Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 487 The Flame King Belongs (2400 words, please subscribe)

A few days later.

In the outer area of ​​the muddy swamp, three spiritual lights slid through the mainstream of the underground river that was thousands of feet deep underground.

When these three spiritual lights reached the crater of the "Ghost Blue Spirit Volcano" at the bottom of the river bed, they stopped, and their figures appeared.

They are Ling Penlin, Ling Pengyun, and Yan Siyi.

"Bag, Eighth Sister-in-Law, deep inside the fire mouth is the place where the Ghost Blue Spirit Volcano was born based on the rich fire energy in the fire spirit vein when the grade of the fire spirit vein here broke through to the second level."

Ling Penglin, who was leading the way, pointed to the head-sized Spirit Volcano crater on the river bed below, and then pointed to a large cave of about ten feet with a second-order fire spirit vein on the cliff of the underground river not far away, for Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi. The person gave a brief introduction.

Ling Pengyun nodded slightly, then showed curiosity, and mobilized his spiritual consciousness to explore the fire mouth on the river bed in front of him.

As his consciousness gradually penetrated into the mouth of the fire, Ling Pengyun also noticed the existence of the first-order mid-grade blue spirit volcano hundreds of feet deep under the river bed, and the blue flame demon spirit in the middle stage of Qi training.

A happy look appeared on his face, and he smiled and praised Ling Penglin.

"There is a lot of blue spirit fire contained in this spiritual volcano. Without hindering the improvement of the core demon spirit in the volcano, our clan can at least build three first-level low-level and medium-level volcanoes based on this volcano. Fire Room.”

"In this way, those first-level, mid-level alchemists and weapon refiners in the family who need to use flames to refine spiritual objects will have an easier time refining spiritual objects in the future."

"Sister Penglin, you have made great contributions to the family this time. Is there anything you want? As long as it is not something rare in the world, just say it."

Although the family discovered a second-level Earth Fire Cave on the second-level Earth Fire Island.

But the amount of earth fire contained in the earth fire hole is not much, barely enough for the second-level mid-level alchemist Ling Chengxin.

"My little sister can't bear this feat of Brother Eight. This place was discovered by Sister-in-law Eight before. My sister only indirectly discovered this blue spiritual volcano when she used a large formation to improve the grade of the fire spirit vein discovered by Sister-in-law Eight. "

Ling Penglin did not take any credit, but smiled very modestly at Yan Siyi who was standing next to Ling Pengyun.

When Yan Siyi heard Ling Penglin's words, a smile suddenly appeared on her face, and she fell in love with this clan girl with whom she had a good relationship.

She also spoke. "Sister Peng Lin, although I discovered this place, this spiritual volcano is your chance. If you hadn't used the formation this time to improve the level of the fire spiritual vein not far away, I'm afraid this spiritual volcano wouldn't be able to find it. was discovered."

"You fully deserve this credit, and you deserve to be rewarded."

Ling Pengyun agreed. "What Madam said is true."

Seeing Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi both saying this, Ling Penlin stopped giving in and said with a smile.

"The little girl shamelessly took over this skill."

"Bago, I want a spiritual object that enhances longevity."

Ling Pengyun glanced at Ling Pengyun, who was only over seventy years old and was beautiful in her prime. However, her face was now covered with wrinkles and her body was a little rickety, and she felt a little touched in her heart.

"Calculating the age of this girl Peng Lin, she should only have about twenty years... of life left."

Decades ago, when he was stationed at Qingshi Mountain in the Qi Training Realm, he established a deep relationship with Ling Penglin, who was stationed at Guohua Ridge. He has always treated Ling Penglin as a half-sister.

Nowadays, Ling Penglin cannot live long due to the continuous use of several secret methods to enhance her strength during the Little Demon Rebellion a few years ago. Ling Pengyun also feels a little uncomfortable in her heart.

At this moment, the memory of Ling Penglin when she was young couldn't help but come to mind.

After a long while, he finally came back to his senses.

He looked at Ling Penglin again, but he had ignored the wrinkles on her face. He only saw the Ling Penglin who laughed and laughed all day long when he was a teenager. His eyes showed a trace of nostalgia, and he raised his hand to touch Ling Penglin's head and whispered softly. said something.

"Okay, Bage... help you find it."

"Remember, no matter how long you live, your cultivation level cannot be reduced. After a while, you have arranged all the spiritual veins in the muddy swamp world, and then go to the second-level high-grade cloud where my eighth sister-in-law and I are. Practice in seclusion in Ye Island."

"When the time comes, I will ask your eighth sister-in-law to cook spiritual food for you every day to help you in your cultivation. In this way, your cultivation speed will be faster."

Ling Penglin felt warm in her heart when she heard this. She probably understood what Ling Pengyun meant, but she knew her own situation.

Her expression darkened, and she said with a bit of helplessness.

"Brother Eight, Sister-in-law Eight has now reached the ninth level of Foundation Establishment. It takes a long time to cook the second-level spiritual food. This really delays Sister-in-law Eight's cultivation time."

"My lifespan is not long, and now my cultivation level is only at the sixth level of Foundation Establishment. It is really far away from the perfection of Foundation Establishment."

"With my cultivation qualifications, I am afraid that if I live for hundreds of years, I may not have the chance to break through to the foundation building perfection."

"In this life, I have given up trying to break through the golden elixir. I will be satisfied if I can break through to the late stage of foundation building and help my formation reach the second level of high level."

"The remaining life span... I'd better refine a few more formations for the family to be more useful."

Ling Pengyun patted Ling Penglin's head hard and cursed. "Silly girl, I asked you to practice and you just practice. Why do you care so much?"

Ling Penglin felt the slight pain coming from her head. She felt a little happy in her heart, but also felt a little helpless.

Naturally, she was happy because she felt the attention of her clan brother Ling Pengyun.

Helpless, she knew her own situation, and she could basically see the end of her future path now.

"I know, my dear." Ling Penglin nodded lightly, forced a smile, replied, and said to Yan Siyi beside her.

"Sister-in-law, I will trouble you to cook spiritual food for my younger sister in the future."

Yan Siyi said with a smile. "You girl, why are you getting more and more polite to me? I need to rely on the second-level spiritual food to improve my cultivation. If you are here, it's just a matter of adding one more chopstick."

Hearing this, Ling Penglin felt even warmer in her heart.

"Sister-in-law, you are so nice!" She sighed sincerely.

"You silly girl."

Yan Siyi smiled.

"Okay, stop chatting and get down to business."

"Penglin, you discovered this Linghuo Mountain. Although I have promised to reward you, you still have a share of this Linghuo Mountain. I plan to take the core demon spirit in this Linghuo Mountain. I wonder if you are willing to give it to me?"

Ling Pengyun on the side interrupted and asked.

The first demon spirit bred in each Linghuo Mountain is generally called the core demon spirit.

Once the core demon spirit is born, it has spiritual intelligence, and its qualifications are linked to the grade of the Linghuo Mountain.

As long as the grade of the Linghuo Mountain is improved, the cultivation of the core demon spirit can also rely on the flames in the Linghuo Mountain to improve.

In addition, the core demon spirit also has another name, called "Flame King", and the Flame King is born to command the other ordinary demon spirits bred in the Linghuo Mountain.

As for the ordinary flame demon spirits bred in the Linghuo Mountain, they are the same as ordinary demon beasts. Only when the cultivation breaks through to the foundation building stage will they be born with spiritual intelligence.

Its potential is also slightly worse. Even if there is enough spiritual fire to help, the speed of cultivation improvement is not fast.

Of course, if the core demon spirit of a spiritual volcano is gone, it is possible to cultivate a core demon spirit again by relying on the spiritual volcano at a certain cost.

However, the cost will be extremely high.

"My little sister has a short life span, and the core flame demon spirit that has not yet grown up will not be of much use to me."

"My dear brother, your cultivation level is as high as the Jindan realm, and your life span is long. It is also more suitable for the dark blue demon spirit king in the dark blue spiritual volcano to fall into your hands."

Ling Penglin heard this and nodded without hesitation.

The cultivation level of the core flame demon spirit is linked to the grade of the spiritual volcano, and the grade of the spiritual volcano is linked to the spiritual veins of the same origin. One link after another, although its cultivation progress is faster than that of ordinary demon spirits, it is still slower than that of human cultivators, and it takes a long time to accumulate.

The Jindan realm flame demon spirit in the black flame volcano of Bailingmen was cultivated for hundreds of years before it was cultivated to the Jindan realm.

At present, the person in the Ling family who is most suitable to sacrifice the core fire demon spirit is indeed Ling Pengpengyun, a Jindan realm immortal with a long lifespan.

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