Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 454 Dual Spiritual Roots Ling Wanchuan (2200 words, please subscribe)

The other side.

Halfway up the mountain, many people were gathering outside the ancestral temple.

Most of these people are children, and Ling Pengshan, the contemporary leader of the Ling clan, is also here, and he is standing in front of those children.

He glanced at the eleven seven or eight-year-old children in front of him, his eyes were full of sparkle, and his face couldn't help but reveal a bit of joy.

All because of this, the eleven children in front of him were all those whose spiritual roots were detected from the towns and villages under his command and brought to the family mountain this year.

The number of mortals born with spiritual roots this year is twice as many as in previous years.

"The more than 500,000 mortals in the family have finally exerted their strength."

"The family's shortage of manpower will surely be filled within the next thirty years."

"Now, it just depends on whether Bago can occupy the muddy swamp area occupied by the Jindan monster swamp giant crocodile clan."

"If this can be accomplished, it will officially consolidate the foundation of our clan. Our clan will also have the ability to cultivate Jindan monks on its own and become a true Jindan family."

Normally, the Jindan family can only be called a Jindan family if there is a real Jindan person in charge and a third-level spiritual vein.

However, due to the scarcity of golden elixir forces in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World, generally as long as there is one golden elixir master sitting in charge, it can be called a golden elixir force.

After all, even if there is no third-order spiritual vein, as long as there is a force with Jindan Zhenren at his command, it can be regarded as the top force in the world of Beihuang Immortal Cultivation.

After Ling Pengshan came to his senses, he took the eleven children one by one into the ancestral temple, and relied on the second-level spirit testing array in the ancestral temple to test their spiritual roots.

After a while, the spiritual roots of five children were tested and revealed.

It's just that these five children, without exception, have poor qualifications, only four or five spiritual root qualifications.

However, when a little boy with yellow skin, lively eyes, wearing linen clothes, named "Lingchuan", who came from a peasant family in a small village in the Ling family's territory, entered the spirit detection array in the ancestral temple, he Something happened.

I saw that the roots of two of the five one-foot-long jade pillars at the core of the spirit detection array were arranged according to the attributes of the five elements, with turquoise and aqua blue auras spreading out respectively.

After a while, the green aura rose to eight inches above the stone pillar.

Although the aqua blue light was weak, it still reached about six inches of the stone pillar.

When Ling Pengshan, who was in charge of the spirit detection array, saw this, his face suddenly burst into laughter.

"With eight-inch wood spiritual root qualifications and six-inch water spiritual root qualifications...the dual spiritual roots of wood and water, as long as the family focuses on cultivating these qualifications, this child will definitely be able to enter the late stage of foundation building in the future, and even the realm of perfection is not impossible. In the future, this person He can also become the mainstay of the family, which is really a talent."

"And with this son's spiritual root configuration, he is even more of a good seed for Ling Zhifu. If the family succeeds in opening up the vast muddy swamp land, there will definitely be a shortage of a large number of Ling Zhifu. The emergence of this son can just prepare for the future. "

"It's really a joyful event!"

As Ling Pengshan thought about it, he couldn't help but laugh twice.

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

The little "Lingchuan" in the spirit detection array saw Ling Pengshan's eyes shining brightly, looking at him with joy, and also guessed that his immortal roots might be better.

For a moment, Xiao Lingchuan couldn't help but show a bit of joy on his face.

To confirm this, he immediately asked.

"Chang Immortal, is my immortal root the better kind?"

Ling Pengshan came back to his senses after hearing the inquiry.

He didn't hide it, and kindly answered Xiao Lingchuan's question. "In the future, please don't call me Immortal Chief. You belong to my Ling family, and among the current five-character generations of Yun, Xiao, Peng, Cheng, and Wan, your name will be Ling Wanchuan in the future. In order of succession, you are in Ranked fifty-fourth among the 10,000-character generation.”

"My name is Ling Pengshan. According to my seniority, I am the ancestor Ancestor. From now on, you can just call me Grandpa Pengshan.

"As for your cultivation, it is indeed the better kind. You have both wood and water spiritual roots. Among the more than two hundred members of my Ling clan, your qualifications can be ranked close to the top ten."

"But you must not be so proud that you become lazy in practicing Taoism in the future."

"Although talent is important, if you don't practice hard, it will be difficult to reach a higher level."

"As for the benefits brought by the state, there are many benefits, but for us and other cultivators, the most important thing is longevity."

"You can live for at least one hundred and twenty years by practicing Qi, at least two hundred years by building the foundation, and you can live by Jindan Zhenren for five hundred years."

"Boy Wanchuan, do you want to live a long life? Or do you want your parents to live a long life?"

When Xiao Ling Wanchuan heard this, his face suddenly showed excitement.

His mother, who was living in the common world, had been suffering from chronic illness for many years.

Even his miserable mother was rewarded by the Ling family because he had discovered his spiritual root, and was given an "elixir" to cure the stubborn illness in his body.

But the stubborn disease had devastated his mother's body for many years, and even though the disease was cured, it also consumed a lot of his mother's lifespan.

According to the Ling Qi-training monk who had detected his spiritual roots, his mother only had twenty years left to live.

His mother is now thirty years old and may only live to be fifty.

The average mortal in the world of immortality can live to be about eighty years old.

His short life lasted for thirty years. Even though Xiaoling Wanchuan was still young, he still had an idea.

He didn't want his mother, who was plagued by stubborn illnesses in the first half of her life, to enjoy this beautiful world for only thirty years and then leave in a hurry.

And his honest father spent all the money he earned from working in the fields on his mother's chronic illness and never enjoyed anything.

Immediately, little Ling Wanchuan made up his mind, and a firm look appeared on his slightly immature face, and he said solemnly.

"Grandpa Pengshan, I want to live a long life, and I want my parents to enjoy the prosperity of the world and live a hundred years longer."

Ling Pengshan saw that his intention was achieved, and his smile increased. He reached out and patted little Ling Wanchuan on the shoulder, saying with a smile. "Good boy, you have an idea. Practice well in the future. Whether your idea can come true depends on you."

"Okay, you leave the ancestral temple first, and let the next child enter the ancestral temple to test the spiritual roots."

Little Ling Wanchuan's expression condensed, nodded lightly, and silently took a heavy step and slowly walked towards the gate of the ancestral temple.

Ling Pengshan, who was still in the ancestral temple, looked at the back of little Ling Wanchuan leaving, and his eyes showed a bit of appreciation.

"He's a good kid, and he has a good character."

"Although this kid is not from a family of cultivators, with his character, it should be no problem to put him in the family core."

"But we can't rush this matter. We need to see how this kid performs first. If this kid's character changes in the future... it's not worth the family's focus on training."

Soon, the figure of little Ling Wanchuan disappeared in the ancestral temple, and a little girl of seven or eight years old entered the ancestral temple instead.

Ling Pengshan, as usual, led her into the spirit testing array and used it to test her spiritual roots.

After five consecutive times, the children with spiritual roots in the mortal world this year have accurately measured their spiritual root attributes.

Most of them have four or five spiritual roots, and only the little Ling Wanchuan with the "wood and water" dual spiritual roots has a better aptitude.

However, Ling Pengshan is very satisfied with this.

After all, these eleven children are of mortal origin.

Most of the children of mortal origin have poor aptitude.

Among this group of people, Ling Pengshan was already satisfied with the fact that little Ling Wanchuan was born with dual spiritual roots.

After testing the spiritual roots of these eleven children, Ling Pengshan, who had little time left and no intention to practice, personally settled these eleven Wanzi generation clansmen in Lingxiao Mountain.

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