Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 461 The Value of the Swamp Crocodile King (3300 words, please subscribe)

The flame demon wolf stepped forward quickly and stepped on the body of the fallen swamp giant crocodile king with its feet, making it difficult for the swamp giant crocodile king to turn over.

However, this flame demon wolf is composed of a large amount of burning Yuan true fire after all, and its strength is relatively small. It is difficult for it to suppress the crocodile alone.

Seeing this situation, Ling Pengyun immediately stabilized the flying Bi Hai Zhong Yuan treasure bead, and urged the Bi Hai Zhong Yuan treasure bead, which weighed 480,000 jin, to slam it into the body of the swamp giant crocodile king.

He also mobilized the 30-foot-long Five Elements Return to Origin flying sword that had been used to kill the Qi training and foundation-building monsters outside the mountain to attack the swamp giant crocodile king.

Afterwards, he pinched the formula to summon the "Five Elements Return to Origin Rope", a trap-type formation device of the Five Elements Return to Origin formation, and quickly bound the body of the swamp giant crocodile king, restricting its movement.

With the combined efforts of a wolf, a gem, a flying sword, and a rope, the giant swamp crocodile king was finally pressed to the point where he could not move.

The flame wolf demon, under Ling Pengyun's order, opened its bloody mouth and madly bit the belly of the giant swamp crocodile king who was lying on the ground with his belly facing the sky.

This wolf was extremely powerful, and it was formed by the gathering of the Burning Yuan True Fire, which had the effect of burning spiritual power.

In just three breaths, a large gap was bitten in the black scale armor on the body of the giant swamp crocodile king.

The flame wolf demon also spewed out a large amount of Burning Yuan True Fire, which flowed into the black scale armor along the gap and burned on the body surface of the giant swamp crocodile king.

Although the scales on the giant swamp crocodile's body had strong defensive power, they were not very heat-resistant. This was basically a common problem of every demon beast that was good at physical strength.

After burning the crocodile for about ten breaths, the flesh and blood in the body of the giant swamp crocodile were burned by the high temperature transmitted by the scales.

Even, there was a smell of meat wafting from it.

At the same time, it was accompanied by the wailing of the giant swamp crocodile king.

In order to defuse the situation, the giant swamp crocodile king also spit out the golden elixir that had been nurtured for nearly a thousand years.

Although its golden elixir was called "golden elixir", its surface was yellow, which was related to the crocodile's own attributes. This crocodile was of the earth element, so the golden elixir was naturally yellow.

The golden elixir turned into a yellow stream of light and quickly hit the Bihai Zhongyuan treasure bead that was pressing on it.

Then, a huge sound of golden weapons and iron ringing sounded.


The golden elixir actually hit the Bihai Zhongyuan treasure bead back several feet away.

Even then, the golden elixir knocked away the Five Elements Guiyuan Flying Sword and broke the two feet of the flame demon wolf that stepped on its body.

However, for this reason, the spiritual light flashing on the surface of the golden elixir also dimmed a little.

Obviously, the golden elixir consumed a lot of origin.

Seeing this, the giant swamp crocodile king felt extremely distressed and quickly took it back into his body to warm it up.

He took advantage of the opportunity when the Bihai Chongyuan Orb and the Five Elements Guiyuan Flying Sword were repelled and the two feet of the flame wolf on his body were broken, and turned his body over.

He also cast another defensive spell "Giant Crocodile Xuan Gang" to consolidate his defense and re-arranged a "Xuan Scale Armor" to wear on his body.

In an instant, a huge black light shield enveloped the crocodile.

The Burning Yuan True Fire that had burned on its body before, and the flame wolf demon that had just used the Burning Yuan True Fire to restore its front feet, were also blocked by the light shield.

After getting rid of the threat, the crocodile first used spiritual power to suppress the flesh and blood injuries caused by the high temperature in his body.

Then, he began to exert force to break free from the restraints of the Five Elements Guiyuan Rope on his body.

Although the Five Elements Return to Origin Rope is as powerful as an ordinary third-level low-grade magic weapon under the blessing of the Five Elements Return to Origin Formation.

But after the Swamp Giant Crocodile King performed the Black Spirit Boiling Technique, his body contained a huge force of more than 800,000 kilograms.

This huge force is enough to match some Jindan fifth and sixth-level monsters that are good at physical strength. The Five Elements Return to Origin Rope is still not enough to face such a strong enemy.

The rope has not lasted for three breaths, and the flashing spiritual light on it began to dim rapidly.

I am afraid that it will break in less than twenty breaths.

Ling Pengyun of Yanyang Mountain frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

He no longer held back and took out the magic weapon-level cloud thunder shuttle obtained by killing a Jindan second-level stepping cloud thunder leopard and shot it out.

He also used spiritual power to stabilize the flying Bihai Chongyuan treasure bead, the Five Elements Return to Origin flying sword, and the flame wolf demon, and controlled them to continuously attack the giant crocodile Xuan Gang supported by the swamp giant crocodile.

At the same time, he kept making hand gestures and muttered.

"The Art of the Blue Sea Shadow Splitting!"


Three phantoms with the same appearance as Ling Pengyun and condensed by spiritual power appeared quietly.

Because Ling Pengyun only comprehended the first level of the Blue Sea Wind Shadow Art, the three phantoms that were condensed only had 30% of his cultivation.

Ling Pengyun's mind moved, and he made hand gestures again, and began to perform the third-level water dragon art.

And the three human phantoms also followed suit to perform the water dragon art.

After three breaths, four dragons with bared fangs and claws appeared, one long and three short.

The longer water dragon, which was thirty feet long, was shot out by Ling Pengyun's body, and the other three water dragons, which were ten feet long, were shot out by the three phantoms.

The four dragons swung their bodies in the air, soared into the air, pounced on the giant swamp crocodile king outside the mountain, and bit the defensive Xuan Gang held up by the crocodile king.

This can be said to be the first time that Ling Pengyun has used all of his strength since he entered the Golden Core stage.

Under the joint attack of one bead, one wolf, one sword, one shuttle, four dragons and eight others, the defensive Xuan Gang held up by the crocodile king was in turmoil, and the flashing spiritual light of the Xuan Gang quickly dimmed.

In just five breaths, a small crack appeared on the Xuan Gang.

Ling Pengyun also seized the opportunity, and at the cost of spiritual power, he directly pinched the formula to cast his life spell "The Art of the Blue Sea Sky Sword".

A crisp sword sound resounded through the sky, and then a fifty-foot-long blue sea sword suddenly appeared.


The sword turned into a sword light and quickly killed out, bombarding the place where the small crack appeared on the Xuan Gang light curtain, directly widening the small crack countless times.

The sword light also exhausted its remaining power.

However, the Xuan Gang light curtain was already full of cracks, and under the bombardment of the Blue Sea Heavy Yuan Treasure Bead and other attack methods, the Xuan Gang light curtain also shattered.

Seeing this dangerous situation, the giant swamp crocodile king panicked and hurriedly used the golden elixir that had been nurtured for nearly a thousand years to resolve the crisis.

But who would have thought that as soon as the giant swamp crocodile king released the golden elixir, a huge gravity spread out from the body of the Jade Sea Heavy Yuan Pearl.

The flying golden elixir was not prepared at all, and it stagnated in the air and quickly fell to the ground.

The Jade Sea Heavy Yuan Pearl also took this opportunity to smash on the golden elixir, pressing it to the ground.

The flame wolf demon, the Five Elements Return to Origin Sword, the Cloud Thunder Shuttle, and the four water dragons bombarded the body of the giant swamp crocodile king at this moment.

Although this crocodile is strong and powerful, its golden elixir has left its body, so it can only exert 70% of its strength at most, and its huge strength is only more than 500,000 pounds, as if it had not used that desperate technique.

In addition, the attacks of the Bihai Heavy Yuan Orb and other weapons were not weak, especially the Burning Yuan True Fire spit out by the Flame Wolf Demon, which was extremely powerful. Even if the Swamp Giant Crocodile King had previously re-arranged a "Black Scale Armor" on his body, the Black Scale Armor could not resist the powerful Burning Yuan True Fire.

The Swamp Giant Crocodile King was also burned by the powerful True Fire and suffered terribly.

The Cloud Thunder Shuttle, which seemed to be only at the prototype level of a magic weapon, was extremely extraordinary. It was a Breaking Gang treasure. Facing the Black Scale Armor transformed by the spiritual power on the Swamp Giant Crocodile King, it had a strong advantage.

However, after bombarding it for more than ten times, it broke a hole in the Black Scale Armor, and spent some time to smash a solid scale on the Swamp Giant Crocodile King, and fiercely pierced into the flesh of the Swamp Giant Crocodile King.

Although the Swamp Giant Crocodile King reacted very quickly, mobilizing the strong spiritual power in his body to slowly force the long shuttle out of his body.

But the fire wolf demon saw the opportunity and spit out a large ball of burning Yuan true fire, which spread into the flesh and blood of the swamp giant crocodile king along the gaps carved on the black scale armor and scales by the cloud thunder shuttle.

Before the swamp giant crocodile king could react, its flesh and blood were burned to ashes, and the swamp giant crocodile king was no longer alive.

Its body of more than 80 feet was also reduced to its original size of more than 50 feet.

Although Ling Pengyun had expected this, he still couldn't help but be happy.

He was in the three powerful magic weapons of the third-level lower level, and he also had a burning Yuan magic lamp that was comparable to the third-level middle level to help him, and a five-element return to the origin formation that was comparable to the third-level middle level formation to help him.

With all these means combined, it was strange that it was difficult to kill the swamp giant crocodile king without a life-saving magic weapon.

There are no powerful ancestors in the race. Only when one's own cultivation is improved to the middle stage of the golden elixir and the spiritual wisdom is improved again, there is a great opportunity to rely on the natal spiritual pattern on the golden elixir to comprehend the method of refining the natal magic weapon.

After coming to his senses, Ling Pengyun immediately shot out the Burning Yuan Magic Lamp in front of him.

This Burning Yuan Magic Lamp quickly flew to the corpse of the Swamp Giant Crocodile King, spreading a huge suction force, absorbing the soul of the Swamp Giant Crocodile King on the corpse into the magic lamp.

Perhaps because the golden elixir of the Swamp Giant Crocodile King was suppressed by the Bi Hai Zhong Yuan Treasure Orb earlier, there was no chance to leave, and the Swamp Giant Crocodile King did not transfer its soul power into the golden elixir.

The soul in its body is the complete soul power of the Swamp Giant Crocodile King.

After the Burning Yuan Magic Lamp absorbed the soul of the Swamp Giant Crocodile King, it immediately returned to Ling Pengyun.

He expressed his joy and gratitude to Ling Pengyun, and at the same time, he had the thought that he would fall asleep in the near future.

Ling Pengyun looked at the lamp and muttered to himself.

"If this lamp wants to return to the third-level middle-level from the third-level lower-grade realm, it needs six souls of middle-stage Jindan monsters, which is equivalent to at least eighteen souls of early-stage Jindan monsters."

"If you want to improve the realm of this treasure, there is a long way to go."

Although it is difficult to improve the grade of this treasure, it is also very powerful. Ling Pengyun likes this treasure very much.

Then, Ling Pengyun arranged a defensive spell around his body, and then turned into a beam of light, leaving Yanyang Mountain, and quickly rushed to the body of the giant swamp crocodile king outside the mountain.

He looked at the huge body of the crocodile with a little pity.

"It's a pity that the flesh and blood of this crocodile was burned to ashes, otherwise, with the help of the flesh and blood of this crocodile with strong spiritual energy, my cultivation can be further improved."

In recent days, Ling Pengyun, who had eaten a lot of the flesh and blood of the third-level Jindan black wind wolf demon that he killed half a year ago, knew the power of the flesh and blood of the Jindan demon beast.

It's a pity that if the flesh and blood of this crocodile was not burned during the battle just now, it would be difficult to find other opportunities to kill this crocodile.

Ling Pengyun could only feel sorry for this matter secretly. Then, he waved his hand and took the Five Elements Return to Origin long rope that was still tied to the Swamp Giant Crocodile King.

Because the Swamp Giant Crocodile King had just struggled to break free, the rope was covered with many cracks.

This matter made Ling Pengyun very distressed.

"It will cost another sum of money to repair this rope. Fortunately, this one killed this Swamp Giant Crocodile."

Although the Swamp Giant Crocodile King did not have a life magic weapon, his body was strong and it was a good material for forging inner armor magic weapons. His golden elixir was also very valuable. Although it was missing flesh and blood, it was at least worth 40,000 spirit stones.

In the early years, when he borrowed the Five Elements Return to Origin Array from Bailingmen, he promised that after fifty years, he would return the Five Elements Return to Origin Array intact to Bailingmen.

This Five Elements Return to Origin long rope is the array weapon of the Five Elements Return to Origin Array. Now that this rope is damaged, Ling Pengyun naturally needs to be responsible for repairing it.

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