Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 442: The situation of the Jindan monster tribe in Baiyun Mountain Range (2400 words, please

"Please let me explain in detail."

"Qingxin Taoist Temple is the weakest sect among the five golden elixir sects in our country of Yan. The only golden elixir sect in this sect is Qingxin Old Taoist."

"In the past few years, in order to occupy the territory of Qiuyang Yan in the Baiyun Mountains, this sect fought a protracted war for decades with Qiuyang Yan, a tribe of golden elixir monsters in that territory."

"In the past few decades, the weak Qingxin Taoist Temple has lost at least 50% of its Qi-training and Foundation-building disciples."

"Even the golden elixir master Qing Xin Lao Dao in this Taoist temple was seriously injured in the final battle with the Qiuyang Yan clan's only early golden elixir demon king a few years ago."

"Fortunately, the old Taoist Qingxin had extraordinary skills. With the help of his sect's sect-suppressing magic weapon, Qingxin Fuchen, he beheaded the Qiuyang Yan King in the early stage of the golden elixir in that battle, and thus led the sect's disciples to occupy the Qiuyang Yan clan. Two hundred thousand miles of land.”

"It's just that the boundary of Qiuyang Yan and the boundary of muddy swamp meet."

"The war on the side of the monsters in the Baiyun Mountains is not going well. The overlord of the entire mountain range, the Baiyun Spirit Fox at the Golden Core Perfection Realm, turned to attack its Baiyun Spirit Fox clan in order to prevent the Qingxin Taoist Temple from supporting the Xuanyang Sect after the great victory. , the Baiyun Fox King ordered the swamp giant crocodile clan, the overlord of the muddy swamp realm, to take the initiative to invade the Qiuyang Yan realm, find the disciples of Qingxin Taoist Temple, and fight with them. "

"Qingxin Taoist Temple has suffered heavy losses in order to capture Qiuyang Yan's territory. Even if this sect is completely victorious, it may not be the opponent of the swamp giant crocodile clan."

"After all, the demon king of the swamp giant crocodile clan has a cultivation level as high as the third level of the golden elixir, while the demon king of the Qiuyangyan clan only has a cultivation level of the second level of the golden elixir. Although the difference between the two is only one level , but there is a huge gap between them.”

"And it is the swamp giant crocodile clan that is so powerful that in recent years, Qingxin Taoist Temple has been severely beaten by more than 200,000 monster beasts led by the swamp giant crocodile clan."

"If it weren't for the four major golden elixir forces of Bailing Sect, Yaowang Valley, Ten Thousand Beast Sect, and Xuanyang Sect, all of which sent 150 Qi Practicing Sect members and 50 Foundation Establishing Sect members to help Qingxin Taoist Temple, otherwise, what would be the situation today? The Qiuyangyan territory occupied by Qingxin Taoist Temple may have been recaptured by a huge group of monsters led by the swamp giant crocodile clan. "

"However, this time we were able to successfully occupy Tayun Ridge, which covers an area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles, thanks to the Qingxin Taoist Temple."

"If this Taoist temple hadn't entangled the swamp giant crocodile clan next to Taoyun Ridge, it would have been impossible for us to capture the Taoyun Thunder Leopard clan so easily."

"Under such circumstances, fellow Daoist Ling, you took the initiative to take over the task of conquering the muddy swampland. How could Qingxin Taoist Temple object?"

"On the contrary, this sect will probably burst into laughter."

Master Bailing also planned to make friends with Ling Pengyun, so he told him in detail.

"I didn't know about such detailed matters before. Thank you, senior, for explaining this." Ling Pengyun thanked him and asked.

"Senior, I don't know the status of the other three sects in the Baiyun Mountains. Can you tell me more about it?"

"It's just news, it's not a big deal, no thanks."

"Now that I have nothing to do, I will have a talk with you."

"The Baiyun Mountains today are very different from the Baiyun Mountains where monsters roamed around decades ago."

"After the attacks by the five sects of our Yan Kingdom in recent decades, there are only five groups of golden elixir monsters left in the Baiyun Mountains."

"Now that we have wiped out the Cloud-Stepping Thunder Leopard Clan, there are only four Golden Core Monster Beast Clans left in the Baiyun Mountains."

"These four groups of golden elixir monsters are the swamp giant crocodiles in the muddy swamps, the thick yellow sand turtles in the Huangsha Ridge, the blood spiders in the boundless forest, and the white cloud spirits in the Baiyun Mountains. Fox Clan."

"The giant crocodile clan in the swamp is now blocked by the Qingxin Taoist Temple."

"Although the yellow sand thick earth turtle clan only has one middle-stage golden elixir demon king, the yellow sand thick earth turtle demon king doesn't like to fight. It has been practicing through slumber for many years. It is true that this turtle can achieve such a level of cultivation now. Thanks to his hard work and hard work."

"The Demon King's year-round seclusion has also allowed the monks of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect who are in the Bailing Mountains and are guarded by Master Wu Jindan to take advantage of the opportunity. In the past few decades, they have occupied one-fifth of the Huangsha Ridge. ”

"The Blood Spirit Spider clan has two Golden Core Demon Kings, one is in the middle stage of the Golden Core and the other is in the early stage of the Golden Core. They are similar in strength to the Cloud-Stepping Thunder Leopard clan that we destroyed this time. This clan is currently being attacked by the Medicine King Valley. "

"As the overlord of the Baiyun Mountains, the Baiyun Spirit Fox Clan is particularly powerful. There were originally five Golden Core Fox Kings in their clan. However, decades ago, an early Golden Core Fox Demon in this clan was designed by five sects including us. Went out."

"When the Xuanyang Sect attacked the clan's territory, another fox demon in the early stage of the Golden Core was killed."

"This also means that the spirit fox clan currently only has three golden elixirs. However, the remaining three golden elixir demon kings of the spirit fox clan are not weak in cultivation. They all have the cultivation level of the middle golden elixir or above."

"Especially the king of this ethnic group, his cultivation is as high as the golden elixir perfection."

"Even Xuanyang Zhenren of Xuanyang Sect, who is in the Golden Elixir Perfection Realm, can't get any benefit from the White Cloud Spirit Fox King with the help of Xuanyang Sect's sect-suppressing treasure, the Xuanyang Lamp. The most he can do is to entangle him."

"However, the Xuanyang Sect is now very powerful. By killing the Golden Elixir Demon King in the Baiyun Mountains and combining it with valuable Golden Elixir spiritual objects, we have created two fake Alchemy Realm real people in these years."

"In addition, with the original four Jindan of this sect, this sect now has six Jindan Zhenren. With these six Jindan Zhenren, Xuanyang Sect also has a great advantage during the battle with Baiyun Fox Clan."

"However, in a short period of time, it is estimated that this sect will not be able to destroy the Baiyun Spirit Fox Clan, and it will still be a protracted war in the future."

"It depends on whether the Baiyun Spirit Fox Clan can outlast Xuanyang Sect's Xuanyang Taoist who has perfect Jindan cultivation but a short life span."

"This Xuanyang Taoist entered the Jindan realm more than 500 years ago. Now his life span has long exceeded the limit of 500 years for Jindan. It is estimated that Xuanyang Taoist can live to this day because he has taken something to enhance his life span."

"However, the third-level life span enhancement item is very expensive. It is estimated that Xuanyang Taoist can only extend his life by about 100 years at most. Now , its life span is only about fifty years at most. "

"If the spirit fox clan can hold out for fifty years and outlast the old Taoist Xuan Yang, the remaining five cultivators of Xuan Yang Sect who are only in the early and middle stages of the Golden Core will hardly have the power to destroy the Baiyun spirit fox clan with the Golden Core Perfect Fox King sitting in charge. "

"However, this situation is a good opportunity for the other Golden Core forces in our Yan State. "

"If it weren't for the fact that the Xuan Yang Sect has the Golden Core Perfect Taoist Xuan Yang sitting in charge, the other four major Golden Core forces in our Yan State would have already intervened and attacked the Baiyun spirit fox clan. "

"The Baiyun spirit fox clan has a very vast territory, as large as a million miles, and there are as many as three third-level spirit veins. "

"It is said that there is also a third-level superior spirit vein in that territory, which is a good thing. "

"Bailingmen said patiently.

After hearing about the current situation in the Baiyun Mountains, Ling Pengyun's mouth corners slightly raised.

As long as the five major sects of Yan State that invaded the Baiyun Mountains are in an advantageous position, the probability of the human race conquering the entire Baiyun Mountains during the next monster beast riot will be greater.

Only when the Baiyun Mountains are completely conquered, Ling Pengyun can rest assured to move all the clansmen in Huaishui County to this area to settle down in the future.

As for the matter of Xuanyangmen, Ling Pengyun felt a little headache.

His Ling family has now been on good terms with Bailingmen for a thousand years, and they are forces wearing the same pants.

There is no doubt that Ling family still needs to rely on Bailingmen for many places.

If Xuanyangmen destroys the spirit fox clan before the next monster beast riot, and later troubles Bailingmen, his Ling family will not be able to escape at all.

Of course, it is not impossible to run away, but doing so will definitely lead to the world's scorn, becoming a person who does not keep his word, so that no one will visit Ling family's stores to buy spiritual objects.

Now, it really depends on whether the Spirit Fox Clan can outlast Taoist Xuan Yang.

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