Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 443 New Territory Lingxiaoling (2600 words, please subscribe)

"Under such circumstances, the exhaustion of Taoist Xuanyang's life span is indeed a good thing for our two major forces."

"By the way, Senior Bailing, when I broke through the golden elixir, I made an appointment with Taoist Baiyuan to destroy the Poison Blood Demon Sect together with your sect."

"Now your sect has also occupied the territory of Treading Cloud Thunder Leopard. When does your sect plan to attack the Poison Blood Demon Sect?"

Ling Pengyun frowned and asked.

"The matter of the Poisonous Blood Demon Sect must be dealt with, but not now."

"The territory of the Treading Clouds Thunder Leopard that our two forces have newly occupied is adjacent to the territories of the Swamp Giant Crocodile, the Yellow Sand Thick Earth Turtle, and the White Cloud Spirit Fox."

"I will not help the Xuanyang Sect."

"However, the Wanshou Sect is among the disciples in the Baiyun Mountains. Without a Jindan Zhenren in charge, it is also difficult for them to attack the Yellow Sand Thick Earth Turtle territory. I plan to wait for some time, when my disciples have rested and digested the spiritual veins of this Treading Cloud Ridge territory, and then go to help the Wanshou Sect's cultivators in the Baiyun Mountains to capture the Yellow Sand Thick Earth Turtle territory."

"Thereby, the group of elite cultivators in the Qi Training Realm and the Foundation Establishment Realm of the Wanshou Sect who are fighting in the Baiyun Mountains can escape and return. Go back to the gate of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect. "

"During this time, your family can also destroy the giant crocodile clan in the swamp and occupy the muddy swamp."

"By then, you can also free yourself to help my sect and the Ten Thousand Beast Sect to attack the evil Poison Blood Demon Sect. "

"However, it takes a long time to capture the demon clan's territory. "

"It may take several years, or even dozens or hundreds of years. "

"However, I am sure that within three years, I can help the elite of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect to capture the yellow sand thick earth turtle territory where only a middle-stage Jindan turtle king is stationed. "

"Can the date of sending troops to the Poison Blood Demon Sect be set three years later?

"If during this period, you can't deal with the group of giant crocodiles in the swamp, you can also come to my sect for help. "

Master Bailing still had that smile on his face and spoke.

Ling Pengyun had a strange look on his face when he heard it.

He was not a fool, so he could guess that Master Bailing was planning to take advantage of the fact that there was no golden elixir among the cultivators sent by the Ten Thousand Beast Sect to conquer the Yellow Sand Thick Earth Turtle Clan in the Baiyun Mountains.

With the reputation of helping the Ten Thousand Beast Sect conquer the Yellow Sand Thick Earth Turtle territory, he would occupy some spiritual veins in the Yellow Sand Thick Earth Turtle territory after the success.

The Bailing Sect is now powerful and has made efforts to conquer the Yellow Sand Thick Earth Turtle territory.

Nine out of ten, the Ten Thousand Beast Sect will not say much in the future.

"What a good plan!"

"I think this old fox wants to help my clan destroy the Swamp Giant Crocodile Clan, but he has no good intentions. "

Ling Pengyun couldn't help but sigh again.

Although he knew the intention of Bai Ling Zhenren, he did not refuse, but said tactfully.

"Three years later, the matter of sending troops to the Poison Blood Demon Sect will be done according to what the senior said. As for the Swamp Giant Crocodile Clan, I'll trouble the senior to worry about it. If my clan is in trouble, I will definitely ask for help from your clan. "

As for the matter of attacking the Poison Blood Demon Sect, Ling Pengyun did not plan to go immediately. After all, the family has not yet found the third-level spiritual vein in this Baiyun Mountain Range.

The two agreed and chatted for a few more words. When night fell, the two took off together and rushed to the Shiyanling garrison.

After entering the garrison, Ling Pengyun also directly used the family's Fengyun flying boat, and took the 31 Wanzi generation clan members who were here, as well as Ling Penglin, Ling Pengqiu, Ling Chengxia, Xiao Qianfei and others, to the east of Tayunling, the territory belonging to the Ling family.

This territory of 130,000 miles is a huge continuous The mountain range was named "Lingxiao Ridge" by Ling Pengyun.

And there are many spiritual veins in Lingxiao Ridge.

After careful calculation, there are 311 first-level low-grade spiritual veins, 134 first-level middle-grade spiritual veins, and 60 first-level high-grade spiritual veins in this area.

Fifteen second-level low-grade spiritual veins, eight second-level middle-grade spiritual veins, and two second-level high-grade spiritual veins.

A total of 505 first-level spiritual veins and 25 second-level spiritual veins.

Although the number of these spiritual veins is only one and a half of the number of spiritual veins in the Tayun Ridge area, Ling Pengyun is relatively satisfied.

After all, this time the capture of the Tayun Ridge area is a hundred spiritual veins. The sect has contributed the most.

In the past ten years, this sect has been fighting a protracted war with the monsters in the Tayunling area.

It is reasonable for this sect to get the majority of the spiritual veins in this area.


Half a day later.

Ling Pengyun drove the Fengyun flying boat carrying the Ling family members, deep into Lingxiaoling for tens of thousands of miles, and finally stopped at the junction of Lingxiaoling and the muddy swamp.

He glanced at the five places on the ground that were very close to each other, "three short mountains, one high mountain, and one valley", and a bit of hesitation appeared on his face.

Each of the three short mountains has a rare second-level middle-grade spiritual vein in Lingxiaoling.

The high mountain and the valley Inside, there are the only two second-grade superior spiritual veins in Lingxiao Mountain.

According to the information Ling Pengyun got from Bai Ling Zhenren, the original occupants of these five spiritual veins were the most powerful foundation-building monster tribe "Cloud Wing Leopard Clan" in the territory of Tayun Mountain.

This tribe is a relative of the Tayun Thunder Leopard Clan, and there is also some blood of the Tayun Thunder Leopard Clan in their bodies.

It is precisely for this reason that the Cloud Wing Leopard was entrusted with an important task by the Golden Core Monster Clan Tayun Thunder Leopard Clan to sit in this area near the muddy swamp.

However, the Cloud Wing Leopard Clan was completely wiped out by the cultivators Ling Pengyun and others in the final battle not long ago.

This piece of land was therefore left empty.

In fact, not only the Yun Yi Leopard clan, but also the leopard monsters that participated in the final battle not long ago, Ling Pengyun and Bai Ling Zhenren did not let them go, and were all destroyed by them.

At that time, among the tens to two hundred thousand monster beasts that escaped, they were all other types of monster beasts.

After thinking for a while, Ling Pengyun's eyes finally settled on the "peak" with a second-level high-grade spiritual vein that was a thousand feet long.

Then, he drove the wind and cloud flying boat and landed on the thousand-foot mountain peak.

"This peak is a thousand feet high, and the peak of the mountain has already entered the clouds. This situation is somewhat similar to our clan's clan mountain, Lingxiao Mountain, in Huaishui County."

"In addition, the spiritual veins in this peak are not low-grade, and there is also a second-grade high-grade spiritual vein. I plan to use this peak as a temporary home for my Ling family in the Baiyun Mountains."

"Three months later, our clan will invade the muddy swamp boundary to the east of Lingxiao Ridge and fight the swamp giant crocodile clan of the Jindan Demon Clan who occupies that boundary."

"If our clan can destroy those giant swamp crocodiles, the swamp island with a third-level spiritual vein at the core of the muddy swamp will become the home of my Ling family."

Ling Pengyun pointed to the "Yunxiao Peak" at his feet, and spoke to Ling Pengqiu, Ling Penglin, Ling Chengxia, Xiao Qianfei, and the thirty-one Ten Thousand Characters clan members on the Fengyun Feizhou, and then looked to the east, his eyes There was a glint in his eyes.

Many Ling clan members present had already known that Ling Pengyun had made great contributions in conquering Tayun Ridge and had obtained a lot of spiritual veins from Bailing Sect.

But now, seeing themselves standing on a spiritual vein with a grade as high as the second-grade high-grade, they couldn't help but show a bit of joy on their faces.

You must know that in the past, the highest-grade spiritual vein of the Ling family in Huaishui County, Bailing's headquarters, was only the second-grade mid-grade spiritual vein in Zushan.

Everyone was extremely interested in Ling Pengyun's plan to invade the mud swamp three months later, fight against the Jindan Demon Clan's swamp giant crocodile clan, and open up the real clan's land.

"Dad, if you attack the swamp giant crocodile clan, I will also join the battle."

The little Cheng Xia, who was only in his teens, said with a fighting spirit.

"Yes, Ancestor Pengyun, I also want to participate in the war. I don't want to be a pest that lives on the ancestor's body. I want to stay in the rear. I also want to contribute my strength to the family."

Among the thirty-one members of the Ten Thousand Character Generation clan, the most talented "Ling Wanduo" also said.

The remaining thirty young members of the Wanzi generation followed Ling Pengyun this time, originally with the idea of ​​fighting monsters for the family and opening up territory for the family.

When it came to destroying the Cloud-Stepping Thunder Leopard Clan, they were unable to participate in the battle because Ling Pengyun refused to give in. This was something they had always regretted.

Now, these passionate tribesmen of the Wanzi generation saw that Ancestor Ling Pengyun was planning to open up a new tribe. The leaders, Ling Chengxia and Ling Wanduo, took the lead in expressing their opinions. Naturally, they also spoke one after another, saying that they would also participate in the expansion of the muddy land. During the battle in the swamp.

Xiao Qian Fei, who was a spirit plant husband but still had a passionate heart, also followed the words of those members of the Ten Thousand Zi generation tribe.

Ling Pengqiu and Ling Penglin, the two top family members, are dedicated to their clan. Especially after the Little Demon Rebellion, dozens of Ling clan members died tragically in front of them, and they both felt even more indebted to their family.

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