Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 496 Crazy Girl Ling Chengping

"Yun Hong, long ago, you said that after breaking through the golden elixir, you would leave the sect and return to your family in the world of immortality in the Northern Wilderness."

"Now that your cultivation level has broken through the golden elixir, our sect's enemy, the Holy Demon Sect, has also stopped attacking the secret realm. This matter is over, do you still have plans to leave the sect?"

Master Bishui asked Ling Yunhong.

"Master, I have been away from home for nearly ten years. I miss my family very much and I have always had the desire to return to my family."

"However, the master's kindness in helping the disciple to break through the golden elixir will be remembered in my heart for the rest of my life. Ninety years later, when master plans to leave the secret realm and try to break through the Nascent Soul realm, no matter where the disciple is, he will definitely They will come with Pengyun to protect you, Master."

Ling Yunhong nodded lightly and replied.

He and Ling Pengyun had already promised Master Bishui to protect the Dharma.

As for Master Bishui leaving the secret realm in the future and going to the outside world to break through the Nascent Soul, it would be a helpless move.

Although Canglan Secret Realm has complete laws of heaven and earth, this place can only be regarded as a small world. At most, it supports monks to break through the golden elixir in this land.

If the Nascent Soul is forcibly broken through in this small world, the powerful Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation will damage the original power of this tiny world, causing the laws of this tiny world to collapse and turn into a piece of mortal land.

This situation is like defeating the secret realm from within.

"Hold this talisman, so you have a life-saving thing. Don't slack off your cultivation after leaving the sect. What you have formed is the middle-level golden elixir. There is a high probability of breaking through to the middle stage of the golden elixir. , practice well and don’t let down the golden elixir you have formed.”

"In addition, ninety years later, when I go to the outside world to break through the Nascent Soul, the Holy Demon Sect will definitely send a large number of monks to stop me. If you have not mastered the combat power of the middle stage of the Golden Core, you may be in great danger by then."

Master Bishui was quite satisfied with what Ling Yunhong said, and he handed the third-level high-grade "Ice Soul Mysterious Water Talisman" that he had prepared to his disciple Ling Yunhong, and said.

"Thank you Master for the gift of the talisman."

"Disciple will definitely pay close attention to the matter of cultivation."

When Ling Yunhong heard this, his joy at being rewarded with a spiritual talisman by Master Bishui immediately dissipated.

After nearly two and a half years of helping the sect resist the Holy Demon Sect's attack on the secret realm, he probably guessed the dangers of Master Bishui going to the outside world to break through the Nascent Soul in the future, and his face also gained a bit of solemnity.

However, neither he nor Ling Pengyun, who had already broken through the golden elixir and returned to his clan, would not miss their promise to help Master Bishui break through the Nascent Soul.

Regarding this matter, both Ling Yunhong and Ling Pengyun took an oath of heaven in advance.

Of course, it was precisely this way that the two of them won the love of Master Bishui, and Master Bishui rewarded them with many spiritual objects.

Now, the third-order high-grade Ice Soul Mysterious Water Talisman given by Master Bishui is an example.

Master Bishui could have refused to give this talisman, but he still gave it out of kindness.

"Well, go out. When you leave, tell me and I will take you out of the sect."

Master Bishui waved his hand and said.

After Ling Yunhong nodded lightly, he bowed his hands to Master Bishui and exited the bamboo building of Master Bishui.

Afterwards, he met up with his senior sister Wang Ying for a small chat.

In the early morning of the next day, Ling Yunhong left Canglan Secret Realm under the farewell of Master Bishui. He also passed through the secret realm and arrived at a valley in the Dragon Scale Sea where he entered the secret realm.

The person stationed in the valley and in the secret passage is still Kuishui Zhenren who looked like Lao Ji back then.

"Fellow Daoist Ling left the secret realm this time, but plans to return to the family?"

When the Holy Demon Sect relied on the secret-peeping formation to attack the secret realm, she also returned to the secret realm to garrison. During this period, she also learned about Ling Yunhong's breakthrough to the golden elixir, and the two also had some friendship.


Ling Yunhong, who was eager to return home, didn't want to talk anymore, so he simply responded.

"Then I will only delay my fellow Taoist's return to the clan, so please be careful on the way."

Master Kuishui is also a seasoned person. From the eager look on Ling Yunhong's face, she probably guessed what Ling Yunhong was thinking, and she followed suit.

Ling Yunhong nodded lightly, took out the boundless sea map he bought earlier, and after finding the current direction, he sneaked away from here.

Master Kuishui, who was still in that underwater valley, looked at Ling Yunhong's back, his eyes dimmed slightly, and he muttered to himself.

"Calculating the time, it has been ten years since Ling Yunhong joined the sect."

"Time flies by very quickly. I also...have only a few decades to live. It's time to quit my duty of guarding the entrance to this small secret realm and go to the outside world to find the successor."

As soon as he said these words, Master Kuishui withdrew his gaze and returned to Canglan Secret Realm through the entrance of the small secret realm in the valley.

The world of cultivating immortals in the Northern Wasteland.

The boundary of Bailingmen of Yan State is Huaishui County.

Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi spent more than ten days on the prototype of their family's magic weapon "Lingxiao Flying Boat", crossing millions of miles, and finally arrived at his early monastic place from the boundary of Lingxiao Qianxing Lake. It is located near Luoxia Mountain on the second level.

The crazy girl Ling Chengping who was stationed in the Luoxia Mountain, and the first-class high-grade spiritual cultivator "Ling Chengyuan", the son of the family's second-class spiritual cultivator Ling Pengliang, were both attracted by the movement outside the mountain, and they also went out of their respective places. Where I live, I walked to the top of the mountain to watch.

Relying on the technique of looking for energy, the two of them also discovered that the people coming were Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi.

After a while, Ling Pengyun and the others rushed to the Luoxia Mountain in the Lingxiao Flying Boat.

Ling Chengping, who had a very good relationship with Ling Pengyun and his wife, immediately went to meet them and asked with anticipation.

"Uncle Pengyun, Aunt Siyi, you are finally here. Are you here to take me to the new clan land occupied by the family in Baiyun Mountains?"

When Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi left, they agreed with her that they would come to pick her up after they had opened up the new clan land in Baiyun Mountains.

"Yes, but you have to answer me first, have you seriously relied on the secret art of raising silkworms to cultivate the group of earth-bearded silkworms in the mountain spiritual plant garden in recent years?"

"If you are lazy, I won't take you to the new clan land." Ling Pengyun said with a smile.

"Uncle Pengyun, I have always been well-behaved. Since you left Luoxia Mountain and went to Baiyun Mountain Range to open up the territory, I have never been lazy. Brother Cheng Yuan can testify to this."

"When you left Luoxia Mountain, there were only 115 earth-bearded silkworms in the spiritual plant garden. Now, more than two years have passed, and the number of earth-bearded silkworms has increased to 125."

"Praise me!"

Ling Chengping's face was immediately full of joy when she heard this. She nodded quickly and asked for credit.

"I thought you would become quiet after not seeing you for more than two years. I didn't expect that you would become thicker-skinned after not seeing you for two years."

Ling Pengyun joked with a smile.

"I learned it from you."

The clever Ling Chengping smiled and turned the tables.

"You are getting more and more courageous."

Ling Pengyun patted Ling Chengping's head hard and scolded her with a smile.

Ling Chengping pretended to be in pain, trotted to Yan Siyi, and said to her in a sweet voice.

"Aunt Siyi, Uncle Pengyun beat me, and it's almost time for lunch."

"At lunch, Aunt Siyi, please make me some spiritual food to comfort me."

Yan Siyi was amused when she saw Ling Chengping, the crazy girl, acting like this. She laughed twice, touched Ling Chengping's head, and said lovingly.

"Haha, you glutton, you asked me to make spiritual food as soon as we met, and you didn't even let me rest. You really have no conscience."

When Yan Siyi married Ling Pengyun, Ling Chengping was still young, and she could be considered to have raised her. The two of them had long been like mother and daughter.

"Aunt, you are wrongly blaming me. These are the fine first-grade spiritual mulberries that I have kept for the past two years. The two glass bottles contain second-grade low-grade fruit flower honey."

"I have never been willing to eat these spiritual mulberries and fruit flower honey, so I kept them to honor you."

"Have a conscience!"

Ling Chengping took out several kilograms of purple-red, crystal-clear first-grade spiritual mulberries like gemstones and two glass bottles filled with golden honey from the storage bag and handed them to Yan Siyi, smiling.

"Haha, have a conscience, have a conscience, I will make spiritual food for you for lunch!" Yan Siyi felt warm in her heart and replied with a smile.

Ling Pengyun, who was standing by, saw that Ling Chengping only prepared spiritual fruits and honey for Yan Siyi, and said sourly.

"Crazy girl, I've been traveling a lot these days and I'm very tired. Don't you plan to show me some respect?"

Ling Chengping naturally knew what Ling Pengyun meant. She pretended to be embarrassed and took out some fine spiritual mulberries and second-level fruit flower honey from her storage bag, handed them to Ling Pengyun, and said.

"Okay, I'll show you some respect reluctantly."

Ling Pengyun laughed and scolded Ling Chengping when he saw her look.

"You haven't been beaten for more than two years, so you're itching, right?"

Ling Chengping laughed without fear and laughed a few times. "Hahaha!"

Yan Siyi on the side also laughed.

Ling Pengyun's face also had a little more smile on it.

Ling Chengyuan, who had been standing by, also came forward at this moment, with a smile on his face, and bowed to Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi.

"Uncle Pengyun, Aunt Siyi."

Ling Pengyun looked at Ling Chengyuan and looked him up and down after hearing this.

When he noticed that Ling Chengyuan's cultivation had reached the ninth level of Qi training, a hint of praise appeared in his eyes.

"I haven't seen you for several years. Chengyuan, your cultivation has not fallen behind. Not bad."

"When you break through to Qi training perfection, let me know. I will find you a foundation-building pill to help you break through the foundation."

Hearing this, the honest Ling Chengyuan's face suddenly showed joy.

The foundation-building pill can increase the probability of a cultivator breaking through the foundation by 30%.

If he has the help of the foundation-building pill, he will have a greater chance of breaking through the foundation.

And Ling Pengyun took the initiative to tell him that he found the foundation-building pill for him. He could probably guess that it was because of his parents Ling Pengliang and Wen Nianling.

Although his parents Ling Pengliang and Wen Nianling have not made any great contributions to the family in these years, they have been working hard for the family all these years.

In the past, Ling Pengliang often stayed in the Yuanzhou Rock Scale Snake Cave, which was tens of thousands of miles away from the family, to take care of the spiritual plants there.

Wen Nianling has no time to rest all year round. She has been continuously refining magic tools for the family, bringing huge profits to the family.

Thinking of returning the gift, Ling Chengyuan felt warm in his heart and muttered to himself.

"Uncle Pengyun really remembers what my parents did."

Then, he raised a bright smile on his face and bowed to Ling Pengyun to thank him.

"Thank you, Uncle Pengyun!"

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