Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 492: Twin Spirits Show Their Power (3100 words, please subscribe)

Ling Chengxia waved his hand, and he and Ling Wanduo each took out a flying magic weapon and flew to the nearest monster island in the east, which was more than a mile away.

After a while, Ling Chengxia and the others arrived outside the monster island, which was covered by a second-level magic array.

The two of them also used the monster token given by Ling Pengyun to open a small gap on the magic array, entered it, and landed on the monster island.

As soon as they entered the island, they heard the roars of monsters coming from all over the island.

In addition, the two also saw that some low mountains, forests, and peaks on the island were covered by some smaller enemy-trapping light curtains.

The waves of monster sounds coming from the island came from those small enemy-trapping light curtains.

Seeing this, Ling Chengxia and the others could easily guess that monsters were imprisoned in those small enemy-trapping light curtains.

They also rushed to the nearest low mountain covered by the small enemy-trapping light curtain.

As they expected, there were indeed monsters imprisoned in this low mountain covered by the small enemy-trapping light curtain.

However, the yellow-haired and strong bear monster imprisoned in this low mountain was not very strong, only at the third level of Qi training, belonging to the initial stage of Qi training.

Seeing this, Ling Wanduo originally planned to leave this place with Ling Chengxia to find a monster of the same level that was suitable for him to kill.

However, Ling Chengxia stopped him, and then Ling Chengxia took out a half-red and half-blue beast-controlling bag from his arms, and summoned the four golden-scaled pythons with twin spirits, three feet long, thick arms, and solid golden scales all over their bodies.

Although these four golden-scaled pythons were not very old, they had the help of powerful twin spirits and enough monster meat to assist them, and their cultivation had now broken through to the Qi training stage.

And the golden-scaled python with the strongest innate qualifications had reached the second level of Qi training.

The other three golden-scaled pythons with weaker innate aptitude have also reached the peak of the first level of Qi training, and are only one step away from the second level of Qi training.

"Jin Da, take your remaining three brothers and enter the low mountain to kill the yellow-haired bear at the third level of Qi training."

"If it works, the flesh and blood of this yellow-haired bear monster at the third level of Qi training will be used as a snack for you."

"If it doesn't work, your food rations will be deducted for the next three days."

Ling Chengxia sternly ordered the golden-scaled python with the highest cultivation level of the second level of Qi training among the four golden-scaled pythons.

These four golden-scaled pythons were named Jin Da, Jin Er, Jin San, and Jin Si by Ling Chengxia, so that they can be distinguished.

The four golden-scaled pythons were all decorated with spiritual imprints by Ling Chengxia. Through these spiritual imprints, the four golden-scaled pythons also understood what Ling Chengxia said.

They looked at the yellow-haired bear demon of the third level of Qi training in the hill in front of them, roaring angrily at them, and their eyes gradually revealed four parts of blood, three parts of fierce fighting intent, and three parts of solemnity.

Although the cultivation of the yellow-haired bear demon was higher than that of the four snakes, the four snakes were also somewhat confident of their own strength.

Moreover, they did not want to go hungry for the next three days, nor did they want to miss this opportunity for a snack.

They immediately conveyed their thoughts of agreeing to their master Ling Chengxia.

Ling Chengxia also followed suit, using the demon beast token on his body to break a hole the size of a human head on the small enemy-trapping light curtain covering the hill in front of him.

The four golden-scaled pythons quickly followed the hole on the formation and entered the hill covered by the formation light curtain.

Seeing this, the yellow-haired bear demon of the third level of Qi training in the mountain suddenly flashed with an extreme desire in his eyes.

There were no other creatures in the low mountain where it was. Since Ling Pengyun borrowed the formation to control it a year ago, it was only fed once at the end of each month.

And the food it was fed each time was very little, not enough to fill its stomach, and it could only barely hang on to its life.

Now, it saw the four golden-scaled pythons of the first and second levels of Qi training breaking through the formation and entering the mountain, and it had imagined the scene of killing them and eating their delicious flesh and blood.

It roared excitedly, and the fur on its body flashed yellow and became much stronger.

Then, it rushed towards the four golden-scaled pythons that were attacking.

Perhaps because of the desire in its heart, the speed of this yellow-haired bear monster was one or two points faster than usual, and it was not much slower than the four golden-scaled pythons.

Seeing this, "Jin Da", who had the highest innate talent among the four golden-scaled pythons and had reached the second level of Qi training, immediately used the telepathy of the twin spirits to convey the idea of ​​​​dispersing to the other three brothers beside him.

The other three golden-scaled pythons heard the message and immediately followed it and dispersed.

Jin Da still rushed straight towards the yellow-haired bear monster.

The yellow-haired bear monster had long been overwhelmed by hunger. It lost its mind and ignored the three golden-scaled pythons that had circled around it in the other three directions. It jumped violently and swung its claws that were as big as a human head, which contained huge power, and slapped Jin Da in front of it.

But unexpectedly, Jin Da reacted very quickly. It exerted force on its body and moved around to avoid the fierce attack of the yellow-haired bear monster.

Moreover, it turned into a golden light in a flash, quickly climbed onto the head of the bear monster, and used its slender body with nearly a thousand pounds of strength to wrap around its neck, constantly exerting force, trying to break its neck.

In a short moment, a crackling sound came from the neck of the bear monster.

At this time, the yellow-haired bear monster also felt a sense of suffocation coming from its neck.

It roared in pain, and quickly swung its claws, hitting the golden scales wrapped around its neck, causing a sound of iron and gold.

However, the scales on Jin Da's body were strong, and it actually blocked the attack.

However, although the attack was blocked, the huge force from the claws made Jin Da uncomfortable.

It also wailed because of this.

The three golden scaled pythons around that were killing the yellow-haired bear monster from other places heard this sound, and their eyes suddenly became angry.

While crawling, they all opened their mouths, condensed a little golden spiritual light, and transformed into three golden flying knives.

The three golden flying knives were extremely fast, and the yellow-haired bear monster put all its heart and soul on the golden scaled python named "Jin Da" wrapped around its neck, and it did not notice the three golden flying knives for a while.

In this way, the three golden flying knives also hit its claws firmly.

The fur on its claws was very strong, and the three golden flying knives could not break through the fur and cut off its claws.

But the three golden flying knives contained great power, and with their combined strength, they barely repelled the bear monster's claws.

In addition, the three golden-scaled pythons at the peak of the first level of Qi training also took this opportunity to transform into three golden lights and shadows, using their bodies to wrap around the bear monster's claws and trap them.

Although the cultivation of these three golden-scaled pythons was not high, their physiques were not weaker than that of the yellow-haired bear monster at the third level of Qi training under the blessing of the twin spirits.

Even if the yellow-haired bear monster exerted its strength, it would be difficult to get rid of the three golden-scaled pythons wrapped around its claws in a short time.

And Jin Da, who was wrapped around its neck, also took this opportunity to cast a huge force technique to bless his body, which doubled his strength and increased it to two thousand pounds.

Even if the bones in the neck of the bear monster were hard, it would not last long.

In just ten breaths, Jin Da, who was at the second level of Qi training, broke the neck of the bear monster with his huge strength.

As a result, the bear monster gradually lost its life.

Jin Da and the other three golden-scaled pythons were all delighted when they saw this.

After three breaths, when the life of the bear monster dissipated in the smoke, they madly bit the strong fur of the bear monster.

It must be said that the fur of the bear monster was still very strong. Jin Da and the other four golden-scaled pythons took more than ten breaths to break its fur and bite the flesh of the bear monster.

They also followed suit and savored the flesh of the bear monster whose cultivation was higher than their own and reached the third level of Qi training.

Ling Wanduo, who was outside the low mountain, looked at the four golden-scaled pythons lying on the yellow-haired bear monster and eating its flesh with a look of surprise, and his mind was full of thoughts.

"That strong and powerful yellow-haired bear monster at the third level of Qi training was a headache for me. I didn't expect that Cheng Xiabo's four golden-scaled pythons, which were only at the first and second levels of Qi training, were so strong that they actually crossed levels and killed the yellow-haired bear monster together."

"Could it be that the four golden-scaled pythons, which were stronger than the monsters of the same level, had strong bloodlines? They were atavism?"

Although he was puzzled as to why the four golden-scaled pythons were so powerful, he didn't dare to say anything.

This was a private matter. If he asked too much, it would easily be disliked by Ling Chengxia.

So, he just congratulated Ling Chengxia.

"Congratulations to Cheng Xiabo's four golden-scaled pythons for crossing levels and killing the yellow-haired bear monster."

"When the four golden-scaled pythons' cultivation level is improved, they will definitely become Cheng Xiabo's helpers."

"This matter really makes my nephew envious."

Ling Chengxia heard this and felt a little complacent in his heart. After laughing twice, he said with a smile.

"Haha, Wanduo, you are too kind. It was a fluke that my four golden-scaled pythons killed the bear monster. There are still two monster cubs with innate aptitude that have reached the stage of Qi training and very good aptitude in the family's special captive Spirit Beast Island. No one has exchanged them."

"Some time ago, according to my parents, they have recently captured a lot of monster cubs, monster eggs, and placed them in the Spirit Beast Island."

"I think there are also some monster cubs with good aptitude among these monster cubs. If you, Wanduo, also want to tame one or more spirit beasts, you can go to the Spirit Beast Island when you have time."

When he said this, Ling Wanduo was really moved.

The war merits he obtained from following Ling Pengyun and the swamp giant crocodile clan to kill the huge monsters one or two years ago are still there, and the treatment in the war hall is very good. It can be said that he is very rich now.

Relying on the war merits on him, it is enough to support his cultivation for three or four years.

With such a rich family fortune, it is no problem for him to allocate some resources to train a spirit beast as a future helper.

"After the trip to the Monster Island, I will go and take a look." Ling Wanduo replied.

Ling Chengxia nodded lightly, and then, relying on the token engraved with the word "Monster" in his hand, he opened a large hole on the magic circle covering the low mountain, entered it, and put the four golden-scaled pythons and the body of the third-level yellow-haired bear monster into the beast bag in his hand.

Then, he and Ling Wanduo went to find a suitable monster to kill.


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