Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 453: Honest Ling Chengyuan (2688 words, please subscribe)

Ling Chengxin smiled and said. "Haha, fellow Taoist Lin has joined our clan, and our clan has one more foundation-building monk."

"Now our clan is fighting in the Baiyun Mountains. Fellow Taoist, would you like to go to the Baiyun Mountains with me?"

"But fellow Taoist, please rest assured. According to our clan's battle report, our ancestor Pengyun six months ago, together with several golden elixirs from the Bailing Sect, killed two early-stage golden elixir monsters in succession, and obtained the two early-stage golden elixir monsters. most of the beast’s interests.”

"In fact, our clan has occupied more than 500 spiritual veins in the territory of the former Golden Core Demon Clan in the Baiyun Mountains, the Cloud Thunder Leopard Clan."

"The ancestor of our clan, the Golden Core, currently wants to destroy the Giant Swamp Crocodile clan of the Golden Core Demon Clan. It is when we need manpower. If you and I can participate, our clan has successfully destroyed the Giant Swamp Crocodile clan and occupied the muddy swamp. In the world, you and I will also become heroes of the Ling family."

"With this title, I can at least ensure that fellow Taoists enter the middle stage of foundation building."

"Of course, if fellow Taoist doesn't want to go to the Baiyun Mountains with me to support our clan, I won't force you."

Half a month ago, the clan members who fought in the Baiyun Mountains not only conveyed the news of the great victory back to the clan, but also stated that the clan would also attack the giant swamp crocodile clan alone in the near future, and there would be a long fight in the future. protracted war.

He also ordered Ling Chengxin, a second-level alchemist, to rush to the Baiyun Mountains as soon as possible.

With him as a second-level alchemist in charge, the family will not be short of elixirs for the monks fighting in the Baiyun Mountains.

Ling Chengxin has not left for the Baiyun Mountains these days because he is waiting for Lin Yuan to break through and build the foundation.

I want to pull this person and go together.

Lin Yuan was shocked when he heard this.

Join forces with other Jindan masters to kill the Jindan monster, using more to defeat the smaller ones. Killing the Jindan monster of the same level is nothing.

Perhaps after killing the golden elixir monster, obtaining most of the benefits from that golden elixir monster is enough to prove that the golden elixir ancestor of the Ling family is far more powerful than the other golden elixir masters.

And the huge benefits offered by Ling Chengxin made him even more excited.

He is a casual cultivator who makes a living by hunting monsters. He has been fighting monsters all year round, so naturally he is not afraid of fighting monsters.

At the same time, he also understood that this was a new test given to him by Ling Cheng.

If he doesn't agree to this, I'm afraid he will only be able to get the salary of five spirit-gathering pills a year in this life.

Driven by profit, he responded.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, I will go with you."

Ling Chengxin laughed twice when he saw this. "Very good, very good."

Ling Pengliang, who was not familiar with Lin Yuan, also had a smile on his face.

Ling Chengxin told him all the details about Lin Yuan.

It can be said that the Ling family is in urgent need of such talents with good beast control talents.

The Ling family will not suffer any loss if they can recruit such talents into the clan.

And he also knew the real purpose of Ling Cheng Xinla to support the tribesmen fighting in the Baiyun Mountains.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, this place is far away from the Baiyun Mountains. Can we start our journey now?"

"I have a flying boat. By then, you can stabilize your cultivation on the flying boat." Ling Chengxin suggested.

"Okay." Lin Yuan nodded after hearing this.

"Uncle Pengliang, fellow Taoist Lin and I will leave here first."

When Ling Chengxin saw this, he cupped his hands to Ling Pengliang and said goodbye.

"Okay, pay attention to safety on the road."

Ling Pengliang instructed.

Ling Chengxin nodded lightly, took out a flying boat from his storage bag, and flew away with Lin Yuan.

Ling Pengliang, who was left alone outside the Rock Scale Snake Cave, looked at Ling Chengxin, Lin Yuan and Ling Chengxin who were gradually receding in the sky, with a hint of envy gradually appearing in his eyes.

"With Bago's temperament, after occupying the vast Lingxiaoling territory this time, he must be confident that he will target the overlord of the mud swamp, the Jindan monster swamp giant crocodile clan."

"If Bago can really lead the family to destroy the swamp giant crocodile clan, and then occupy the muddy swamp land with more than 2,000 spiritual veins, the family will be prosperous."

"By then, the tribesmen who participated in this battle will definitely become heroes in opening up the new tribe's territory and will be specially trained by the family."

"It's just a pity that I need to take care of the spiritual plants in the Rock Scale Snake Cave, so I can't escape, so I missed this opportunity."

"I hope that Brother Bage will take advantage of the fact that my wife, I, and Cheng Yuan are all in various parts of the family. When cultivating our clan members, we will not forget...the old people."

Ling Pengliang sighed.

Ling Pengliang's Taoist companion Wen Nianling was stationed in the Rock Scale Snake Cave like him for the past ten years. More than half a year ago, after Ling Pengyun led his tribe to the Baiyun Mountains, Wen Nianling, who was in the realm of foundation building, was transferred He returned to the family and took charge.

"Cheng Yuan" is the only child born to Ling Pengliang and his Taoist companion Wen Nianling. He has the three spiritual roots of wood, metal and earth, and has the talent of spiritual cultivation.

This also led to the fact that after his spiritual roots were detected more than ten years ago, he was taken by Ling Pengliang, a second-level spiritual planter, and carefully cultivated.

It is precisely because of this that Ling Chengyuan, who is of the Cheng generation, avoided the "little devil chaos" back then and is one of the few good seedlings that can enter the foundation building.

Now more than ten years have passed, Ling Chengyuan's cultivation level has been promoted to the eighth level of Qi training, and his spiritual cultivation has also entered the first level of high-level realm.

After Ling Pengyun left Luoxia Mountain, he was dispatched by his family to garrison in Luoxia Mountain and manage the spiritual plants planted in the mountain.

Luoxia Mountain Peak.

In the spiritual plant garden, there were two young monks, a man and a woman, walking through a forest of spiritual mulberry trees with black gem-like mulberries hanging there. They used the magic of controlling objects to collect the spiritual mulberry trees. .

Thanks to the help of the Object Controlling Technique, the two of them could collect a large number of spiritual mulberries with just a wave of their hands.

After a while, the two of them collected all the mulberries from the mulberry trees in the garden.

After this was done, the honest-looking male cultivator also handed the storage bag filled with spiritual mulberries to the tall, fair-skinned young woman beside him with a slightly playful face. build.

After the young female cultivator reached out to take it, she waved her spiritual power into the storage bag, took out thousands of spiritual mulberries on the ground, and faced the honest young male cultivator.

"Brother Cheng Yuan, this is your share of spiritual mulberry."

When the honest male cultivator heard this, he looked at the thousands of spiritual mulberries on the ground and his eyes trembled.

Among this batch of spiritual mulberries, there are as many as 500 first-level low-, medium-, and high-grade spiritual mulberries.

"Sister Cheng Ping, although the value of Lingmulberry is extremely low, this batch of Lingmulberry is so large that if it were put on the market, it could be sold for at least a hundred spiritual stones."

"If I accept it, I will be suspected of being greedy. After my family finds out, I will definitely be punished. It's better not to do anything about greed."

The honest young male cultivator said with a little fear.

"Brother Cheng Yuan, what are you thinking about? I have 30% of the mulberries produced by the mulberry forest in Luoxia Mountain. It doesn't exceed this share. Brother Cheng Yuan, you can accept it with confidence. This mulberry tastes very good, especially if you eat it once." The top-grade Lingmulberry tastes even more delicious.”

"In the next ten days, I will take you to collect some of the fruit flower honey produced by the fruit flower bee colony in the past six months. Luoxia Mountain will also have 30% of the fruit flower honey. When the time comes, I will also share it with you. a little."

"The taste of fruit flowers and honey is unparalleled." The tall young female cultivator said with a smile.

This tall female cultivator is none other than Ling Chengping, a first-level top-grade silkworm breeder who grew up in Luoxia Mountain and was brought up by Ling Pengyun.

The honest-looking young male cultivator was Ling Chengyuan, a first-level high-grade spiritual planter who was sent here by his family to manage the spiritual plants in this mountain spiritual plant garden half a year ago.

"Sister Cheng Ping, is this true?" Ling Chengyuan, who had always been honest and honest, was shocked when he heard what Ling Chengping said.

Even if there is no one to take care of the mulberry garden, it can still reach two crops every year with the help of the five special formations arranged in the spiritual plant garden.

And every time the mulberry garden matures, it can produce at least tens of thousands of spiritual mulberries.

The price of two cooked pieces is more than 20,000 pieces.

With such a huge amount of spiritual mulberry, Luoxia Mountain alone accounts for 30% of the share, which is really astonishing.

Needless to say, the value that the more expensive fruit flower honey can bring.

"Of course it's true. The Luoxia Mountain where we are now is the residence of Uncle Peng Yun. The mulberries and fruit flower bee colonies were all obtained by Uncle Peng Yun for the family in his early years. The ability of Jie Ling Zhifu, as long as 30% of the spiritual mulberry and fruit flower honey is considered small. "

"After all, if Uncle Peng Yun were to sit here, it would be enough to make the mulberry tree, which can only produce two crops a year, reach four crops a year."

“The fruit flower bee colonies that collect fruit flowers and produce nectar will also produce more fruit flower honey.”

"Now that Uncle Peng Yun and the others are not here, we will enjoy the blessings and eat more mulberries, fruit flowers and honey."

Ling Chengping said with a smile.

After listening to the explanation, Ling Chengyuan could understand why there were so many mulberry and fruit flower honeys in Luoxia Mountain.

He then apologized to Ling Chengping and cupped his hands.

"It turns out that's the case. Brother Wei has misunderstood you, Sister Cheng Ping. Please bear with me."

Ling Chengping waved her hands grandly. "It doesn't matter, Brother Cheng Yuan, just accept those thousand mulberries."

Seeing Ling Chengping's behavior, Ling Chengyuan became even more fond of this clan girl who had little contact with her, had a cultivation level as high as the ninth level of Qi training, and had extraordinary aptitude.

He was not polite, nodded lightly, and put the thousands of mulberries on the ground into the storage bag.

Thanks to: Weifeng Qingliang, pass the time, Book Friends 20230330141731034, Book Friends 20230325010915702, Book Friends 202101103560365998, Quantitative Niu, happy01666, Kaguya, and Dada’s monthly votes.

Thank you all

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