Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 491: Battle Spirit Island (3000 words, please subscribe)

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun called Ling Chengxia, who was called out of the hall by Ling Pengshan and was waiting outside the hall, and Ling Wanduo and other 30 Wanzi clansmen, and boarded the Lingxiao flying boat to leave Lingyun Island.

Then, they flew to Yunyi Island, one of the seven second-grade upper-grade islands deep in Lingxiao Qianxing Island, a small spiritual island with a second-grade middle-grade spiritual vein, but only a few miles in size.

This small spiritual island was deliberately found by Ling Pengyun to serve as the residence of the "War Hall" in the family hall.

And this island was also named "War Spirit Island" by Ling Pengyun.

A year ago, Ling Pengyun specially asked the family's second-grade array master Ling Penglin to set up a second-grade middle-grade spirit gathering array on the "War Spirit Island". Under the blessing of this spirit gathering array, the spiritual energy on the island was very pure.

Even the spiritual energy in the core of the island is comparable to the spiritual energy produced by the second-level upper-grade spiritual veins, which is an excellent place for cultivation.

On the deck of the Lingxiao flying boat.

Ling Pengyun preached to the first batch of "Ling Chengxia, Ling Wanduo and other 30 Wanzi clansmen" who joined the battle hall.

"Chengxia, you will practice here in the future. If you encounter any problems during your practice, you can find me on Yunyi Island, which is a few miles away on the 15th of each month. I will help you solve your doubts and cook a first-level spiritual food for you to help you improve your cultivation."

After saying that, Ling Pengyun took out 31 tokens engraved with the word "demon beast" from his storage bag and handed them to Ling Chengxia and others.

Then he pointed to four large islands not far away in the east, west, south, and north of the Battle Spirit Island, each covering an area of ​​about 50 miles and covered by a light curtain, and gave a word of advice.

"With the monster token I just gave you, you can enter the four monster islands."

"There are thousands of Qi training monsters in each of the four islands, all of which are imprisoned in the islands by formations. You can enter them with the token in your hand."

"When you have nothing to do on weekdays, you can also go to the four monster islands nearby to fight monsters and gain some experience."

At this point, Ling Pengyun paused and added another sentence.

"Our clan's battle hall prioritizes fighting. Although you are a member of our clan's battle hall, if you are weak, I will definitely expel you from the battle hall."

"In addition, each of you must go to the four monster islands every month to kill at least three monsters of the same level, and hand over the three monster corpses to me for inspection. Only then can you receive the monthly salary. If you do not meet the standard, you will not receive the salary for this month."

"Those who have not received a salary for six consecutive months are not very strong in combat and will not be able to enter the gate of our battle hall. They will be directly expelled."

"And if you kill an extra monster of the same level, there will also be a reward. For each additional monster killed, the offering will increase by 10%, and there will be no more. Limit."

"The bodies of the killed monsters also belong to you."

"In addition, the three monsters you need to hand over to me for observation cannot be killed together, but can only be killed alone. In the four islands, I have asked your Penglin ancestor to set up a large formation for recording images, and I can see any of your actions on the islands. "

"If anyone is sneaky and wants to use the bodies of the monsters killed by the team to deceive me, I will expel them from the family directly."

There is a second-level spiritual vein on each of the four monster islands. The thousand Qi training monsters on the islands were deliberately captured alive by Ling Pengyun a year ago and imprisoned on the islands in order to cultivate practical combat experience for Ling Chengxia and others.

Ling Chengxia, a cultivator who was already warlike, raised a touch of heat in his eyes after hearing what Ling Pengyun said, and the corners of his mouth also slightly raised, and he muttered to himself with great confidence.

"In this way, I will not lack the resources I need for my own cultivation and the supply of my four twin-bodied little golden-scaled pythons in the future."

Although he followed his father Ling Pengyun in the battle with the swamp giant crocodile clan, he killed many monsters and obtained many family contribution points.

But his four twin-bodied little golden-scaled pythons have a huge appetite. Every day, each little golden-scaled python monster has to eat ten kilograms of the flesh and blood of monsters of the same level to fill their stomachs.

Even if Ling Chengxia has some family background, it is still a bit too much.

In addition, his own cultivation also requires a huge amount of resources to help him. He does not look down on ordinary elixirs. He mainly cultivates with pure spiritual fruits on weekdays, which is also a very huge expense.

Under these two factors, in just two and a half years since the end of the war, his resources have been consumed by nearly 80%.

It won't be long before the resources in his storage bag will be used up.

And the rules set by Ling Pengyun now are undoubtedly a great help to him.

As for asking his parents for resources, Ling Pengxia, who was only sixteen years old, still somewhat rebellious and wanted to save face, really couldn't do it.

However, his actions made Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi quite satisfied and very supportive.

As for Ling Wanduo and other thirty Wanzi clan members who were also members of the War Hall, their faces showed solemnity.

They had seen the world with Ling Pengyun and fought against the Jindan monster clan and the Swamp Giant Crocodile Clan. They were not afraid of fighting monsters.

But their cultivation was not strong. Most of them were only in the initial stage of Qi training. Only Ling Wanduo, a soil-based magic cultivator, broke through to the fourth level of Qi training.

Although it took more than one or two years to destroy the Swamp Giant Crocodile Clan, during this period, these clan members followed and cleared the swamp black mud in this area every day, which delayed their cultivation.

Under such circumstances, Ling Pengyun also stipulated that only monsters of the same level that could be killed alone would count, which also increased their pressure.

However, the treatment in the war hall is very good. In this hall, the salary alone is twice that of the tribesmen of the same level. In ordinary times, there is no need to go out to do tasks like ordinary tribesmen, as long as you are in the war spirit with strong spiritual energy. Just practice on the island.

This kind of treatment is extremely generous.

Ling Wanduo and the other thirty Wanzi clan members who were raised by ordinary people and had no direct relatives did not want to lose this treatment.

A desire to improve their combat power also arose in their hearts. Following this, they all secretly planned in their hearts to practice more spells in the future, or to control more magic weapons for combat drills, etc.

Seeing that Ling Chengxia and others did not object, Ling Pengyun said again.

"Okay, get off the flying boat. You can build the courtyard where you live on this island by yourself, and you can find food by yourself. Anyway, there are large lakes around this island, and there are a lot of fish in it."

After hearing the instructions, Ling Chengxia and others bowed to the elders Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi, and then quickly left the Lingxiao Flying Boat and stepped onto the Zhanling Island.

Ling Pengyun also followed, taking Yan Siyi and the timid little guy "Ling Wanchuan" towards Yunyi Island, which was a few miles away from Zhanling Island.

Yunyi Island is the private cultivation place of Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi. There is a second-level high-grade spiritual vein with five elements attributes in it.

However, among the spiritual energy produced by this five-element spiritual vein, the water spiritual energy is relatively rich. With the spiritual energy produced by this entire spiritual vein, it is barely enough for Ling Pengyun to practice.

This is also the reason why Ling Pengyun chose this spiritual vein as a place to practice Taoism.

After entering Yunyi Island, Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi first placed the little boy Ling Wanchuan on the island and warned him not to wander around. They had to go to Huaishui County to pick up a girl from his clan. They would need to leave for a while before returning again. The imperial envoy flew away from Yunyi Island in a flying boat.

Xiao Ling Wanchuan, who was on Yunyi Island and watched Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi leave, began to murmur in his heart as he looked at the backs of Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi leaving.

"The only person who can allow Grandpa Pengyun and Grandma Siyi to travel millions of miles back to Huaishui County to pick them up is the only silkworm breeder in the family who is rumored to be very close to Grandpa Pengyun's family. A girl from the Cheng Ping clan?"

"If the Cheng Ping tribe comes to this island, she will definitely bring the group of soil-bearded silkworms and spiritual mulberry trees she takes care of."

When he thought of this, Ling Wanchuan couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

In the two and a half years since he joined the family, he has tasted the extremely delicious Lingmulberry several times.

The first time he ate it, he fell in love with the mulberry.

It's a pity that he doesn't have much chance to come into contact with those spiritual mulberries.

Therefore, he began to secretly look forward to the arrival of Aunt Cheng Ping.

Afterwards, he honestly entered the courtyard arranged for him by Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi, and entered the quiet room of the courtyard to retreat and study the secret method of spiritual planting.

One day later.

On Zhanling Island.

Ling Chengxia, Ling Wanduo and others established their respective residences and gathered together after resting for the night.

"Are you planning to go to those four monster islands and kill the monsters?"

Ling Chengxia, the oldest and highest-cultivated person present, asked Ling Wanduo and the other thirty members of the Ten Thousand Word Generation tribe.

There are currently five generations of the Ling family, namely "Yun, Xiao, Peng, Cheng, and Wan". The people of the Wanzi generation present are all the youngest generation of the family. Although Ling Chengxia is about the same age as them, their seniority is higher. They are taller.

"Uncle Cheng Xia, I'm going."

Ling Wanduo, the only one among the 30 members of the Wanzi generation who has reached the fourth level of Qi training and has good talent in earth spells, said.

The remaining twenty-nine members of the Ten Thousand Character Generation tribe all expressed that they were not yet confident of killing the same level of monsters on their own.

When Ling Chengxia saw this, he naturally would not force him.

He looked at the twenty-nine Ten Thousand Character Generations in front of him who had fought together and had a very good relationship with each other. They were not confident of killing monsters of the same level alone. He thought about it carefully and said.

"In that case, you should practice well on the island."

"In the future, every morning, you can come to me for sparring. Through this sparring, I can also know your flaws when fighting, and then tell you so that you can take countermeasures."

"In this way, you can also indirectly enhance your combat strength."

The twenty-nine members of the Wanzi generation who had no confidence in killing the monsters on their own were all happy when they heard this, and they then thanked Ling Chengxia.

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