Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 392 Peng Yun tries to break through the golden elixir (extra chapter for Shu Xiang Lin Mu)

"Exactly." Master Bishui nodded in response.

"Uncle Lei Yunshi, junior Ling Pengyun." Ling Pengyun immediately raised his hands and said respectfully.

"Uncle Lei Yunshi, junior Ling Yunhong."

"Uncle Lei Yunshi."

Ling Yunhong and Wang Ying also bowed very politely.

The person in front of them, Master Lei Yun, was not only of high seniority, but also of extremely high cultivation. He had reached the perfection of the golden elixir a hundred years ago, and even attacked the Nascent Soul once, but unfortunately he failed.

However, he also gained something from that attack on the Nascent Soul, and he could use some Nascent Soul methods.

In addition, there is the rare thunder spirit root, the thunder method with the strongest attack power, which is extremely powerful.

It is said that this real person Lei Yun can fight with the real king in the early stage of Yuanying and be invincible.

And this Master Lei Yun is also a powerful person in the Canglan Bihai Sect, second only to the leader of the Yuanying True Monarch.

This broken pill peak with thunder veins is this person's dojo.

At the same time, he also masters the most powerful formation to protect the secret realm. He can be said to be a high-ranking and powerful person.

As for the thunderous old tree, it is a fourth-grade mid-grade tree, named the Thunder Spirit Tree. It is the centerpiece of the fourth-grade mid-grade "Leading Thunder Formation" on Podan Peak.

"The qualifications are pretty good, and there is a slight chance of getting into Jindan."

Master Lei Yun's eyes flashed slightly, as if he had seen through Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong, and he commented.

Then, his eyes were fixed on Ling Pengyun.

"It's your boy who is going to use the formation to try to break through the golden elixir this time, right?"

"Master Lei Yun's uncle is the junior." Ling Pengyun said.

"As for you, I heard Wen Wen Yun say that if you, the future third-level spiritual cultivator, enter the Golden Pill this time, do you have any plans to settle in our sect?" Master Lei Yun said more.

It takes hundreds of years for a third-level spiritual plant to mature. It takes too long to grow. If there is one more third-level spiritual planter in the sect, the third-level spiritual plant in the sect can grow faster.

This is a good thing for the Jindan monks of the sect who rarely go out.

"If this junior really has the opportunity to enter the golden elixir, this junior will want to return to the family, but he will never forget the opportunity given by the sect and Master Bishui. If the sect is in trouble, this junior will do his best to support the sect."

Ling Pengyun was within the sect, so he naturally did not dare to speak nonsense and acted as if he was loyal.

"Well, I hope you can remember what you said today."

"Let's stop chatting here. Just go to the Thunder Spirit Tree and try to break through. When you condense the golden elixir to trigger the thunder tribulation, there will be a formation in the mountain to block it." Master Lei Yun sighed and said.

After saying these words, Master Lei Yun left the mountain, found a clean place under the mountain top, and sat down cross-legged again, looking indifferent to worldly affairs.

The same is true for Master Bishui.

"Junior brother Pengyun, take advantage of this opportunity." Wang Ying, who had some friendship with Ling Pengyun, told Ling Pengyun.

Although Ling Yunhong didn't speak, his worried eyes kept looking at Ling Pengyun.

"Third Grandfather, I am sure of this breakthrough." Ling Pengyun saw Ling Yunhong's look and said something.

When Ling Yunhong heard this, his heart moved, and he immediately thought of the "Qi of Yin and Yang".

He has also seen the creation effect of this Qi.

This yin-yang primordial energy alone can increase the monk's probability of entering the golden elixir realm by 10%.

In addition, Ling Pengyun's spiritual consciousness has entered the realm of golden elixir, and there are two spiritual beings, Kuishui Zhensha and Xuan Tianshui, to help him.

Adding the four methods together, Ling Pengyun's success rate in breaking through the golden elixir was as high as 40%.

This success rate is not low, and the success rate is extremely high.

When he thought about it, he felt at ease.

"Okay, then I will wait for the good news that you have entered the realm of golden elixir." Ling Yunhong said with a smile.

Ling Pengyun nodded lightly, then walked towards the fourth-order thunder spirit tree and sat down under the tree.

Ling Yunhong and Wang Ying also left the Podan Peak.

The thunder calamity caused by the monk entering the golden elixir is extremely large. If a monk comes close, he will also be bombarded by the thunder calamity.

Half a day later.

After Ling Pengyun adjusted his body to the best condition, he also began to rely on the powerful spiritual consciousness of the golden elixir realm to mobilize the liquid spiritual power in his dantian to compress crazily.

These liquid spiritual powers have already reached extremely high purity, so compressing them again is very difficult.

These liquid spiritual powers were also somewhat repulsive and compressed, becoming violent and striking Ling Pengyun's Dantian crazily.

However, under the suppression of Ling Pengyun's huge spiritual power, the liquid spiritual power quickly stabilized.

Therefore, Ling Pengyun relied on a large amount of liquid spiritual power to condense a trace of solidified spiritual power without spending much effort.

The emergence of this trace of solidified spiritual power also caused a chain reaction.

Ling Pengyun's body was like a huge whirlpool, emitting powerful suction to the outside world.

In the Pill-breaking Peak, the huge pure spiritual power that had been purified by a fourth-level low-grade spirit-gathering array was frantically integrated into Ling Pengyun's body.

Suddenly, all the meridians in Ling Pengyun's body were bulging, swelling to twice their normal size.

A slight feeling of swelling and pain also came.

"It would be fine if I could only hold on for a while, but based on the toughness of my meridians, it would still be difficult to hold on until I solidify all the liquid spiritual power in my Dantian and condense the golden elixir."

"It seems that the superior golden elixir has no chance with me."

Ling Pengyun sighed secretly.

Generally, cultivators who break through the Jindan stage alone have other secret methods to help them, otherwise it would be difficult for them to break through the Jindan stage alone.

However, Ling Pengyun is not a direct descendant of the sect, so it is difficult for the sect to grant those precious methods to help him break through the Jindan stage.

Although it is difficult to form a superior Jindan, he is satisfied with a medium-grade Jindan.

With the help of the Yin-Yang Taichu Qi, he is enough to change his qualifications.

After thinking back, he immediately slapped the storage bag on his waist, took out the two Jindan spiritual objects "Kuishui Zhensha" and "Xuantianshui", and took them all.

The effect of Kuishui Zhensha is to increase the strength of the body in a short time.

The effect of Xuantianshui is to make the spiritual power in the body become gentle.

As soon as these two spiritual objects entered the stomach, they quickly melted and took effect.

Ling Pengyun's bulging meridians became several times tougher.

The pure spiritual power in the meridians that had not yet been refined also became extremely gentle in a short time.

Ling Pengyun also used these gentle pure spiritual powers as a source, continuously sending them into Dantian, and with the help of the powerful consciousness of the Golden Core Realm, compressing them into solidified spiritual power.

This step lasted for ten days, and Ling Pengyun finally refined all the liquid spiritual power in Dantian into solidified spiritual power.

At this moment, a water-blue light spot suddenly appeared in the center of the solidified spiritual power that filled the entire Dantian.

This light spot shone with brilliant light, constantly rotating, emitting suction, and sucked all the solidified spiritual power in the inner elixir into it.

And this small light spot also grew larger and turned into a water-blue phantom golden elixir.

"Golden elixir phantom!"

Ling Pengyun was happy in his heart, but his face became more solemn.

The appearance of the golden elixir phantom means that he will not be able to condense the most critical step of the golden elixir.

Once he fails, everything before is useless, and he can only end up with a "pseudo-elixir realm" cultivation.

Moreover, in the next thirty years, he would fail to break through the golden elixir, which would cause his inner elixir to be severely damaged, and it would be difficult for him to break through the golden elixir again.

If there were spiritual objects to help, it would be another story.

Because of the previous steps of condensing and solidifying spiritual power, Ling Pengyun completed it very quickly, which also made the effects of Kuishui Zhensha and Xuantian Water mostly remain.

Ling Pengyun took a deep breath, and then began to mobilize the golden elixir phantom to merge into the inner wall of the dantian, gradually transforming the dantian.

At the same time, he continued to send the huge and pure spiritual power that entered the body into the dantian as a supply for the transformation of the dantian.

A month later, with the help of countless spiritual powers, 99% of the dantian had turned into water blue.

After the blue marks on the surface of this blue inner elixir became more and more, it could transform the dantian without Ling Pengyun's control.

After a few more days, the surface of the dantian had turned blue, and the surface of the dantian also shone with a dazzling blue luster.

This blue inner elixir can also be called "golden elixir".

As for the blue color, it was because Ling Pengyun's cultivation method belonged to water.

"Finally it worked."

Ling Pengyun felt the blue golden elixir in his body that contained great power, and showed a bit of joy.

"Now, we just have to wait for the thunder tribulation to come."


At the same time.

Under the Podan Peak.

Ling Yunhong and his party were all happy to see Ling Pengyun had formed a golden elixir. At this step, with the help of the fourth-level formation, it can actually be considered a success.

In particular, Ling Yunhong, who regarded Ling Pengyun as his own grandson, smiled and was extremely excited. He was really happier than if he had formed a golden elixir and was about to achieve the golden elixir realm.

"Once Pengyun uses the formation to survive the thunder tribulation and achieve the golden elixir realm, our clan will also have a golden elixir real person sitting in charge, achieving the name of the golden elixir family and entering the highest level of Yan State."


Wang Ying, who had some friendship with Ling Pengyun, was also happy for Ling Pengyun, the junior brother.

At the same time, she also felt a little regretful for breaking through the Jindan stage without any Jindan spiritual objects a few years ago.

If she had taken the Jindan spiritual objects and had the help of the secret methods given by the sect, she would have at least a 40% to 50% chance of breaking through the Jindan stage.

In that case, perhaps she would have been a Jindan Zhenren now.

Seeing this, the Leiyun Zhenren, who looked like he was not interested in the world, even had a glimmer of brilliance in his sharp eyes.

"This kid has achieved the Jindan stage at the age of more than 70 years. Even in our sect, there are very few."

"Although this boy has only produced a medium-level Jindan this time, his future path will probably not be inferior to those Zhenren who have produced superior Jindan."

Bishui Zhenren also fell into deep thought.

"Bishui nephew, this person is worth making friends with. Come with me to the sect storehouse." Leiyun Zhenren said lightly.

Upon hearing this, Master Bishui's eyes moved, guessing a little, and then followed Master Leiyun to disappear at the foot of the mountain.


Thanks: Ordinary Heart, Book Friends 20220804221049394, Huahua Yulong, Budongshu, Aiyaa Want to Eat Meat Fat Man, Xingkong Yiyitong's monthly tickets

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Thank you Xinmingjing's 100 points of reward.

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