Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 460: The Fen Yuan Magic Lamp after advancement (3200 words, please subscribe)

Three days later.

The swamp giant crocodile king confirmed that the Taoist Qingxin, who was at the third level of the Golden Core, left Yanyang Mountain with thousands of monks and returned to the hinterland of Qiuyang Yan. He immediately rushed out of the muddy swamp with more than 250,000 monsters, and rushed to the "weakly defended" Yanyang Mountain along the swamp that had been opened up in Qiuyang Yan.

At this time, Ling Pengyun, who was sitting cross-legged on the top of Yanyang Mountain, suddenly opened his eyes.

He looked at the muddy swamp and immediately saw a black mass of monsters running towards the direction of the muddy swamp.

He was not afraid of this, but his mouth corners slightly raised.

"Finally here."

He raised his hand and waved, took out a formation plate from the storage bag, and transferred spiritual power into it.

The next moment, a five-element defense light curtain suddenly propped up, protecting the entire Yanyang Mountain.

This light curtain was the light curtain supported by the third-level Five Elements Return to Origin formation that Ling Pengyun had set up in the past three days, relying on the second-level superior spiritual vein in Yanyang Mountain.

After finishing this, Ling Pengyun used the sound enhancement technique to signal the more than 4,000 cultivators stationed in the mountain.

"The monsters from the muddy swamp are coming, quickly prepare for battle."

After hearing this, the more than 4,000 cultivators in the mountain quickly walked out of their respective residences in a short period of time, gathered together, and prepared for battle.

After waiting for a while, when the huge group of monsters with a total number of 200,000 broke into the two miles of Yanyang Mountain and confronted the more than 4,000 cultivators stationed in the mountain.

Ling Pengyun, who was on the top of Yanyang Mountain, also fixed his eyes on the Jindan third-level peak swamp giant crocodile king that rushed to the front of the monster group.

He waved his hand and first sacrificed the Jade Sea Heavy Yuan Pearl, then took out the long banner to control ghosts and waved it, summoning the six evil ghosts in the banner, and directly performed the Six Ghosts In One Technique, so that the six evil ghosts merged and transformed into a 18-zhang tall mountain-moving evil ghost, which pounced on the swamp giant crocodile king at the peak of the third level of the golden elixir outside the mountain.

The swamp giant crocodile king outside the mountain saw the attack coming, but he was not afraid.

When the Jade Sea Heavy Yuan Pearl and the 18-zhang tall mountain-moving evil ghost approached, it exerted force on all four legs and suddenly raised its head to hit the Jade Sea Heavy Yuan Pearl that attacked first.


The head of the swamp giant crocodile king was like an iron tool, and the two collided, causing a huge sound.

The black mud swamps around it were also blown away by the aftermath.

The two were in a stalemate for half a breath, and the Swamp Giant Crocodile King, who was at the peak of the third level of the Golden Core, actually used his strength of more than 500,000 jin to block the 480,000 jin Bi Hai Zhong Yuan Baozhu and stalemate with it.

However, this crocodile still had a lot of strength left. It swung its tail, which was more than 20 feet long and 5 feet thick, and blew the 18-foot-long Mountain Moving Evil Ghost away for several feet.

The Mountain Moving Evil Ghost was unable to stabilize its body for a while and fell directly into the surrounding monster group.

Thousands of monsters nearby also pounced on the body of the Mountain Moving Evil Ghost.

Although the Mountain Moving Evil Ghost had no flesh, its Yin Qi was gradually dispersed by the monsters, causing its strength to gradually weaken.

This incident made the mountain-moving evil ghost furious. It roared, quickly stood up from the muddy swamp, and swung its strong arms violently, hitting the thousands of Qi training and foundation-building monsters that were attacking it.

Although the thousands of Qi training and foundation-building monsters were good at physical strength, they were all strong.

But the mountain-moving evil ghost contained a huge force of 180,000 pounds. The bodies of the thousands of Qi training and foundation-building monsters were like thin paper, and were constantly torn apart by the mountain-moving evil ghost with its hands.

This mountain-moving evil ghost also absorbed the souls of the monsters after their death into its body to restore the consumed Yin Qi.

The swamp giant crocodile king who was fighting with the Bihai Chongyuan treasure in the distance saw the mountain-moving evil ghost killing his subordinates, and swung his tail again.

However, the Mountain Moving Evil Ghost, who had suffered a loss on this tail, was well prepared. It quickly moved back and avoided the whip of the 20-zhang long tail.

Then, this Mountain Moving Evil Ghost took advantage of the moment when the giant tail fell and jumped onto the giant tail of the crocodile king, pressing the giant tail under its body, and constantly used its strong arms to bombard the giant tail covered with solid black scales.

Although the layer of black scales attached to the giant crocodile's tail was extremely solid, the Mountain Moving Evil Ghost was very strong. Under the crazy attack, a lot of spare power was transmitted through those scales into the flesh and blood of the giant crocodile, causing the giant crocodile to feel pain.

The Swamp Giant Crocodile King, who was at the peak of the third level of the Golden Core, immediately exerted his strength to shake off the Mountain Moving Evil Ghost sitting on his crocodile tail.

But the Mountain Moving Evil Ghost is not a pushover. This ghost contains a huge force of 180,000 jin, and although the crocodile tail can store 300,000 to 400,000 jin of force, the crocodile tail is now pressed down so hard that it is difficult to store force. The force of the crocodile tail alone is only about 200,000 jin at most.

It is difficult to lift the Mountain Moving Evil Ghost with such force.

In desperation, the Swamp Giant Crocodile King had to use his innate spell "Mysterious Scale Armor" to prop up a spiritual armor to cover his body and block the attack of the Mountain Moving Evil Ghost.

At the same time, it also ordered thousands of nearby monsters to come to help and drag the Mountain Moving Evil Ghost off its tail.

The thousands of Qi Training Realm and Foundation Establishment Realm that were scared away from the Jindan battlefield by the Mountain Moving Evil Ghost's great power just now could only bite the bullet and kill the 18-zhang Mountain Moving Evil Ghost when they heard the order of the Swamp Giant Crocodile King.

These Qi-training and foundation-building beasts were not a big threat to the evil ghost who could kill them with a wave of his hand.

But in order to kill these Qi-training and foundation-building beasts, it had to stop attacking the crocodile tail under it.

The top of Yanyang Mountain.

Ling Pengyun frowned as he looked at this scene.

"There are still a few cultivators stationed in the mountain. If there were enough Qi-training and foundation-building cultivators, they could hold back the more than 200,000 Qi-training and foundation-building beasts outside the mountain, and the difficulty of me facing the crocodile king alone would be reduced."

"With those Qi-training and foundation-building beasts here, it would be very difficult for me to kill the crocodile king. I can only kill some Qi-training and foundation-building beasts first."

After making up his mind, Ling Pengyun pinched his hands and muttered a sentence.

"Five Elements Return to Origin Flying Sword."


The Five Elements Return to Origin formation that protected the entire Yanyang Mountain trembled slightly, and a Five Elements Flying Sword emerged from the formation.

A crisp sword sound rang out from the sword body, and a giant sword light as long as thirty feet burst out from the tip of the sword.


The Five Elements Return to Origin Flying Sword turned into a five-element sword shadow and quickly killed into the group of monsters outside the mountain.

The monsters blocking the road were all cut in half by this sword.

But in just a hundred breaths, more than 20,000 monsters in the Qi training and foundation building stages were killed.

The temporarily entangled Swamp Giant Crocodile King was bleeding when he saw the number of his monsters dying.

In addition, Yanyang Mountain only had the first-level Jindan cultivator at this time. This time it led troops to attack with the intention of conquering the mountain in one fell swoop.

For various reasons, this crocodile no longer held back.

It directly performed the desperate method of the swamp giant crocodile clan, "Black Spirit Boiling Technique", which can accumulate the power of the earth veins in the body, and when it wants to use it, it can increase its strength by nearly 70% in a short time.

The side effects of this technique are not as great as the side effects of the explosive spirit pills that enhance the strength of the cultivators. After using this technique, it will only make the swamp giant crocodile king fall into a weak period of about half a year at most.

Moreover, the swamp giant crocodile king can also absorb the power of the earth veins to quickly get through the weak period.

Just after this swamp giant crocodile king performed this technique, its entire body began to shine with dazzling yellow light.

Its body, which was already fifty feet long, also swelled rapidly at this moment.

When the abnormality stopped, the body of this crocodile king had swelled to eighty-five feet long and ten feet high.

If this crocodile stood up, it would be much taller than an ordinary small mountain.

And the solid scales on its body became extremely large, each as big as a millstone.

The "black scale armor" on its body, which was transformed from spiritual power, also grew larger, matching its current huge size.

In addition, the strength of this giant swamp crocodile king also increased from more than 500,000 jin to more than 800,000 jin. With this strength in a short period of time, it is enough to be comparable to those monsters with physical strength at the fifth and sixth levels of the golden elixir.

After the crocodile's strength increased greatly, the bloody meaning in its eyes increased several times.

It roared in its mouth, and its head exerted force violently, directly knocking the Bihai Zhongyuan treasure bead away for dozens of feet.

It also swung the crocodile tail behind it, which had grown to a length of 400,000 zhang and contained a huge force of more than 400,000 jin, and threw away the mountain-moving evil ghost pressing on the crocodile tail.

And using the extremely long crocodile tail, it tied up the 18-zhang mountain-moving evil ghost tightly, causing the evil ghost to suffer a lot, and kept making miserable ghost cries and wolf howls.

The Swamp Giant Crocodile King was quite excited when he heard the howling of the evil ghost.

It opened its bloody mouth, moved its four legs quickly, and ran madly towards the Bihai Heavy Yuan Pearl that it had previously knocked away and had not yet stabilized its body, wanting to severely damage the pearl in one fell swoop, so that Ling Pengyun in Yanyang Mountain would lose an attack method.

But how could Ling Pengyun, who was in Yanyang Mountain, let it do as it wished? Ling Pengyun raised his hand and sacrificed his own trump card, the third-level lower-grade Burning Yuan Magic Lamp.

Half a month ago, after this lamp refined the soul of the third-level mutated black wind wolf demon, its grade was very smoothly returned from the magic weapon cone level to the third-level lower-grade realm.

And its power has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

Originally, this mid-level quality life magic weapon was still at the magic weapon cone level, and its power was only one or two percent stronger than some ordinary third-level lower-grade magic weapons.

But after this magic lamp entered the third-grade lower grade, its power increased directly. In terms of power alone, this magic lamp is enough to be 10% or 20% stronger than an ordinary third-grade middle-grade magic weapon, and is not weaker than the third-grade middle-grade magic weapon "Qingxin Whisk" of the Qingxin Taoist Temple.

After Ling Pengyun took out this big killer, he immediately injected a huge spiritual power into the magic lamp.

The spiritual light of the Burning Yuan Magic Lamp flashed, and a large piece of black Burning Yuan True Fire suddenly surged on the wick, turning into a flame demon wolf with a length of more than 70 feet, stepping into the air and roaring out.

Between Xumi, this flame demon wolf spanned a distance of hundreds of feet. Before the swamp giant crocodile king could react, this flame demon wolf had already come to its side and hit its body fiercely, and actually knocked the crocodile to the ground.

The swamp giant crocodile king's abdomen and four legs were facing the sky, and his back was facing the ground.

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