Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 486 The Monster in the Dark River Main Vein (2000 words, please subscribe)

Knowing that the fire demon spirit in the middle stage of Qi training would not hurt her, she no longer cared about it.

Instead, she looked at the second-level fire spirit vein deep underground.

The second-level fire spirit vein consumed a lot of its original power during the period of feeding back, refining the spiritual energy in the two thousand spiritual stones in the spirit formation, resulting in a mixed aura.

According to Ling Penglin's estimation, it will take at least ten years for this injury to recover.

During these ten years, the cultivation of this spirit vein will also be difficult to improve.

Of course, if a large amount of spiritual energy is slowly transferred into the spirit vein, it can help the spirit vein recover from the injury and speed up the recovery of the spirit vein.

After roughly understanding the situation of the fire spirit vein, Ling Penglin also relied on the second-level inferior "Endless Flame Array" arranged here to force the fire demon spirit in the middle stage of Qi training back to the dark blue spirit volcano deep underground in the riverbed.

And relying on the power of the formation, the dark blue spirit volcano was sealed to prevent the dark blue demon spirit from running around.

After doing these things, Ling Penglin also took steps and left the cave.

However, as soon as she left the cave, Ling Penglin felt something strange in the lower reaches of the main vein of the dark river.

She used the Qi-viewing technique to look and immediately saw that several miles downstream of the main vein of the dark river, there were nearly two hundred black fish with black scales all over their bodies, huge heads, sharp teeth in their mouths, and bodies at least three feet long, exuding the state of Qi training, gradually rushing towards her.

Ling Penglin even saw that there was a three-foot-long black fish in the school of fish, exuding the pressure of foundation building.

Ling Penglin noticed this and frowned.

"Haven't all the monsters in the muddy swamp been killed by our clan? How come there are so many scale-toothed black fish?"

When Ling Penglin thought that this place was a dark river thousands of feet deep underground, her doubts disappeared.

The scale-toothed black fish is a very ferocious spiritual fish. This fish has strong combat power and is good at close combat. The defensive power of its scales is not weaker than that of the same-level defensive magic weapon.

The sharp teeth in the mouth of this fish are their most powerful weapon. Even magic weapons of the same level cannot withstand a few bites from them.

As for the group of scale-toothed black fish rushing here, according to Ling Penglin's guess, it is probably attracted by the loud noise of the spiritual vein promotion.

"According to the previous plan of Brother Pengyun, after clearing the black mud in the muddy swamp, the water in the dark rivers deep under the muddy swamp will be attracted to flow into the muddy swamp."

"At that time, this group of fish will probably have a great chance to go out from the main stream of the dark river to the outside world."

"If we don't get rid of this group of scale-toothed black fish today, it will definitely be a disaster in the future."

"Thinking of this, this group of scale-toothed black fish is attracted by the movement of the spiritual vein promotion, which is a good opportunity to kill them."

Thinking of this, Ling Penglin, who has the sixth level of foundation building, suddenly showed a fierce look on her face, intending to kill all the nearly two hundred scale-toothed black fish here.

She raised her hand and waved it, and immediately took out the second-level middle-grade natal formation device "Yellow Sand Erosion Formation" formation flag.

When the nearly two hundred scale-toothed black fish in the lower reaches of the main vein of the dark river entered the two-mile area covered by her spiritual sense, she immediately launched the twelve formation flags around her body.

The twelve formation flags turned into twelve spiritual lights, and their speed was no slower than that of the scale-toothed black fish that were good at water, and they were quickly distributed around the group of black fish.

"Formation up!"

The twelve formation flags flashed with spiritual light, and quickly supported a huge yellow light curtain to trap all the black fish.

At the same time, countless rolling yellow sands with erosion effects suddenly emerged in the formation.

The yellow sands continued to sweep among the nearly two hundred black fish.

After this formation entered the second-level middle-grade realm, its power became even more extraordinary.

However, in just a short moment, dozens of Qi training black fish that reacted slowly and did not have time to arrange defensive spells were corroded by the erosive yellow sands.

The remaining one hundred or so Qi-training black fish and the black fish king in the foundation-building stage had put up defensive spells in time to resist the attacking erosion yellow sand, but they were not feeling well either.

After the fish king entered the foundation-building stage, he had some intelligence.

Seeing this dangerous situation, he immediately ordered the somewhat panicked fish to attack the formation, wanting to break the formation with force and then resolve the crisis.

For a moment, the remaining one hundred or so Qi-training black fish, led by the black fish king in the foundation-building stage, crashed into the enemy-trapping light curtain supported by the formation, causing waves on the light curtain.

However, their cultivation was not high after all, and it was difficult to break the enemy-trapping light curtain supported by the yellow sand erosion formation in a short time.

Instead, this group of black fish was beaten to pieces by the large piece of erosion yellow sand transformed by the formation.

Every moment, black fish were killed.

About half an incense stick later, the battle came to an end.

The group of black fish in the formation were also trapped and killed by Ling Penglin.

After Ling Penglin quickly cleaned up the battlefield, in order to prevent the main stream of the dark river from escaping, he followed the direction where the group of black fish came from before and explored.

Following the main vein of the dark river downstream, Ling Penglin sneaked for several miles. Through his strong spiritual sense, he found a second-level inferior spiritual vein on a cliff of the main vein of the dark river.

On the dark spiritual vein, there were dozens of scale-toothed black fish in the Qi training realm stationed. Through this, Ling Penglin guessed that this spiritual vein was the nest of the previous group of scale-toothed black fish.

After easily killing the dozens of black fish stationed in the black fish nest, Ling Penglin also searched the black fish nest.

There were not many spiritual creatures in the nest, only dozens of immature water spiritual herbs and dozens of scale-toothed black fish eggs.

Considering that the family already had a guest beastmaster, and the scale-toothed black fish clan she destroyed was not very intelligent, Ling Penglin kept the dozens of scale-toothed black fish eggs she had found.

Then, relying on the materials for setting up formations on her body, she set up a second-level formation here to protect the spiritual vein here.

Although this place is deep in the dark river, this area is still in the muddy swamp.

This second-level spiritual vein naturally belongs to the Ling family.

Later, because Ling Penglin was concerned that there were other spiritual veins in the dark river, she spent another half a month searching for the main vein of the dark river, which really made her gain something.

During this trip, she killed thousands of Qi training monsters, eight fish monsters in the early and middle stages of foundation building, and found more than ten first-level spiritual veins and eight second-level spiritual veins.

In addition, she also found three clumps of second-level water grass spirit plants and hundreds of first-level water spirit grass on those spiritual veins, which was a rich harvest.

If Ling Penglin had not used up all the materials for setting up formations for the spiritual veins she found, she would still search in this dark river.

Sorry for the recent days, I will resume updating 10,000 times starting from Saturday.

Please read more, I will try my best to maintain the quality of updates.

Thanks to Xin Mingjing for the 500-point reward

Thanks to book friend 161014132107640 for the 1,000-point reward

Thanks to Bobo Yishi66, book friend 20220917095917977, Xiaohebiandefeng, Guji-Ea, Tling151, Zuyouyishan, book friend 202111203164025207, book friend 2011203164025207, book friend 2021030110641322356, Laozi jumps up and gives a mua, and Yongyuan101's monthly ticket

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