Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 421 The Rare Mingshui Spirit Tree (3300 words, please subscribe)

After finishing this matter, the two of them immediately went to help the golden elixir-layered angry whale phantom that was transformed from the Geng-jin angry whale formation on the angry whale flying boat, and killed the remaining thousands of people in the trench. Only crab monsters in the Qi training stage and foundation building stage.

Because three extremely powerful Jindan Realm experts joined forces to kill them, the remaining red-armored crab monsters had no way of escaping.

In just a few hundred breaths, they were all killed by three golden elixirs.

Ling Pengyun also took this opportunity to use hundreds of soul bottles that had been prepared to collect the souls of thousands of crab monsters that had just been killed in the Qi training stage and foundation building stage, intending to use them as prototypes of magic weapons. The nourishment of the Burning Yuan Dharma Lamp and the second-level high-grade Ghost Controlling Banner will help them improve their level.

At the same time, Ling Pengyun also collected among the thousands of crab demon corpses, the corpses of three pseudo-elin realm crab demons that belonged to him, as well as 15% of the corpses of crab demons in the Qi training stage and foundation building stage.

After doing this, Ling Pengyun and Master Jiamu went deep into the thousand-foot-deep trench and dived towards the third-order spiritual veins where the group of red-armored crab demons were located.

After all, there are many treasures in the places where monsters live, it’s just a question of how much they are worth.

As for the three hundred Muyuan Immortal Sect Qi-training monks, forty-nine Foundation-building stage monks and one Pseudo-Alchemy Realm monk on board the Angry Whale Flying Boat, they were arranged by Master Jiamu to withdraw from the trench and to be vigilant around the trench.

Of course, the Muyuan Immortal Sect monks aboard the Angry Whale Flying Boat all knew that their Uncle Jiamu made such arrangements to prevent them from knowing whether there were spiritual objects conceived on the third-order spiritual veins deep in the trench.

Otherwise, they would report the matter to the sect and influence Master Jiamu to embezzle the spiritual objects.

However, if you know this, you know this. In the previous battle with the crab demon group, they used the large formation to destroy the thousands of crab demons Jiamu Zhenren and Ling Pengyun. They didn't get much, but they both gained a lot.

They naturally knew that this was a sweetener given to them by Master Jiamu, and it was also hush money.

In addition, Jiamu Zhenren's cultivation is as high as the golden elixir realm, so it is not a wise move to provoke such a strong person.

Due to various factors, these Qi-training and foundation-building disciples of Muyuan Immortal Sect had no objection to Master Jiamu only taking Ling Pengyun to the depths of the trench to hunt for treasure.

at the same time.

As Ling Pengyun and Jiamu Zhenren arrived at the bottom of the thousand-foot-deep trench and entered the realm of the third-order spiritual vein, they also discovered that there were thousands of huge caves on the cliffs on both sides of the trench.

There are many caves hiding some little red-armored crab monsters that have just been born and have only acquired or innate realms.

Although these red-armored crab monsters are just born, due to the deep golden core monster group, their bloodline is stronger than that of ordinary monsters, and their intelligence is naturally much stronger than that of monsters of the same level.

They all saw in their eyes the fact that Ling Pengyun and Master Jiamu killed the elders of their clan just now.

This also made them feel hatred in their hearts when they saw Ling Pengyun and Master Jiamu appearing around the nest.

It's just that due to his low cultivation level, he didn't dare to go out to the lair to fight Ling Pengyun and Jiamu Zhenren.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, let's destroy this group of little red-armored crab demons together so as not to leave any trouble."

Master Jiamu's eyes swept across many nests on the cliffs around the trench, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

Ling Pengyun also quite agrees with this view. If we are not more ruthless now and eradicate the roots, maybe a strong enemy will emerge in a hundred or even hundreds of years.

Immediately, the two men immediately took action and killed all the little red-armored crab monsters in their nests on the cliffs on both sides of the trench.

At the same time, they also discovered many water spiritual plants in these nests.

It’s just that those water-type spiritual plants are all immature.

Obviously, the mature ones had already been eaten by those red-armored crab monsters.

However, these spiritual plants were of some use to Ling Pengyun, who was backed by a family, so his share was transplanted away.

Master Jiamu's portion of the water-type spiritual grass was not moved and remained in place.

Finally, the two of them arrived at the deepest point of the third-level spiritual vein of the trench, outside a huge cave that was a hundred feet in size.

"The spiritual energy in this cave is above this third-level spiritual vein, where the spiritual energy is the strongest. I think this cave is the lair of the red-armored crab demon king on the second level of the Golden Core."

"I don't know if there's anything good in it."

The huge cave in front of Master Jiamu's eyes was full of light, and he muttered to himself.

Ling Pengyun on the side was also looking forward to what would be in the cave.

Then, the two of them also stepped into it.

This cave is quite deep, and after walking for hundreds of feet, the two of them reached the deepest part of this giant cave.

And in the deepest center of this giant cave, there is a spiritual tree that is nine feet tall, with dark blue leaves all over the body, and nine dark blue spiritual fruits on the tree.

"Second-grade high-quality water spirit tree."

When Ling Pengyun saw the shape of the tree, his face lit up with excitement and he exclaimed.

The Mingshui Spirit Tree can bear spiritual fruits, which can produce Mingshui Spirit Fruits that contain huge amounts of water aura, and are most suitable for monks who specialize in water-based exercises.

A second-order high-grade Mingshui Spiritual Tree can bear three first-order low-grade spiritual fruits in three years, six first-order medium-grade spiritual fruits in five years, and nine first-order high-grade spiritual fruits in ten years.

In fifty years, three second-order low-grade spiritual fruits can be produced, in one hundred years, six second-order medium-grade spiritual fruits can be produced, and in one hundred and fifty years, nine second-order high-grade Mingshui spiritual fruits can be produced.

A second-level high-grade water spirit fruit can increase the cultivation level of a monk in the late stage of foundation building by nine years.

These nine years of cultivation are based on the normal cultivation speed of a monk.

"If I can get this tree, when it is upgraded to the third level, my cultivation progress will be faster in the future."

"The family can also pass this tree down to benefit the descendants of my Ling family who specialize in water-based exercises."

Ling Pengyun thought to himself.

Thinking back, Ling Pengyun asked Master Jiamu.

"Fellow Daoist Jiamu, I want this tree. I wonder if you can let me have it?"

Master Jiamu heard this and considered that the tree was only of the second-level upper-grade realm, and at most it could only produce second-level upper-grade spiritual fruits.

He mainly practices wood-attributed exercises, and the effect of taking the Mingshui spiritual fruits from this tree is not strong.

If he gets this tree, he will most likely hand it over to the sect in the future to exchange for contribution points.

After all, he has no descendants or disciples, and there is not much use in keeping this tree. It is better to sell it.

In this case, it is better to give it to Ling Pengyun to ask for a favor.

"Of course you can, but this tree is very valuable. If it is sold, it will probably attract a lot of forces to pursue it. It is worth at least 60,000 spiritual stones. You will also get a share of this item. You only need to make up half of the value to me."

Jiamu Zhenren said.

60,000 spiritual stones are not a small amount. If this second-level top-grade Mingshui spiritual tree wants to produce spiritual fruits worth 60,000 spiritual stones through fruiting, it will take at least a hundred years or even hundreds of years.

Spiritual plants such as spiritual fruit trees need a long time to bring more benefits.

Ling Pengyun was happy when he heard this, and then he said. "Of course, but I don't have so many spiritual stones. I have to wait until the magic weapon Red Armor Giant Scissors is sold before I can take out these 30,000 spiritual stones. I hope you can wait for a few more days."

Although he had the 89,000 spiritual stones he brought from his family in his storage bag, he was now in a barren land, so Ling Pengyun did not dare to show off his wealth, lest Jiamu Zhenren act violently.

If it can be safer, it will be safer.

"It's only half a month, not a long time."

Jiamu Zhenren could understand that he couldn't take out 30,000 spiritual stones, and 30,000 spiritual stones were not a small amount for a Jindan cultivator, so he nodded lightly.

Seeing Jiamu Zhenren agreed, Ling Pengyun also began to perform the "transplantation method" in the spiritual plant secret method and began to transplant the second-level top-grade "Mingshui Spirit Tree".

Then, he packed it up in a huge soul-locking jade box and put it into the storage bag.

As long as the tree is planted in the soil within a year, it will be safe.

After Ling Pengyun dealt with the matter, Jiamu Zhenren on the side also said.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, now that the monsters on this spiritual vein have been eliminated, and the spiritual objects in it have also been plundered by us, this piece of land belongs to my Muyuan Immortal Sect, and this spiritual vein will be occupied by my sect in the future."

"However, Daoyou has also made efforts to occupy this spiritual vein this time. I can divide 10,000 spiritual stones from the reward given by the sect for me to capture this place to compensate Daoyou."

"In addition, I can also give Daoyou a first-class cultivation cave for free for Daoyou to cultivate for a hundred years."

"I hope Daoyou will not be interested in this spiritual vein."

Ling Pengyun's face was a little more happy when he heard it.

The land where this spiritual vein belongs is originally in the Muyuan Sea, and the Muyuan Immortal Sect is the overlord of this sea. In capturing this place, the Muyuan Immortal Sect has made the greatest contribution. It is natural that the spiritual vein belongs to the Muyuan Immortal Sect.

It is good enough for him to get 10,000 spiritual stones and a first-class cultivation cave in the Muyuan Market.

Muyuan Market is located on a third-grade middle-grade spiritual vein. In the place with the most abundant spiritual energy in the market, there is a cultivation cave area.

The cultivation caves can be divided into three grades: A, B and C. Grade A is suitable for Jindan cultivators to cultivate, Grade B is used for foundation-building cultivators to cultivate, and Grade C is used for Qi training cultivators to cultivate.

According to Ling Pengyun's understanding, renting a Grade A cave for a year costs a thousand spiritual stones.

Now that he can get an expensive Grade A cultivation cave for a hundred years for free, Ling Pengyun is naturally happy.

Even if he can't stay in Muyuan Market for a long time, the Grade A cave in the cave can be rented out to earn spiritual stones.

If this cave is always rented, it can earn up to 100,000 spiritual stones.

Of course, someone has to rent it.

"No one else will be interested. This spiritual vein should belong to your sect."

Ling Pengyun said with a smile.

Seeing that Ling Pengyun had no objection, Jiamu Zhenren was secretly relieved.

Previously, he was really afraid that Ling Pengyun would also want a share of this third-level spiritual vein.

Then, Jiamu Zhenren also took out a set of third-level formations and arranged them here, and called down all the cultivators on the Whale Flying Boat above the trench, asking these cultivators to stay here, take care of this spiritual vein, and plant some spiritual plants.

He left here with Ling Pengyun and returned to Muyuan Island where Muyuan Market was located.

However, after Jiamu Zhenren landed on the island, his destination was not Muyuan Market, but Muyuan Immortal Sect on the island, obviously to report the situation of the third-level spiritual vein.

Ling Pengyun returned to Muyuan Market, and with a token given by Jiamu Zhenren, he entered an unmanned Class A cave in the core of the cave area of ​​the market.

As soon as he entered this cave, Ling Pengyun felt a pure spiritual energy coming towards him.

Ling Pengyun felt the fluctuation of this spiritual energy and his expression was happy.

"Although the spiritual energy here is not as good as the spiritual energy on Master's Grade 3 Superior Green Water Island in Canglan Bihai Sect, it is several times, or even dozens of times, richer than the spiritual energy on the clan mountain and Luoxia Mountain."

"If I can stay here for a long time, this place is indeed a good place for cultivation."

"It's a pity that I will go to the Baiyun Mountains to open up spiritual land soon."

Thanks: 200 points of reward from Xin Mingjing

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Thanks: Book friend 20191223224949916, Starry Sky Ant, xxxi11, Fighting Will, Quantitative Bull, Book friend 20190704212448769, If This Life, McDull, Book friend 20220804221049394, Waves?, Book friend 2023020182050117, Book friend 20220726084235757, Under the Starry Sky at Night, Book friend 10341256, Kaguya's monthly ticket

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