Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 408 The Commission of the Lingfu Ancestor (3600 words, please vote for me)

The Yang Siling family has always had a good relationship with Ling Pengyun, and the two families often visit each other. The Yang Siling family is also sincerely happy that Ling Pengyun can break through the golden elixir.

Especially "Wu Hong", Ling Pengyun's nephew and Fenglinggen qualification, was even more delighted.

He has a very good relationship with Ling Pengyun, his uncle. Now that Ling Pengyun has entered Jindan, and together with his grandfather Lingfu Ancestor, there are two real Jindan people standing behind him.

With these two backers, his future path will be much easier.

Ling Pengyun felt slightly strange when he saw his nephew's appearance.

"At that time, I thought about waiting for Xiao Hong to pave the way for me after he entered the golden elixir. Unexpectedly, I entered the golden elixir before this kid."

Wu Hongnai has the wind spirit root qualification. Even if he breaks through the golden elixir alone, he has a 10% success rate.

In addition, with the help of his grandfather's spiritual talisman ancestors, it would not be difficult to find one or two golden elixir spiritual objects for him.

In Ling Pengyun's eyes, Wu Hong also has a high probability of entering the realm of golden elixir.

Just when Ling Pengyun was distracted, a strong voice came from the "Lingfu Mountain" behind Lingfu Mansion.

"I didn't expect that my Taoist friend would become my comrade after not seeing him for more than ten years."

Immediately afterwards, a ray of light flew out from it.

The figure of the Spirit Talisman Ancestor appeared in front of everyone.

"Senior Spirit Talisman."

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun raised his hands and bowed.

Because the ancestor of Lingfu is the father-in-law of his cousin Yang Siling.

In addition, the Lingfu Ancestor helped the Ling family a lot in the early years. Although there was an exchange of benefits for this help, the Lingfu Ancestor was still dedicated every time, so he did not change the name of the Lingfu Ancestor who was also in the Golden Core realm.

Seeing Ling Pengyun's attitude, Lingfu Ancestor was quite satisfied.

Yang Siling and others nearby also saluted the ancestor of the spirit talisman.

Then, they wisely withdrew from the hall and gave it to the ancestor of Lingfu and Ling Pengyun.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, I'd like to ask something that I shouldn't ask. Is this a golden elixir that uses spiritual objects to break through?" Lingfu Ancestor asked curiously.

"This is natural. It is very dangerous to break through the golden elixir alone. Even if I had the help of the golden elixir and spiritual objects, I almost failed." Ling Pengyun said with a hint of fear.

"Fellow Taoist can use the funds of foundation building to find golden elixir spiritual objects in the boundless sea realm of immortal cultivation, but what is the way?" Lingfu Ancestor's eyes were filled with joy, and then he asked again.

When Ling Pengyun heard this, he frowned and thought to himself.

"It seems that the Bailing Sect was investigating me a lot. Maybe, after the scum of our clan leaked the news that I and the third ancestor left the family to the Bailing Sect, the news was leaked from the Bailing Sect to the Poison-blood Demon Cult's ears. This is why our clan was besieged by the Poisonous Blood Demon Cult five years ago.”

"This matter needs to be sorted out, otherwise there will be endless troubles."

After coming back to his senses, Ling Pengyun also guessed why the Spirit Talisman Ancestor asked like this.

However, he did not answer immediately, but asked a question.

"Senior, are you asking about this because of Xiao Hong?"

The ancestor of Ling Fu has been in the Golden elixir for many years, so he naturally does not need the opportunity of the Golden elixir. However, although his son Wu Tian has nine levels of foundation building now, he will be able to break through to the foundation building perfection in a few years.

But his cultivation qualifications are not strong, and most of his cultivation is achieved with the help of spiritual objects. Even if he has the help of golden elixirs and spiritual objects, the probability of breaking through the spiritual objects is not high.

My daughter-in-law, Yang Siling, has only been established for more than ten years, and now she has just reached the fifth level of foundation building, and is still far away from the golden elixir.

The only remaining possibility is Wu Hong, the grandson of the "Wind Spirit Root" of the ancestor of Ling Fu.

"Yes, Xiao Hong's cultivation has now reached the seventh level of Foundation Establishment. According to the speed of his cultivation, it will probably take less than twenty years for him to break through to Foundation Establishment. I won't hide it from you. I plan to help him break through in the future. Golden elixir.”

"The evergreen spiritual tree in our sect that can bear golden elixir spiritual objects has already produced a three-hundred-year-old evergreen spiritual fruit more than ten years ago. It will take more time for the tree to bear golden elixir spiritual objects next time. Xiao Hong cannot afford to wait for more than two hundred years."

"The resources in our world of cultivating immortals in the Northern Wilderness are relatively poor, and golden elixir spiritual objects rarely appear."

"Even if we have Yuanyang Kingdom, the largest country in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World, only three golden elixir spiritual objects will leak out every hundred years. It has been more than 30 to 40 years since the last time those three golden elixir spiritual objects were released from Yuanyang Kingdom. At an auction after the end of the former Monster Beast Rebellion.”

"If you want to wait for the golden elixir of Yuanyang Kingdom, you will have to wait for more than seventy years. Xiaohong will be able to reach the foundation building perfection in twenty years. These fifty years are too long, Xiaohong Can’t wait either.”

"I don't have the courage to go to the Immortal Realm of the Boundless Sea to look for golden elixirs or buy golden elixirs like you did six years ago."

"In my early years, when I was still building the foundation, I also traveled to the boundless sea to cultivate immortality."

"On that trip, I just spent thousands of spiritual stones and bought some spiritual objects, and then I was hunted down by a strong man from the Holy Demon Sect of the Cultivation World in the Boundless Sea."

"Fortunately, I also have some means, otherwise I would have fallen into the hands of the Holy Demon Sect Demon Cultivator."

"If I now carry hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones and go to the Immortal Cultivation World in the Boundless Sea to buy golden elixir spiritual objects, I am afraid that the demon cultivators in the later stages of the golden elixir will come looking for me."

"If my fellow Taoist has a reliable channel to quietly obtain golden elixirs in the resource-rich world of immortal cultivation, I wonder if I can be a middleman?"

The Spirit Talisman Ancestor asked.

The reason why he sought Ling Pengyun to set up a line was also very simple. Ling Pengyun, a small Foundation Establishment monk, could obtain golden elixir spiritual objects. It was enough to show that he must have a safe channel.

As for Ling Pengyun getting the golden elixir by chance and beating the ancestor of the spirit talisman to death, the ancestor of the spirit talisman didn't believe it.

If the golden elixir spiritual objects were so good, he would have sent a large number of people to search for them in the past few decades, and he would not have found nothing.

Moreover, Ling Pengyun is a family cultivator and has roots. Even if something goes wrong, he can earn spiritual stones by squeezing the Ling family.

The most important thing is that Ling Pengyun and his grandson Wu Hong are uncle and nephew Wu Hong. The two families are relatives, so he would beg Ling Pengyun for help so directly.

Ling Pengyun understood what he said.

Not long ago, he spent more than 40,000 spiritual stones to buy spiritual objects in the Muyuan Market, but he led out a powerful old demon in the fake elixir realm.

Spending hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones to buy golden elixir spiritual objects is very likely to lead out old demons in the late golden elixir stage.

Maybe even old demons in the perfect golden elixir stage will be led out.

After all, hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones are also a considerable amount for a perfect golden elixir cultivator.

At the same time, Ling Pengyun was also surprised by the family background of Lingfu Patriarch.

"It has not been a hundred years since Ling Fu Patriarch entered the Jindan realm, but he has already accumulated enough wealth to buy Jindan spiritual objects. It is good to have a big sect with hundreds of arts as its foundation." Ling Pengyun could not help but feel a little envious.

But he did not know that although Bailing Sect could earn a lot of wealth every year with thousands of Baiyi practitioners in the sect, most of this wealth was in the hands of Bailing Zhenren, the sect master of Bailing Sect who was in the late Jindan period.

Although Ling Fu Patriarch was also a Jindan Zhenren of Bailing Sect, he could only share a small share.

And the reason why he could earn such wealth in decades was all due to one word: "stealing".

The Jiaomang Lake where he was in charge was still a gathering place for monsters more than ten or twenty years ago.

There are many undeveloped mineral veins in this territory.

Ling Fu Patriarch stole nearly 30% of the mineral veins in this territory.

He only reported the other 70% of the mineral veins to the sect, which made his wealth accumulate so quickly.

Seeing that Ling Pengyun did not answer for a long time, the Lingfu Patriarch gritted his teeth and spoke.

"If you can help me get in touch with someone so that I can buy the golden elixir spiritual object safely, I can give you two thousand kilograms of first-grade water-based spiritual iron."

Ling Pengyun's eyes lit up when he heard this. One kilogram of first-grade water-based spiritual iron costs ten spiritual stones.

Two thousand kilograms is twenty thousand spiritual stones.

This amount is not a small amount for Ling Pengyun, who has just entered the golden elixir realm.

Moreover, he is in urgent need of water-based spiritual iron, especially higher-grade water-based spiritual iron.

If the higher-grade water-based spiritual iron is integrated into the Bi Hai Chong Yuan treasure bead, the treasure bead can also be more solid.

Under the pressure of huge profits, Ling Pengyun hesitated for a moment and replied.

"I can't guarantee the channel that can get the golden elixir spiritual objects. Give me three years, and I will give you an answer within three years."

The channel he mentioned was naturally not his master "Bishui Zhenren", but the master of the Muyuanfang City Teleportation Hall "Jiamu Zhenren" with whom he had made friends.

However, he still couldn't guarantee whether Jiamu Zhenren, who was backed by the Yuanying Sect Muyuan Xianzong, could "safely" get the golden elixir spiritual objects.

"Three years is not a long time. I am waiting for good news from fellow Taoists." Lingfu Patriarch smiled.

Afterwards, the two sat in the hall and chatted with tea.

Ling Pengyun also learned from Lingfu Patriarch, a golden elixir Zhenren stationed at the border of Bailingmen, that the "Golden Horned Mad Bull" clan, the overlord of the Golden Horned Grassland adjacent to Jiaomang Lake, had a golden horned mad bull in the perfect foundation building realm who successfully broke through to the golden elixir realm three years ago.

Counting this golden horn bull in the Jindan period, the Golden Horned Bull Clan, the overlord of the Golden Horned Grassland, has three Golden Horned Bulls in the Jindan period.

This incident also made Ling Pengyun feel a sense of crisis.

The territory of Jiaomang Lake has been occupied by Bailingmen. In the monster rebellion decades later, the forces in the Bailingmen territory will have to face the monster attacks of the "Golden Horned Grassland Territory", a nearby monster gathering place.

At this time, it is not a good thing that the Golden Horned Bull Clan, the overlord of the Golden Horned Grassland, is strong.

In addition, in the monster rebellion decades later, the Baiyun Mountains will also launch a general attack and occupy the Baiyun Mountains in one fell swoop. The Bailing Master of Bailingmen, who is the Bailing Mountain Range, will most likely find it difficult to extricate himself and return to Jiaomang Lake to garrison.

Under such circumstances, the pressure of garrisoning Jiaomang Lake will become extremely great.

Once the Jiaomang Lake is lost, a large number of monsters from the Golden Horn Grassland will invade Bailingmen, and the Ling family, who are located in the territory of Bailingmen, will inevitably be caught in a tough battle.

"I wonder if your clan has any plans to attack the three golden horn bulls in the Golden Horn Grassland before the monster rebellion begins?"

After thinking for a while, Ling Pengyun also asked.

"My sect has no such idea at present. After all, the three golden elixir-level golden horned bulls in the Golden Horn Grassland are all quite powerful. The strongest bull king among them has the cultivation of the peak of the middle stage of the Golden Core. Even if my sect master, Bai Ling Zhenren, who has the late stage of the Golden Core, encounters it, it may be difficult to defeat it easily."

"It is even more difficult to kill it."

"However, my sect has also made arrangements for this. During the monster beast chaos decades later, Zhenren Ma Yuan, who is stationed at the gate of my sect, and Zhenren Bao Yuan, who followed the sect master to the Baiyun Mountains to open up the territory, will rush here and stay here with me."

"With the combined strength of the three of us, and with the help of the lake protection formation of the Jiaomang Lake, it will be no problem to stop the monster beasts in the Golden Horn Grassland." Ling Fu Laozu also saw what Ling Pengyun was thinking, and then said.

"It's good that your sect has made arrangements for this." Ling Pengyun heard this and felt relieved.


When it was time for dinner, the two of them also ate with Yang Siling and others.

Because of the presence of Ling Fu Patriarch at the table, everyone was a little restrained.

After all, although Ling Pengyun's family was related to Ling Fu Patriarch, they were not familiar with him. For a long time, Ling Fu Patriarch, who was in the Jindan realm, was high above them.

In the past, they did not have much contact with Ling Fu Patriarch, and even had not met him a few times.

Ling Fu Patriarch also knew this situation, and after dinner he tactfully said goodbye to everyone and went into seclusion.

His departure also made Ling Pengyun's family more relaxed, and basically they talked about whatever they thought of with Yang Siling's family.

Because of this, everyone had a great time together.

After a day of gathering, Ling Pengyun's family also said goodbye to Yang Siling's family, and told them the day when the Jindan Ceremony would start, and then they left the Ling Fu Mansion and left Jiaomang Lake.

On the way out, Ling Pengyun also went to the headquarters of the Tianfu Chamber of Commerce in Jiaomangfang City, and met up with "Ling Chengxin", a second-level alchemist who was stationed at the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce and refined pills for the Chamber of Commerce.

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