Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 385 Theory of Golden Elixir (4500 words, please subscribe)

"This island is my place of cultivation. Besides me, my disciple Wang Ying also lives here. Now she has gone out of the secret realm to look for mortals with spiritual roots. It is estimated that she will return soon. When the time comes, if you two see her, you can just call her Senior Sister Wang."

"Except for my bamboo house, you can walk around the rest of the island as you like."

"However, although you have become my disciples, you are not trained by my sect after all. Therefore, except for this bamboo house of mine, Island, you better not go out casually. "

"In addition, I heard from Senior Brother Yun that both of you have inherited Ling Zhu's spiritual plant, and both are second-level spiritual plant husbands."

"During the days when your Senior Sister Wang is away, the blue water spiritual bamboo will be handed over to you to take care of. If you take good care of it, this real person will reward you."

"As for your residence, find a place to build it yourself."

Bishui Zhenren pointed to the blue water spiritual bamboo on the island, spoke for a while, and then entered the only bamboo house on Bishui Island.

But after half a while, Bishui Zhenren walked out of the bamboo house again, handed two books called "Explosive Forging God Art" to Ling Yunhong and Ling Pengyun respectively, and said carefully.

"These two books both record a method of cultivating spiritual consciousness, which I obtained when I killed a powerful enemy in my early years. If you can cultivate to the seventh level and have the spiritual consciousness of the Jindan stage in advance, it will be good for you to condense the Jindan."

"This method of cultivating spiritual consciousness is not very good, and it is not a sect thing. You have suffered a little loss in the cause and effect given to you this time. This book only records the method of cultivating spiritual consciousness in the first seven levels, which can be regarded as another compensation."

"Even if you don't want to stay in the sect in the future, you can take it out of the sect."

Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong both showed joy on their faces when they heard this.

The method of cultivating spiritual consciousness in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World can only be mastered by the Jindan Sect, and this method of cultivating spiritual consciousness is regarded as a treasure by those Jindan Sects and has never been spread to the outside world.

As for those sects doing so, it is also because the effect of the method of cultivating spiritual consciousness is amazing.

A strong spiritual consciousness is helpful for cultivators to break through small realms, and even to break through the foundation of Qi training and the Jindan of foundation building.

For example, if one can comprehend this method to the seventh level in advance during the foundation-building period and possess the divine consciousness of the Golden Core Realm, the probability of condensing the Golden Core can be increased by 10%.

This 10% probability is comparable to the effect of an ordinary Golden Core spiritual object worth 300,000 spiritual stones.

"If this object is placed in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World, it will definitely cause a storm." Ling Pengyun sighed.

Then, Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong thanked him one after another.

"Thank you, Master, for the gift!"

"If you want to thank, thank your ancestors. The opportunity your ancestors found for me was much greater than the opportunity I gave you."

After speaking in a deep voice, True Man Bishui returned to the bamboo building.

After hearing this, Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong were even more curious about what opportunity their ancestors gave True Man Bishui that made True Man Bishui so grateful.

After their thoughts were fruitless, Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong could not wait to go to the island. They each found a clean place to cast a spell and built a small bamboo building. Then they entered the building and looked through the "Explosion and Forging God Technique".

Half an hour later.

In the quiet room of a bamboo building on the island.

After Ling Pengyun looked at the practice of the Explosion and Forging God Technique in his hand, his back trembled slightly unconsciously.

Because the method of practicing the consciousness of the Explosion and Forging Body Technique requires the cultivator to constantly use special methods to detonate the consciousness, and to temper the toughness of the consciousness by constantly shattering and reorganizing the consciousness.

Then, improve the strength of the consciousness.

This Explosion and Forging God Technique has a total of seven levels. To practice to the first level, all the consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness must be exploded once, and the cultivator's consciousness can also be increased by 30%.

To practice to the second level, all the consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness must be exploded twice, and the cultivator's consciousness can also be enhanced by 60%.

...Practicing to the highest seventh level can increase the strength of the cultivator's spiritual consciousness by twice.

And when the cultivator practices this method to the seventh level, the spiritual consciousness will also undergo a transformation.

With such a powerful spiritual consciousness method in front of him, Ling Pengyun was afraid of the pain when practicing this method, but he still didn't want to give up.

Immediately, he closed his eyes and operated the practice method of the Explosion Forging God Technique.

He looked inward at the sea of ​​consciousness and slowly attracted a trace of spiritual consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness.

This trace of spiritual consciousness flashed red light, suddenly exploded, and turned into countless tiny spiritual consciousness fragments.

Ling Pengyun also felt a sharp pain and frowned.

After forcibly suppressing the severe pain, he also performed the "Resurrection of the God" in the Explosion Forging God Technique.

The spiritual consciousness that was blown into countless fragments trembled slightly, quickly gathered, and turned into a complete spiritual consciousness again.

Moreover, this trace of spiritual consciousness became a little tougher than before.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun looked happy.

"The method of cultivating spiritual consciousness is indeed powerful."

In the days that followed, apart from performing the spiritual plant secret method with Ling Yunhong on the blue water spiritual bamboo on the island in the early morning every day to speed up their growth,

The rest of the time, he has been in seclusion to comprehend the method of cultivating spiritual consciousness.

Because he already has a very strong spiritual consciousness talent, in just half a month, he has comprehended this secret method to the first level.

His spiritual consciousness has also become three points tougher, but the strength of spiritual consciousness has not increased.

Now his consciousness has reached the limit of foundation building. Unless he comprehends the method of consciousness to the seventh level and breaks the limit of foundation building consciousness, his practice of the "Explosive Spirit Forging Technique" can only enhance the toughness of his consciousness.

One year later.

This day, early morning.

Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong, who have been on Bishui Island for a year, and a young girl with a beautiful appearance, walked out of their respective bamboo buildings one after another.

The young girl noticed that Ling Pengyun's breath had changed, and her expression moved slightly, and asked.

"Junior Brother Pengyun, have you made another breakthrough in the Explosive Spirit Forging Technique?"

"Senior Sister, I broke through to the fourth level last night by chance." Ling Pengyun saw the young woman speak, and replied with a smile.

The young girl was "Wang Ying", the disciple of Bishui Zhenren who went out to the secret realm a year ago to find mortals with spiritual roots.

Wang Ying looked young, but because she took the anti-aging pill, she was actually over eighty years old.

And her cultivation is now at the pseudo-dan realm.

A few years ago, she tried to break through the golden elixir by herself, but unfortunately failed. She only solidified most of the spiritual power in her body, which was barely a pseudo-dan.

A year ago, she went out to find mortals with spiritual roots because she was in a bad mood and planned to go out for a walk.

In addition, Wang Ying is also a spiritual plant husband. Her spiritual plants have reached the second-level upper grade like Ling Pengyun.

When Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong came to the Bishui Island, she took care of the blue water spiritual bamboo on the island.

"Junior brother's aptitude in this spiritual consciousness really makes me envious. If I had the aptitude of junior brother in spiritual consciousness, I would have comprehended the Canglan Huashen Jue of our sect to the eighth or even ninth level in the past few decades in the sect."

"If so... maybe I would not have failed when I broke through the golden elixir a few years ago."

After hearing this, Wang Ying felt a little and sighed.

"Sister, you are too polite. At your speed, it won't take long for you to comprehend the eighth level of the method of transformation. The ninth level is not far away, and the golden elixir road is just around the corner."

"But sister, why didn't you try to use the golden elixir spiritual object to try to break through the golden elixir? According to the status of the old master, it shouldn't be difficult for me to grind a golden elixir spiritual object for you in this sect?"

Ling Pengyun asked curiously.

Ling Yunhong, who had not spoken, also looked at Wang Ying.

Wang Ying was also a talkative person. Seeing that what Ling Pengyun said was quite pleasant, she immediately explained to Ling Pengyun.

"I have always wanted to break through the golden elixir by myself, because there is a saying about the golden elixir."

"The golden elixir is generally divided into three levels: upper, middle and lower. The strongest aptitude is the upper aptitude, and the worst is the lower aptitude."

"The cultivators who formed the lower golden elixir usually took the elixir containing impurities such as the golden elixir to break through the golden elixir."

"Although the success rate of breaking through by relying on the golden elixir is higher, taking this elixir to break through will also make the cultivator's spiritual power mild."

"The golden elixir cultivators with this aptitude are therefore extremely ordinary in combat power. If they have no chance and their potential is weak, can they practice? It's the same thing when it comes to the late Jindan stage."

"It's good to produce a medium-quality Jindan. Jindan cultivators of this quality usually take those heavenly and earthly spiritual objects that can help break through the Jindan stage to condense the Jindan."

"For example, the five-colored spiritual fruit and Kuishui Zhensha of our sect are such heavenly and earthly spiritual objects."

"And the cultivators who produce medium-quality Jindan are much stronger than the Jindan cultivators of low-quality Jindan."

"The future path is also relatively smooth. If there are enough resources, it is not difficult to break through to the late Jindan stage, and it is not impossible to complete the Jindan stage."

"If you want to produce If a person does not have a golden elixir of superior aptitude, he can only rely on his own strength to condense the golden elixir alone. "

"A golden elixir cultivator of this aptitude has extremely high potential and is capable of reaching the realm of golden elixir perfection, and even has a chance to try to break through the Nascent Soul."

"Back then, Master condensed the golden elixir alone, which is why he was able to reach the realm of golden elixir perfection."

"In addition... there is also a rare golden elixir called Lingyuan in the world of immortal cultivation. The surface color of this golden elixir complements the spiritual roots of the cultivator. Once formed, the cultivator's practice of spells that complement the spiritual roots will be twice as effective with half the effort, and the power will also increase by several times. ”

“Moreover, those who possess spiritual roots have the opportunity to reach the Nascent Soul stage.”

“It is said that the Saint Demon Elder, who is at the peak of the late Nascent Soul stage in the Saint Demon Sect, our enemy, condensed a spiritual golden elixir, relying on his own demonic roots to form a demonic elixir.”

“It is a pity that the spiritual golden elixir is extremely difficult to condense, and it is difficult for cultivators of our generation to condense it. Even the master of our sect, Canglan Zhenren, can only condense a golden elixir of superior aptitude.”

Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong, who heard about the golden elixir for the first time, were shocked.

At the same time, they also guessed that this "Wang Ying" sister had great ambitions, otherwise she would not have thought of condensing a golden elixir alone.

As for Wang Ying's method of breaking through the golden elixir alone, Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong wanted to try it, but it was too dangerous to condense a golden elixir alone.

There are many dangers in condensing the golden elixir. Once it fails, if it is difficult to tame the violent spiritual power in the dantian, the dantian may be exploded by the spiritual power.

Once the Dantian is broken, the cultivator's spiritual power will be completely lost and he will be transformed into a mortal body.

A few years ago, Wang Ying was able to break through the Jindan alone and survive because she took a bottle of Jindan spiritual material that can enhance the toughness of the cultivator's Dantian in time when she failed to break through. Only then did she gradually use her spiritual consciousness to suppress the violent spiritual power in the Dantian and save her life.

"Okay, let's stop here. Let's water the blue water bamboo in this bamboo forest with spiritual rain to speed up their growth." Wang Ying saw Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong distracted and urged them.

Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong did not dare to delay and hurriedly followed.

After taking care of the bamboo forest, Ling Yunhong found Ling Pengyun and congratulated him.

"Pengyun, I'm afraid that after two years, when Master gives us the three golden elixir spirit objects, you can comprehend the method of explosive forging to the seventh level, and then use the golden elixir spirit objects to try to break through the golden elixir."

"My spiritual consciousness is not strong, I'm afraid it will take at least five years or even longer to comprehend the method of explosive forging to the seventh level."

"Calculate the time, after five years, we have been away from home for seven years, seven years is not a short time, I am afraid that Pengxing will be unstable if he sits alone in the family, after all, the family now controls a lot of territory."

"After two years, whether you succeed in breaking through the golden elixir or not, you can at least have the pseudo-elixir realm. I wonder if you can go back to the family first to suppress the evildoers?"

Ling Pengyun heard this, his expression moved slightly, but soon returned to normal.

He also responded. "Just do as you say, Third Ancestor."

"That's good." Ling Yunhong replied with a smile.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a few more words, and Ling Yunhong said goodbye and left.

Just as Ling Yunhong was leaving, Ling Pengyun waved his hand and shot out a white mist that was difficult for others to see, and quietly attached to Ling Yunhong's body.

This white mist was the Yin-Yang Taichu Qi.

However, Ling Pengyun did not immediately use this Yin-Yang Taichu Qi to change Ling Yunhong's qualifications, but waited for several days and one night before activating the Yin-Yang Taichu Qi.

A few days later, one night.

In a quiet room in a bamboo building, Ling Yunhong, who was sitting cross-legged to comprehend the "Explosive Forging God Technique", suddenly felt a warm current in his body.

This warm current continued to flow through his meridians, and every time it passed through a place, his meridians would become stronger.

Then, this warm current spread out, and inexplicably, Ling Yunhong even realized that his sea of ​​consciousness, footwork, and even physical strength had been improved.

And he could feel that this improvement was not only superficial, but also changed his qualifications.

Ling Yunhong was very alert to this miraculous change, and even used his spiritual sense to look inside. When he did not notice the inexplicable warm current causing any harm to his body, he was relieved.

"I didn't take any spiritual things, how could such a change occur?"

Although Ling Yunhong was happy about his all-round improvement, he was a little confused.

After all, this matter was a bit mysterious.

Then, a flash of inspiration came to his mind, and he thought of Yang Siling, who was very famous in the Bailing Sect, whose foundation was completely destroyed, and was rebuilt by a Yuanying strongman.

This time, his improvement also included foundation.

"Did I also meet the Yuanying Zhenjun who helped Yang Siling rebuild his foundation?"

As soon as this idea came out, he was cut off.

Because now he was deep in the Canglan Secret Realm, where ordinary Yuanying could not enter at all, and there was only one Yuanying in this secret realm, Canglan Zhenjun, the leader of the Canglan Bihai Sect.

Moreover, Canglan Zhenjun has not been out for a hundred years, and it is even more impossible for him to go to the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World to help Yang Siling rebuild her foundation.

Ling Yunhong learned about Canglan Zhenjun from his senior sister "Wang Ying" in the past year.

With a lot of thoughts, Ling Yunhong thought of "Ling Pengyun" whom he and Yang Siling had met.

Ling Pengyun was a five-spiritual root aptitude, and he also knew it.

Ordinary five-spiritual root aptitudes cannot practice as fast as Ling Pengyun.

In addition, with his all-round improvement this time, he immediately understood everything.

"Pengyun is a good opportunity to master the ability to change other people's aptitude."

"But I think this ability should have limitations, otherwise Pengyun's practice speed may be faster than it is now."

"In the future, after leaving Canglan Secret Realm, I will be grateful to him."

"Now that my aptitude has been improved, I am afraid that I can also speed up the speed of comprehending the Explosive Forging God Technique."

Ling Yunhong smiled and muttered to himself.

As for snatching Ling Pengyun's opportunity, Ling Yunhong had never thought about it.

He had no offspring, and Ling Pengyun had grown up under his care.

Ling Pengyun had also thought a lot about him regarding the golden elixir opportunity this time.

Under such circumstances, Ling Pengyun was very important to him, and he had already regarded Ling Pengyun as his own grandson.

For a family cultivator, the most important thing was family affection, and he could not do anything to snatch his grandson's opportunity.

Moreover, this grandson had given him the opportunity, so how could he do such a mean thing.

Thanks: Wei Feng Qing Liang, Xuan Miao Shang Xian, Hei Bing 135, Quantitative Bull, Little Chicken Eats Eagle Master Version, Forever 101, Harry Zhao Dawei, Tie Xue Yi Xuan, Book Friend 20180227122751638, Book Friend 20200127114230044, Ye Ying in Book, Book Friend 20221112221241838, No Life, Return to Nothing, Xian Jian Qian Kun, soulTOme, Cherish, Book Friend 20230104235546202, Book Friend 20210301106541322356, Book Friend 20200127114230044, Meng.BD, Shi Wen Duan Zi Jun, Book Friend 202320211152007931's monthly tickets.

Thanks: Xin Ming Jing's 200-point reward


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