Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 430 Arrangements for going to Baiyun Mountains (3300 words, please subscribe)

Ling Pengyun was a little surprised when he heard that there were now ten thousand generation monks in the clan mountain.

"Two years ago, there were only about a dozen members of the Ten Thousand Character Generation clan in the clan. How come there are so many Ten Thousand Character Generation clan members in the clan in just two years?"

Ling Pengshan can also understand what Ling Pengyun said. After all, Ling Pengyun has been busy with other things recently. He is either in retreat or traveling to the boundless sea to cultivate immortals. Naturally, he does not know about some small things about the family.

Immediately, Ling Pengshan explained. "The mortal clan members under my clan have spent the past seven years recovering and recuperating after the Little Demon Rebellion. The number of mortals has grown from 400,000 to 500,000."

"Since the past few years, there have been four or five people with spiritual roots among these mortals every year. This is still half of the 500,000 mortals who have not yet reached the age to test their spiritual roots. Otherwise, spiritual roots will be born every year. The number of them will probably double.”

"In a few years, when the more than 200,000 young ordinary people in the family reach the age of eight, the number of people with spiritual roots among them will definitely grow explosively."

"By then, the number of family monks will be able to recover."

Ling Pengyun was happy when he heard this. "This is a great thing."

"By the way, what are the qualifications of the thirty-six members of the Wanzi generation in the mountain? Are any of them talented?"

Ling Pengshan said helplessly. "Yes, there are, but few. After all, these thirty-six members of the Wanzi generation clan are all ordinary people, and their qualifications are relatively poor. Most of them have four or five spiritual roots. However, with the help of the family's strong resources, their future paths will also be uncertain. It won’t be too bad. There will probably be no problems in the middle and later stages of Qi training, but foundation building will be a bit difficult and basically hopeless.”

"There is only one person who is capable of success, and that person is Ling Wanduo, the eighteenth member of the Wanzi generation. This person is also the oldest among the thirty-six members of the Wanzi generation in the clan mountain. Now Wanduo This child is fifteen years old."

"He has cultivated the three spiritual roots of earth, wood, and fire and has reached the peak of the fourth level of Qi training. In addition, he also has the qualifications for law cultivation and is good at using earth spells. Currently, he has mastered the earth stabbing technique and the earth shield technique. The two earth magic arts have reached a perfect state."

"If nothing else happens, Wan Duo should have no problem breaking through to the realm of foundation building. He can be considered a talented person."

The joy on Ling Pengyun's face suddenly disappeared, and he frowned instead. "So, among the thirty-six tribesmen, there is only one successful person? The probability of becoming a successful person of nearly thirty to one may be normal for those big forces with many monks, but it is less for us, the Ling family. "

"Today, including the clan members who manage various shops in the city, there are only more than 200 people. The probability of success is 30 to 1. What do you think?"

"In the future, we will increase the fertility rewards for ordinary people to increase the fertility rate of those ordinary people."

"Those members of the Xiao generation and Peng generation who are working for the family outside the country also go to urge them to have children. If they give birth to someone with spiritual roots, the spiritual stone reward for fertility will be doubled."

"The three of you are the banner of the family, and you also need to take the lead. In the future, you should pay attention to finding a Taoist couple to have children."

"After all, if both parents are monks, the child born will have a higher probability of having spiritual roots and a higher aptitude."

When the master's Ling Pengshan heard this, his eyes flashed, and the scene of him playing chess with a pretty female cultivator under a green tree emerged in his mind.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but reveal a smile on his face, and then he nodded in agreement. "Understood, myna."

Ling Penglin and Ling Pengqiu, who had never wanted to find their other half in the past, also began to pay attention to this matter.

"We've talked a lot about gossip, it's time to get down to business."

"I plan to go to the Baiyun Mountains to open up a clan territory. It will be difficult for me to open up a clan territory in the Baiyun Mountains alone."

"In view of the current weak strength of the monks in the clan, we can only adopt the arrangement of all soldiers. Peng Lin, Peng Qiu, and the thirty-one members of the Wanzi generation in the mountain who have entered the Qi training realm are all involved."

"Forget about the three elders of the Xiao generation who are retiring in the mountains, and the other one or two hundred clansmen who run various shops outside. Once those clansmen follow me to fight, the business of the family's shops in various places will also be affected. ”

"The development of clan territory does not happen overnight, and the rear must be stabilized."

"Pengshan, if you manage the family well, you will still stay in the mountain to manage the family, and increase your efforts to train the remaining young clan members of the ten thousand generation generation in the mountain."

"After those young tribesmen break through to the third level of Qi training, you will send them to Wuyuanfang City in the Baiyun Mountains to find me and join the team to develop the territory."

"In addition, after I leave, you should send someone as soon as possible to bring back the sister-in-law Wen Nianling, the Taoist companion of the Pengliang clan, so that he can sit in charge of the clan with you."

"I will also leave you with the clan-suppressing spiritual beast, the Immortal Crane King, and these three third-level low-grade Black Flame Fire Phoenix Talismans."

"This token belongs to the Spirit Talisman Ancestor. After crushing it, the Spirit Talisman Ancestor will immediately come to support. I have already made an agreement with the Spirit Talisman Ancestor about this."

After saying that, Ling Pengyun took out three talismans depicting a black fire phoenix pattern and a token with the word "spiritual talisman" engraved on it to Ling Pengshan from the storage bag.

Originally, Ling Pengyun only had a black flame and fire phoenix talisman in his hand, which was given to him by the ancestor of his golden elixir ceremony talisman.

However, during his trip to Jiaomang Lake a year ago, he purchased two more Black Flame Fire Phoenix Talismans from the Spirit Talisman Ancestor.

Ling Pengshan, Ling Penglin, and Ling Pengqiu all agreed when they heard that Ling Pengyun planned to open up the clan's territory.

The current territory of the family alone cannot support the Ling family, which has a Jindan Zhenren, to become a real Jindan family.

Although the Ling family currently has a Jindan, its foundation is at least ten times worse than that of the other five Jindan forces in Yan State.

In terms of spiritual veins alone, the Ling family cannot compete.

The Ling family only has more than fifty first-level spiritual veins and two second-level spiritual veins.

But those Jindan forces all control several vast states, among which there are at least three thousand first-level spiritual veins, and there are no less than nearly a hundred second-level spiritual veins, and there is also one third-level spiritual vein.

As for the skills and classics, etc., they are even more incomparable.

If the Ling family is content with the status quo, it can only be strong for a while, and it is difficult to stand in the world of cultivation for thousands of years like the five major Jindan forces in Yan State.

However, Ling Pengshan, Ling Penglin, and Ling Pengqiu had different expressions.

Ling Pengshan looked worried, thinking about the dangers that the 31 young members of the Wanzi generation would encounter if they followed Ling Pengyun to fight in the Baiyun Mountains.

Ling Penglin was worried about how many spiritual veins the family would occupy in the Baiyun Mountains in the future, and whether she could refine so many formations and arrange them in those spiritual veins with her lifespan.

Ling Pengqiu, a fighter, was even more excited, thinking that he must follow Ling Pengyun to open up a world for the "Jindan Family Ling" in the Baiyun Mountains.

At the same time, he was searching for the half-dragon soul and integrating it into the Fire Dragon Red Cloud Fan, his life-long magic weapon, to enhance his own strength.

After a while, Ling Pengshan's face became more worried.

He hesitated for a moment, but still spoke.

"Myna, it is dangerous to develop the clan territory in the Baiyun Mountains. Isn't it too risky to let all the Wanzi generation clan members who have just started to practice Qi follow you?"

"The more than 30 Wanzi generation clan members in the clan mountain are the seedlings that the family has accumulated with great difficulty in the past seven years. If these seedlings encounter an accident, the family will really face a talent gap."

"At present, the Xiao and Peng generation clan members outside the family are all old. It won't be long before they will grow old. These Wanzi generation clan members are the successors of the Xiao and Peng generations."

"The family can't afford to lose these Wanzi generation clan members in the clan mountain."

Ling Pengyun said with a smile when he saw Ling Pengshan's look. "Of course I won't let the 31 members of the Wanzi generation who have entered the Qi training stage in the clan mountain follow me to die."

"I have now entered the Jindan stage. With my own strength, it is not a problem to open up several first-level and second-level spiritual veins in the Baiyun Mountains. I just need these 36 members to guard the spiritual veins."

"Penglin, Pengqiu, the two of you will follow me, and the same is true."

"The monster chaos in a few decades will be the time for our Ling family to make drastic changes in the Baiyun Mountains and expand the clan land."

Ling Pengshan was secretly relieved when he heard this.

Just now, he could think that Ling Pengyun planned to take those Wanzi generation members to fight against the monsters in the Baiyun Mountains.

"That's good, everything will be up to you." Ling Pengshan smiled immediately.

"Since you all agree, arrange this matter quickly. Prepare healing pills, cultivation pills, talismans and other war preparation spiritual objects."

"Especially formations and materials for setting up formations. We will occupy many spiritual mountains in Baiyun Mountains in the future."

"If those spiritual veins are not protected by formations, I am afraid they will be recaptured by monsters in a short time."

Ling Pengyun arranged.

Ling Pengshan, Ling Penglin and Ling Pengqiu all said they understood, and immediately left the meeting room and rushed to the family treasury to select the war preparation materials that the family had already prepared over the years.

As early as two years ago, Ling Pengyun had revealed to the three of them that the family would go to Baiyun Mountains to open up new clan lands in the future, just like the five major Jindan sects of Yan State.

And he instructed the three of them to prepare some war preparation materials for the family on weekdays.

This also made the Ling family store a lot of war preparation materials.

There were thousands of pills and more than 3,000 talismans. Hundreds of materials for setting up formations were prepared, and there were more than 20 finished formations.

Of course, most of these spiritual objects were first-level, and there were few second-level ones.

As for the safety of the family after Ling Pengyun, the Jindan Zhenren, left, the Ling family members were not too worried.

The fact that the Ling family already had a Jindan realm ancestor in charge had spread throughout the Yan Kingdom's cultivation world as early as last year when Ling Pengyun's Jindan Grand Ceremony was held.

Even several neighboring great cultivation countries knew about this.

As long as the righteous cultivators were not mentally ill, they would definitely not provoke the Ling family.

After all, Ling Pengyun, the Jindan Zhenren, only left the family temporarily, not gone.

And there was no need to guard against the demon cultivators.

The demon cultivators of the entire Yan Kingdom were basically integrated into the Demon Sect by the Jindan realm Poison Blood Ancestor of the Poison Blood Demon Sect.

Now, the Poison Blood Demon Sect is besieging the Ten Thousand Beast Sect with the monsters in the Purple Scorpion Mountain.

The three major forces have reached a critical moment in the confrontation. The probability that the Poison Blood Demon Sect will give up the big cake of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect and turn to attack the Ling family is extremely small.

If you are not stupid, you will not do this.

This will only allow the Demon Sect to establish another Jindan enemy, forcing Ling Pengyun to directly join the Ten Thousand Beast Sect and attack the Poison Blood Demon Sect.

Even if the monks of the Poison Blood Demon Sect really come, with the two trump cards prepared by Ling Pengyun, the three third-level black flame fire phoenixes and the spirit talisman ancestor, the people of the Poison Blood Demon Sect will not get much benefit.

After all, the Black Flame Fire Phoenix is ​​made of the Black Flame True Fire as the raw material, and it is extremely restraining to the devil cultivators.

Once the three Black Flame Fire Phoenixes appeared, even the Poison Blood Ancestor did not dare to resist.

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