Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 433: The general situation of the battle in Baiyun Mountains (3000 words, please subscribe)

"It is not impossible to kill the black wind wolf demon of the third level of Jindan."

When Bai Yuan Zhenren saw Ling Pengyun's confidence, his eyes trembled.

He remembered that he had guessed that Ling Pengyun was valued by the great forces in the boundless sea in the early years.

"Could it be that there is really a great force behind Ling Pengyun? What trump card does he have?"

Thinking of this, Bai Yuan Zhenren could not help but slowly confirm it.

If not, how could Ling Pengyun, who was only the first level of Jindan, say so solemnly to kill the black wind wolf demon of the third level of Jindan.

"Is what you said, fellow Daoist Ling, true?"

Ling Pengyun said affirmatively. "Of course."

When Bai Yuan Zhenren saw Ling Pengyun's affirmation, a smile appeared on his face. "One and a half spiritual veins share is one and a half, but I have kept in mind what you said today. If there is no scene as you said, I will not give this batch of spiritual veins to Bailingmen."

"Understood." Ling Pengyun was also happy when he saw Baiyuan Zhenren agreed to the proposal of spiritual veins share.

"Since this matter has been agreed, Daoyou should go to Baiyun Mountain Range first. I will also rush to Baiyun Mountain Range after I deal with the affairs of the sect."

"Then we will meet at Baiyun Mountain Range." Baiyuan Zhenren said.

Ling Pengyun nodded lightly, and then drove the Fengyun flying boat under his feet, rushing towards the direction of Baiyun Mountain Range.


After dozens of days.

Ling Pengyun drove the Fengyun flying boat across hundreds of thousands of miles, and finally rushed to the outside of Baiyun Mountain Range.

He looked at the endless vast mountains in front of him, and inexplicably felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

This taste is not pleasant, and his vigilance in his heart has greatly increased.

Then, he turned around and told the Wanzi generation clansmen who were sticking their heads out of the flying boat and looking at the Baiyun Mountains with curiosity.

"The Baiyun Mountains are quite vast, stretching for millions of miles. There are many monsters, poisonous snakes and insects in it, and there are many dangers. You should be careful in the Baiyun Mountains in the future."

"If you disobey orders and act recklessly, I will not let you off easily."

The Wanzi generation clansmen on the flying boat were all stunned by Ling Pengyun when he heard this.

They all knew that the Pengyun ancestor was a decisive killer.

Even the Pengyun ancestor said in public in his early years that those who violated the clan rules would be killed directly.

How dare they not listen to what such a ruthless person said.

Immediately, the 31 Wanzi generation clansmen nodded to show that they understood.

The same was true for Xiao Ling Chengxia and others.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun was also quite satisfied in his heart and continued to drive the flying boat to go deeper into the Baiyun Mountains.

Perhaps because the five major sects of Yan State had cleared out many monsters in the Baiyun Mountains, there were not many monsters on the border of the Baiyun Mountains, and it could even be said that they were rare.

In addition, Ling Pengyun deliberately leaked out his powerful aura of a Jindan Zhenren.

Along the way, even if Ling Pengyun and his party encountered monsters, those monsters did not dare to attack the Fengyun Flying Boat.

They also went deep into the Baiyun Mountains for tens of thousands of miles very smoothly and arrived near the Wuyuan Market in the Baiyun Mountains.

The Wuyuan Market is very large, covering thousands or tens of thousands of acres of land.

This also makes this market built in the style of a city.

There is a city wall around the market that is hundreds of feet high.

These walls are covered with monster claw marks, adding a bit of the fierceness of this city.

From time to time, there will be cultivators coming in and out of the entrances of the four walls.

Just as the Fengyun Flying Boat entered the five-mile area of ​​Wuyuanfang City, a hidden aura of formation suddenly came out from Wuyuanfang City.

Ling Pengyun, who was standing at the front of the Fengyun Flying Boat, was moved and muttered to himself.

"Level 3 formation!"

Then, in the core area of ​​Wuyuanfang City, a strong middle-aged monk with a high foundation and wearing a Bailing Sect Taoist robe drove a flying boat and greeted the Fengyun Flying Boat.

After a while, the strong middle-aged monk came to the front of the Fengyun Flying Boat.

"Senior Ling!"

The strong middle-aged man looked at Ling Pengyun, with a touch of envy on his face, and bowed his hands and called respectfully.

Ling Pengyun looked at the strong middle-aged man, and some memories emerged in his eyes.

He had dealt with this strong middle-aged man a lot in his early years, and this strong middle-aged man even saved his life.

This person is none other than "Zhang Yan", a fierce general under the command of Ling Fu Patriarch. Zhang Yan is also the current head of the Deacon Hall of Bai Ling Men, and holds a high position in Bai Ling Men.

Originally, he was only the deputy head of the Deacon Hall of Bai Ling Men, but after the previous head, Bai Yuan Zhenren, was promoted to Jin Dan, Zhang Yan, the deputy head, was promoted under the protection of Ling Fu Patriarch.

Since the battle in Baiyun Mountains started decades ago, this powerful body cultivator with perfect foundation building followed the disciples of Bai Ling Men to fight in Baiyun Mountains.

"Daoyou Zhang Yan, we can call each other peers."

"By the way, Daoyou, with your strength, how come you are now stationed in Wuyuanfang City, which is located in the rear?"

Ling Pengyun asked in confusion after a smile.

Although Wuyuanfang City is also located in Baiyun Mountains, the tens of thousands of miles of land around Wuyuanfang City are occupied by the five sects of Yan State.

At present, this Wuyuanfang City can be said to be an extremely safe place.

If the monsters in the Baiyun Mountains want to attack Wuyuanfang City, they must capture all the tens of thousands of miles of land around Wuyuanfang City.

"Recently, when I followed my sect leader to capture the territory of the Treading Cloud Thunder Leopard Clan, I got a third-level spiritual object."

"That third-level spiritual object has the same properties as my life magic weapon and can be integrated into it."

"Under such circumstances, I plan to refine my second-level superior life magic weapon to the prototype of a magic weapon in one fell swoop."

"Refining life magic weapons takes a long time, and it is not convenient to be at the forefront of the battle with monsters, so I took on the job of guarding the Wuyuan Market half a year ago."

Zhang Yan was delighted to see Ling Pengyun, who had entered the Jindan realm, being so polite, and immediately explained.

When Ling Pengyun heard this, his doubts disappeared.

He thought that Zhang Yan, who was from the Lingfu Patriarch's faction, was suppressed by the faction of Bailing Zhenren, the leader of Bailing Sect, and was demoted to guard the Wuyuan Market.

"Looking at the current appearance of Daoist Zhang Yan, who belongs to Senior Lingfu's faction, he should also be valued by Bailing Sect's late Jindan master, Bailing Zhenren."

"It seems that the four Jindan Zhenren in Bailing Sect are relatively harmonious."

"However, this should also be related to Senior Lingfu's character."

"Senior Lingfu has always been steady. In the past, he also came from Bailing Zhenren's faction and had a good relationship with Bailing Zhenren. He was different from the Lingzhen Patriarch in Bailing Sect who had a rebellious heart."

"This situation is a good thing for my Ling family. There is no need to take sides."

Ling Pengyun was distracted for a while.

At present, there are four Jindan in Bailing Sect, namely Bailing Zhenren in the late Jindan period, Lingfu Patriarch and Baoyuan Zhenren in the early Jindan period, and Baiyuan Zhenren in the Jiadan realm.

Baoyuan and Baiyuan Zhenren are both disciples of Bailing Zhenren, and the three belong to the same faction.

Lingfu Patriarch is weak and has only one person in his faction.

Now the Ling family is on good terms with the Bailing Sect. If there is an internal conflict in the Bailing Sect, it will be difficult for the Ling family not to take sides and will inevitably be implicated.

After coming to his senses, Ling Pengyun also congratulated Zhang Yan.

"Then I will first congratulate you, Daoist Zhang, for getting a prototype of a magic weapon."

Zhang Yan said with a smile. "Haha, I hope so."

"Daoist Ling, please come to the market. I have prepared a place to live and several tables for the noble monks."

Ling Pengyun's expression became strange when he heard this.

The Wuyuan Market in the Baiyun Mountains is millions of miles away from the gate of the Bailing Sect. The journey is long, and the speed of the Fengyun flying boat he is driving is not slow.

It is naturally a bit strange that Zhang Yan, who is stationed in the Wuyuan Market, can know the news that he and the Ling family monks are coming one step ahead.

"Your sect has a third-level communication magic weapon?" Ling Pengyun said in surprise.

"Yes, there is a communication treasure realm between the Bai Yuan Zhenren stationed in the mountain gate of our sect and the Bai Ling Patriarch who is fighting against the monsters on the front line of the Baiyun Mountains."

"Two ancestors, with the help of the two treasure realms, we can communicate even if we are millions of miles apart."

"I was able to learn about the noble monks' arrival because the Bai Ling Patriarch who was fighting against the monsters on the front line sent someone to inform me."

"The battle situation on the front line is tight, and it is difficult for the Jindan Zhenren of our sect in the Baiyun Mountains to welcome him in person. I hope you don't mind."

Zhang Yan did not hide it and explained.

Ling Pengyun was shocked. Although the third-level communication treasure realm only has the function of communication, it is very valuable, even more expensive than the price of ordinary magic weapons of the same level.

This is because this communication treasure realm is a strategic treasure like the medium and large flying boats, which can transmit information millions of miles away.

If a force has the help of the third-level communication treasure realm, it can avoid a lot of trouble.

"Bailing Sect is indeed a great Jindan sect in Yan State, and it even has such treasures."

Thinking back, Ling Pengyun also drove the Fengyun flying boat and followed Zhang Yan into a restaurant in the core area of ​​Wuyuanfang City.

Ling Pengyun, the Jindan, and his family were also specially taken to a private room in the restaurant by Zhang Yan to eat.

The rest of the Ling family members ate in the restaurant hall.

Ling Pengyun had dealt with Zhang Yan a lot before, and the two of them had a good chat at the dinner table.

While chatting, Ling Pengyun also asked Zhang Yan about the current situation of his early friends "Qin Shi", "Xue Chao" and "Ye Yu".

Although he had not seen Qin Shi and the other two in the past ten years, his contact with them had not been cut off.

Whether it was the wedding banquet of Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi in the early years or the Jindan ceremony, Qin Shi and the other two sent heavy gifts.

"Qin Shi, that kid, is now following our sect and fighting monsters at the front line of Baiyun Mountain Range."

"Xue Chao's talisman making has now reached the second-class upper grade, and he is highly valued by the sect. Therefore, he was taken directly to the front line by the sect, and he made talismans with the materials obtained by the sect's monks from killing monsters, and supplied them to the sect's disciples fighting monsters."

"Ye Yu, as Xue Chao's Taoist partner, naturally followed Xue Chao."

Zhang Yan said.

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