Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 497 Ambitious Ling Chengping (Additional chapters for rewards, please give me monthly votes)

Ling Pengyun waved his hand and said with a smile. "It doesn't matter, you deserve it."

"Have you encountered any difficulties in spiritual cultivation or cultivation? If so, feel free to tell me and I can help you clear up your doubts."

Ling Chengyuan's eyes lit up. Ling Pengyun was a real person in the Golden Core Realm. It was a blessing to be guided by such a strong person. He didn't want to miss this opportunity, so he immediately told in detail what he had encountered while stationed at Luoxia Mountain in the past two years. problem.

Ling Pengyun answered them one by one.

Yan Siyi and Ling Chengping on the side did not interrupt, walked to the other side of the mountain top, and started chatting.

During lunch, Yan Siyi, a second-level spiritual chef, also took action and cooked a large table of second-level spiritual food for Ling Chengping and Ling Chengyuan to have a hearty meal.

Ling Chengping, who deliberately stayed at the ninth level of Qi training for four or five years, just to refine the purity of the spiritual energy in her body, also had a loose bottleneck because the spiritual energy contained in her food was too rich.

Ling Chengping considered that the spiritual power in her body was empty due to the improvement of cultivation in the early years. After nearly four or five years of tempering, it became stable. She also took this opportunity to break through the bottleneck of the ninth level of Qi training in one fell swoop. Entering into the realm of perfect Qi training.

She also came out of seclusion and shared the joy of breakthrough in realm with Ling Pengyun and others who were also in Luoxia Mountain.

"The aura is smooth and you can now try to attack the foundation building realm."

"Cheng Ping, do you plan to rely on your own strength to break through the foundation, or do you plan to rely on foundation-building spiritual objects to attack the foundation?"

Ling Pengyun's consciousness swept over Ling Chengping, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he asked with a hint of meaning.

Ling Chengping and Ling Chengyuan on the side heard this and looked at Ling Chengping with curiosity.

When Ling Chengping heard Ling Pengyun's inquiry, she frowned and fell into thinking.

After hesitating for about five or six breaths, she finally made up her mind, a look of determination appeared on her face, and she spoke.

"Uncle Peng Yun, it won't be long before I can comprehend the family's Explosive God Forging Technique to the fourth level. By then, the strength of my consciousness will also be enhanced to the realm of foundation building, which will increase the probability of breaking through the foundation by 10%. base!"

"Under such circumstances, I plan to try to break through the foundation alone."

Ling Pengyun had already expected it after hearing Ling Chengping's answer.

Ling Chengping seemed crazy, but Ling Pengyun had been in contact with Ling Chengping over the years, and he had already known that Ling Chengping was a person with a strong heart and a Taoist heart.

And if you can succeed in breaking through the foundation building alone, it will be of great benefit.

One of the strongest benefits is that it can increase the probability of breaking through the golden elixir by 10%.

"Good girl, ambitious."

Ling Pengyun said with a smile.

Ling Chengyuan, who was also about to break through the foundation building, heard this and admired the courage of Ling Chengping, who was much younger than him.

Even if Ling Chengping had the help of the Explosive God Forging Technique, the probability of Ling Chengping breaking through the foundation building alone was low.

And if she fails, even if she has prepared foundation-building spiritual objects in advance, which can save her life at the critical moment, she will also be seriously injured, and it will take at least several years to heal before she can attack the foundation-building realm again.

A few years is a long time for a Qi training monk.

Under such risks, Ling Chengyuan would not try.

It's not that I don't dare, but just to be on the safe side.

His situation is different from that of Ling Chengping. Ling Chengping has good cultivation qualifications. She grew up next to Ling Pengyun and his wife. She has pure spiritual food to help her every day. Now she is only over thirty years old and has three or four opportunities to try to build a building. Gee, she is naturally not afraid of failure.

And he is now forty-five or six years old. It will take at least five years for him to practice Qi to perfection.

By then, he would be in his fifties. At this age, he would only have two chances at most to try to build a foundation.

Under such circumstances, he naturally had to be more cautious.

If he fails to build a foundation in this life because he pursues his own breakthrough to build a foundation to make his future path smoother, this will be a lifelong regret for him.

If you don't build the foundation, it will be nothing but loess in a hundred years.

But after entering the foundation building, you will enjoy a long life of two hundred years.

Everyone chatted for a few more words, and Ling Pengyun also called Ling Chengyuan, the first-level high-grade spiritual planter, and Ling Chengyuan, the first-level high-grade silkworm breeder, to enter the spiritual plant garden in the mountain and plant the dozens of spiritual trees planted there. The mulberry trees, as well as the three second-order low-grade Qingshui Lingzhu trees, the second-order mid-grade Shiling walnut tree, the second-order high-grade Purple Moon Spirit tree, and the second-order high-grade Mingshui Ling tree planted in the garden were all transplanted and taken away to be cultivated in the garden. The more than one hundred and twenty earth-bearded spiritual silkworms.

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun faced Ling Chengyuan, who was Lingzhi's husband.

"Cheng Yuan, now that the family is short of manpower, we can only force you to stay here, guard this mountain, and take care of the spiritual plants in this mountain."

Ling Chengyuan said with a smile. "Uncle Peng Yun, you are serious."

"As a spiritual planter, I plant spiritual plants no matter in Huaishui County or in the new clan land. It's just a matter of changing places."

"The spiritual energy of this place is rich, and it is a treasured place for cultivation for me."

"I am stationed here, how can I feel wronged? It is too late to be happy."

After Ling Pengyun heard this, he thought highly of Ling Chengyuan.

He also had some intention of cultivating Ling Chengyuan, who was talented in spiritual planting. He waved his hand and took out dozens of first-class medium and high-grade spiritual fruits worth hundreds of spiritual stones left over from his storage bag in his early years and handed them to Ling Chengyuan. Cheng Yuan.

"That's good if you think so."

"Take these spiritual fruits, practice them well, and break through to the perfection of Qi training as soon as possible. This way you will have more opportunities to break through to the realm of foundation building."

When Ling Chengyuan saw this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

With the help of those spiritual fruits, he is confident that he can break through to the state of perfect Qi training within two years.

"I will remember the kindness of Uncle Pengyun, and I will not let you down."

Ling Chengyuan said with a serious look on his face.

After that, he took the dozens of spiritual fruits.

"Okay, your eighth aunt and Cheng Ping and I will not stay any longer."

"I will leave this place to you."

After saying this, Ling Pengyun waved the prototype of the magic weapon "Lingxiao Flying Boat" and left with his wife Yan Siyi and Ling Chengping.

However, Ling Pengyun and others did not rush back to Lingxiao Qianxing Lake on the other side of the Baiyun Mountains, but went to Lingxiao Mountain, the original mountain of the Ling family.

He visited Ling Pengliang, who was stationed in this mountain and temporarily managed the mortals in Huaishui County, the shops opened by the families in the various markets in Bailingmen, and other miscellaneous matters, as well as Wen Nianling, a second-level weapon refiner who was refining magic weapons in this mountain.

After not seeing each other for several years, Ling Pengliang, a foundation-building cultivator with a lifespan of 200 years, who is now only in his 60s or 70s, has a few strands of white hair on the ends of his hair, and a lot of black lines on his forehead.

Obviously, he was not happy managing the miscellaneous matters in Huaishui County in recent years.

And Wen Nianling, a foundation-building cultivator who was famous for her beauty when she was young, now has a lot of wrinkles on her face, which makes her look a little older and less beautiful.

This scene made Ling Pengyun see it, which touched him a little.

"It is a great pressure for them to let the brothers Pengshan and Nianling, who are not good at housekeeping, manage the family affairs."

"It is a pity that the family does not have any extra good housekeepers at present. The next monster rebellion has not yet arrived. The family cannot move all to Lingxiao Qianxing Lake in Baiyun Mountain Range, so as to avoid the Baiyun Mountain Range being snatched back by monsters during the monster rebellion in a few decades."

"In the past few decades, I can only wrong my brothers Pengliang and Nianling's sister-in-law."


At present, the only senior executive in the Ling family who is good at housekeeping is Ling Pengshan.

Lingxiao Qianxing Lake is the key development area of ​​the family in the future, and Ling Pengshan needs to sit there to handle miscellaneous affairs.

Just when Ling Pengyun felt guilty, Ling Pengliang and Wen Nianling and his wife were very happy about the arrival of Ling Pengyun, a Jindan Zhenren.

Everyone had a good relationship, and they chatted warmly as soon as they met.

During this casual chat, Ling Pengliang and his wife also learned that Ling Pengyun led the clan members to spend one or two years to finally remove the black mud in the muddy swamp and transform it into a lake suitable for mortals to live in.

As an elder of the family, Ling Pengliang was very curious about the new family land "Lingxiao Qianxing Lake" mentioned by Ling Pengyun.

It's just a pity that they are all entangled in affairs and can't get away in a short time.

This also makes them very regretful.

After the casual chat, Ling Pengyun waved his hand to take out the cultivation resources worth thousands of spiritual stones and suitable for foundation-building cultivators brought back from Lingxiao Qianxing Lake, and handed them all to Ling Pengliang and Wen Nianling.

Seeing this move, Ling Pengliang and Wen Nianling felt warm in their hearts.

Before, they were all a little afraid that because they were responsible for other family affairs, they would not be able to participate in the capture of the new family land, which would lead to the family depriving them of their core senior status and turning them into marginalized people.

Now it seems that everything is just their excessive concerns.

The family is still the same family, and Ling Pengyun is still the good brother.

"Brother Pengliang, sister-in-law Nianling, you have to work hard on the family side. After I return to the new family land Lingxiao Qianxing Lake in the Baiyun Mountains, I will let Pengshan train a person who is good at serving the main family as soon as possible to help you."

"This way you can be more relaxed."

"In the near future, you two will have to suffer."

Ling Pengyun said helplessly.

When Ling Pengliang and Wen Nianling heard that Ling Pengyun was going to train someone from the main family to help, they were all happy and felt that they had a savior. They also began to look forward to it secretly, hoping that the family could quickly train a person who is good at serving the main family.

"By the way, among the more than 250,000 ordinary people living in Huaishui County, how many people with spiritual roots have appeared in the past two years?"

Ling Pengyun asked.

"Two years ago, seven children were found to have spiritual roots, and this year eight children were found to have spiritual roots, although these children all have four or five spiritual roots."

"However, there is a child with four spiritual roots, who was observed by the elders of the family who served as teachers in the clan middle school to have a talent for alchemy."

Ling Pengliang said with a smile.

"This is a good thing. Now the family is short of people in the new clan land in Baiyun Mountains. I will take these children with spiritual roots away. I will arrange for the child with alchemy talent to study with Cheng Xin, the second-level alchemist of the family, for a few years."

Ling Pengyun was surprised and said.

Ling Pengliang nodded lightly and agreed to this matter.

For now, the fifteen children in the mountains who have just been found to have spiritual roots in the past two years will definitely have better development when they go to the new clan land of Lingxiao Qianxing Lake.

After all, there is a shortage of people there. Even if the fifteen children have poor qualifications, they will be reused during this period when the family is short of people.

Afterwards, everyone chatted for a while, had dinner together, and celebrated before parting.

Ling Pengyun also found the fifteen children whose spiritual roots were detected, and took them, Yan Siyi, and Ling Chengping on the Lingxiao flying boat, flew away from the clan mountain, and headed for Lingxiao Qianxing Lake.

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