As soon as you enter the Gongfa Pavilion, you will see hundreds of tall bookshelves.

On those bookshelves, there are tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of classics.

Through the titles of those classics, Ling Yunhong also learned that these classics contain both Gongfa and the cultivation experience of ancestors, as well as some secret techniques, etc.

Seeing this scene, Ling Yunhong couldn't help but sigh in his heart that the Yuanying Sect of Canglan Bihai Sect has a profound foundation.

The classics stored in the entire Gongfa Pavilion of the Ling family are less than one-tenth of the number of classics here.

After coming to his senses, Ling Yunhong followed the Bishui Zhenren who led the way and walked up the ladder on the corner of the first floor of the Gongfa Pavilion.

After passing through the second floor, the two quickly reached the highest "third floor" of this Gongfa Pavilion.

Although there are not many classics on the third floor of this Gongfa Pavilion, only a few hundred books, Ling Yunhong did not despise it.

Because according to what Bishui Zhenren introduced on the way, the books stored on the third floor of the Gongfa Pavilion are all about the Gongfa and secrets of the Jindan realm.

These books are priceless and expensive in the outside world.

Bishui Zhenren shuttled among the hundreds of books for a while, and soon found the sect's set of third-level lower-grade alchemy inheritance, handed it to Ling Yunhong, and then said another sentence.

"Yunhong, although the sect has made an exception to grant you this inheritance, it is only granted to you. After you get this, you must not spread it outside. It is not safe to rely on words alone, so I need to set up a ban in your sea of ​​consciousness afterwards to prevent this alchemy inheritance from being spread outside."

"Also, you can only read this third-level alchemy inheritance in this Gongfa Pavilion, and you cannot take it out. I hope you don't have any intentions. This is the sect's rule."

"Understood, Master." Ling Yunhong heard this, his expression moved slightly, and he immediately suppressed the excitement of getting the third-level alchemy inheritance in his heart, and said something solemnly to Master Bishui.

Master Bishui nodded lightly, then sat cross-legged and closed his eyes to rest.

Ling Yunhong did not delay any longer, and carefully looked through the third-level alchemy inheritance in his hand.

His cultivation has entered the Jindan realm, relying on the powerful Jindan realm consciousness, he is enough to achieve the effect of ten lines at a glance.

However, in just half a day, he had flipped through the thick third-level alchemy inheritance in his hand.

This third-level inheritance contains a lot of content, and all kinds of third-level lower-grade alchemy secrets are recorded.

Among them, the number of recorded recipes is also very large.

There are hundreds of first-level recipes, more than 300 second-level recipes, and more than ten third-level lower-grade recipes.

Even some rare and peculiar recipes in the world are collected in this book.

Seeing this, Ling Yunhong couldn't help but raise a bright smile on his face.

"Looking at the content of this inheritance, I think the content of this inheritance has not been reduced."

"The sect master is very generous."

Thinking of this, Ling Yunhong's brows became more solemn.

"However, I didn't help much when the Holy Demon Sect attacked the sect's secret realm this time. This kind of karma is not enough to exchange for this set of third-level lower-grade alchemy inheritance, not to mention the two sets of third-level middle-grade and upper-grade alchemy inheritance that I can get in the future."

"In this way, I owe the sect karma."

"In the future, this karma may be difficult to repay."

"I am afraid that it will be difficult for me to avoid the things between the sect and the Holy Demon Sect."

Although Ling Yunhong knew that the karma of the third-level alchemy inheritance was difficult to repay, he had to establish this karma with the sect and comprehend the third-level alchemy inheritance.

Comprehending this alchemy inheritance is to pave the way for him in the future and for his clan members.

He has been in the Golden Core realm for more than two years, and he roughly knows the difficulty of breaking through. For now, even if he has enough spiritual energy to help, it will take at least ten or even dozens of years to break through to the second level of the Golden Core.

If he wanted to speed up his cultivation, he had to use a third-level spiritual object for cultivation.

Third-level spiritual objects for cultivation were rare on the market.

With the third-level alchemy inheritance in hand, and with his alchemy talent, he was confident that he could become a third-level alchemist by relying on this alchemy inheritance.

In this way, he could refine third-level pills for himself and his grandson Ling Pengyun, who had already broken through the golden elixir, to improve his cultivation.

At the same time, he could also rely on the improvement of the alchemy path to refine more high-quality and effective pills to help his clan members enter a higher realm.

Ling Yunhong sighed as his thoughts returned.

He also woke up the Bishui Zhenren who was sitting cross-legged on the ground with his eyes closed and meditating beside him, and returned the third-level inferior alchemy inheritance in his hand to Bishui Zhenren.

After Bishui Zhenren, a core high-ranking member of the sect, placed the third-level lower-grade alchemy inheritance on the bookshelf here, Bishui Zhenren, who was at the ninth level of the Golden Core Realm, also used his spiritual consciousness to set up a spiritual consciousness restriction in Ling Yunhong's sea of ​​consciousness.

This restriction was only to prevent Ling Yunhong from passing on the contents of the third-level alchemy inheritance. Apart from that, it had no other impact on Ling Yunhong.

After this matter was over, the two of them also left the Gongfa Pavilion and returned to Bishui Zhenren's place of cultivation, "Bishui Island".

Some time ago, Wang Ying, the only true disciple under Bishui Zhenren, who also entered the spiritual power outside the mountain gate to open the repair treasure realm, returned to the island from the mountain gate half a day ago.

When she noticed that Bishui Zhenren and Ling Yunhong, who had gone to the sect Gongfa Pavilion to get the third-level lower-grade alchemy inheritance, had returned, she immediately left her residence and greeted them.


She first said hello to Master Bishui, and then congratulated her junior brother, whom she had known for nearly ten years and who had recently been given the third-level alchemy inheritance by the sect master.

"Congratulations to junior brother for this great opportunity. In the future, junior brother will rely on inheritance and become a third-level alchemist. But don't forget me, senior sister."

Ling Yunhong laughed twice and said modestly with a smile. "Haha, senior sister, you are serious. Whether you can become a third-level alchemist or not is still up for debate."

Wang Ying said. "Junior brother, you are a little too self-effacing. Junior brother, when you relied on the Explosive God Forging Technique during the foundation building period, your spiritual consciousness reached the level of the Golden Core. Now that you have entered the realm of the Golden Core, your spiritual consciousness I’m afraid it’s going to the next level.”

"Coupled with your extraordinary alchemy talent, junior brother, and now you have a third-level low-grade alchemy inheritance, it is inevitable that you will become a third-level alchemy master."

Ling Yunhong saw this and said with a smile. "Then junior brother borrows senior sister's good words."

"If I, my junior brother, really become a third-level alchemist, in the future, senior sister, you will recover from the injury that broke through the golden elixir last time, step into the realm of the golden elixir, and upgrade your major spiritual plants to the third level. Then I will still I need to rely on my senior sister to help me plant some third-level spiritual plants so that I can start the furnace to refine the third-level elixir."

This statement is half polite and half true.

In the Beihuang Immortal Cultivation World where the Ling family is located, spiritual beings above the third level rarely appear.

Third-level elixirs, which take at least three hundred years to mature and need to survive thunder tribulations, are regarded as treasures by the major golden elixir forces in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World and will not be leaked out at all.

It is simply difficult to cultivate ordinary foundation-building forces or monks.

It is a fantasy to go to the realm of monsters to find them. After monsters step into the golden elixir, their intelligence is greatly enhanced, and third-level spiritual plants are also regarded as treasures by golden elixir monsters.

"Then the relationship is good, then we have agreed on this matter."

"In the future, if I enter the golden elixir and find a magical elixir that can be used to refine third-level elixirs, my junior brother must help me open a furnace to refine the elixir."

Wang Ying said with a smile.

Although there are several third-level alchemists in the Canglan Bihai Sect, the sect also has a lot of golden elixirs. Among them, there are many wealthy golden elixir masters who can obtain third-level elixirs.

The time required for a third-level alchemist to refine third-level elixirs is at least half a year, or even several years.

Under such circumstances, if Jindan Daoist within the sect wants to find those third-level alchemists to refine elixirs, they will basically have to queue up, and it may take several years to get in line.

The same is true for Wang Ying. She made an agreement in advance with the quasi-third-level alchemist Ling Yunhong about refining third-level elixirs in the future to pave the way for the future. It would not be a bad thing to make another third-level alchemy master.

"It's a deal."

Ling Yunhong said with a smile.

"You two, one has not yet become a golden elixir, and the other has not yet become a third-level alchemist, so you are boasting. If outsiders saw it, you would probably laugh out loud."

Master Bishui, who was on the ninth level of the golden elixir, heard what the two disciples said and joked.

Although Master Bishui spends most of his time in seclusion, Master Bishui is relatively kind.

Ling Yunhong stayed on Bishui Island for nearly ten years, and Master Bishui also had many contacts with him.

Gradually, he and Ling Yunhong became familiar with each other, and they would often joke.

Needless to say, his relationship with Wang Ying, his direct disciple, has long been as close as father and daughter.

Wang Ying was born in the ordinary world. She was found in an ordinary village in a certain sea area when Master Bishui went out to the secret realm to search for suitable disciples in various sea areas villages for his sect in his early years.

Because Wang Ying had very good spiritual roots and was quite well-behaved at ordinary times, Master Bishui took her with him as a maid from the beginning.

As time went by, Wang Ying's cultivation talent gradually showed up, and she was in the spiritual cultivation class and the beast control class. Master Bishui also paid attention to this girl, and then accepted her as a direct disciple.

"Master, what you said is as if I can't break through the golden elixir. Don't you believe me?"

Wang Ying pretended to be angry and looked at Master Bishui and said.

"I definitely believe that you can enter the golden elixir. Your master, I am still waiting for you to enter the golden elixir so that I can help Lingzhi to advance to the third level."

"In this way, you can also cultivate the second-level spiritual bamboos planted on the island to the third level, and I can rely on those third-level spiritual bamboos to refine the spiritual talismans."

"Okay, no more words. Yun Hong and I have a few words to talk about."

Master Bishui said with a smile, then waved his hand to Wang Ying.

Bishui Island, which has a third-level high-grade spiritual vein, is rich in spiritual energy. In order to avoid wasting spiritual energy, Master Bishui planted a piece of blue water bamboo with the same water attribute on the island in his early years.

After decades or hundreds of years of cultivation, the piece of blue water bamboo with hundreds of roots has been upgraded to the second level.

And this blue water bamboo is not only a good material for refining water magic weapons, but also a good material for refining water spiritual objects.

Although Master Bishui's cultivation is as high as the ninth level of the Golden Core, he is still a third-level high-grade talisman maker with extremely high level of talisman making.

The talisman he is best at refining is the water attribute talisman.

Wang Ying also understood the importance and nodded lightly before returning to her residence on the island.

Then Master Bishui took Ling Yunhong into the bamboo building where he lived.

The two of them were sitting on two chairs next to a wooden table in the bamboo building hall.

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