Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 501 The Way of Ling Wanchuan, the Spiritual Plant Genius (Update, monthly vote requested)

In addition, there are several categories of natal spiritual plants, including combat, defense, treatment, auxiliary, etc.

Ling Pengyun's thorny vines are quite special, and are a more comprehensive natal spiritual plant, with both combat and defense capabilities.

Renshui Blue Cloud Grass is an ultimate auxiliary spiritual plant.

"Wanchuan, you have been practicing Taoism for three or four years. Have you found your own Tao?" Ling Pengyun asked.

"I have found it. I want to break through to a higher level and have more lifespan."

Ling Wanchuan said without much hesitation.

"This is not your own way. I'm afraid any cultivator would want to do so. Although this is the way, it still needs to be refined."

"What you want to find is the way in your heart. Do you want to be a silent plant husband who concentrates on planting spiritual plants in the rear, or do you want to use spiritual plants as a supplement to help the combat power of the cultivator, or do you want to be a doctor who treats, or..."

Ling Pengyun was not bored and explained a lot to Ling Wanchuan in detail.

These things were like enlightenment to the young Ling Wanchuan, and he also fell into deep thought.

And Ling Pengyun's words just now were extremely boring to Ling Chengping, the silkworm breeder who was waiting on the side. She even yawned inadvertently.

But she didn't interrupt. Ling Pengyun helped Ling Wanchuan find the way.

After about a hundred breaths, Ling Wanchuan came back to his senses. The childishness between his eyebrows also dissipated in the smoke at this moment, and turned into a trace of perseverance.

He also said immediately. "Grandpa Pengyun, cultivating a path is extremely dangerous. If my own strength is low, it will be difficult for me to laugh to the end."

"I plan to use spiritual plants as a supplement to help the cultivators with fighting power."

Ling Pengyun was not surprised to hear Ling Wanchuan's choice.

Most spiritual plant husbands choose this way. Only some spiritual plant husbands with more stable personalities will choose other small paths.

Ling Chengyuan, a first-level high-quality spiritual plant husband who is still stationed in Luoxia Mountain, is one of those more stable cultivators.

The first spiritual plant that Ling Chengyuan sacrificed was a special spiritual flower called "Magnolia Flower". The only effect of this spiritual flower is that it can produce pollen with healing effect.

After this spiritual plant was sacrificed by the spiritual plant husband as the spiritual plant of life, the effect was strengthened a lot.

Once every year, this flower can produce a mouthful of pollen.

And the effect of this mouthful of pollen is also amazing. Its healing effect is nearly 50% stronger than the healing pills of the same level.

Ling Chengyuan chose to sacrifice this spiritual plant because he considered that if he failed to break through the foundation building in the future, he could rely on the healing pollen nurtured by this life spiritual plant to speed up the recovery of the injuries caused by the failure to break through the foundation building, so as to have more opportunities to break through the foundation building.

"Good boy, your choice is the same as mine back then."

"Your spiritual roots are both water and wood, and your family just happens to have a second-level spiritual plant called Qingshui Lingzhu, which has the same properties as you."

"In addition, this spiritual plant ranks relatively high among the 100 life spiritual plants listed by the Northern Wilderness Xiuxian World that are most suitable for spiritual plant husbands to sacrifice."

"According to the experience of predecessors, after refining this spiritual bamboo into a life spiritual plant, there are two more obvious effects. One is that the spiritual power of the cultivator will become tougher. . "

"The second is that this spiritual bamboo can be sacrificed and refined into the shape of a spiritual sword, and the power of the spiritual sword that I can activate is also extraordinary. "

"And even if this spiritual bamboo becomes a spiritual sword, it can still be nurtured by spiritual power to improve its grade. "

"Some time ago, the family just happened to collect a secret method from a casual cultivator that can promote the spiritual bamboo-like spiritual plants to produce spiritual seeds. "

"Wanchuan, do you want to sacrifice the spiritual seeds of the Qingshui Lingzhu as your own spiritual seeds, nurture and hatch them, and then turn them into your own spiritual plants?"

Ling Pengyun said with a smile.

Common spiritual rice and spiritual medicine spiritual seeds are not good spiritual plants for refining as your own spiritual plants, and are not among the hundred spiritual seeds that are most suitable for spiritual plant husbands to sacrifice as their own spiritual plants.

And those hundred spiritual seeds that are suitable for spiritual plant husbands to sacrifice are generally rare in the world.

The methods of condensing such rare spiritual seeds are also hidden by major forces.

No matter whether the spiritual seeds of spiritual plants are rare or common, they can condense spiritual seeds on their own.

It's just that the efficiency is too low, and the probability of those rare spiritual plants condensing spiritual seeds by themselves is even smaller.

If there is a corresponding method of condensing spiritual seeds to help, the probability of spiritual plants condensing spiritual seeds can be increased.

As for the method that can condense spiritual bamboo spirit seeds obtained by the Ling family, it is called "Bamboo Seed Breeding Method".

This method was bought from a casual cultivator by the "Lingxiao Jiyitang" opened by the main family Ling Pengshan in Lingxiao Market a few months ago, spending thousands of spiritual stones.

"Grandpa Pengyun, I want this Qingshui Lingzhu."

Ling Wanchuan, who has found his own path, listened to the introduction of Qingshui Lingzhu, his eyes suddenly lit up, and nodded in response.

"Okay, but this spiritual seed takes a long time to breed."

"It will take at least a year for me to rely on the bamboo seed breeding method to let the three Qingshui Lingzhu in the family breed a Qingshui Lingzhu spirit seed."

"So, you still need to wait for a while."

Ling Pengyun said.

The "bamboo seed breeding method" that Ling obtained can be used on any bamboo spiritual plant to increase the probability of them condensing spiritual seeds.

But it is precisely because of this that the effect of this method is somewhat weak, and it is not as strong as those secret methods that specialize in breeding spiritual seeds of a spiritual bamboo.

This method needs to be used continuously on a spiritual bamboo for at least a full year before there is a 10% probability that the spiritual bamboo can breed a spiritual seed.

Under such circumstances, even if the Ling family had three second-level lower-grade Qingshui Lingzhu, there would only be a 30% chance of condensing the spiritual seeds of Qingshui Lingzhu every year.

In addition, even if the spiritual seeds were condensed by this method, the Qingshui Lingzhu would also be damaged.

Afterwards, the Qingshui Lingzhu that successfully bred the spiritual seeds would take at least three years to recover its vitality.

Ling Wanchuan was slightly disappointed when he heard this.

However, considering that even if he did not sacrifice his own spiritual plant, he could comprehend various spiritual plant secrets, but the effect of using them would be halved. For him at present, there was no big harm, so he did not think much about it.

He nodded lightly and agreed to this matter.

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun did not delay any longer. He called Ling Wanchuan, who had consumed his spiritual power due to the warming and nourishing technique, to the side to watch carefully, and then he stepped into the only two acres of spiritual field in this spiritual plant garden alone, using these two acres of spiritual fields as the source and opening up other spiritual fields around it.

After developing four mu of second-grade high-quality spiritual fields and ten mu of first-grade high-quality spiritual fields, Ling Pengyun stopped.

He also planted the dozens of first-grade spiritual mulberry trees that were transplanted from Luoxia Mountain in the ten mu of first-grade high-quality spiritual fields.

The three second-grade low-quality clear water spiritual bamboos, the second-grade medium-quality stone forest walnut trees, the second-grade high-quality purple moon spiritual trees, and the second-grade high-quality Mingshui spiritual trees were planted in the four mu of second-grade high-quality spiritual fields.

After the work was done, Ling Pengyun used the ripening technique and the spiritual rain technique on these spiritual plants to speed up their growth.

He also used the "bamboo seed breeding technique" on the three second-grade low-quality clear water spiritual bamboos planted here.

Ling Chengping, who had been waiting on the side, then summoned the 125 earth-bearded silkworms he had brought with him and placed them in the ten-acre first-grade top-grade spiritual field where dozens of first-grade spiritual mulberries were planted.

Earth-bearded silkworms are naturally timid, and they were a little scared when they saw an unfamiliar environment.

However, under the comfort of Ling Chengping, a first-grade top-grade silkworm breeder, the 125 earth-bearded silkworms gradually calmed down. They also began to climb along the trunks of the spiritual mulberry trees and onto the mulberry leaves on the branches of the spiritual mulberry trees, eating those spiritual mulberry leaves that contained some spiritual energy.

Beside the spiritual field, Ling Pengyun looked at the group of earth-bearded silkworms eating spiritual mulberry leaves and thought of something.

He took out a white token from his storage bag, pinched his fingers and cast a seal to merge into it, and then handed it to Ling Chengping, the silkworm breeder on the side.

"Penglin, take this token. With this token, you can enter this spiritual plant garden at will."

"In this way, you can also perform a secret art of raising silkworms on these earth-bearded spiritual silkworms every day to increase their chances of spinning silk and reproducing offspring."

Ling Chengping heard this and felt Ling Pengyun's trust in her.

Now the spiritual plant garden in Yunyi Island is not comparable to the spiritual plant garden in Luoxia Mountain. This spiritual plant garden has a priceless treasure "Topaz Spirit Fruit Tree" that can produce Dan-forming spiritual objects.

After thinking back, she nodded to Ling Pengyun with a serious look, and then took the token.

Ling Wanchuan, who did not get the way to the spiritual plant garden, did not care about it because he was still young.

"Everything is done, let's go out of the spiritual plant garden."

Ling Pengyun said, and then took the lead to go out of the spiritual plant garden.

Because Ling Chengping had just arrived here and had no place to live, Ling Pengyun took action and cast earth magic to quickly build a cave for her, and set up a first-class high-quality spirit gathering formation taken from the family treasury inside the cave.

Thanks: Book friend 20170821213845019, Book friend 20221215200600693, Book friend 20201126202850313, gyuqt, DEMONFWY, I am the legendary truth, Book friend 20230219003551989, Book friend 20220501095221421, General Kuang Dao, Puppet on the string, Book friend 20210301106564223548, Book friend 20220618224839122, Buried in the blood heart, Book friend 20210301106532817744, da Zhuang, Book friend 2019020 5022822090, nickname change does not meet the standards, Big Pig Bear, Book Friend 20221124001924738, Old Man Jin, Dao Dao Dao Jiu Tian Dao, Fox Stupid and Idiot, Dasha is like a treasure, Floating Life, Book Friend 20190528161005328, Tian Zhi Lan Yun and the other side of kindness, Sword Dao Changsheng, Book Friend 150302115437704, pxfwh381, Book Friend 20210301106532817744, soulTOme, Mingxiao, Book Friend 1140524183856424, Treasures Spreading the World, Book Friend 20190128132846368, Stream's monthly ticket.

Thank you all very much. ,

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