Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 391: The Magic of the Fourth-Level Lightning-Attracting Array for Overcoming Evils (3,000 wo

Another half a year passed.

In the Immortal Cultivation World of the Boundless Sea, in the Secret Realm of the Canglan Bihai Sect, in a bamboo building on the Bishui Island.

On this day, at night,

Ling Pengyun sat cross-legged on a cushion, with a painful look on his face and clenched teeth, and kept making painful roars from his mouth.

This appearance was all because Ling Pengyun was comprehending the "Explosion and Forging God Technique".

At this time, the consciousness in Ling Pengyun's sea of ​​consciousness was continuously self-destructing and reorganizing.

This situation caused waves of pain from Ling Pengyun's sea of ​​consciousness.

If it weren't for the critical moment of breaking through the seventh level of the Explosion and Forging God Technique, he would have found it difficult to persist.

Relying on the determination to comprehend this secret method to the seventh level in one go.

Ling Pengyun finally persisted until all the self-destructing consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness was reorganized, and successfully comprehended the Explosion and Forging God Technique to the seventh level.

The strength of his consciousness was also constantly improving at this moment, and he officially entered the Jindan level.

The range of his spiritual consciousness spread to the surrounding area, and it also increased by three times, reaching a thousand feet.

When he completed his foundation building, he could only expand his spiritual consciousness to about three hundred feet around him.

"With the help of this powerful spiritual consciousness, I can stand in a place that ordinary foundation building cultivators can hardly attack, and easily kill those foundation building cultivators."

"No wonder the rumored Jindan realm is so strong."

Ling Pengyun felt the change of his spiritual consciousness, his expression was overjoyed, and he sighed secretly.

At the same time.

In a bamboo building in the most spiritual place on Bishui Island, the real person Bishui, who was sitting cross-legged here to absorb the spiritual energy on the island to temper his dantian and solidify his spiritual power, felt something and slowly opened his eyes.

His eyes also looked towards the direction of the bamboo building where Ling Pengyun was.

"In three years, he has comprehended the seventh level of the Explosion God Forging Technique and raised his spiritual consciousness to the Golden Core level. This is several times faster than I did at the beginning."

"It seems that Peng Yun is just as Senior Brother Wen Yun said at the beginning. His spiritual consciousness talent is extremely strong."

"If Peng Yun is given some time and a more advanced method of spiritual consciousness cultivation, perhaps Peng Yun can raise his spiritual consciousness to a higher level when he reaches the perfect stage of foundation building."

"It's a pity that this kid is not cultivated by the sect. His character has not been determined yet. It is difficult for me to pass on the sect's core spiritual consciousness cultivation method, Canglan God Forging Technique, which can raise his spiritual consciousness to the Nascent Soul stage, to this kid."

"But this kid is indeed a talent."

The True Man Bishui, who has reached the peak of the ninth level of the Golden Core and is about to enter the Golden Core Perfection, also spent more than ten years in the foundation building period to comprehend the sect's most advanced "Canglan God Forging Technique" to the seventh level and raise his spiritual consciousness to the Golden Core level.

Of course, this is also the reason why Bishui Zhenren comprehended the method of spiritual consciousness as soon as he entered the foundation building stage.

If Bishui Zhenren started to practice the secret method of spiritual consciousness after reaching the perfection of foundation building, he could also rely on the strong strength of spiritual consciousness to reduce nearly half the time to comprehend the method of spiritual consciousness cultivation to the seventh level.

His speed of comprehending the secret method of spiritual consciousness is comparable to Ling Yunhong, and slightly worse than Ling Pengyun.

However, Bishui Zhenren's talent in the way of talismans is far superior to the two of them. After all, no one is omnipotent.

"Calculating the time, the Kuishui Zhensha Pond of the sect should be able to condense three third-level upper-grade Kuishui Zhensha in half a month."

"It's time to search for a golden elixir for Pengyun and Yunhong."

After Bishui Zhenren sighed, his figure disappeared here, quietly left Bishui Island, left Canglan Secret Realm, and came out to the outside world.

However, the direction he was heading to was the "Muyuan Sea Area", where the "Muyuan True Lord" sect, who had discovered the difference in the cultivation methods of Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong, was located.

It was not until half a month later that Bishui Zhenren returned to the Canglan Bihai Sect Secret Realm.

He also relied on a large number of sect contribution points to exchange for two of the three Kuishui Zhensha that had just condensed in the sect's Kuishui Zhensha Pond.

This day.

After Ling Pengyun, Ling Yunhong, and Wang Ying watered the blue water bamboo on the island with spiritual rain, Bishui Zhenren also returned to Bishui Island and found Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong.

"Pengyun, Yunhong, these are two bottles of Kuishui Zhensha and one Xuantianshui."

"Three years ago, I promised you three that I would find three Jindan spiritual objects for you. If you are sure that you can break through the Jindan, come to me and I will lend you the fourth-level formation to help you block the thunder tribulation."

The blue-haired, scholar-like Bishui Zhenren took out three glass bottles from his arms and handed them to the older Ling Yunhong.

Ling Yunhong and Ling Pengyun were both delighted when they saw these things.

They also admired the trustworthiness of this "master" who they did not have deep feelings for.

After Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong thanked him one after another, Ling Pengyun was immersed in it for a while and said.

"Master, I plan to try to break through the Jindan and want to borrow the fourth-level formation."

Bishui Zhenren was not surprised to hear this.

After all, Ling Pengyun has comprehended the "Explosion Spirit Forging Technique" to the seventh level, and the strength of his spiritual consciousness has entered the Jindan level, which can increase the chance of breaking through the Jindan by 10%.

"Okay, follow me to the Podan Palace in the secret realm. Only that palace has the fourth-level formation that can resist the thunder tribulation!"

"Yun Hong, Ying'er, you two should come too! Watching the breakthrough of the Jindan cultivator will also be of some benefit to you."

After Bishui Zhenren responded, he summoned a blue gourd magic weapon and sat on it.

Ling Yunhong, who held three Jindan spiritual objects, also handed a bottle of Kuishui Zhensha and a unique bottle of Xuantian Water to Ling Pengyun.

This was the distribution of Jindan spiritual objects that Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong had agreed on long ago.

Whoever first comprehends the Explosion Forging God Technique to the seventh level and can increase the probability of breaking through the Jindan by 10% with his spiritual consciousness can get two Jindan spiritual objects.

The remaining person can only get one Kuishui Zhensha.

It depends on your ability.

Ling Yunhong, who was at a disadvantage, was also more convinced of this. After all, if Ling Pengyun could get one more Jindan spiritual object, Ling Pengyun's chance of entering the Jindan realm would be greater.

After Ling Pengyun took the two Jindan spiritual objects, he nodded slightly to Ling Yunhong and sat on the blue gourd magic weapon of his master first.

Ling Yunhong and Wang Ying followed closely behind and also boarded the magic gourd.

True Man Bishui also controlled the magic gourd and flew to the depths of Canglan Secret Realm.

After a hundred breaths, the magic gourd brought everyone to a stop outside a high mountain.

There was no vegetation growing in this spiritual mountain, presenting a barren scene.

If it weren't for the rich spiritual energy here, everyone would have thought that this place was a barren mountain in the mortal world.

And this mountain is the "Podan Peak" where the core of the Lingxiao clan is located.

At the same time, this peak is also the highest spiritual mountain in the secret realm, and the top of the mountain has reached the sky.

However, for some reason, the clouds around the top of the mountain are all flashing with purple thunders containing terrifying power.

But the purple thunders in the clouds did not hurt the mountain at all, and even those terrifying thunders slowly absorbed the spiritual energy in the mountain.

It was as if the Podan Peak was providing the countless thunder power in the clouds.

The approach of Ling Pengyun and others using the magic gourd also attracted the attention of the thunder power. It was as if they took a step forward, the countless purple thunders in the clouds would fall.

Ling Pengyun, who knew some details, saw this scene with a bright light in his eyes.

"This Podan Peak is really as Senior Sister Wang Ying said, there is actually a fourth-level thunder vein."

"Ten thousand years ago, the sect's Cang Lei Zhenjun was really a great talent. He used this thunder vein as a guide to arrange a fourth-level middle-grade lightning-inducing formation to retain the power of the thunder in the Jindan thunder tribulation and turn it into an attack."

"Looking at the power of thunder in the clouds, I'm afraid there are a lot of accumulated thunders. Once this lightning-inducing formation attacks with all its strength, I'm afraid even a Zhenjun in the late Yuanying stage will be blown to ashes."

"The Yuanying sect is indeed extremely powerful."

This Podan Peak is not born to provide thunder, but because there is a fourth-level thunder vein deep underground above the peak.

This lightning vein is also one of the only two fourth-level spiritual veins in the secret realm.

These two fourth-level spiritual veins are also the foundation accumulated by the prosperous period of Canglan Bihai Sect ten thousand years ago when there were five Yuanying Zhenjuns in charge.

Among the five Yuanying Zhenjuns of the sect thousands of years ago, there was a Yuanying Zhenjun named "Cang Lei", who was a peerless fourth-level formation master.

This person is proficient in thunder magic, and he has been in seclusion for a hundred years. Combined with the formation, he finally realized the fourth-level medium-quality lightning-inducing formation for overcoming difficulties.

This formation can accumulate tribulation thunder and keep it in the formation, and then use the power of the thunder vein of Podan Peak to nourish the tribulation thunder, so that the power of tribulation thunder is continuously improved.

Once this formation is opened, the tribulation thunder in the formation can be directly shot out.

And the golden elixir of the sect in all generations has also used this formation to resolve the golden elixir thunder tribulation.

This time, Bishui Zhenren used this formation to help Ling Pengyun break through the golden elixir, and it was also intentional to increase the number of tribulation thunder in this formation and enhance the power of the formation.

"Uncle Leiyun, I, Bishui, and my disciples have come to borrow the great formation of attracting thunder and overcoming difficulties in Podan Peak."

Sitting at the head of the magic gourd, True Man Bishui spoke loudly to the Podan Peak protected by countless thunder power.

"Junior Brother Bishui is a rare guest, come into the mountain!"

After a few breaths, an old and hoarse voice came from Podan Peak.

The thunder power in the sky that seemed to be about to fall also sank into the sea of ​​clouds with the sound of the old voice, and disappeared.

Seeing this, True Man Bishui dared to control the magic gourd and fly to the top of Podan Peak.

Although the top of the mountain was extremely flat and there were no rocks, there was no attic house, only an old tree with thunder jumping.

And under this old tree, there was a skinny old man without hair sitting cross-legged.

This skinny old man was the one who spoke just now. He stood up and slowly greeted True Man Bishui and others.

"Junior brother Bishui, are these the two descendants of Ling Zhu whom you accepted three years ago?" The skinny old man named "Leiyun" looked at Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong and asked.

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