Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 429 The Essence of Yin and Yang (3200 words, please subscribe)

Time passed gradually.

When the red sun that just rose from the east rose into the sky, the power of the early sun became weak.

When Ling Pengyun absorbed the last trace of the power of the primordial yang, the mysterious "Yin Yang Taichu Sutra" in his sea of ​​consciousness suddenly trembled, and a mouthful of yin and yang primordial energy came out.

But at the next moment, the Yin-Yang Taichu Jing, which had just condensed one mouthful of Yin-Yang Taichu Qi, told Ling Pengyun that nine mouthfuls of Yin-Yang Taichu Qi could be condensed into a more effective Yin-Yang Taichu Essence.

Ling Pengyun's eyes trembled, and he was shocked.

In the past, the Yin-Yang Taichu Meridian may not have the effect of condensing the essence of Yin-Yang Taichu.

In addition, the Yin-Yang Taichu Meridian can condense the more powerful Yin-Yang Taichu essence, which does not conflict with the Yin-Yang Taichu Qi.

This also means that his qualifications will be enhanced again.

And based on his exploration of Yin and Yang's Taichu Qi over the years, Yin and Yang's Taichu Qi has the effect of recasting the foundation.

Back then, Yang Siling's broken foundation was repaired by the primordial energy of Yin and Yang.

"Perhaps this more powerful primordial essence of yin and yang can help me form the middle golden elixir one step closer, and help me have a greater chance of breaking through to the realm of the Nascent Soul."

"It takes eighty-one years to create the nine mouths of yin and yang Taichu Qi. This time is not long for me now. I can wait."

Ling Pengyun, who is well aware of the powerful Qi of Yin and Yang, is quite looking forward to the efficacy of the essence of Yin and Yang.

After suppressing the ecstasy in his heart, Ling Pengyun secretly thought about it.

"In the past two years, although I have not finished deducing the holy and demon continuation technique that can enhance the monk's breakthrough years of cultivation and turned it into a method that can also be used by righteous monks, but in the past two years, I have also had some Results.”

"It is estimated that in less than ten years, I will be able to understand this method thoroughly. By then, this method can also be transformed into a righteous method and be used by righteous monks."

"A year ago, Pengqiu's longevity increased a lot thanks to the help of those three second-level high-grade longevity shells."

"He can afford to spend more than ten years now. When I improve the holy and demon continuation of destiny into a righteous spell, this Yin and Yang Taichu Qi will be handed over to Peng Qiu."

"With the help of this yin and yang primordial energy, he can also improve his cultivation level to the foundation building perfection more quickly. In the future, he can use the holy and demon continuation technique that can enhance the monk's cultivation level. He will also have the impact gold Dan’s chance.”

"This opportunity is very important to Pengqiu. Once he misses it, he will have no chance to break through the golden elixir in this life."

"Madam, Cheng Xia, and Ziyue Lingshu can only wait."

"When these three have also entered the Yin and Yang Taichu Qi, I should also accumulate the Yin and Yang Taichu Qi for myself and condense the Yin and Yang Taichu essence."

After making plans, Ling Pengyun returned to the cave kitchen as usual and cooked breakfast for all his relatives in the mountain.

After meal.

Ling Pengyun, who had been preparing for the Baiyun Mountains for two years, also informed all his relatives of his intention to go to the Baiyun Mountains to open up territory for his family.

Everyone present had already known that Ling Pengyun would go to the Baiyun Mountains to open up the clan's territory, but they did not expect that this day would come so quickly.

"Husband, you have only been in Jindan for two years, and the war situation in the Baiyun Mountains is tight again. Battles between Jindan real people and Jindan Demon King happen from time to time. According to cousin Siling, there is also a Jindan Demon King who has been killed in the Baiyun Mountains. "Beheading is extremely dangerous."

"Husband, why don't you wait a little longer?"

"When you have advanced further in your cultivation, or when Grandpa Yun Hong, who went out to look for golden elixirs, returns to the family, will you make plans to go to the Baiyun Mountains?" Yan Siyi asked with a worried look.

Although the other relatives did not speak to persuade him, their worried eyes said everything.

"Although I have just entered the Golden Core, with the help of various means, it is impossible for the monsters in the early stage of the Golden Core to pose a threat to me."

"Furthermore, it will take at least several decades for my cultivation to break through. This waiting time is too long. Neither my family nor I can afford to wait. By then, we, the Ling family, may have first- and second-order spiritual veins on the other side of the Baiyun Mountains. I can only share some soup and water."

"As for the Third Grandfather, it is still unknown whether he can enter the realm of the Golden Core. Even if the Third Grandfather enters the Golden Core, the family will have no magic weapon to help him, and it will be difficult for him to show his strength. It will take at least several years to master various techniques. Only with this method can you have the power to fight the golden elixir monster."

"Instead of waiting for the third ancestor, it is better to set off first and accumulate a fortune for the family. In this way, if the third ancestor can really enter the golden elixir, the family can also rely on financial resources to purchase suitable prototypes or even magic weapons for the third ancestor to enhance his strength."

Ling Pengyun said with a serious expression.

Seeing Ling Pengyun's appearance, Yan Siyi knew that he had already made up his mind and it was difficult to persuade him.

In addition, she had no doubts about Ling Pengyun's strength, so she stopped trying to persuade him.

Instead, she asked with longing.

"Husband, this time you are going to the Baiyun Mountains to open up the clan territory. Can you take me there? My cultivation is not weak, so I can also help."

In recent years, Ling Pengyun has been away from home all year round, and Yan Siyi does not want to be separated from Ling Pengyun anymore.

Ling Xiaoshun and Yang Qiuyun on the side did not want to leave their only son Ling Pengyun. Although they wanted to ask Ling Pengyun like Yan Siyi if he could take them with him, they did not dare to ask like this.

After all, they are not very strong, they are only in the Qi training period, and they are afraid of holding back Ling Pengyun.

"Of course you can."

"According to Senior Lingfu, the situation in the Baiyun Mountains has stabilized, and the five major sects have also established a city named Wuyuan within the Baiyun Mountains."

"This time, not only my wife will go with me, but also my parents, Cheng Xia, Qian Fei, and Uncle Xiao Yan."

"At that time, my parents and my wife will live in Wuyuanfang City to practice in seclusion, Cheng Xia will work with me to open up the territory. After occupying the spiritual vein, you, Qian Fei, will take care of the spiritual plants on the spiritual vein, and you, Uncle Xiao Yan, will open a restaurant to expand the family business to Wuyuanfang City."

"Cheng Ping, you are the only silkworm breeder in the family. The group of earth-bearded silkworms raised in the Luoxia Mountain Spiritual Plant Garden cannot do without you. You will still stay in Luoxia Mountain to guard it." Ling Pengyun said with a smile.

Since two years ago, when Qian Fei followed Ling Pengyun back to Luoxia Mountain from Guiling Island, she has embarked on the path of Taoism.

Two years later, Qian Fei, who already had three spiritual roots and good qualifications, has also entered the first level of Qi training.

In addition, she also showed her talent in spiritual plants. Now she is a spiritual plant apprentice, learning from Ling Pengyun, a second-level upper-grade spiritual plant master.

She often follows Ling Pengyun to take care of the spiritual plants in the spiritual plant garden of Luoxia Mountain.

Yan Siyi and her parents Ling Xiaoshun were all delighted when they heard that Ling Pengyun would take them with them.

Ling Chengxia, who wanted to go out of Luoxia Mountain, smiled and was excited, constantly imagining the scene of fighting with monsters in his mind.

Qian Fei, who was only ten years old, just wanted to follow her master and his master's wife. Seeing that her master and his master's wife had not forgotten her, she was also happy.

As a spiritual chef, Ling Xiaoyan was very much looking forward to opening a restaurant in Wuyuanfang City.

Opening a restaurant can be said to be the long-cherished wish of a spiritual chef.

Ling Xiaoyan had the idea of ​​opening a restaurant early, but in recent years, he had been kept in Luoxia Mountain to comprehend the spiritual chef because his level of spiritual chef was not enough.

If not, he would have opened a restaurant to earn spirit stones when he entered the first-level middle grade of the spirit chef.

On the side, Ling Chengping, the only one who could not go to the Baiyun Mountains, felt a little awkward.

However, she also knew the importance of taking care of the Tuxu spirit silkworms, and it was indeed difficult for her to leave Luoxia Mountain for a long time.

Ling Pengyun, who had raised Ling Chengping since she was a child, subtly noticed the change in Ling Chengping's expression.

He reached out and touched the girl's head, comforting her.

"When your uncle and I have conquered a territory in the Baiyun Mountains, we will move the mulberry trees and the earth-bearded silkworms there. You can come to the Baiyun Mountains then."

"After we leave, this place will be handed over to you. You should be more stable in the future and don't be petty."

"In addition, my journey will take at least several years. By then, I estimate that you will have broken through to the perfection of Qi training."

"Over the years, you have cultivated yourself by taking spiritual objects. After you have broken through to the perfection of Qi training, it is best to settle down for a few years, comprehend the Explosive God-Forging Technique to the fourth level, and have the spiritual consciousness of the foundation-building period, and then try to impact the foundation-building realm."

"In this way, your chances of breaking through the foundation-building realm will be higher."

The Explosive God-Forging Technique was given to Ling Pengyun by Master Bishui. This method was obtained by Master Bishui alone in his early years and does not belong to the Canglan Bihai Sect.

Therefore, when Bishui Zhenren gave this method of spiritual consciousness cultivation to Ling Pengyun, Bishui Zhenren indicated that this thing could be taught to others at will.

After Ling Pengyun broke through the golden elixir and returned to the clan, he put this method in the family library.

However, in order to prevent this precious method of spiritual consciousness cultivation from being passed on, Ling Pengyun set a rule.

Only cultivators in the late stage of Qi training can practice this thing. If it is passed on to others, they will be killed directly.

As a member of the Ling family, Ling Chengping's cultivation level is as high as the ninth level of Qi training, so naturally he also learned this precious method of spiritual consciousness cultivation.

When Ling Chengping heard this, the disappointment in his heart disappeared immediately, and a trace of joy appeared on his face.

"Eighth uncle, when we meet next time, I will appear in front of you in the form of foundation building."

"I'm waiting for this day." Ling Pengyun said with a smile.

Afterwards, everyone chatted for a few more words and had a family departure banquet. Ling Pengyun then left Luoxia Mountain with his Taoist companions and others.

Ling Chengping, who was left alone in Luoxia Mountain, looked at the backs of Ling Pengyun and others leaving and fell into deep thought.

"We still have to find a successor to the silkworm breeding in the family, otherwise it will be too troublesome."


Lingxiao Mountain.

In the meeting room.

Ling Pengshan, Ling Penglin, and Ling Pengqiu, the three family foundation builders stationed in the mountain, were all summoned here by Ling Pengyun.

Seeing everyone gathered, Ling Pengyun asked immediately.

"Pengshan, the family is currently under your leadership. In addition to the three of you foundation builders, how many clan members are there in the family mountain? What is their cultivation level?"

Ling Pengshan, the temporary head of the family, was a little puzzled by Ling Pengyun's question, but he still asked in detail.

"Due to the Little Demon Rebellion, the Qi-training clan members suffered heavy losses. Currently, there are only 39 clan members in the family mountain, of which three are middle-stage Qi-training clan members of the Xiao generation who have retired to the family due to old age."

"These three clan members are currently serving as lecturers in the clan school, teaching the younger generation of the clan the knowledge of the immortal world, and feeding the hundreds of spirit beasts in the back mountain spirit beast garden and other miscellaneous tasks."

"The remaining 36 clan members are all young clan members of the Wan generation. Among these Wan generation clan members, 31 clan members have entered the Qi-training stage, and another five clan members are clan members who just entered the family mountain this year. They have not been on the path for long and are still lingering in the Xiantian realm."

The Ling family currently has five generations of clan members, namely "Yun, Xiao, Peng, Cheng, and Wan".

However, there is only Ling Yunhong left in the Yun generation, and the rest of the elders of the Yun generation all died in the Little Demon Rebellion seven years ago.

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