother Bishui about the situation of these two people. It is somewhat inconvenient to use the communication talisman."

The beautiful Kuishui Master nodded lightly, and immediately left the third-level spiritual mountain where the Wenxin Palace was located, with the coral flying magic weapon.

Zhenren Wenyun also entered the Wenxin Hall and walked in front of Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong.

"What are your names and where are you from?"

Although Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong fell into a coma and lost consciousness, Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong were able to speak out one after another due to the effect of the Heart-Questioning Formation.

"My name is Ling Pengyun, and I come from the Lingxiao Ling clan of the Bailing Gate of Yan State, one of the seven great immortal cultivating countries in the Northern Wilderness."

"My name is Ling Yunhong, and I come from the world of cultivating immortals in the Northern Wilderness..."


A few breaths later, when Master Wen Yun learned that Ling Pengyun, who had reached the perfect state of foundation building, had five spiritual roots, he was only over sixty years old, and he was a spiritual plant genius who had improved a high-quality spiritual rice. After waiting for the information, I was shocked.

"I didn't expect that this person's spiritual roots are so poor, and he has cultivated to such an extent at such an age. It is really rare!"

"In addition, this person has improved on the best spiritual rice. I think this person has excellent understanding."

"I am afraid that this person's cultivation level has been improved to this level due to his excellent understanding. This makes sense."

"Thinking about it this way, it is more likely that this person is born with excellent spiritual talent."

It is not uncommon for people with transcendent understanding to practice quickly, but it is rare.

After returning to his thoughts, he also cross-examined Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong again.

After about a hundred breaths, Master Kuishui, who had left earlier, returned to the Hall of Questioning Heart with a blue-haired middle-aged man with good features and a bookish temperament.

Master Wenyun also noticed the arrival of the two men, looked at the blue-haired middle-aged man, and slightly cupped his hands.

"Junior Brother Bishui."

This blue-haired middle-aged man is Master Bishui, the ancestor of the Ling family "Ling Zhu".

"Ask Senior Brother Yun." Master Bishui replied calmly, and his eyes were fixed on the faces of Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong. Their eyes were condensed, and a trace of memories gradually appeared.

After a few breaths, he finally came back to his senses, and there was a trace of regret on his face.

"These two people do look a bit like that boy Ling Zhu in one or two ways."

Immediately, Master Bishui asked Master Wenyun who was interrogating Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong.

"Ask Senior Brother Yun, are these two people colluding with the enemy sect?"

"Currently, I haven't found anything through the Heart-Questioning Formation."

Master Wen Yun replied.

Master Bishui felt slightly relieved after hearing this.

He didn't want there to be scoundrels colluding with the enemy clan among the descendants of his beloved disciple Ling Zhu.

Afterwards, he and Master Kuishui waited quietly, and listened to Master Wenyun torture Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong.

After about half a stick of incense had passed, Zhenren Wenyun relied on the help of the third-level high-grade Wenxin Formation in the palace to inquire about the origins of Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong.

The two were suspected of being spies of the enemy clan, but they were also cleared.

However, it was known to everyone that Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong came here to find opportunities for the golden elixir.

Master Wen Yun also asked the Master Bishui with flowing blue hair.

"Junior Brother Bishui, I wonder how you plan to arrange these two people?"

"Neither of these two people have weak spiritual consciousness, and have certain talents, especially the younger Ling Pengyun. The tenacity of his spiritual consciousness is nearly 50% higher than that of ordinary foundation-building monks, and he has not yet practiced the method and understanding of spiritual consciousness. He is also extremely tall, just like your former direct disciple Ling Zhu, he is also a spiritual genius."

"If this person is trained to enter the golden elixir, the sect can also have a third-level spiritual cultivator, which will also have some benefits for the sect's spiritual cultivator."

"If you don't plan to keep it for training..."

"These two people now know about the hidden entrance to the dragon scale sea area of ​​our sect. After hundreds of years, our sect has very few hidden entrances left. If the matter of the entrance to that place is spread, If our enemy sect’s Holy Demon Sect knows about it, I’m afraid the entrance to the hidden secret realm in the Dragon Scale Sea will be blocked again.”

"In this case, it will be difficult for our sect members to go out."

"Junior brother, if you don't want to be this evil person, then I will."

The Holy Demon Sect is the Nascent Soul Sect that attacked Canglan Bihai Sect more than two or three hundred years ago. In addition, this sect is also the number one demon sect among the demon cultivating sects in the Immortal Cultivation World in the Boundless Sea.

As for the Holy Demon Sect's attack on the Canglan Bihai Sect for more than two or three hundred years, it was also because the Canglan Bihai Sect was out of business at that time and only had one Nascent Soul Stage powerhouse in charge.

It happened that at that time, the Holy Demon Sect's sect leader, the Holy Demon Old Man in the late Nascent Soul stage, encountered a bottleneck and needed a large amount of monks' essence and blood to refine blood pills to break through the bottleneck, so he took up the idea of ​​Canglan Bihai Sect, a soft persimmon.

After the Canglan Bihai Immortal Sect was defeated and entered the secret realm behind closed doors, the Holy Demon Sect, in order to avoid future troubles, has not reduced the Canglan Bihai Sect's encirclement and suppression in recent years.

Even the mountain gate of Canglan Bihai Sect's secret realm has been heavily guarded by the Holy Demon Sect's troops.

In addition, the thirty-six sea areas of the boundless sea area for cultivating immortals also have demon cultivators from the Holy Demon Sect hiding in the dark, searching for monks from the Canglan Blue Sea Sect who survived to escape from the secret realm.

At the beginning, many disciples in Canglan Secret Realm who went to the outside world through small passages were captured alive by the demon cultivators of the Holy Demon Sect.

Moreover, the Demon Lord of the Nascent Soul Realm of the Demon Sect personally took action to search for the disciples of the Canglan Blue Sea Sect. From the memories of those Canglan Blue Sea Sect disciples, he learned many hidden entrances to the secret realm of the Canglan Blue Sea Sect. .

As a result, Canglan Secret Realm has lost many small passages to the outside world.

If these remaining passages are also blocked, it will be difficult for people in Canglan Secret Realm to get out to the outside world.

The small passages in the secret realm need to be at least strong in the late Nascent Soul stage and above, and rely on the secret realm control token to open them up.

But now the weak Canglan Bihai Immortal Sect no longer has such a strong person.

When Master Bishui heard what "Master Wen Yun" said, he frowned, thought about it carefully, and then said.

"These two people came from the desolate land of the Northern Wilderness Cultivation Realm, and they have suffered some hardships."

"Back then, I owed a huge favor to the boy Ling Zhu. Now that he is gone, this favor should fall on these two people. In this way, my damaged conscience over the years can be made up for."

"Perhaps...this move will be helpful for me to pass through the Nascent Soul Tribulation in the Nascent Soul Stage."

Master Wenyun and Master Kuishui on the side heard this and their expressions changed.

Master Wenxin's spiritual consciousness swept over Master Bishui, and he immediately discovered that Master Bishui's aura was rich and polished to be extremely smooth.

He was shocked and immediately asked.

"Junior brother, have you entered the realm of Golden Elixir Perfection?"

"Not yet, but not far away." True Man Bishui nodded slightly.

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