Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 409 Modifying the Magical Weapon (3800 words, please vote)

Ling Chengxin was led to the path of Taoism by Ling Pengyun who found out his spiritual roots from "Lingyun Town" in his early years.

In addition, Ling Pengyun also gave him a lot of resources to help him, a cultivator of ordinary origin, when he first entered the path of Taoism.

Therefore, he respected Ling Pengyun very much.

In the past, Ling Chengxin would always send gifts and say hello during the New Year and other festivals.

Now that he saw Ling Pengyun enter the Golden Core Realm, he was also very happy, and he congratulated Ling Pengyun as soon as they met.

Ling Pengyun has always liked this sensible nephew, and his face was full of joy when he saw Ling Chengxin's congratulations.

Then, the two chatted for a few words.

Ling Pengyun then left the Jiaomang Market with his family.

After sending his family back to Luoxia Mountain, Ling Pengyun returned to his family.

He personally gathered the tribesmen in the mountain together.

But these tribesmen in the mountain are completely different from six years ago.

Now, there are only a dozen clan members in the mountain. Except for Ling Pengshan, Ling Pengxing, Ling Pengqiu, and Ling Penglin, the rest are the youngest members of the Wanzi generation.

These Wanzi generation clan members are all young, and the oldest is only about ten years old.

Seeing this scene, Ling Pengyun sighed helplessly.

The scum who revealed that he and Ling Yunhong had left the family must have been a person of some status in the family and had lived in the family for a long time.

Now the older generation of the family died in the small demon chaos six years ago.

At that time, only Ling Pengshan, Ling Pengqiu, Ling Pengxing, and Ling Penglin survived among the clan members in the mountain.

This scum is most likely to be nowhere to be found.

Thinking of this, Ling Pengyun's expression suddenly became stern.

He waved his Taoist robe and transformed into a large piece of soul-enchanting white mist, covering all the dozen clan members in front of him.

Although the soul-bewitching technique is a minor magic, it is powerful enough to be used with Ling Pengyun's Jindan cultivation.

Even Ling Pengqiu, who was at the seventh level of foundation building, did not last for a breath and lost consciousness.

Ling Pengyun then carefully questioned Ling Pengshan, Ling Pengqiu, Ling Pengxing, and Ling Penglin, who survived the small demon chaos.

As expected by Ling Pengyun, these four core members of the family, who were fully invested in the family resources and had no shortage of resources, were all innocent.

This incident also made Ling Pengyun feel a little better. If the scum who leaked the news was from one of these four people, Ling Pengyun would be so angry that he would vomit blood.

Those members of the Wanzi generation had not joined the family six years ago, so there was no question of leaking the news, so Ling Pengyun did not question them.

He also withdrew the soul-bewitching technique.

Everyone also woke up.

But before everyone could react, a powerful murderous aura spread out from Ling Pengyun's body and directly pressed towards the ten or so clansmen in front of him.

Those ten or so clansmen were all very surprised by this.

Even several eight-year-old children from the human race who had just been tested for their spiritual roots were frightened by the thin murderous aura and retreated again and again.

Some of the four foundation-building masters in Ling Pengshan did not understand what Ling Pengyun meant. They wanted to ask, but seeing Ling Pengyun's extremely dark face, they also stopped thinking.

Then Ling Pengyun said in a deep voice.

"From now on, no news of our clan can be spread to outsiders. If you dare to say anything."

"Or if you are confused by some interests and act as an eyeliner of the outside clan, and spread the affairs of our clan outside, if I find you, I will kill you."

"In the future, all of his lineage will be killed."

"In addition, this matter will be passed on to those clansmen outside the family."

After hearing this, everyone present had a great change of mind about this elder who was usually a good gentleman.

At the same time, they also understood that Ling Pengyun was serious, and they were all afraid, recalling whether they had spread any family affairs in the past.

Ling Pengshan and his four people who had reached the foundation-building stage also guessed something through the bewitching white mist that Ling Pengyun had just cast.

They were the victims of the small demon chaos that year, and now that Ling Pengyun had done this, the four of them showed a trace of hatred on their faces.

If the scum in the family had not leaked the news, how could they have fallen to this point.

What's more, the family now has Ling Pengyun, a Jindan, and with Ling Pengyun's support, they also have a glimmer of hope to break through the Jindan.

But now, all of it is gone.

After this incident, Ling Pengshan, Ling Pengqiu, and Ling Penglin, three foundation-building people who still have cultivation, personally went down the mountain and told those clansmen who were running shops for the family outside what Ling Pengyun had ordered.

Those clansmen also understood the importance of the family through the actions of Ling Pengshan and his three people.

In just one month, the family style of the entire Ling family has become several times more serious than before.

Ling Pengyun's stern look is deeply engraved in the hearts of the youngest generation of the Ling family.


Luoxia Mountain.

This night.

Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi, who finally had time to be alone after a long separation, also spent the whole night together.

Until the early morning of the next day, Yan Siyi was a little overwhelmed, and the two stopped.

After waiting for Yan Siyi to recuperate, Ling Pengyun said to his Taoist partner Yan Siyi lovingly.

"Madam, I have nothing to do now. The ten-jin explosive flame treasure iron that I gave you was of the third-grade lower grade and was relatively solid. With your own strength, I am afraid it will be difficult to integrate it into your life-defining magic weapon, the mandarin duck fire cloud pot, in a short time."

"I will help you integrate this iron into the fire cloud pot together, and it will be faster."

Yan Siyi looked slightly happy when she heard this, and immediately took out the ten kilograms of third-grade low-grade explosive iron and the second-grade high-grade natal magic weapon Yuanyang Fire Cloud Pot.

Ling Pengyun also took out the second-level low-grade "Fire Refining Furnace" from his early years and used the third-level clear water true fire to heat the furnace.

After the temperature in the furnace reached a certain level, Ling Pengyun then threw the ten kilograms of explosive iron into the weapon refining furnace.

He also controlled the high temperature in the refining furnace, swept over the piece of spiritual iron, and continuously tempered the impurities in the piece of spiritual iron.

This level of iron is worthy of being as high as the third-level low-level iron. Even Ling Pengyun relied on the third-level natal true fire. It took him a full ten days to temper it.

The ten kilogram piece of spiritual iron also turned into a ball of molten iron.

Ling Pengyun also threw the Yuanyang Fire Cloud Cauldron into the refining furnace, and controlled the explosive flame spirit molten iron to blend into the Yuanyang Fire Cloud Cauldron.

After completing this step, Ling Pengyun spoke to the Taoist companion Yan Siyi beside him.

When Yan Siyi heard the signal, she immediately took action.

She focused her eyes, probed her spiritual consciousness into the refining furnace, and then used her spiritual consciousness to turn into a pen to slowly carve out spiritual pattern restrictions on the mandarin duck fire cloud pot.

When Yan Siyi stopped, the spirit pattern restrictions converged into one, and the "Mandarin Duck Fire Cloud Pot" also flashed red.

The aura it spread outside also began to surge, and it was about to enter the cone-shaped level of the magic weapon.

As long as a certain amount of fire-type spiritual iron is incorporated into it in the future, the grade of this furnace can also be officially upgraded to the magic weapon cone level.

"Congratulations, madam, you are about to receive a magic weapon cone."

Ling Pengyun congratulated.

"Thanks to you, husband, for this."

After Yan Siyi said this with a smile, she kissed Ling Pengyun on the face.

Afterwards, the two of them warmed up for a while, and Ling Pengyun also went to a quiet room next door and took out two demonic martial arts books, "Holy Demon Technique" and "Demon Xuan Ghost Control Technique".

These two things were obtained from Ling Pengyun's trip to the boundless sea and by killing the two demon cultivators in Muyuanfang City.

The Holy Demon Technique was obtained from the old demon in the fake elixir realm, and the Demonic Demon Control Technique was obtained by killing the cold-faced old woman who had perfected the foundation. All the belongings of the cold-faced old woman were destroyed. Ling Pengyun took it.

The storage bags on her body also used Ling Pengyun's divine consciousness to erase the brand of divine consciousness on her way back to her family. They were all opened, and the items contained in them were also obtained by Ling Pengyun.

From the items earned from the cold-faced old woman's storage bag, Ling Pengyun also learned that the cold-faced old woman, like the old demon in the fake elixir realm, was appointed by the Holy Demon Sect. Muyuanfang City attracts righteous monks to fall into the devil's path.

If the old demon in the fake elixir realm is the missionary elder sent to Muyuanfang City by the Holy Demon Sect, then the cold-faced old woman with perfect Foundation Establishment can be said to be the right-hand assistant of the missionary elder.

Perhaps this is why Ling Pengyun obtained the "Devil and Ghost Control Technique" from the cold-faced old woman, although it is incomplete, he can still practice from the Qi training state to the perfection of foundation building.

Even this book of skills, like the book of holy magic skills carried by the old demon in the fake elixir realm, contains many secrets of the devil's way.

It's just that the secret skills above this Demonic Ghost Control Technique are mostly "ghost control skills" that have been refined into evil ghosts by monks and mortal souls.

In addition, this book of Demonic Demon Control Technique is also a very good book of demonic skills, only a little weaker than the book of Holy Demonic Skills.

According to Ling Pengyun's guess, the complete set of this technique can at least be practiced to the perfection of the golden elixir.

After taking out the two books of magic skills, Ling Pengyun also carefully read the chapters about forging the "Destiny Magic Weapon" in the two books of magic skills.

At the beginning, Ling Pengyun killed the fake elixir realm old demon at the boundary of Muyuanfang City in the boundless sea, and obtained the third-level middle-grade magic weapon "Holy Demon Burning Yuan Lantern" from the cold-faced old woman, as well as the magic weapon "Cone-shaped" "Moxuan Yugui Banner" are all recorded in it.

At the same time, Ling Pengyun's thoughts were constantly turning, thinking carefully about how to change the forging method of the natal magic weapon recorded in these two magic methods into a righteous magic weapon.

Because he had been thinking about changing the magic weapon on his way back to his family from the Immortal Cultivation World in the Boundless Sea, and now he has some clues.

Coupled with his own good understanding and profound knowledge of weapon refining.

It took another month to understand, and Ling Pengyun also had a general direction of change.

Then, Ling Pengyun patted the storage bag on his waist, and summoned from it a purple-black lamp filled with demonic aura and a fiery aura, and a long flag with cracks on its surface.

The purple-black lamp is the third-level mid-level natal magic weapon "Holy Demon Burning Yuan Lamp" of the old demon in the fake elixir realm, and the long banner is the tapered natal magic weapon "Demon Demon Royal Ghost Banner" of the cold-faced old woman with Perfect Foundation Establishment. .

"The Holy Demon Burning Yuan Lamp is of a higher level. I have never used the True Fire of the Blue Sea to temper the magic weapon, nor have I ever tried to change the magic weapon into a righteous magical weapon. It is somewhat luxurious to directly use this thing to practice."

Ling Pengyun looked at the two magic weapons in front of him and muttered to himself.

He placed the "Holy Demon Burning Yuan Lamp" in front of him first, and then waved his Taoist robe, summoning a third-level natal "Blue Sea True Fire", which directly swept over the second-level high-grade Demon Xuanyu On top of the ghost flag.

Surprisingly, the Bihai True Fire, which was extremely hot and extremely restrained against magic weapons, burned on the Demonic Demonic Demon Banner, but did not directly burn the demonic banner.

It just burns the demonic energy inside this demonic flag.

Bihai True Fire is also a Yang fire, and is extremely restrained against evil spirits.

The grade of the magic banner only reached the cone level of magic weapon.

However, in just three days, Ling Pengyun relied on the Azure Sea True Fire to burn out the magic energy in the magic banner.

The magic banner also lost its magic energy and its aura decreased.

However, there was still an evil intention in the magic banner.

Ling Pengyun frowned when he saw this.

If this thing fell into the hands of a demon cultivator again, as long as the demon cultivator warmed it with magic energy for a few days, the magic banner could still be transformed into a magic weapon.

Removing the magic energy in the magic weapon is only a temporary solution.

Removing the magic energy is one of the effects of the "third-level true fire" that the cultivator mastered after reaching the Golden Core Realm.

After the cultivator entered the Golden Core Realm, everything will be greatly sublimated.

The natal true fire even has a trace of the ability to burn all filth.

If the magic banner is tempered with this life fire for several years, it can be tempered into a righteous magic weapon, and the cultivator can also use spiritual power to drive the magic banner to fight.

However, the ability of this magic banner is somewhat special. It needs the souls of mortals or cultivators to be sacrificed and refined into mountain-moving evil ghosts.

Moreover, the mountain-moving evil ghosts in this banner were all destroyed by Ling Pengyun in the battle.

If this banner is to regain its ability, countless human souls will be accumulated.

If Ling Pengyun dares to do this, he will be no different from a demon cultivator, and will become the enemy of righteous cultivators.

The Ling family behind him will also be harmed by him.

But Ling Pengyun attaches great importance to the mountain-moving evil ghosts that this banner can summon.

This is also the reason why Ling Pengyun spent so much time to comprehend the magic pattern restrictions of refining this magic banner, wanting to change it into a righteous magic weapon.

If you want to turn this top-notch middle-level magic banner into a true righteous magic weapon, you need to change the core of this banner before you can call it righteous.

Ling Pengyun looked at the long banner without a magic weapon in front of him, took a deep breath, and his face gradually showed a solemn expression.

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