Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 489 Lingxiao Thousand Star Lake (2200 words, please subscribe)

Ye Fan, a beastmaster, was shocked to see so many aquatic monsters and spirit fish.

Although he was curious about where Ling Penglin found so many aquatic monsters, he did not dare to ask, after all, this matter was more private, and monster cubs were expensive items.

Then, he immediately responded.

"Fairy, you are too kind. It is my job to take care of the spirit beasts for the nobles."

Ling Penglin was quite satisfied with Lin Fan's attitude.

"Well, then I won't bother you too much."

After saying that, Ling Penglin took out a second-level flying boat and stepped on it and left.

Lin Fan, a beastmaster who was still on the Spirit Beast Island, looked at Ling Penglin's gradually receding figure, and a look of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

After thinking for several breaths, Lin Fan made up his mind when he thought about the transaction between him and Ling family for the expensive second-level beast control inheritance and a set of second-level alchemy recipes, and established a deep friendship with Ling family.

He also took out the second-level inferior flying sword that Ling Pengyun gave him not long ago, stepped on it, and chased Ling Penglin in the distance.

Ling Penglin's spiritual awareness was very strong, and she soon noticed the movement behind her. She also stopped the flying boat and was alert, ready to fight at any time.

When Lin Fan arrived in front of her with the sword, she also asked with a hint of doubt.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, do you have anything else?"

Lin Fan took out a token with no breath leaking and a black surface from the storage bag, handed it to Ling Penglin, and asked.

"Fairy, I won't hide it from you. I found this token from the place where I got the second-level beast control inheritance."

"Fairy, don't look at this thing without any breath, but this token is very solid. According to my exploration over the years, there seem to be many array patterns in this token, and according to my guess, this token is probably also the object of a certain array."

"And the level of that array must be not low."

"However, the array patterns in this token are all damaged, which makes it difficult for me to rely on this token to find the array. In the place. "

"Fairy, can you help me look at this thing? If the fairy can repair this thing, we can also rely on this token to find the unknown high-level formation. "

"The high-level formation must be ownerless now, otherwise this token that opens the formation will not be useful forever. If we can find the high-level formation, we can definitely occupy it. "

"At that time, the benefits that can be generated by the high-level formation will be divided equally between us, and I can also hand over the high-level formation to the nobles. "

Ling Penglin was curious when she heard this.

She also took the token and looked at it carefully.

After a few breaths, Ling Penglin looked happy and spoke.

"This token does contain array patterns, and those array patterns are indeed damaged."

"Your previous guess is probably true. This item is at least the opening item of the third-level array."

"However, it is difficult to repair the incomplete high-level array patterns in this token. I am afraid that it is difficult to do it at present. At least I need to upgrade the level of my array to the second-level upper level before I can do it."

"However, my array is not far from the second-level upper level. I will definitely reach it within five years."

"I will take on the task of repairing the incomplete array patterns in this token."

If Ling Penglin were asked to engrave the third-level array pattern on the token, Ling Penglin would naturally find it difficult to do it.

But just repairing the third-level array pattern that already existed in the token would greatly reduce the difficulty, and Ling Penglin could also do it.

Lin Fan said with a smile. "It would be great if the fairy is sure to repair the incomplete array pattern in this token. In this case, I will wait for your good news."

"There is one more thing, fairy. The value of this item is too great. I wonder if the fairy can keep it secret for me and swear to the heaven that you will not do anything to endanger my life?"

Ling Penglin heard this and naturally understood that Lin Fan was worried that he had already obtained the token and took the third-level array behind the token for himself.

She smiled and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, fellow Daoist Lin, the most important thing for my Ling family is fairness. I will never spread this matter."

She also swore to the heaven with her cultivation that she would never endanger Lin Fan's life in this life.

Seeing this, Lin Fan secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said in his heart.

"For such a matter, it is indeed the right choice to seek the Ling family."

Afterwards, Lin Fan and Ling Penglin agreed to repair the incomplete array pattern in the token within ten years, and Ling Penglin left this place.

Lin Fan also returned to the Spirit Beast Island and carefully placed the spirit beast cubs and spirit fish that Ling Penglin had just given him on the Spirit Beast Island.

Including this batch of 200 spirit beast cubs and 500 spirit fish in the Qi training stage, there are currently 1,200 tamed monsters and nearly 2,000 spirit fish on the Spirit Beast Island.

The group of more than 1,000 blue moon spirit fish that the family had previously raised in Huaishui County was brought here by Ling Pengshan half a year ago.

The hundred monsters in the back mountain of the family were also brought here by him.

In this way, there are so many monsters and spirit fish on the Spirit Beast Island.

However, such a large number of monsters and spirit fish gave Lin Fan, the beastmaster who managed this place alone, a headache.

Every day, he spent most of his time taking care of the monsters and spirit fish on the island, which greatly slowed down his cultivation speed.

But he couldn't not take care of them, after all, this was his responsibility.

If the Ling family finds out that he is lazy, his offerings will certainly be reduced.

This also means that the working man Lin Fan can only hope that the Ling family can find other beastmasters as soon as possible, so that he can have a helper.

However, a hundred-artist is rare, and a hundred-artist in beast control is even rarer.

Even with the power of the Ling family, it is difficult to find a hundred-artist in beast control in a short time.

One month later.

After more than a year of hard work, Ling Pengyun and others finally cleared all the black mud in the muddy swamp with their combined efforts.

Ling Pengyun, a Jindan Zhenren who originally specialized in water-based exercises, also relied on his induction of water flow to attract countless water flows in the huge underground river mainstream, pouring into the entire muddy swamp where the black mud was cleared.

The entire muddy swamp also turned into a huge lake, with only those islands built with swamp black mud standing in the lake.

From time to time, a few fish swam in the deep water of the lake, creating a lively scene.

Ling Pengyun and other Ling family monks who were clearing the black mud stood on the plywood of the Lingxiao Flying Boat, the prototype of the magic weapon, and were shocked by the scene in front of them.

At the same time, they all showed a hint of complacency on their faces.

Originally, this place was just a piece of black mud, smelly, and full of mosquitoes and poisonous snakes.

Now this place has become so lively, and they have all contributed a lot.

In the future, the Ling family members will also live in the place they created, which is a great achievement.

Future generations will also remember what happened today.

"This time, you and I have all made contributions to the creation of the new clan land. Each of you will be rewarded with 300 contribution points, and this matter will be included in the clan tree."

Ling Pengyun, who was among the crowd, noticed the change in the expressions of the clan members, and he also smiled and said.

When everyone heard this, they all raised their faces.

It is a very honorable thing to be included in the family tree. Their descendants will also know about this, and they will have the capital to brag to their children in the future.

At the same time, this is also a merit. If they have good cultivation in the future, they can become an elder in the family with this merit.

"Thank you for the reward, Grandpa Pengyun."

Ling Wanduo and other Wanzi generation cultivators also thanked Ling Pengyun.

Ling Chengxia and Yan Siyi also whispered.

Then, Ling Pengyun looked at the boundless lake below, which had no trace of swamp black mud, and the thousands of islands in the lake. His expression moved and he proposed.

"This area has turned into a lake, and there is no longer any swamp. It is no longer suitable to be named the muddy swamp area."

"This lake is boundless, with thousands of islands in it. It is also the land of my Ling family. In my opinion, it should be renamed Lingxiao Qianxing Lake."

"Lingxiao is the surname of my family, Qianxing is the island, and the lake is this lake."

"Do you think this name is okay?"

Yan Siyi was the first to agree. "This name is good. As long as outsiders hear it, they will understand that this is the land of my Ling family."

Ling Chengxia, Ling Wanduo and other members of the Wanzi generation also expressed their agreement one after another.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile.

"In this case, this area will be officially named Lingxiao Qianxing Lake."

"It has been more than a year since we left the clan island to clear the black mud in the swamp. It is time to return to the clan."

After saying this, Ling Pengyun transferred a spiritual power into the Lingxiao flying boat, the prototype of the magic weapon under his feet, and led the clan members on the flying boat to Lingyun Island deep in Lingxiao Qianxing Lake.

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