Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 444: Arrangement of many spiritual veins (2200 words, please subscribe)

Now that they heard that there was another fight, they naturally immediately expressed their intention to join the war.

When Ling Pengyun saw this scene, a look of approval appeared on his face.

Because he had a plan, he did not stop these tribesmen from participating in the war this time, but instead agreed with joy.

"Those who care about the family are all good sons and daughters of my Ling family."

"Since you are all willing to participate in the family's battle to open up the mud swamp, I agree."

When everyone present heard this, their faces became even more joyful.

"Thank you, ancestor, for allowing me to fight." Immediately, everyone thanked him in unison.

"Okay, don't do these false pretense with me. Except for Peng Lin and Peng Qiu, everyone else will go to the mountainside of this peak to find a place to build a house to live."

Ling Pengyun waved his hand and said.

Those disciples of ten thousand generations also left immediately after hearing this.

After a while, only Ling Pengyun, Ling Pengqiu, and Ling Penlin were left on the top of the mountain hidden in the clouds.

"Pengqiu, Penglin, now our tribe is short of manpower, and we are about to fight against the giant swamp crocodile tribe in the muddy swamp."

"There are so many spiritual veins in the vast realm of Lingxiao Ridge that it is difficult to allocate manpower to take care of them."

"Therefore, in addition to the three short mountains next to Yunxiao Peak and the valleys with second-order spiritual veins everywhere, I plan to rent all the other more than 500 first-order spiritual veins and dozens of second-order spiritual veins in Lingxiao Ridge. Hire it out.”

"I have informed Bailingmen to help publicize this matter."

"In the Baiyun Mountains, at least 30% of the casual cultivators of our Yan Kingdom have poured in. The number of these casual cultivators is at least 50,000. The five sects of the Yan Kingdom have enough manpower to digest the spiritual veins of the demon beasts and the earth. "

"It is therefore difficult for those casual cultivators to occupy spiritual veins in the Baiyun Mountains."

"And spiritual veins are a necessity for cultivation. I think those casual cultivators will also come to take a look when they learn that the spiritual veins in my Ling family will be rented."

"When the time comes, for those who are really interested in renting spiritual veins, we can also use the rental of spiritual veins as a requirement, and let those casual cultivators who want to rent spiritual veins exchange their military exploits for it."

"In this way, our Ling clan only has enough men to attack the muddy swamp realm."

Ling Pengyun said carefully.

After Ling Pengqiu and Ling Penglin heard about this, they both felt reluctant to rent out their hard-earned spiritual veins to casual cultivators.

After all, those spiritual veins are all gold mountains, and there are many of them. Just planting spiritual plants, those spiritual plants can bring in at least tens of thousands of spiritual stones every year.

However, the two of them also knew that Ling Pengyun's current arrangement was the most beneficial arrangement for the Ling family's current situation.

With the infusion of casual cultivators into the Ling family, a Jindan family with a small number of people, the Ling family has a greater chance of conquering the muddy swamp realm.

At the same time, those spiritual veins left unattended by the Ling family can also be revitalized.

Ling Pengqiu and Ling Penglin also agreed to this matter.

Then, Ling Penglin, who was thoughtful, looked outside Yunxiao Peak. The three short mountains that would not be rented out in the future all had a second-order mid-grade spiritual vein, and the valley with a second-order high-grade spiritual vein. Ling Pengyun asked.

"Third brother, I wonder how you plan to arrange those four second-level spiritual veins?"

Ling Pengyun heard the inquiry and spoke carefully.

"The valley a few miles away that also has second-level high-grade spiritual veins is named Spiritual Medicine Valley and is specially used to grow spiritual medicine."

"The other three short mountains with second-level mid-grade spiritual veins, one is specially used to keep spirit beasts in captivity, and is named Spirit Beast Mountain."

"This time, I found hundreds of monster cubs from the Taoyun Forest in the Taoyun Ridge, and more than two hundred monster cubs in the rest of the Taoyun Ridge. This also made it possible for me to There are now more than three hundred monster cubs in total.”

"In addition, the family has cultivated spiritual beasts for decades before they multiplied to a hundred. Our family currently controls more than 400 monsters."

"I plan to put these more than 400 monster beasts in the Spirit Beast Mountain and cultivate them."

"With the help of the rich spiritual energy in the second-level mid-grade spiritual vein, those monster spirits can improve their cultivation faster."

"The boy Cheng Xin who is stationed in Jiaomanfang City, last year, found a second-level alchemy inheritance for the family that matches the spirit beast, and a set of second-level beast-control inheritance, so I thought about focusing on developing the family's protection in the future. Beast together."

"In this way, with the help of spirit beasts, our Ling family's shortage of manpower can also be made up for by a huge number of spirit beasts."

"The remaining two short mountains with second-level mid-grade spiritual veins are used to plant spiritual plants."

"That short mountain with a mountain full of loess was named Loess Mountain."

"The short mountain with the black soil is named Black Earth Mountain."

"I will handle the matter of developing spiritual fields between these two mountains, Spiritual Medicine Valley and Yunxiao Peak."

Ling Penglin and Ling Pengqiu saw that Ling Pengyun had carefully considered everything big and small, and they felt a little more respect for Ling Pengyun, a strong man whose cultivation had reached the realm of golden elixir.

Afterwards, the three of them chatted for a while and then each performed their duties.

Ling Penglin, a formation master who had just entered the second-level mid-level realm a few years ago, also began to assign these five spiritual mountains based on the ground trends in Yunxiao Peak, Spiritual Medicine Valley, Loess Mountain, Black Earth Mountain, and Spiritual Beast Mountain. , arrange the most suitable second-order formation.

Ling Pengyun first went to Spirit Beast Mountain and put the more than 300 monster beast cubs in the beast control bag on his body into the mountain.

He also arranged for Ling Pengqiu, a fire magic genius, to take care of the more than 300 monster cubs in the mountain.

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun continued to open up spiritual fields in Yunxiao Peak, Lingyao Valley, Huangtu Mountain, and Heitu Mountain.

Yunxiao Peak was considered a temporary place to settle down, so Ling Pengyun reserved a lot of spiritual energy for the monks in the mountain to practice. He only opened up 30 mu of first-grade upper-grade spiritual fields, 10 second-grade lower-grade spiritual fields, 5 second-grade middle-grade spiritual fields, and 5 second-grade upper-grade spiritual fields in the mountain, a total of 40 mu of spiritual fields.

In Lingyao Valley, the second-grade upper-grade spiritual field, except for a part of the spiritual energy left to maintain the formation, all was used to open up spiritual fields.

This also made the number of spiritual fields opened up in this valley as many as 80 mu, including 20 first-grade lower, middle, and upper-grade spiritual fields, 10 second-grade lower-grade spiritual fields, and 5 second-grade middle and upper-grade spiritual fields.

Huangtu Mountain and Heitu Mountain, two spiritual mountains with second-grade medium-quality spiritual fields, have less spiritual fields because of their lower grade, but they have all opened up ten acres of first-grade lower, middle and upper-grade spiritual fields, ten acres of second-grade lower-grade spiritual fields, and ten acres of second-grade medium-quality spiritual fields.

During the development of the spiritual fields, Ling Pengyun also planted various spiritual plant seeds that he had prepared in the newly developed spiritual fields.

After completing this task, Ling Pengyun also returned to Yunxiao Mountain and informed Ling Penglin in the mountain that he was going to close the gate for a long time.

And he gave full authority to Ling Penglin and Ling Pengqiu to rent spiritual veins for the casual cultivators in the future.

Both of them are quite powerful. Ling Penglin has the fifth level of foundation building, and Ling Pengqiu has the seventh level of foundation building. Among the casual cultivators in Yan State, they are also the people with the highest level of cultivation, enough to dominate the casual cultivators.

The path of cultivation for casual cultivators is extremely difficult. Among thousands of casual cultivators, there is only one person who is lucky enough to enter the foundation-building stage.

After entering the foundation-building stage, the resources required for cultivation are huge, and casual cultivators have no support. This also makes most casual cultivators hover in the early stage of foundation-building after entering the foundation-building stage.

Only a few can enter the middle stage of foundation-building.

Among the casual cultivators of Yan State, there are no more than two hands who can enter the late stage of foundation-building, and there are only three people who can enter the perfect foundation-building stage.

Thanks: Is God at Home, Fengliu Xueya, Quanta Niu, and soulTOme for their monthly tickets.

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