Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 432 Hundred Yuan Real Person Commission (3000 words, please subscribe)

"Thank you so much, fellow Taoist. If our clan can really occupy a third-level spiritual vein in the Baiyun Mountains during the monster beast chaos in a few decades, I will definitely come to you as a gift to thank your sect for your help."

When Ling Pengyun saw Master Baiyuan agreeing to rent the formation, he looked happy and thanked him again.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, you've just met someone else. You, Ling, and I, the Bailing Sect, have been good friends for thousands of years. We should help each other."

"Fellow Daoist Ling, please wait here for a moment. I will go get a third-order formation right now." Baiyuan Zhenren replied with a smile and immediately returned to Bailingmen.

After a while, Master Baiyuan flew out of the Bailing Gate with a storage bag and arrived in front of Fengyun Feizhou.

He waved his hand and took out eighteen colorful formation flags from the storage bag, along with a magic shield, a flying sword, and a long rope, and introduced them to Ling Pengyun.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, since I don't know where your Ling family plans to arrange the formation, I took it upon myself to make the decision and chose this third-level low-grade Five Elements Returning Formation for you. There are three array devices in it."

"Those three array artifacts all have the prototype level of magic weapons. They are the Five Elements Returning to Origin Shield, the Five Elements Returning to Origin Flying Sword, and the Five Elements Returning to Origin Rope."

"This formation can be placed on any common Five Elements spiritual veins. It can absorb the power of the Five Elements and activate the three prototype magic weapons of the Five Elements Returning Shield, the Five Elements Returning Flying Sword, and the Five Elements Returning Rope to defend, attack and trap the enemy. ”

When Ling Pengyun heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

This Five Elements Returning Formation is indeed very suitable for the Ling family who is about to go to the Baiyun Mountains and expand their territory.

After all, the Ling family went to occupy the territory, and the battle line was advanced step by step, rather than staying on a certain spiritual line.

Under such circumstances, this Five Elements Guiyuan Formation, which has good power and is placed on any spiritual vein, can be said to be an excellent formation.

Furthermore, the power of this formation is pretty good. It can defend, attack, and trap enemies. It is above average among formations of the same level.

If it is equipped with the three magic weapon prototype level arrays, it can be upgraded to the third level magic weapon level, and this array can be regarded as a superior third level low-grade array.

By then, it would not be impossible to use this formation alone to trap and kill the monsters in the early stage of the Golden Core.

The prototypes of magic weapons are usually deliberately refined by third-level weapon refiners, and the complete third-level spiritual pattern restrictions are not engraved on them.

This situation usually only occurs when the quality of the refining materials is not high. After the complete third-level spiritual pattern is engraved on it, the refined magic weapon may not be able to survive the magic weapon thunder tribulation.

In desperation, he had no choice but to settle for the next best thing, confining the incomplete third-level spiritual pattern in it, and refining it into the prototype of a magic weapon.

In the future, when spiritual materials of sufficient quality are integrated into the prototype of the magic weapon, this weapon will have the confidence to survive the thunder tribulation. After perfecting the third-level spiritual pattern prohibition in it, triggering the magic weapon's thunder tribulation, and successfully passing through it, it can become a real magic weapon. A third-level magic weapon.

"I can make a lot of money by spending 100,000 spirit stones to rent this Five Elements Returning Formation. With my strength and the cooperation with this formation, it is estimated that it will be extremely difficult to kill the monsters in the early stage of the Golden Core. possible."

Ling Pengyun was secretly happy.

As for why Master Baiyuan wanted to lend such a powerful formation to the Ling family, according to Ling Pengyun's guess, he probably wanted to deepen the relationship with the Ling family and help the Ling family occupy the spiritual veins in the Baiyun Mountains.

After coming back to his senses, Ling Pengyun also thanked him. "Thank you, Fellow Taoist Baiyuan, for lending this wonderful formation to me, the Ling family."

"It doesn't matter. After all, I, Bai Ling Sect, have also accepted your Ling family's spiritual stones."

"In addition, I have one more thing to ask for. Our sect's masters, Master Bai Ling and Master Baoyuan, led our disciples. They happened to encounter a trouble when they were developing territory in the White Jade Mountains, and we need help from fellow Taoists."

Baiyuan Zhenren said with a smile.

"What's the matter? Let's talk about it first."

Ling Pengyun's expression moved slightly, but he did not refuse, but asked.

"Half a month ago, when the two Jindan Daoist disciples of our sect led the sect disciples to invade the realm of the Cloud-Stepping Thunder Leopard of the Golden Core Demon Clan in the Baiyun Mountains, the Cloud-Treading Thunder Leopard clan was unable to defeat them, so they invited a group of people from the other side of the Baiyun Mountains who had no clan to , and the Black Wind Demon Wolf, a mutated demon king in the golden elixir stage who has no heirs, comes to help."

"The Cloud-Stepping Thunder Leopard clan originally had a Leopard King in the middle stage of the Golden Core, and a Leopard King in the early stage of the Golden Core."

"Now, with the addition of the black wind demon wolf whose cultivation level is as high as the third level of the Golden Core, our sect masters Bailing and Baoyuan have encountered obstacles in leading their sect disciples to expand their territory."

"This time I loaned this extremely good Five Yuan Guiyuan Formation to my fellow Taoist, just because I want you to use this formation to join forces with me to block the black wind monster wolf with the third level of golden elixir."

"It would be better if we could kill the wolf. Our sect can give the wolf's golden elixir to the nobles."

"If that's not possible, you can just trap him."

"I originally planned to find my fellow Taoist in person about this matter. Unexpectedly, this time my fellow Taoist came to the mountain gate to borrow the formation. It was just the right time for me to talk to my fellow Taoist."

Baiyuan Zhenren said.

Ling Pengyun frowned when he heard this.

The golden elixir-stage mutated black wind demon wolf in the Baiyun Mountains is quite famous. At the same time, this wolf also has some connections with Bailingmen.

According to legend, when Bailingmen opened up the territory of Jiaozhou decades ago, the black wind demon wolf in the golden elixir stage helped the two original golden elixir dragons in Jiaomang Lake to resist the invasion of Bailingmen.

It's just a pity that the ancestor of the spiritual formation relied on the first and third level formations to kill the ice dragon in Jiao Python Lake.

This black wind wolf demon was also repulsed.

"Unexpectedly, the mutated Golden Core stage black wind demon wolf collided with Bailingmen again."

"It is said that this wolf can spit out a powerful black evil that can corrode magic tools and magic treasures. It is extremely difficult to deal with. With the help of the black evil, this wolf will not be at a disadvantage against ordinary fourth-level Jindan cultivators."

"However, this wolf demon's cultivation level was only the first level of Jindan back then. Now, only a few decades have passed, and this wolf's cultivation level has been raised to the third level of Jindan, which is rare."

"I think this wolf is either extraordinary in talent or has good opportunities."

You know, even if Ling Pengyun, who has practiced superior skills, practices in the third-level upper-grade spiritual vein Bishui Island in the Canglan Secret Realm with extremely rich spiritual energy, it will take at least 30 years of hard practice to break through one level of cultivation.

Ordinary Jindan cultivators need to spend 40 to 50 years of hard practice to break through one level of cultivation.

Monsters with slow cultivation speed and long life span will take even longer to break through one level of cultivation.

Ling Pengyun considered that although the black wind wolf demon of the third level of the golden elixir was strong, he had various means to help him and his strength was not weak either. Ling Pengyun was somewhat confident in fighting with him alone.

Moreover, with the help of the powerful Five Elements Return to Origin Formation and Bai Yuan Zhenren of the Fake Dan Realm, it was not difficult to resist the black wind wolf demon.

In addition, Bai Lingmen helped Ling's family to join in the conquest of Baiyun Mountain Range and now borrowed the formation, Ling Pengyun did not hesitate and answered directly.

"Fellow Daoist Bai Yuan, I can help you with this."

"As for whether you can kill the wolf demon, it depends on the situation."

"However, the position of the third-level Jindan black wind wolf demon is extraordinary. If Daoist and I work together to stop the wolf, your sect may be able to kill the two Jindan leopard demons of the Treading Cloud Thunder Leopard Clan in one fell swoop."

"Once these two Jindan leopard demons die, the black wind wolf demon will definitely run away, and the vast territory occupied by the Treading Cloud Thunder Leopard Clan will also become the possession of your Bailing Sect."

"Under such circumstances, your sect's favor of just lending me this powerful third-level formation is not enough."

"If your sect's plan succeeds, my Ling family will take 30% of the first-level and second-level spiritual veins of the Treading Cloud Thunder Leopard Clan."

Bai Yuan Zhenren was slightly surprised when he saw Ling Pengyun's long-term vision.

However, he was still a little dissatisfied with the fact that Ling Pengyun wanted such a large share of the first-level and second-level spiritual veins of the Treading Cloud Ridge occupied by the Treading Cloud Thunder Leopard Clan.

The Treading Cloud Thunder Leopard Clan is particularly powerful because it has a Jindan early stage and a Jindan middle stage demon king.

This clan can be ranked among the top among the Jindan demon beast clans in the Baiyun Mountains.

It is precisely with this strength that the Treading Cloud Thunder Leopard Clan occupied the rich land of Treading Cloud Ridge.

The territory of Treading Cloud Ridge stretches for nearly 400,000 miles. According to the statistics of Bailingmen, there are at least 4,000 first-level and second-level spiritual veins, as many as 100 second-level spiritual veins, and one third-level spiritual vein.

And 30% of this huge number of spiritual veins is not a small number.

Relying on the 30% of spiritual veins to plant spiritual plants alone, it is likely that the Bailingmen can bring tens of thousands of spiritual stones of income every year.

As a member of Bailingmen, Baiyuan Zhenren naturally does not want to see the sect's interests being divided too much.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, you only need to work with me to resist the black wind wolf monster, and the Qi training stage and foundation building stage monsters in the territory of the Stepping Cloud Thunder Leopard, as well as the two Jindan stage Stepping Cloud Thunder Leopard Kings, all need our sect to resist and kill."

"You want a little too much spiritual vein share, at most half a spiritual vein."

Ling Pengyun saw that Bai Yuan Zhenren refused the proposal, but he didn't care.

Now that Bai Yuan Zhenren came to him, there must be no other way.

In addition to Bai Yuan Zhenren, another Jindan Zhenren Lingfu Patriarch who did not go to the Baiyun Mountains, Bai Lingmen had to stay in Jiaomang Lake to prevent the monsters from the Golden Horn Grassland from attacking and being unable to leave.

The other four major Jindan sects of Yan State would not help, and they were unwilling to see Bai Lingmen encroaching on the vast territory of the Stepping Cloud Thunder Leopard clan.

If Bai Lingmen had the help of that vast territory, it would surely prosper in the future.

Knowing the pain point of Bailing Sect, Ling Pengyun also bargained. "I'm sure you know how powerful the Black Wind Wolf Demon is."

"If it weren't for the troublesome Black Wind Wolf Demon at the third level of the Golden Core, your sect probably wouldn't have come to me at this time."

"Since your sect wants to rely on my power and block the Black Wind Wolf Demon with you, and then plot against the vast territory of the Stepping Cloud Thunder Leopard Clan, it won't be possible without paying a big price."

"You and I will each take a step back. I want 15% of the first- and second-level spiritual veins in the Stepping Cloud Ridge territory."

"As long as your sect agrees, I will do my best to help your sect seize the Stepping Cloud Thunder Leopard territory, and ensure that your sect will not waste 15% of the first- and second-level spiritual veins in that territory."

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