Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 462: Huge harvest from killing monsters (3600 words, please subscribe)

After Ling Pengyun put away the rope, he put the body of the giant swamp crocodile king into a large storage spirit bead string, and then activated the magical weapon to fight in and out of the group of monsters, every time With one move, he can kill thousands of monsters.

By this time, the number of Qi-training and foundation-building monsters that had been reduced to only 180,000 in the entire battlefield also noticed that the swamp giant crocodile king's aura had dissipated and were killed by the human race's golden elixir. .

Although the intelligence of those 180,000 monster beasts is not high, they are not fools.

There are clan golden elixirs stationed in Yanyang Mountain. If they stay, they will definitely die.

Immediately, the group of monsters turned around and fled toward the boundary of the muddy swamp.

The giant crocodile king of the swamp is dead, and the muddy swamp world is regarded as his own by Ling Pengyun.

Ling Pengyun, the golden elixir master, would naturally not let those 180,000 monsters enter the huge muddy swamp in the world, which would only make it more difficult for the Ling family to develop the muddy swamp in the future.

He quickly took out the magic cone-shaped Skyflying Boat and the forty second-order Skyflying Boats and placed them in the sky. He also removed the Five Elements Returning Formation arranged in the mountains and arranged them around the flying boats in the sky.

"Monk in the mountain, quickly follow me on board the flying boat."

After saying this, Ling Pengyun jumped onto the Lingxiao flying boat first.

The more than 4,000 monks stationed in the mountain all understood that the Jindan Demon King among the monster beasts was dead. The monster beasts were a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered. It was a good opportunity for them to earn military merits.

Naturally, these more than 4,000 monks would not miss this opportunity.

As a result, these more than 4,000 people scrambled to board the flying boat.

It's a pity that the forty skyships can only carry fifty people.

Forty ships can only hold about 2,000 people.

After a while, the forty flying boats were filled with monks, but there were still more than two thousand monks who could not board the flying boats.

Although the more than two thousand monks were unwilling to miss the opportunity to earn military merits, they could not catch up with the flying boat despite their speed.

Without the protection of the formation on the flying boat, it would be extremely dangerous for them to go out.

Ling Pengyun didn't want to hear from the outside world in the future that casual cultivators would open up a base for the Ling family and suffer heavy losses to their reputation.

This kind of reputation is not good, and it is enough to make many casual cultivators lose their trust in the Ling family.

In order to prevent those casual cultivators from running around, Ling Pengyun also arranged a photo ban in the mountain.

Then, he gave stern instructions to the more than two thousand casual cultivators who had not yet boarded the flying boat.

"You all stay in the mountains, don't follow them, and don't go out. If I see anyone touching the restrictions I have set, I will kill them."

After saying this, Ling Pengyun controlled the flying boats and flew into the distance.

The flying boat group was extremely fast and soon caught up with the 180 to 90 thousand monster beasts in front of them who fled straight towards the muddy swamp boundary.

The more than two thousand monks on the flying boat also took action with all their strength at this moment, attacking the 180,000 to 90,000 monster beasts.

Those demonic beasts were already defeated and could not raise the will to fight at all. They only knew how to run away.

This also made Ling's side make great achievements, and the monsters on the ground were killed and injured.

Just like this, they chased and escaped, and the ten-mile journey from Yanyang Mountain to the muddy swampland became the place where many monsters died.

Only the tens of thousands of smarter monsters did not follow the large army to escape back to the muddy swamp realm, but scattered and fled into the Qiuyangyan realm. The huge flying boat group was unable to disperse and pursue them, and successfully escaped.

Ling Pengyun and others still needed to hunt down the large army of monster beasts that rushed into the muddy swamp, so they allowed the tens of thousands of monster beasts to leave.

After the war.

There was only about half a mile of sky left from the boundary of the muddy swamp, above the flying boat.

Ling Pengyun looked down at the large army of monsters trying to escape back to the muddy swamp. When the last monster was killed, the big stone in his heart finally fell.

Then, he used the sound enhancement technique and said loudly.

"Clean the battlefield in an orderly manner. I, the Ling Family, want you to kill 30% of the monster beast corpses to make up for the activation of my Ling Family's third-level formation. Afterwards, you must hand it over to me, the Ling Family."

This sound spread throughout the entire flying boat group through the sound amplification technique.

It is a rule in the world of cultivators to hand over 30% of the money spent on killing monsters, and the more than two thousand casual cultivators aboard the flying boat had no objection.

They also used various flying magic weapons, landed on the ground, and began to collect the corpses of the monsters they had killed.

The people of the Ling family on the Lingxiao flying boat relied on the photo ban on the Five Elements Returning Formation arranged around the flying boat group to look back at the impact of the battle just now and calculate the monsters that the casual cultivators had killed individually, so as not to The more than 2,000 casual cultivators who captured the monsters took more.

The more than two thousand casual cultivators were considered honest, and they were also relatively honest when picking up the corpses of monsters, and no corruption occurred.

After the more than two thousand casual cultivators had picked up the corpses of the monster beasts they had killed, Ling Pengyun also led the Ling family to pass the remaining corpses of up to 150,000 monster beasts on the ground through the flying boat group one by one. It took three days and dozens of transportations by Ling Xiao's flying boats to transport all the monster beast corpses back to Yanyang Mountain.

Yanyang Mountain.

Ling Pengqiu, who spent half a day counting the corpses of monsters harvested by the Ling family this time, had a smile on his face. He quickly went up to the top of the mountain, found Ling Pengyun who was sitting in meditation on the top of the mountain, and said carefully.

"Bago, among all the clansmen participating in the war this time, Bage, you have killed the most monsters, 130,000 monsters. I have killed more than 15,000 monsters. The young clan members in Cheng Xia have lower cultivation levels. , only killed more than 5,000 monsters in total."

"We killed more than 150,000 monsters in total and got their corpses."

"The casual cultivators recruited by my Ling clan killed about 90,000 monster beasts in total in this battle, and handed over 30% of the corpses of more than 30,000 monster beasts to my Ling clan."

"In addition, those casual cultivators also handed over more than 30,000 monsters to the family in exchange for military merit."

"Three combined into one, I, the Ling family, have obtained a total of more than 211,000 monster beast corpses this time."

"Among them, there are more than 126,000, more than 66,000, more than 28,500, and more than 500 monster beast corpses in the early, middle, late, and perfect stages of Qi training respectively."

"Among them, there are more than 650 corpses, more than 310 corpses, more than 30 corpses, and more than ten corpses in the early, middle, late and perfect stages of foundation establishment respectively."

"There is a corpse of the Golden Core Realm Demon King."

"Bago, this battle is really a great harvest."

"Even if the corpses of these monster beasts are sold directly, they can be sold for at least two hundred spirit stones. If our tribe's hundred arts practitioners use the materials from those monster beasts to refine them into spiritual objects for sale, this batch of monster beasts will be sold. The corpse can bring a huge profit of at least four million spiritual stones to our clan."

When Ling Pengyun heard Ling Pengqiu's statistics, his eyes were suddenly startled.

In an instant, another look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

Four million pieces of spiritual stones are no small matter. If they are available on the market, this amount of spiritual stones can buy at least four "gold-forming elixirs" that can increase the monk's probability of breaking through the golden elixir by 30%.

Relying on this spiritual stone, as long as you are lucky, there is no problem in creating one or two golden elixirs.

"I didn't expect that the benefits from annihilating most of the monster beasts in a monster gathering place with golden elixir monsters would be so huge."

"Coupled with the two thousand spiritual veins in the muddy swamp world, the benefits it can bring to the family will be even greater."

"Destroying a gathering place of monsters is actually a good deal with huge profits."

"Back then, when Bai Lingmen captured Jiao Python Lake, I'm afraid they made a lot of money."

Ling Pengyun thought for a while.

The more than 250,000 monsters he led a group of monks to destroy this time were 99% of the monsters in the muddy swamp world.

At the beginning, when the giant crocodile king of the golden elixir realm mobilized his troops and led so many monsters out, he also planned to capture Yanyang Mountain in one fell swoop and seize the Qiuyangyan realm of the monster clan.

After being overjoyed, Ling Pengyun suddenly felt a headache when he thought that there were not many people in the family who were skilled in various arts, and the number of monster corpses obtained this time was extremely large.

Relying on the few artists in the family, even if they don't eat or drink, it will take at least decades, or even more, to refine the materials from the corpses of monsters that the family obtained this time into spiritual objects. A hundred years of time.

It would take at least hundreds of years to sell the batch of spiritual objects refined from demonic beast materials.

After all, the other five golden elixir sects of the Yan Kingdom have also killed many monsters in the Baiyun Mountains, and have refined many spiritual objects through the Baiyun Mountains to flood the market.

The market in the world of Immortal Cultivation in Yan State is so big. If Ling wants to sell spiritual objects, it will naturally take a long and steady stream of water.

Under such circumstances, it would take at least two hundred years for Ling to digest these monster beast corpses.

Two hundred years is a long time for him, and it is a lifetime for the rest of the Ling family.

Now it seems that the Ling family does not need any spiritual stones, but if they want to develop the muddy swamp realm where the Demon King without Golden Pill is stationed and 99% of the demon beasts have been wiped out, just for the two thousand first-level, Above the second-level spiritual veins, the spiritual materials required to arrange the formation are extremely large.

According to Ling Pengyun's estimate, simply arranging the spiritual materials for the formation would cost at least one million spiritual stones.

The Ling family cannot afford this spiritual stone now.

Thinking of this, Ling Pengyun sighed helplessly.

This feeling of possessing wealth but being unable to realize it in a short period of time is extremely uncomfortable.

He looked at Ling Pengqiu and made arrangements.

"Although it is a good thing that the family has received many corpses of monsters this time, it is also a problem considering the current number of practitioners in the family."

"Among the four thousand casual cultivators in the mountain, are there any skilled practitioners?"

After hearing this, Ling Pengqiu realized what Ling Pengyun meant, and he shook his head.

"Myna, I don't know."

Ling Pengqiu's position in the family has always been the same as that of Ling Pengxing. He is similar to a person who protects the family and rarely participates in the management of family affairs.

Ling Pengyun could understand that he was not prepared in advance for such far-sighted arrangements.

Immediately, Ling Pengyun ordered.

"Go and ask quickly. If there is one, leave it in the mountain first."

After saying this, Ling Pengyun took out two more pieces of white paper, used spiritual power as a pen, and wrote a lot of words on the two pieces of white paper.

After he finished writing, he put the two pieces of white paper in envelopes and handed them to Ling Pengqiu.

"Pengqiu, in addition, you are entrusting two casual cultivators with good reputations to bring these two letters to Bailingmen and the family."

"This is the formation of the Five Elements Returning Formation. I have re-arranged this formation in the mountain. If there are changes, you can activate the formation."

"I need to go to the muddy swamp realm to harvest some of the spiritual things in it, so that other forces will not know that our clan has killed the demon king in the muddy swamp realm and 99% of the monsters in it, so I took the opportunity to harvest it in advance. The spiritual creature allows others to take advantage of it.”

In the two letters to Bailingmen and the family, in addition to recording the victory over the muddy swamp monster and occupying the muddy swamp, there were also some important arrangements.

For example, the content of Ling Pengyun's envelope to Bailingmen also mentioned that Bailingmen should arrange flying boats as soon as possible to transport the ordinary people on the family side to the muddy swamp realm.

The letter to the family is to ask the family to cooperate with Bailingmen to transport the clan members, but not to transport too many clan members, only half of them, so as to prevent the Yan Kingdom's Immortal Realm from conquering Baiyun when the monster chaos comes decades later. Something happened in the mountains.

Of course, this change is extremely small.

Otherwise, the other five sects of the Yan Kingdom would not have dispatched their mortals to the Baiyun Mountains so early.

These five golden elixir sects are not stupid. Obviously, they have great confidence in officially capturing the entire Baiyun Mountains during the next monster chaos.

And the fact is indeed the case. Nowadays, the demonic beasts in the Baiyun Mountains can be suppressed by the human race, and they can't make any waves at all.

After Ling Pengqiu took the two letters and the formation plate, he said solemnly to Ling Pengyun.

"Myna, be careful on the road."

When Ling Pengyun heard this, a smile appeared on his face, he patted Ling Pengqiu's shoulder and nodded. "good."

After saying these words, he turned into a stream of light and flew towards the muddy swamp.

After Ling Pengqiu watched Ling Pengyun go away, he also left the top of Yanyang Mountain and walked to a huge flat land halfway up the mountain.

In recent days, more than 4,000 casual cultivators summoned by the Ling family for their military exploits are here.

As soon as Ling Pengqiu arrived, many of the more than 4,000 casual cultivators asked when Ling Pengqiu could redeem his promise to rent spiritual veins based on his military exploits.

All of a sudden, the place was full of people talking and very noisy.

Ling Pengqiu frowned suddenly and roared angrily.


The casual cultivators around him also had some perspective. When they saw that Ling Pengqiu, the eighth-level foundation-building cultivator, had a bad look on his face, they all stopped asking questions.

Ling Pengqiu's cultivation was originally at the peak of the seventh level of foundation building. In the past two years, relying on the ten bottles of hundred-year-old Mu Yuan spiritual water that Ling Pengyun brought back from the world of immortal cultivation in the boundless sea, he successfully broke through to the eighth level of foundation building.

Thanks to: Youchen Ailan, Yue Ruiyue, Demon Youth 240, Book Friends 20220918223814735, Book Friends 20190602145807688, Book Friends 20220119170145348, soulTOme, Treasures Sprinkle the World, Don’t Understand Books, Cherish, One Hundred Years of Life, Douzi 273, Books Friends 20220623221639600, Tianxian Yijian, Xiao Wu Tuo, Book Friends 20220826115355779, asd bloody battle monthly ticket

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