Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 502: The situation of the spirit beasts under his command

After building a cave for Ling Chengping, Ling Pengyun also stepped back to the Yunyi Cave with the most spiritual energy on the island, and entered a quiet room in this cave with the three big characters "Spirit Beast House" hanging on it.

This quiet room is very spacious. On both sides of this quiet room, there is a sturdy, nine-zhang-long green-haired Peng bird, and a white-haired fox that is only the size of a house cat, has three eyes, and is only in the middle stage of Qi training.

And in a pool of water that is more than ten feet in the deepest part of the quiet room, there is a blue giant turtle that is nine feet long.

The green-haired Peng bird is Ling Pengyun's Fengying Peng. After nearly two years of cultivation in this place with rich spiritual energy, its cultivation has been improved to the peak of the seventh level of foundation building, and it only needs a chance to break through to the eighth level of foundation building.

The white-haired fox with three eyes is the spiritual beast "three-eyed fox" that Ling Pengyun obtained when he killed Luo Qiuming of Luoxia Luo Clan in Huaishui County when he was still in the foundation building.

This fox was originally the spirit beast of Luo Qiuming.

Because of the tragic death of its master Luo Qiuming, the master recognition restriction that Luo Qiuming had set up in the fox's body exploded directly, breaking nearly half of the fox's spirit veins.

It made it difficult for it to improve its cultivation. If this injury is not healed, it will be difficult for it to enter a higher realm.

And in order to recover the injuries of the fox's meridians, there are only some rare and effective third-level healing pills in the world.

At present, Ling Pengyun has not found such high-grade pills.

This also made the meridian injuries in the three-eyed white fox never healed.

As for why Ling Pengyun has kept this fox until now, it is also because this fox is a mutant spirit beast, and the eyes between its eyebrows can perform a powerful pupil technique that affects other people's consciousness.

Ling Pengyun cherishes talent, so he has kept it until now.

The giant turtle in the pool deep in the quiet room is the black water turtle with extraordinary potential.

This turtle has a stronger cultivation aptitude than Feng Yingpeng, and with the help of the second-level lower-grade lotus and water grass in the pool, its cultivation level is now far superior to Feng Yingpeng, and it has advanced to the eighth level of foundation building.

Ling Pengyun looked at the three spirit beasts, and finally his eyes fell on the black-armored turtle in the pool, muttering to himself.

"With the cultivation level of the eighth level of foundation building, it should be no problem to sit in the main stream of the dark river under Lingxiao Qianxing Lake."

Then, Ling Pengyun slowly walked to the huge pool deep in the quiet room and woke up the black-armored turtle with its eyes closed.

"I need you to guard a place, are you willing to go?"

Ling Pengyun said to the black-armored turtle indifferently.

The black-armored turtle has always been centered on its master Ling Pengyun.

It nodded without any hesitation and answered the question.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun then put it into a beast bag on his body.

After transplanting the lotus and water plants in the pool where it was lurking, he left the spirit beast house, performed the Green Water Escape Technique, left Yunyi Island, and dived directly into the vast Lingxiao Qianxing Lake.

Following a branch of the underground river at the bottom of the lake, Ling Pengyun dived thousands of feet and successfully entered the Lingxiao underground river.

After diving for a while in the main stream of the underground river, Ling Pengyun finally stopped at a pile of rocks at the bottom of the river that contained rich water spirit and was protected by a blue light curtain.

Then, he summoned the black-armored turtle he brought with him.

"Under this pile of rocks, there is a second-level medium-quality water spirit vein that only produces water spirit energy, which is good for your cultivation."

"This is the place I prepared for you to live. You will practice here in the future."

After saying this, Ling Pengyun waved his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, took out a white jade token and a family token engraved with the word "Ling", handed them to the head of the black-armored turtle that was as big as a millstone, and continued.

"That white jade token is the control token of the formation here. You can use this token to freely enter the second-level middle-grade water spirit vein protected by the formation here."

"In addition, you have another task, which is to sit in the main stream of this dark river."

"There are many spirit veins in the main stream of this dark river, and these spirit veins all belong to my Ling family."

"Those spirit veins are basically guarded by my Ling family's cultivators."

"If those clansmen are in danger, they will crush their own family tokens. You take this family token. If the clansmen are in danger, this family token will react."

"And after you see this scene, you must go to support according to the guidance of this token as soon as possible. If I know that you are lazy, I will never forgive you."

Although the monsters in the main stream of this dark river deep underground in Lingxiao Qianxing Lake have been cleared by Ling Pengyun and his men, this main stream of the dark river stretches very far, and the upstream and downstream are connected to the other dark rivers in the Baiyun Mountains. It can be said that it is connected in all directions.

Maybe, this main stream of the dark river is also connected to the dark rivers in other areas outside the Baiyun Mountains.

In this case, there is a great probability that monsters from other areas that are good at water will break into the main stream of the dark river deep underground in Lingxiao Qianxing Lake through the hidden dark river tributaries.

Moreover, this main stream of the dark river has many dark river tributaries that can directly connect to various areas of Lingxiao Qianxing Lake.

If someone is interested, they can completely cause trouble to the Ling family through those dark river main streams.

The Ling family members who are stationed in the spiritual veins of various places in this dark river have low cultivation levels, only at the Qi training level. Whether facing monsters that break into the main stream of this dark river or facing people with intentions, it is relatively dangerous.

Ling Pengyun also took this into consideration, so he sent the black-armored turtle with a cultivation level of up to the eighth level of foundation building and good at water to sit here.

Although the Black-armored Turtle is not good at attacking, it has made a name for itself in defense. In terms of defense alone, few people of the same level can match it.

Since its cultivation level broke through to the eighth level of foundation building, its defense has been enhanced by several times.

The depths of this dark river are full of water and rich in water vapor. It is good at water, and its strength will increase by another 10% here.

With such an enhancement, even a cultivator who has completed the foundation building with several second-level high-quality magic tools will find it difficult to break its defense in a short time.

As long as a cultivator at the ninth level of foundation building does not have a powerful treasure like the prototype of a magic weapon, he basically cannot break the defense of the Black-armored Turtle, and there is even a great probability that he will be killed by the Black-armored Turtle at the eighth level of foundation building.

Not to mention, the water spirit vein where the Black-armored Turtle is located is also arranged with a second-level medium-grade formation. As long as it is in the formation and the golden elixir does not come out, it will be invincible.

Thinking back, the black-armored turtle heard what his master Ling Pengyun said, his expression moved slightly, and he nudged Ling Pengyun's body with his head, and nodded obediently.

Then, it opened its mouth and swallowed the family token handed to it.

Ling Pengyun nodded with satisfaction, and then took the black-armored turtle to familiarize himself with the main stream of the dark river that crossed the territory of Lingxiao Qianxing Lake, and told the black-armored turtle the location of the various spiritual veins in the dark river.

He also introduced the black-armored turtle to the clan members stationed in the spiritual veins of the main stream of the dark river, so that they could recognize each other's faces.

After doing this, Ling Pengyun also left the Lingxiao dark river and returned to a quiet room for cultivation in Yunyi Cave Mansion on Yunyi Island.

Ling Pengyun sat cross-legged on the ground, waved his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, and took out the "Saint Demon Continuation Fate Technique" that he had obtained in his early years to increase the number of years for cultivators to break through and looked through it.

Then, he closed his eyes and began to deduce the magic secret art into the righteous secret art.

It has been nearly ten years since he got this book. Although he has been busy in recent years, he has deduced more than 50% of this magic secret art. In less than five or six years, he can completely deduce this secret art into a righteous method that can be used by righteous cultivators.


On the other side.

Lingxiao Ridge, which also belongs to the Ling family, the Lingxiao Market built in Yunxiao Peak has undergone great changes in the past six months.

Today, the scale of Lingxiao Market has expanded several times compared to six months ago. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a small city.

Yunxiao Peak, which is nearly a thousand feet high and hundreds of feet wide, is full of various shops or courtyards.

Even within half a mile around Yunxiao Peak, there are nearly two hundred courtyards and shops.

And these shops and courtyards all belong to Lingxiao Market.

The only difference between the courtyards and shops in two different places may be the concentration of spiritual energy.

The courtyards and shops inside the peak belong to the inner circle of the market, and the spiritual energy is relatively rich.

The courtyards and shops outside the peak belong to the outer circle of the market, and the spiritual energy is relatively thin.

However, whether it is the courtyards and shops in the inner or outer areas, they are now in short supply and have been rented by cultivators.

And it is so popular because Lingxiao Market is very famous. It was opened by the family of the ancestor Ling Pengyun who killed a peak level 3 Jindan demon king alone. It was praised by the cultivators of Yan State as the safest "one of the six major markets" in Yan State.

In addition, in order to maintain the flow of people in the market, the Ling family will take out a large number of spiritual fruits, high-quality first-level "green jade spiritual rice", fruit flower honey and other spiritual goods every month to flow into the market.

Although these spiritual items are not of high grade, they are all fine products. They are quite popular among the Qi-training cultivators of Yan State, attracting a large number of Qi-training cultivators to come here.

Nowadays, the daily flow of people in Lingxiao Market can be maintained at least between 5,000 and 10,000, which can be regarded as a stable small market.

Only when the daily flow of people in the market reaches 5,000 to 50,000 can it be called a small market.

And there are not many such small markets in the whole Yan State, and there are only "six" including Lingxiao Market.

These six small markets are all controlled by the six major Jindan forces in Yan State.

As for medium-sized and large markets, it is difficult to establish them due to the size of Yan State's cultivation world.

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