Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 455 Ling Pengxing who disappeared for many years (2400 words, please subscribe)

Afterwards, he took the eleven members of the Ten Thousand Zi generation outside the "school" halfway up the mountain.

This school is a small flat floor of one hundred square meters.

At this time, there were a dozen young members of the Ling clan wearing Taoist robes sitting in the school, sitting in pairs in front of a chessboard, playing chess.

In addition, there was a pretty young female cultivator wearing a dark dress who kept walking in front of the chessboards of the Ling clan members, instructing them in how to play chess.

Ling Pengshan, who came here with the eleven children whose spiritual roots had just been accurately measured, looked at the delicate and beautiful Xiu through a window of the school, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously raised.

At this moment, the delicate and beautiful young female cultivator in the school noticed a gaze from outside the school. Then he turned around and looked at Ling Pengshan.

Ling Pengshan came back to his senses in time, nodded to her, then walked into the school, came to the delicate and beautiful girl, and gave instructions with a smile on her face.

"Fairy Liu, these eleven children behind me are the ones who were found to have spiritual roots by my Ling family this year. Starting today, they will enter this school for further training."

"It happened that Fairy was teaching a chess lesson to the other young members of my tribe, so these children were handed over to Fairy Liu to teach them together."

The handsome and beautiful woman named "Liu Fairy" is Liu Mengting, the "Fairy Fairy" who was recruited by Ling Pengshan two years ago to teach the tribe how to play chess.

When Liu Mengting heard this, her eyes trembled and she quickly congratulated. "This year, the number of people with spiritual roots in Daoyou Ling's family is much higher than before. This is a gratifying thing."

"Congratulations, fellow Taoist."

Ling Pengshan benefited greatly from Liu Mengting's congratulations, laughed twice, and then said.

"Haha, Fairy Liu is so polite. Fairy, we haven't played chess for a few days, right? Recently, I feel a little itchy to play again. Now that Fairy Liu has finished this chess lesson, would you like to play a few games with me?"

Liu Mengting heard this, without any hesitation, she nodded and said with a smile. "When my Taoist friends make an appointment, I am naturally willing to do so."

The two used to play chess every day, and they have been doing this for more than two years.

If it weren't for the shortage of manpower in the clan these days, Ling Pengshan would personally go out of the clan mountain to go to the villages and towns under the family to pick up the children whose spiritual roots were detected and join the clan.

Otherwise, the two people playing chess in recent days would not have stopped.

When Ling Pengshan heard Liu Mengting's reply, his face became even more joyful, and then he said goodbye to Liu Mengting.

"Since Fairy Liu has agreed, I won't nag you too much. When Fairy Liu finishes her lessons, just come and look for me in my courtyard."

After saying that, he left here first.

Liu Mengting also followed suit, placing Ling Wanchuan and others who had just discovered their spiritual roots in the school one by one, and taught them how to play chess.

As for the knowledge of cultivating immortality, there will be other lecturers who will explain it.

This night.

The Bailing Palace, the core of the "Bailing Kingdom" that contains millions of mortals around the Bailing Mountains that stretches for hundreds of thousands of miles, is surrounded by tens of thousands of mortals wearing iron armor and filled with iron-blooded energy.

For a time, a solemn atmosphere filled the entire palace.

Although the thousands of imperial guards on the five-foot-high city wall of the palace were all elites in the military, such a big scene and the delay in coming reinforcements made them all look solemn. .

They dare not take the initiative to draw their bows, nock arrows, and shoot arrows to attack, lest they trigger a battle in advance.

As everyone knows, it is precisely because of the inaction of the thousands of imperial guards that the maids and eunuchs in the Bailing Palace were panicked.

Seeing that something was wrong, a few old people in the palace even fled through some secret passages.

However, the mortal soldiers surrounding the Bailing Palace seemed to be very familiar with the secret passages in the palace, and they had been waiting at the exits of those secret passages early.

This also put the old people in the palace into danger as soon as they came out of the secret passage and were killed directly.

At this time, outside the palace, the tens of thousands of solemn soldiers who had never attacked the palace gradually moved out of the way.

An old man wearing linen clothes, a little stooped, like an ordinary person, walked slowly from the aisle to the heavy gate of the palace.

When the thousands of imperial guardsmen on the palace walls saw the old man's appearance, their expressions changed drastically.

In the past one or two years, the reputation of this living "Sword God", who killed the only sword master of the Bailing Kingdom with one sword, slaughtered a thousand cavalry with one man, etc., has resounded throughout the Bailing Kingdom.

Two years ago, Bai Xuanhe, the "Mighty King" who escaped from the Bailing Kingdom in embarrassment after being chased by the "Bai Yanzhong", the emperor of the Bailing Kingdom, had this sword god in charge, so he was able to recruit troops and strengthen his power.

Even now, the mighty king Bai Xuanhe led his troops to attack directly outside the palace.

At this moment, the "Sword God" who walked out of the army suddenly took out an ordinary iron sword from the sword box behind his back.

He just waved lightly, and the huge sword shot into the sky, kicking up all the dust around him.

The white moonlight shining down from the bright moon in the sky also merged into the huge sword light at this moment, dyeing the invisible sword intent white.


In this silent night, a hoarse sound sounded.

Those white sword intentions quickly poured into the iron sword in the old sword god's hand, causing the iron sword to shine with silvery light.

The "Sword God" followed suit and threw it out.

The four-foot-long silver-white flying sword turned into a silver-white sword shadow, and slammed into the steel gate of the palace between the Sumeru Mountains.

The gate, which was usually solid, was like a piece of white paper at this moment, and was directly split in half.

At this moment, tens of thousands of soldiers behind the old man also rushed into the palace along the split palace gate with countless roars.

And the "Sword God" who had made great contributions disappeared.

When he appeared again, he had appeared on the roof of a hall in the palace, sitting and watching the fighting in the whole palace.

"I have also been in Bailing Country for two years. I wonder how my eighth brother and others are doing now."

The powerful sword god mentioned by others was Ling Pengxing, the sword cultivator of the Ling family whose foundation of cultivation was shattered.

In less than half an hour, the guards in the palace were slaughtered.

As a result, tens of thousands of soldiers went deep into the palace and surrounded a magnificent palace.

The leader of the rebels, "King of Might" Bai Xuanhe, who had been hiding among tens of thousands of soldiers, also appeared at this time.

He sent dozens of soldiers to directly demolish the gate of the magnificent palace, and captured dozens of people in official uniforms and a young man in a yellow robe.

King of Might Bai Xuanhe looked at the dozens of high-ranking officials of Bailing Kingdom and Bailing Kingdom's emperor Bai Yanzhong, with cold light in his eyes.

Two years ago, if it weren't for these people, he would not have almost died tragically in a foreign land. Fortunately, he met the kind-hearted "Sword God" who helped him and saved his life.

"Behead those dog officials for me, and as for my nephew, chop him up and feed him to the dogs."

King of Might Bai Xuanhe ignored the pleas for mercy from Bai Yanzhong and said coldly to the dozens of soldiers.

The next moment, the dozens of soldiers did it neatly.

It was at this time.

Ling Pengxing, who was on the roof of a large hall in the palace, suddenly discovered that a faint yellow gas was emanating from the body of the beheaded Bai Yanzhong, which merged into the body of the mighty king Bai Xuanhe, making the mighty king more majestic.

Seeing this scene, Ling Pengxing's eyes narrowed slightly.

"The emperor's aura, attached to the emperor's body, adds to the emperor's majesty, which is strange."

"However, this thing is ultimately just an external object, not something you own."

"Although Bai Xuanhe is meticulous, he is not a man. Even if he has the blessing of the emperor's aura, he is at most a cat in tiger skin. When he is in danger, he still has to kneel down and beg for mercy. He has no real emperor's aura."

"And this emperor's aura can only increase the direction of majesty and momentum. In my sword path, it may not be another way out."

Thinking of this, Ling Pengxing's eyes lit up.

"This emperor's aura is just ordinary aura, it is useless to me."

"But I was originally a cultivator, I can borrow the power of this world to enhance the power of my sword."

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