Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 422 Six Paths of Destiny Spells (3000 words, please subscribe)

When Ling Pengyun thought of the incident in Baiyun Mountain Range, he felt a little dangerous.

There are still many Jindan monsters in Baiyun Mountain Range. If he wants to occupy a third-level spiritual vein in Baiyun Mountain Range, he must fight with Jindan monsters.

Today, he and Jiamu Zhenren teamed up to kill the red-armored crab king of the second-level Jindan. Judging from the situation, the strength of Jindan monsters is not weak.

If the monster king relies on his own strength, he can fight against the Jindan cultivators of the same level who have one or two life magic treasures.

If the Jindan monster has another life magic treasure to help, its strength will be even more extraordinary.

Even Jiamu Zhenren, who is in the middle stage of Jindan, fell into a dangerous situation and was almost seriously injured or even killed in the battle with the red-armored crab monster king, who was only at the second level of Jindan. It can be seen that fighting with Jindan monsters is extremely dangerous.

Through this battle, Ling Pengyun also saw his own shortcomings.

He is not lacking in attack, but his defense is extremely weak.

"It seems that the more than 90 kilograms of second-grade high-quality heavy Yuan Ling iron that cousin Si Ling got from Bai Ling Sect in recent years can't be kept. I have to take 50 kilograms of heavy Yuan Ling iron to refine a Bi Hai heavy Yuan magic shield."

"In this way, even if I can't take out much water-type spiritual iron to integrate it and improve the grade of this shield in the future, I can rely on the strong spiritual power of the Jindan realm to temper this shield and slowly improve the power of this shield, so as to lay out a plan for future defense."

Originally, Ling Pengyun planned to leave the more than 90 kilograms of second-grade high-quality heavy Yuan Ling iron that he saved to the clan leader Ling Yunhong.

Clan leader Ling Yunhong now only has a top-level middle-quality natal magic weapon "Bi Hai Han Bing Fei Jian", which is a little insufficient in attack.

After all, the Bi Hai heavy Yuan treasure bead refined by heavy Yuan Ling iron is a top-level natal magic weapon, and its power is nearly 50% to 60% stronger than the Bi Hai Han Bing Fei Jian.

After thinking back, Ling Pengyun closed the door of this first-class cultivation cave, set up several restrictions around the cave, found a good place in the cave, sat down, took out the second-grade lower-grade flame refining furnace, and began to refine.

Because his refining level has reached the level of a veteran second-grade upper-grade refiner, and he has the help of the third-grade Azure Sea True Fire.

However, in just one day, he relied on 50 kilograms of second-grade upper-grade heavy Yuan Spirit Iron as the main material to refine a second-grade lower-grade Azure Sea Heavy Yuan Magic Shield.

To upgrade the grade of this shield to the second-grade middle grade, 20,000 kilograms of water spirit iron must be integrated into it, and the second-grade upper grade requires 60,000 kilograms of water spirit iron. To enter the third-grade magic weapon level, 10 kilograms of third-grade heavy Yuan treasure iron is required.

Ling Pengyun tested the shield's defensive power. When he realized that the shield's defensive power was comparable to that of a second-level medium-grade ordinary defensive magic weapon, and that the body was also comparable to that of a second-level medium-grade defensive magic weapon, his mouth slightly raised.

"This thing is indeed a superior innate defensive magic weapon, and its power is not weak."

"But this thing is still of a low grade, so I don't need it. For now, there is still a gap in defense. I can't afford the prototype of a defensive magic weapon, and a third-level defensive magic weapon is even more expensive. I can only start with the remaining two in the Bi Hai Zhen Jing that I haven't comprehended yet, the Bi Hai Tian Gang Cover and the Bi Hai Fen Ying Shu."

"If I can comprehend these two innate magic spells, I can also get a great improvement in saving my life."

Ling Pengyun secretly planned for a while, and waved his hand to put the Bi Hai Chong Yuan Magic Shield in his hand into his Dantian.

The Jindan Chapter of the Bi Hai Zhen Jing was obtained by Ling Pengyun from the Cang Lan Bi Hai Sect. It has a complete inheritance and records a full six innate magic spells.

The natal spell and the technique complement each other. Only those who have practiced this technique can comprehend it, and the power of the natal spell is several times or even several times stronger than the spells of the same level.

Among the six natal spells, one is the Jade Sea Sky Sword recorded in the foundation-building chapter of the Jade Sea Sutra.

The other five natal spells are the breath-holding spell "Jade Sea Breath-holding Technique", the escape technique "Jade Sea Escape Technique", the true fire "Jade Sea True Fire", the defensive spell "Jade Sea Sky Gang Cover", and the auxiliary spell "Jade Sea Shadow-splitting Technique".

Ling Pengyun has already mastered the Jade Sea Breath-holding Technique, Jade Sea Sky Sword, Jade Sea Escape Technique, and Jade Sea True Fire. However, recently, he has to improve the magic weapon into a righteous magic weapon and deduce the "Saint Demon Continuation Technique" to prepare for Ling Pengqiu, a fire magic genius with a short life span, so he has not found time to comprehend the Jade Sea Sky Gang Cover and Jade Sea Shadow-splitting Technique.

The function of the Jade Sea Sky Barrier is to prop up a defensive light curtain, which is nothing special.

However, the Jade Sea Shadow Splitting Technique is extremely wonderful.

This shadow splitting technique is divided into three levels, and it can only be comprehended after entering the Golden Core.

The first level corresponds to the early stage of the Golden Core. When practiced to perfection, three phantoms with the same aura as oneself and 30% of one's own strength can be split.

The second level corresponds to the middle stage of the Golden Core. When practiced to perfection, three phantoms with the same aura as oneself and 60% of one's own strength can be split.

The third level corresponds to the late stage of the Golden Core. When practiced to perfection, three phantoms with the same aura as oneself and 90% of one's own strength can be split.

According to the description of this spell in the Golden Core Chapter of the Jade Sea Sutra, it is said that if this method is practiced to the third level, it can even rely on the cultivation of the first entry into the seventh level of the Golden Core to fight against the cultivators of the ninth level of the Golden Core.

Ling Pengyun is also very confident of this.

After all, three phantoms with 90% of one's own strength, when they are matched with magic tools, plus the original body, can be equivalent to four powerful masters of the seventh level of the Golden Core.

Four against one, it was not too much to fight against a ninth-level Jindan cultivator.

After his thoughts came back, Ling Pengyun began to comprehend the method of operating the "Blue Sea Sky Gang Cover" that he had already memorized in his mind.

In the process of comprehending his life magic, time passed very quickly.

For Ling Pengyun, it was just a moment, but half a month had passed.

This day.

The door of the cave was knocked, and a "dong dong" sound was heard. Ling Pengyun was also startled by this and opened his eyes.

He slowly stood up and opened the door of the cave.

The figure of Jiamu Zhenren appeared in front of Ling Pengyun.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, the auction held once every three years in Muyuanfang City has started today. This auction will last for three days. If you don't want to spend time, you can go to the auction on the third day to directly participate in the auction of the finale."

"Half a month ago, we killed the second-level golden elixir red-armored crab king together. The third-level lower-grade magic weapon, the red-armored giant scissors, is among the finale items."

After speaking carefully, Zhenren Jiamu patted the storage bag on his waist, took out the promotional picture of this auction and handed it to Ling Pengyun.

"All the spiritual objects that will be auctioned at this auction are included. You can take a look. If you have something you value, you can go to the auction to auction it."

"I still need to deal with some miscellaneous matters in the market, so I will not accompany you. I will go to the auction to take charge on the third day of the auction when the finale is auctioned."

Ling Pengyun heard this and took the promotional poster with his hand, thanking him. "Okay, thank you for coming to deliver the auction promotional poster in person."

Jiamu Zhenren waved his hand and bowed to leave. "It's a small matter. I will leave first."

Ling Pengyun watched Jiamu Zhenren go away and closed the door of the cave again.

Then, he sat cross-legged on a cushion and carefully looked at the auction spiritual object promotional poster in his hand.

This view surprised Ling Pengyun.

There are many spiritual objects recorded on this promotional poster, nearly ten thousand.

Most of them are ordinary spiritual objects, and the remaining three hundred spiritual objects are the finale.

You know, the grand auction held once a hundred years in the Bailingmen territory is just like this.

On the other hand, the Muyuan auction is only a small auction held once every three years.

This incident also made Ling Pengyun understand for the first time the prosperity of the immortal cultivation world in the boundless sea.

In addition, he also saw several heart-moving items from the promotional picture.

However, the items that made him, a Jindan Zhenren, heart-moving were all extraordinary and belonged to the category of the finale items.

As for the nearly 10,000 ordinary first-level spiritual objects, Ling Pengyun didn't like them.

Therefore, he did not go to the Muyuan auction immediately.

Instead, he planned to go there during the auction of the finale items on the third day of the auction.

He also closed his eyes and continued to comprehend his life magic.


Two days passed quickly.

This day, early morning.

Ling Pengyun left the cultivation cave early and went to the "Muyuan Auction House" in the core of the market.

Perhaps Jiamu Zhenren had already made arrangements with the manager of the Muyuan Auction House. As soon as Ling Pengyun entered the auction house, a manager of the auction house who had reached the Perfect Foundation Establishment Realm personally received him and welcomed him into a private room on the third floor of the auction house.

This private room was very large, at least five meters long and wide, and the chairs were all cushioned with soft monster skins.

On the small table in the center of the private room, there were dozens of spiritual fruits.

Right in front of him was a transparent light film, which could block the sight of others.

It was difficult to see the situation in the private room from the outside, but the situation outside could be seen from inside the private room.

In addition, Ling Pengyun also saw Jiamu Zhenren waiting here early.

Ling Pengyun was not surprised to see Jiamu Zhenren appear here.

He immediately bowed.

"Daoyou Jiamu."

Jiamu Zhenren returned the greeting. "Fellow Daoist Ling."

"Fellow Daoist Jiamu, do you know if there is a buyer for our third-level lower-grade magic weapon, the giant red-armored scissors?" Ling Pengyun asked.

"There should be. This auction is just a small auction held once every three years, but two outside Jindan came. I guess they came for the giant red-armored scissors." Jiamu Zhenren replied.

Ling Pengyun was delighted when he heard this.

Then, he exchanged a few more pleasantries and found a seat in the private room to sit down. He also began to pay attention to this auction.

The style of this Muyuan auction is similar to that of the auction in the Bailingmen territory, both of which are three-story styles.

The first floor is the hall, with a total of 100,000 seats.

The second and third floors are private rooms.

The private rooms on the second floor can only be entered by foundation-building cultivators, and the private rooms on the third floor can only be entered by cultivators above the Jindan realm.

Because the auction has been going on for a while today, there are also many cultivators sitting in the auction venue.

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