Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 498 The future second-level spiritual chef Ling Xiaoyan (2800 words, please subscribe)

A dozen days later.

Ling Pengyun led everyone to control the Lingxiao flying boat, a prototype of a magic weapon, to cross a million miles. Once they entered the Baiyun Mountains, they headed straight for the "Five Elements Market" built by the five major sects of Yan State on the outskirts of the mountains.

When the Lingxiao flying boat approached the Five Elements Market five miles away, a cultivator of the Qingxin Taoist Temple who was stationed in the market and had reached the Perfect Foundation Establishment Realm also noticed this through the third-level formation arranged in the market.

The Jindan family Lingxiao Ling family had already become famous throughout the Yan State after destroying the Jindan demon clan of the Baiyun Mountains and occupying the territory of the lower swamp crocodile clan.

The reputation of the ancestor Ling Pengyun of this clan was even greater. Back then, the ancestor Ling relied on a "Five Elements Return to Origin Array" with a power comparable to the third-level middle-grade, as well as various other means, to kill the Swamp Crocodile King, who was at the peak of the third-level Jindan, and had spread throughout the Yan State.

Now, all the cultivators in Yan State secretly call Ling Laozu the first person in the early stage of Jindan in Yan State.

Under such circumstances, the cultivator who had completed the foundation building in Qingxin Daoguan stationed in this market did not dare to be arrogant. He immediately left the market and went to the Ling family's clan-guarding flying boat "Lingxiao Flying Boat" to respectfully welcome Ling Pengyun, the Jindan ancestor, into the Five Elements Market.

As soon as the huge Lingxiao Flying Boat entered the Five Elements Market, it attracted the attention of many cultivators in the market.

"It's actually a flying boat at the prototype level of a magic weapon. If I had such a powerful flying boat, it would be great."

On the main road of the market, a middle-aged cultivator in the late stage of Qi training, wearing a linen robe, looked up at the fifty-zhang-long Lingxiao Flying Boat in the sky, his face full of envy, and muttered to himself.

"That flying boat is the family flying boat of the Lingxiao Ling family, the only Jindan family in Yan country. It is said that the Lingxiao Ling family's ancestor Ling Pengyun also integrated the entire skeleton of the black wind wolf demon of the third Jindan level in the Baiyun Mountains and its Jindan into it, which is how the flying boat was upgraded to this level."

"Such a flying boat is worth at least 100,000 spirit stones on the market."

"The number of spirit stones alone... I'm afraid it can crush you to death."

An old Qi training perfect cultivator who was familiar with this casual cultivator laughed at him.

The middle-aged casual cultivator in the late stage of Qi training heard it and sighed helplessly, and no longer watched.

And the huge Lingxiao flying boat in the sky, led by the Qingxin Taoist Temple Foundation Establishment Perfection Realm cultivator stationed in this market, landed on a flat ground in the market.

Ling Pengyun, who was driving the flying boat, asked the fifteen children with spiritual roots brought from the family to stay on the flying boat, and left the flying boat with his wife Yan Siyi and the crazy girl Ling Chengping.

The three of them had been to the Five Elements Market in their early years and were familiar with it.

After a while, the three of them came to a restaurant with a busy crowd and a plaque with the words "Ling Xiao" hanging on the door.

Before entering the restaurant, the three of them smelled the rich aroma of food with spiritual energy wafting from the restaurant.

"This aroma is good. It seems that Uncle Xiaoyan's cooking skills for spiritual food have improved in the past two years. I'm afraid it won't take long for him to become a veteran first-class high-quality spiritual chef."

Yan Siyi felt the aroma of food with spiritual energy flowing into her nose, and a touch of approval appeared on her face.

"That's a good thing."

"According to Uncle Ling Xiao's age, he is only in his early twenties or thirties now."

"With Uncle Ling Xiao's talent as a spiritual chef, if he can break through to the foundation-building stage, it shouldn't be a problem for him to enter the second stage as a spiritual chef."

"It would be a great thing for the family to have another second-stage spiritual chef in the future." Ling Pengyun, who was standing aside, heard this and said with a smile.

Ling Chengping, who was always greedy, couldn't help swallowing his saliva when he smelled the aroma of the dishes in the restaurant, and his eyes were already shining.

"I have to blackmail Grandpa Xiao Yan, who I haven't seen for several years!" Ling Chengping said secretly in his heart.

Just when the three of them were distracted, a young man with a chef's skirt hanging in front of him, some flying ash on his face, a strong fire all over his body, a handsome appearance, and a height of six feet walked out of the restaurant.

"Pengyun, Siyi, Chengping."

The young man saw that the aura was not wrong. It was indeed Ling Pengyun, Yan Siyi, and Ling Chengping who had arrived. He was immediately surprised. Before he walked in front of Ling Pengyun and the other two, he could not suppress the joy of the sudden arrival of his relatives who had not seen him for a long time, and immediately shouted to Ling Pengyun and the other two.

"Uncle Xiaoyan."

Ling Pengyun looked at the handsome young man and saw that his aura had reached the eighth level of Qi training. His expression moved slightly and he smiled and returned the greeting.

The handsome young man was Ling Xiaoyan, a first-class spiritual chef who had been a disciple of Ling Pengyun when he was a child and learned the art of spiritual cooking.

Although Ling Xiaoyan was young, he was of a very high generation. He was the son of Ling Yunfu, the previous fifth elder of the family.

The Ling family currently has five generations, namely "Yun, Xiao, Peng, Cheng, Wan".

Yan Siyi also bowed slightly and called him "Uncle Xiaoyan."

Ling Chengping, who was younger than him, called him "Grandpa Xiaoyan."

Because everyone was standing outside the door of the restaurant, and Ling Pengyun's unconcealed golden elixir pressure leaked out, it attracted the attention of many passing cultivators.

Ling Pengyun noticed this and said to Ling Xiaoyan. "Uncle Xiaoyan, there are many people here, is there a private room in the restaurant?"

"Of course there is, of course there is, follow me."

Ling Xiaoyan smiled and stepped into the restaurant first.

Ling Pengyun and the other two followed closely behind.

This restaurant has two floors. The first floor hall is full of wine tables, and the second floor is a private room.

After everyone went up to the second floor and entered an empty private room to reminisce about the past, Ling Pengyun also took Ling Xiaoyan to find Ling Xiaoshun and Yang Qiuyun, who run several family shops in this market and act as managers of these shops.

Together with Ling Xiaoyan, Yan Siyi, and Ling Chengping, they persuaded the two old people to go home to live in old age.

However, Ling Xiaoshun and Yang Qiuyun decisively refused to live in old age.

At that time, they agreed to live in old age in advance because Yan Siyi had just given birth to her grandson Ling Chengxia and needed to stay in seclusion for a long time. The couple was afraid that the young grandson would be left unattended, so they went home in advance to live in old age and take care of the child.

Now, grandson Ling Chengxia has grown up and has a higher level of cultivation. He is not at home all year round, and his son Ling Pengyun and daughter-in-law Yan Siyi are in seclusion all year round.

If Yan Siyi's grandfather, old relative Yan Cang, were still alive, they would have a companion for their old age by staying with Ling Pengyun and his wife.

But old relative Yan Cang had already passed away after exhausting his life span. Under such circumstances, it would be boring for them to abandon their current affairs and return home to live in old age.

In addition, although they are now over a hundred years old, Ling Pengyun has found various first-level and second-level life-enhancing items for them over the years, which has increased their life span to 150 years. Now, the two elderly people over a hundred years old are also strong and energetic, and naturally can't stand boredom.

Instead of doing this, it is better to stay in Baiyunfang City to run a store for the family. This business is what Ling Xiaoshun and his wife have been doing for most of their lives, and they also like this kind of life.

Ling Pengyun also understands this truth. Several stores in Baiyunfang City really need people, so he will not persuade them anymore.

Afterwards, the family gathered for a day. Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi and their parents agreed to come here every year during the "Spring Festival". Ling Pengyun took Yan Siyi away with him.


A few days later.

Ling Pengyun drove the Lingxiao flying boat and landed on the Ling family's new clan land "Lingyun Island" in Lingxiao Qianxing Lake.

Not long after, Ling Pengshan, who was temporarily in charge of the island, came to greet him.

"Pengshan, I brought these fourteen children from Lingxiao Mountain, the original clan mountain in Huaishui County."

"These children will be handed over to you to take care of."

Ling Pengyun also pointed to the fourteen children on the left, who were about seven or eight years old, and said.

Then, he pointed to a little boy on the left who was curious about the situation on Lingyun Island and was not afraid of strangers.

"This child belongs to the Wanzi generation, and his name is Ling Wanliang. According to Ling Peng, a brother of the clan stationed at the original clan mountain in Huaishui County, he belongs to the 88th Wanzi generation. He has a talent for alchemy, and I plan to send him to Cheng Xin."

"Please record the personnel movement of this group of children."

Ling Pengshan nodded lightly and replied. "Okay."

"There is one more thing. Now that our clan has completed the development of Lingxiao Qianxing Lake, it has become a place suitable for mortals to live. Our clan should also hold a housewarming banquet and call on the world's cultivators to come to our Ling clan to see it and show the power of our clan."

"You tell people to spread this matter and set the time for half a year. This will also allow cultivators from far away in Yan State to come here, and we can also collect more gifts."

"Don't save the spiritual objects needed for the wedding banquet. Follow the scale of my Jindan banquet that year, so as to avoid the spiritual objects in the banquet being too bad, causing those cultivators who attend the wedding banquet to murmur behind their backs and ruin the reputation of my Ling family."

Ling Pengyun smiled.

Housewarming banquets are a custom of Yan State. A few years ago, Qingxin Taoist Temple, which occupied the lower Qiuyangyan territory in Baiyun Mountains, and Bailingmen, which occupied the lower Tayunling territory, held a wedding banquet to celebrate in recent days.

And collected a wave of spiritual objects.

The two families have a good relationship with the Ling family. A few years ago, Ling Pengyun also personally brought some valuable gifts to attend the event.

"I will definitely handle this matter well. I will make sure that the news of my Ling family's housewarming wedding banquet will be held in half a year and spread throughout the entire Yan State."

Ling Pengshan promised with a smile on his face when he heard this.

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