Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 384 The opportunity given by Master Bishui (3000 words, please subscribe)

"This is very good. If you are a junior brother, you can also enter the realm of Nascent Soul. Our sect can also have one more Nascent Soul Lord, and its strength can be stronger. Maybe in the future, our sect will be in trouble. It can be solved." Master Wenyun said with excitement.

"Senior brother, help me wake these two people up." Master Bishui didn't want to say more about his cultivation and just said lightly.

Master Wen Yun also knew what was going on, so he took out the formation disk of the Wenxin Formation and inserted a magic formula into the formation disk.

The array plate flashed with spiritual light, spreading out a wave of spiritual power.

Immediately afterwards, the white mist that had previously entered the minds of Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong gradually flew out.

Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong also woke up one after another.

However, the two of them felt a pain in their heads at this moment.

This is a side effect of going through the Heart Questioning Formation.

These side effects are better, and secret methods such as the soul-searching method are even more vicious. Once a person is soul-searched, his sea of ​​consciousness will definitely be damaged.

The two of them paused for a while, their eyes fixed on the blue-haired, bookish face of Bishui Zhenren.

"Junior Ling Pengyun has met Master Bishui."

"Junior Ling Yunhong has met Master Bishui."

Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong handed over their hands one after another and bowed to Master Bishui.

"Do you know me?" Master Bishui asked in surprise.

"The ancestor of our clan, Ling Zhu, left a portrait of you, the real person, and that portrait has been passed down to our clan. Therefore, my grandson and I know you, the real person." Ling Yunhong said respectfully.

"That kid Ling Zhu... it's such a pity."

When Master Bishui heard this, his eyes showed a hint of pity.

"It's pretty good that the two of you have cultivated to such a level at such an age. Are you two willing to become my disciples?"

"Of course I am willing. Thank you for your great kindness." Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong looked overjoyed and responded quickly, raising their hands to express their gratitude.

"Since you two agree, you two will be my registered disciples from now on."

"As for the purpose of the two of you coming to our sect, I just found out through the Questioning Heart Formation. Back then, I owed Ling Yi a golden elixir, and I can transfer this cause and effect to you two."

"However, our sect currently has no spare golden elixir spiritual objects."

"The fourth-level low-grade colorful spiritual tree in our sect will only bear a colorful spiritual fruit every hundred years. Forty-seven years ago, this colorful spiritual fruit happened to be born once. It will be fifty-three years later that this tree will bear fruit again. Only a fourth-grade low-grade five-color spiritual fruit can be used by our sect’s alchemist to refine a furnace of gold-forming elixir.”

"If you can wait, fifty-three years later, when our sect's alchemist refines a gold-forming elixir, I can hand it over to you."

"If you can't wait, our sect also has a third-level high-grade Kuishui True Evil Pond. This pool relies on the fourth-grade mid-grade water veins of my secret realm. It can produce three auxiliary monks to break through the golden elixir every hundred years. The probability of Kuishui is really bad.”

"The first three Kushui True Evils were produced ninety-seven years ago. After three years, this pond will produce three more Kushui True Evils."

"The value of this Kwai Shui Zhen Sha is incomparable to the Golden Pill. Therefore, if you choose this Kwai Shui Zhen Sha, I can give you two Kwai Shui Zhen Sha, and I can also help you find another type of ordinary gold elixir." Dan spirit thing.”

"In this way, the value of three ordinary golden elixir spiritual objects added together will not be much weaker than the golden elixir. This is also equivalent to the golden elixir opportunity value I promised your ancestors."

"As for the Golden Core Thunder Tribulation, I can also borrow the sect's fourth-level formation to help you block it."

"How do you choose between these two options?"

Master Bishui said carefully.

When Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong heard this, they were immediately ecstatic.

This is a great thing.

The value of a gold-forming elixir on the market is equivalent to a million spiritual stones. Such a good thing has not appeared on the market in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World for nearly five hundred years.

The weak Kuishui Zhensha can be sold on the market for at least 300,000 spiritual stones.

The two of them would be satisfied if they could get a golden elixir similar to Kuishui Zhensha.

What's more, Master Bishui gave him such preferential treatment. Not only did he receive golden elixir spiritual objects as a gift, but he also borrowed a fourth-level formation for free to help block the golden elixir thunder tribulation.

There are two difficulties in breaking through the golden elixir, one is condensing the golden elixir, and the other is thunder calamity.

The golden elixir spiritual object can only help the monks to condense the golden elixir. When the golden elixir is condensed, it will cause thunder disaster.

When Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong came here, they planned to spend their spiritual stones to hire the Canglan Bihai Sect's formation to ward off the thunder disaster after they had the opportunity to obtain the golden elixir.

To this end, the two of them brought over 90% of the family's treasury, totaling 50,000 spiritual stones, and also brought a lot of valuable items.

Overall, they carried spiritual objects worth about 100,000 yuan.

There is no problem at all for this group of spiritual beings to rent a high-level formation.

But the two of them didn't expect that all the spiritual stones from the rental formation would be saved.

When the two of them suppressed their joy, the patriarch Ling Yunhong turned into a sad face, his brows were furrowed, and he spoke to Ling Pengyun.

"Peng Yun, are you going to choose the Golden Pill... or the latter?"

Ling Pengyun also understood that Ling Yunhong now wanted to wait for the more effective golden elixir fifty-three years later, but he did not dare to miss the opportunity of the golden elixir.

After all, it was fifty-three years later when the Golden Knot Pill was refined. Ling Yunhong was already old at that time and had no chance to break through the Golden Pill. The Golden Knot Pill would eventually fall to Ling Pengyun. On hand.

In desperation, Ling Yunhong wanted to hand over the difficult problem of choice to himself.

Ling Pengyun understood that even if he chose the Golden Elixir, Ling Yunhong would definitely not have any objections and would fulfill himself. Without it, the effect of the Golden Elixir would be better and the chance of achieving the Golden Elixir would be greater.

Judging from this matter, Ling Pengyun admired the patriarch Ling Yunhong even more.

Without thinking much, Ling Pengyun opened his mouth and said to Master Bishui due to the confidence brought by the Yin Yang Taichu Qi.

"Master, we plan to get the Kuishui Zhensha in three years' time."

Clan leader Ling Yunhong on the side heard Ling Pengyun's choice and felt happy, but mixed with worry.

The joy is that because Ling Pengyun made this choice, he could at least get a Kuishui True Evil to help him try to break through the golden elixir.

The worry is that putting three copies of ordinary golden elixir spiritual objects on two people is somewhat unsafe, and there is no need to wait for the golden elixir to be secure after fifty years.

If the two of them fail to break through with the help of spiritual objects, it will be difficult to try to break through the golden elixir realm in the future. They can only wait for the family to save spiritual stones and purchase the golden elixir spiritual objects.

Only one portion of Kuishui Zhensha can be used at a time. If two portions are used together, the effect will not increase much.

Just as he was thinking a lot, Master Bishui's voice came to his ears.

"Okay, after three years, I will give you two Sunflower Water True Evils and another ordinary golden elixir spiritual object."

"However, let's talk ugly things first. Regardless of whether you can break through the golden elixir with the help of those three golden elixir spiritual objects in the future, if you still want to leave my Canglan Blue Sea Sect in the future, I will arrange a reminder in the sea of ​​consciousness. The restrictions at the entrance to the secret realm of the Dragon Scale Sea will tear your consciousness to pieces."

"Of course, if you don't plan to leave this secret realm and truly join our sect from now on, our sect will treat you as well."

"In addition, if you can enter the golden elixir, you must protect me with my sect when I go out of the secret realm and attack the Nascent Soul realm a hundred years later."

Master Bishui's eyes sparkled slightly.

After hearing this, Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong guessed that Master Bishui was not far from the legendary Nascent Soul Realm.

However, the two of them were a little confused as to why Master Bishui didn't break through the Nascent Soul within this secret realm and had to run to the outside world.

Doubts were doubts, but the two of them did not dare to ask, so as not to annoy Master Bishui.

As for the ban, the two of them may have understood it. After all, the Bihai Canglan Sect is in a bad situation now.

Immediately, the two of them said one after another that if the golden elixir was achieved, they would die to help Master Bishui break through the Nascent Soul's words.

"It's not your turn to work hard yet, you should think carefully about whether you can break through the golden elixir in the future."

"Come with me!"

Master Bishui was not interested in what the two of them said, and said it lightly.

Then, he, Kui Yuan and Master Wenyun nodded and left the Wenxin Hall.

Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong bowed to Kui Yuan and Wenyun Masters before chasing after them.

Master Wenyun, who was still alone in the Wenxin Hall, looked at the three figures leaving outside the hall and murmured.

"Junior Brother Bishui was willing to give up and immediately took out three golden elixir spiritual objects worth a million spiritual stones."

Master Kuishui on the side said with a hint of envy. "The great opportunity that Junior Brother Bishui's direct disciple Ling Zhu gave to Junior Brother Bishui was already worth these three golden elixir spiritual objects."

"If that kid Ling Zhu hadn't given Junior Brother Bishui a whole main pole of the third-order high-grade Xuanshui Spiritual Tree, I'm afraid Junior Brother Bishui wouldn't have been able to reach the Golden Core Perfection so quickly."

"It would be great if I also had a good disciple with such a chance."

Ask Yun Zhenren. "Who doesn't want to, but the fact that Junior Brother Bishui will take two copies of Kuishui Zhensha three years later may cause objections to those Jindan brothers in the sect who have disciples who have completed the Foundation Establishment."

"Those old guys are very smart. If they knew that Junior Brother Bishui was about to reach the perfection of the Golden Core and was qualified to attack the realm of Nascent Soul, they wouldn't dare to talk nonsense."

Master Wenyun's eyes trembled, but he agreed with this statement, and then his eyes showed a look of expectation.

"That's right, but I don't know if Junior Brother Bishui will be able to break through the realm of Nascent Soul like the sect master after a hundred years..."


Several hundred breaths later.

Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong rode a blue gourd magic weapon belonging to Master Bishui, deep into the Canglan Mountains, and finally landed on a small island in the center of a large lake.

The water aura in this small island is extremely rich, and the other four five element attribute auras are very small. Obviously there is a high-level water vein here.

In addition, there are two bamboo buildings built in the most spiritual place on the island. Hundreds of blue water bamboos are also planted next to the bamboo buildings.

These blue water bamboos all reached the second level, and there were even dozens of third level blue water bamboos.

This incident also made Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong amazed.

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