Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 490 Ling Pengshan asks for help (2800 words, please subscribe)

Two days later.

Ling Pengyun drove the family's Lingxiao flying boat across tens of thousands of miles, and finally returned to the family's new clan land "Lingyun Island" with the group of clan members who cleared the silt in the swamp.

He also took this group of clan members to find Ling Pengshan, who was stationed in the main house of this island and was in charge of the mobilization of various spiritual objects and personnel. He talked to Ling Pengshan about the transformation of the muddy swamp. Now the whole area has turned into a lake, and this area has been renamed "Lingxiao Qianxing Lake", and the rewards for clearing the silt.

In the core of Lingyun Island, in a loft hall.

After hearing this, Ling Pengshan looked overjoyed and bowed to Ling Pengyun and the group of young people who cleared the black mud behind him to thank him.

"The family's land has finally been transformed successfully, and the mortals who moved to this land can have a better life."

"Thank you for your hard work."

"I will take care of the reward right away."

After saying that, Ling Pengshan took out a roster that recorded the use of family contribution points, and recorded the 300 contribution points that Ling Chengxia and others rewarded for clearing the black mud in this land into their respective accounts.

Then, he took out the family tree and recorded everyone's achievements in it.

Such actions made Ling Chengxia, Ling Wanduo and other juniors feel that the family valued them.

"Grandpa Pengshan, thank you for your hard work."

These juniors did not take it too seriously, and hurriedly thanked Ling Pengshan, the elder.

"It should be."

After Ling Pengshan finished everything, he waved his hand and replied with a smile, and his expression moved slightly, and he remembered something.

He also said to the juniors.

"You guys go out first, I have something to talk to my brother and my sister-in-law!"

The younger generation such as Ling Chengxia naturally knew who the "brother" and "sister-in-law" in Ling Pengshan's mouth were. They nodded lightly and left immediately, not daring to stay any longer, so as not to displease Ling Pengshan, the acting patriarch of the family.

After everyone left, only Ling Pengshan, Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi were left in the hall.

"Brother Pengshan, you are looking for me and my wife alone, but what is the important matter?"

Ling Pengyun asked curiously.

Yan Siyi, who was standing behind Ling Pengyun, also cast a curious look at Ling Pengshan at this moment.

"Brother, do you still remember Ling Wanchuan, who was born in the mortal world and was tested to have the dual spiritual roots of wood and water, and ranked 54th in the ten thousand character?"

Ling Pengshan did not directly tell the origin, but asked first.

"Of course I remember. That child has good spiritual root aptitude. Just considering this spiritual root aptitude, this child is enough to be said to be the most promising person in the Wanzi generation, and is worthy of the family's key training."

"But brother Pengshan, the thing you left me and my wife to say this time is related to the child Wanchuan?"

Ling Pengyun was a little confused when he heard this. After thinking about the name Ling Wanchuan, he asked in confusion.

"Yes, Wanchuan is a very talented child. He entered the realm of Qi training in just half a year. Now two years have passed. With the help of good aptitude and various spiritual fruits provided by the family, Wanchuan has reached the peak of the second level of Qi training."

"During this period, this child also showed extraordinary spiritual plant talent."

"The most advanced spiritual plant in the family is you, my brother. Wanchuan is a great talent. It is difficult for ordinary spiritual plant husbands to teach him. Therefore, I would like to ask my brother if you can accept Wanchuan and teach him spiritual plants in person?"

Ling Pengshan pleaded a little.

Although he knew Ling Wanchuan had a talent for spiritual plants a year ago, Ling Pengyun was busy cleaning up the black mud in this area at that time, so he did not bother to ask Ling Pengyun.

"Pengshan, there is no need to ask for help between you and me."

"This child's spiritual root configuration is indeed a natural spiritual plant husband. I have been too busy these years and have not paid attention to this child."

Ling Pengyun heard the doubts on his face and turned into a smile of surprise, but with a bit of assurance, and muttered to Ling Pengshan.

However, he did not immediately decide to train Ling Wanchuan himself, but looked at Yan Siyi beside him and asked Yan Siyi's private voice transmission.

"Madam, Wanchuan is a talented child. As long as he is well trained, he can at least enter the second level of spiritual plants in the future, and it is not difficult for him to enter the foundation-building stage."

"I have seen this child in my early years. He is a very filial child. I also have a good impression of this child. I have some ideas to bring him with me. Madam, are you willing?"

He asked Madam Yan Siyi this because Ling Wanchuan was an outsider after all. If he accepted Ling Wanchuan, he would have to bring Ling Wanchuan with him, basically raising him as his own child.

As Yan Siyi was his Taoist partner, he naturally had to ask for her opinion.

If Yan Siyi didn't like it, he wouldn't force it. He could also change the way of training Ling Wanchuan, not keeping Ling Wanchuan by his side, but teaching him every few days.

Yan Siyi had guessed Ling Pengyun's decision long ago.

She was a person who liked children and a lively family.

Ling Wanchuan was also very talented, so she would naturally not reject Ling Pengyun's wish to bring the child with her and train him personally.

She immediately replied via voice transmission.

"My husband, I agree with this, but you have to promise me one thing."

"Now we have also taken care of the matter of clearing the black mud from the swamp in this area. We have transformed this area into a lake more suitable for mortals to live in. We will also have a lot of free time in the future."

"Xiaoyan wants to cook at the restaurant in Baiyunfang City, forget it, but his elderly parents are still managing the family store in Baiyunfang City, and that girl Cheng Ping is still millions of miles away. Luoxia Mountain manages spiritual plants.”

"Mom, dad, you have to think of a way to bring that girl Cheng Ping back as soon as possible. By then, our family will have a small reunion and it will be lively again."

Although Ling Xiaoyan is the same generation as Ling Pengyun's parents, he was born late and is only in his thirties now, but he is older.

He showed his talent as a spiritual cook at a young age, and was sent by Ling Yunfu, the previous fourth elder of the family, to Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi to learn how to be a spiritual cook.

It was precisely because of this relationship that he grew up next to Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi. He also had a very good relationship with Ling Pengyun and his wife. The couple had always regarded Ling Xiaoyan as their half-blood relative.

Needless to say, Ling Chengping was a member of the tribe who had a good talent for raising silkworms. She was sent to Ling Pengyun by her family since she was a child. Ling Pengyun pooped and peed until she was big. This girl was like a daughter in the hearts of Ling Pengyun and his wife.

After hearing this, Ling Pengyun smiled, feeling a little more fond of this lady in his heart.

He also sent a message back. "It's probably going to be difficult to bring my parents back to the tribe. Since I took over the Lingxiao Qianxing Lake, I've asked my tribe to send messages to my parents to come here. But these two old men seem to be addicted to managing the store and are unwilling to leave even if I kill them. Those shops in Baiyunfang City.”

"Now that this land has stabilized, it's really time for that girl Cheng Ping to come here."

"This place is far away from the family, millions of miles away. It's a bit dangerous for Cheng Ping to come here alone."

"In this way, after we have handled the matters at hand, we will return to the family together to pick her up. Then, we will go to Baiyunfang City, bringing Cheng Ping and Cheng Xia with us to find someone who has a good relationship with her parents. Xiao Yan, let’s persuade our parents together so that they have a higher chance of returning to the clan.”

Yan Siyi smiled and nodded, agreeing to the matter.

Ling Pengyun followed suit and said to Ling Pengshan.

"Pengshan, we have accepted the child from Wanchuan and asked him to prepare and follow me and your eighth sister-in-law to live on Yunyi Island."

Ling Pengshan's face suddenly lit up with joy. He thanked Ling Pengyun and immediately left the hall and went out to the outside world.

Not long after, Ling Pengshan returned to the hall with a ten-year-old child with dark skin but very smart eyes.

This child is Ling Wanchuan, the most talented person in his generation.

Ling Wanchuan had met Ling Pengyun, the ancestor of the family, before, and when he came here this time, Ling Pengshan was also told what the trip was about.

He was also very nervous because of this, and was a little afraid of offending the very "stern" ancestor Ling Pengyun, which caused him to miss this opportunity to be trained by his ancestor himself.

"Peng Yun... Ancestor!" Ling Wanchuan's voice was trembling, and he raised his hands to say hello to Ling Pengyun.

"From now on, you can just call me Grandpa. There is no need to call me Grandpa."

Ling Pengyun was also an experienced person, and he could see what the panic-stricken Ling Wanchuan was thinking at a glance. He smiled, took the initiative to touch Ling Wanchuan's little head, closed the distance, and said with a smile, and then he faced Ling Peng Mountain road.

"Brother Pengshan clan, my wife and I plan to transplant the Lingmulberry trees from Luoxia Mountain on the second level of Lingshan Mountain in Huaishui County to this area. I also plan to bring Cheng Ping, who was originally stationed there, over. Please do this first. Write it down on the family roster to prevent you from making mistakes in mobilizing family personnel in the future."

Hearing this, Ling Pengshan did not reject the matter. He nodded lightly and answered the matter. "good."

"Now that everything has been agreed upon, we will leave first. I will also take Wan Duo's group to Zhanling Island."

Ling Pengyun said something and led Yan Siyi and Ling Wanchuan out of the hall.

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