Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 386: The Ambition of the Poisonous Blood Demon Cult (3200 words, please subscribe)

One year later.

The world of cultivating immortals in the Northern Wasteland.

There is a huge underground space deep underground in an unnamed barren valley in Ningzhou, one of the four states in Bailingmen of Yan State.

This underground space is no different from the outside world.

There are countless "fluorescent beads" lighting on the top, and there are small attics built in the space.

And here is the headquarters of the famous Poisonous Blood Demon Cult in Bailingmen.

Today, nearly 70% of the demon cultivators from the Poison-Blood Demon Cult are gathered in the headquarters of the demon sect, numbering as many as 1,400 or 500.

These demonic cultivators gathered here because today was the Demonic Cult's Qi Training Competition held once every ten years.

As long as you can win the first place in this competition, you will get a magic base-building spiritual item "Blood Source Pill".

Even the lowest quality blood source pill can increase the probability of breaking through to the foundation building realm by 10% during the Qi training period.

The realm of foundation building is a realm that any qi-training monk dreams of, and no monk will refuse.

This also made the demon cultivators who participated in the Qi Training Period Demon Cultivator Competition work very hard and used all kinds of endless methods.

Just when the demonic cultivators were fighting fiercely during these Qi training periods, all the foundation-building cultivators of the demonic sect gathered in the "meeting hall" deep in the demonic sect's headquarters.

If outsiders were to see the number of Foundation-Establishing Demonic Cultivators in this meeting hall, they would definitely be surprised. Because of this, there were seventeen Foundation-Establishing Demonic Cultivators gathered there.

This is because Bailingmen's fake elixir realm "Hundred Yuan Zhenren" sends people to clear out the Poison-Blood Demon Sect every year. If not, the number of foundation-building demon cultivators of the Poison-Blood Demon Sect would be at least 30% or more. As much as fifty percent.

This is also the reason why the Demonic Church distributes Blood Source Pills to its members through the competition, hoping to use the pills to increase the number of foundation-building demonic cultivators in the sect.

The nine deacons of the Demon Sect in the early stage of foundation establishment, seven elders in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and two protectors in the late stage of foundation establishment were sitting on chairs on both sides of the meeting hall.

The leader of the Poison-Blood Demon Sect, who has always been extremely mysterious and whose true face has never been seen by anyone, and whose cultivation has reached the level of foundation building perfection, is sitting on the main seat in the main hall.

These people all covered their faces with black gauze, and even their whole bodies were wrapped in black cloth, so that even men and women could not be seen.

The leader of the Poisonous Blood Cult, who was sitting on the main seat, saw that all the top leaders of the Demon Cult had arrived and said calmly.

"It has been thirty years since I broke through and completed the foundation building. I am already confident that I can condense the magic elixir to attack the golden elixir."

"Recently I heard the news that two perfect foundation-building monks, Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong of the Lingxiao Ling clan, have left the family and gone out to look for golden elixirs."

"Today, the Ling family only has the sword cultivator Ling Pengxing, Ling Pengyun's Taoist companion Yan Siyi and Yan Cang, three late-stage foundation-building monks, and several early- and middle-stage foundation-building monks who are stationed in the vast territory of the Ling family."

"On the other hand, since the fall of Luoxia Luo Clan, this clan has accepted nearly 100,000 mortals from Luoxia Luo Clan. After decades of development, the number of mortals under its command has reached 400,000."

"Such a number of mortals is enough to say that it has the largest number of mortal forces except Bailingmen."

"If we sacrifice the blood of more than 400,000 mortals to the demon sect's two magic weapons, the cone-shaped poisonous blood skull magic sword and the poisonous blood skull shield, we will definitely be able to sacrifice them all to the third level magic weapon."

"When I break through the golden elixir, I can also rely on these two objects to resist the golden elixir thunder tribulation, thus successfully breaking through the golden elixir."

"I wonder if you would be willing to help me sacrifice a third-level magic treasure with my blood?"

The two confidants of the leader of the Demonic Cult who served as guardians immediately expressed their support for the leader.

The remaining seven demon sect elders and nine demon sect deacons were hesitant.

It would also be good for them if the leader of the demon sect could enter the golden elixir.

But the problem is that even if the leader of the True Sacrifice refines two third-level magic treasures, breaking through the golden elixir is still extremely dangerous and there is a possibility of failure.

Once the leader fails, he will be destroyed by lightning.

By that time, the demon sect will no longer have a strong foundation-builder to take over. The perfect-foundation monks Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong, who went out to look for golden elixir opportunities, came back from the outside world and learned about the blood sacrifice of their own mortals. They, the elders of the demon sect, can He will have to bear the anger of Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong alone.

Furthermore, there is the Bailing Sect who regards their poisonous blood demon sect as a cancer and dominates the demon sect.

Bailingmen will not see that a golden elixir demon cultivator appears in their own territory.

Seeing the elders and deacons, the leader sitting on the throne did not open his mouth to express his position, and a look of disgust appeared on his face under the veil.

However, those elders and deacons are not weak in strength, and they also control more than 50% of the demon sect's qi-training demon cultivators. If he wants to destroy the Ling family, he still needs the support of those elders and deacons.

And it is very simple for the leader of the Demon Cult not to have any ideas about other foundation-building families.

Although the number of mortals in the other foundation-building families is quite large, the average number of foundation-building families is only around a hundred thousand.

If you want to blood-sacrifice two magical cone-shaped magic treasures to the third level, you need to destroy at least three or four foundation-building families in a row.

It's too much effort. It would be easier to destroy the Ling family directly.

As for Ling's revenge, the leader of the demon sect is not afraid. With the two cone-shaped magic weapons in the sect, his strength is comparable to that of a strong man in the Pseudo-Alchemy Realm, and he is not afraid of any monks in the Foundation Establishment Perfection Realm.

The leader of the Demon Cult pondered as his thoughts returned.

"Except for mortals, 70% of Ling's spiritual interests can belong to you."

"In addition, I can also help you eliminate the two foundation-building families of the Yunwu Wen family and the Qingzhu Wang family, which are relatively weak in Huaishui County and only have one foundation-builder in charge. The mortals of these two families will all belong to you. The magic weapons in your hands can also be upgraded through the blood sacrifices of these two races."

"As for the Tiger Roar Liu family, there are now three foundation builders in charge. If we want to capture it, we will also need to spend some effort."

"I don't, are you willing to help me?"

As soon as these words came out, the seven elders and nine deacons who were still hesitant all became excited.

However, no one spoke.

Instead, he looked at the great elder of the Demon Sect, whose cultivation reached the peak of the sixth level of Foundation Establishment, as if he was following this man's lead.

The great elder of the demon sect also asked about the last concern in his heart.

"Master, the Ling family of Lingxiao and the ancestor of Lingfu of Bailingmen established the Tianfu Chamber of Commerce together. I'm afraid that the Ling family has a close relationship with the ancestor of Lingfu... Ling family's left Foundation Establishment Perfection monks Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong The two are also a hidden danger.”

Before the great elder finished speaking, he was interrupted by the leader of the demon sect, who said domineeringly.

"After the Ling family is destroyed and the four hundred thousand corpses of the Ling family are obtained, and I have mastered the golden elixir, I have nothing to fear from the spiritual talisman ancestor of Bailingmen."

"As for Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong, they are just a joke. Do you believe they can break through the golden elixir?"

"If the golden elixir was so easy to break through, how could I have been trapped in this realm for thirty years?"

"Even if these two people have the chance to enter the Golden Elixir, I'm afraid I will also enter the Golden Elixir realm first."

As soon as these words came out, the demon sect's great elder seemed to have a sea-fixing needle in his heart, and he immediately felt at ease.

Then, he considered that he could gain a lot of benefits from the battle to capture the Ling clan, so he took the lead in agreeing to send troops to attack the Ling clan.

Seeing that the elder had spoken out, the other elders and deacons also expressed their agreement one after another.

The leader of the demon cult was overjoyed when he saw this. He immediately stopped the Qi-training demon cultivator competition gathered at the headquarters, and sneaked out of the headquarters with the 1,400 demon cultivators.

As for where to go, those qi-training demon cultivators have no idea.

At the same time, those qi-training demon cultivators were also warned not to use communication spiritual objects. Once they used the communication spiritual objects, they would be directly bombarded by the foundation-building demon cultivators of the demon sect.

After half a month.

Under the leadership of the leader of the Poison Blood Demon Cult, thousands of demon cultivators finally entered Huaishui County on the border of Jingzhou from Ningzhou.

The group of people stopped in a forest.

"Deacon and Second Deacon of the Demon Sect, you will lead a hundred Qi Practicing Demon Cultivators to besiege Yunwu Wen's Clan Mountain."

"Third Deacon and Fourth Deacon, you two will lead a hundred demon sect monks to surround the Qingzhu Wang clan's clan mountain."

"Five Deacons, Sixth Deacons, Seventh Deacons, Eighth Deacons, and Ninth Deacons, the four of you will each lead a hundred Qi Practicing Demon Cultivators to besiege the "one city and four towns" in Ling's territory: Shiyuan, Hexi, Daoxiang, Xiazhi, Five locations in Lingyun Town.”

"The lower-level spiritual veins under their command also sent people to surround me."

"If you let those monks who are guarding the spiritual veins run away, causing an accident in my siege of Lingxiao Clan Mountain, and ruining my plan to break through the golden elixir, I will definitely tear you apart."

"The mortals in Ling's realm are also kept by me. If I find out later that you dare to touch my blood food, the consequences will be the same."

After saying this, the leader of the Poisonous Blood Demon Sect, who was wearing a black robe and a black gauze covering his face, glanced at the nine deacons in the early stage of foundation establishment, and the only eyes exposed on his face were full of fierce light.

The nine demon sect deacons felt chills running down their backs when they saw the leader's expression. Did they know that the leader was capable of such a thing?

In the past few decades, at least five of the demon sect's foundations have died at the hands of the leader.

If it weren't for these demon cultivators to adhere to the demon sect, they would be able to obtain more advanced demon sect techniques.

In addition, they can gain a lot of benefits from being attached to the Demon Cult, otherwise they would not be able to live under the hands of demons like the Cult Leader.

"We will obey the leader's words." The nine demon sect deacons quickly expressed their loyalty.

When the leader of the Demon Cult saw this, he withdrew the fierce glare in his eyes and turned to look at the left and right guardians of the Demon Cult who were his close followers.

When dealing with these two people, the leader of the Demon Cult looked much better, his expression was no longer as fierce as before, and his voice was softer.

"The two of you will take a hundred Qi Practicing Demon Cultivators to Luoxia Mountain, the second-level spiritual mountain in Luoyu County. If you can break through this mountain, you will break through this mountain. If you can't, forget it. Take Yan Siyi and Yan Cang who are in the late stage of foundation building in the mountain. Just keep the two trapped, don't let them come to support Lingxiao Clan Mountain."

"Everything is safe."

The left and right guardians nodded slightly and spoke one after another. "Understand the leader."

Immediately, these two guardians and the other nine demon sect deacons left the main force.

As a result, the number of demon cultivators in this large army was reduced to about 700.

There are only seven Demon Cult elders and eight Demon Cult leaders left among the foundation-building demon cultivators.

Although the number of foundation-building demon cultivators has been reduced by half, their power is still not weak. The seven demon cult leaders all possess the strength of the mid-stage foundation-building demon cultivators.

The leader of the Demon Cult is even more powerful.

Then, the leader of the Demon Sect took the remaining seven middle-stage foundation-building elders of the Demon Sect and more than 700 Qi-training Demon Cultivators, and headed straight for Lingxiao Mountain.

Only when Lingxiao Mountain is destroyed can he rest assured that the Ling family's more than 400,000 mortals will sacrifice their blood to the magic weapon.

Otherwise, the foundation-building monks in Lingxiao Mountain could provide support elsewhere, causing trouble for the purpose of his trip.

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