Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 503: The sudden appearance of Jie Xiu (3000 words, please subscribe)

At this moment.

On the main avenue of the extremely prosperous Lingxiao Market, there were nine mid- and late-stage Qi-training cultivators wearing Lingxiao Ling family Taoist robes and full of murderous aura, lined up in a long line, constantly scanning the surroundings and walking slowly.

The Qi-training cultivators around the avenue, seeing this group of Ling family cultivators, all showed a trace of fear, did not dare to approach, and moved away a little to avoid the bad luck of the Ling family patrolling the market.

Although the Ling family cultivators in these patrols were not highly skilled, they each had several first-grade superior magic weapons, and many spiritual talismans in their hands, and were extremely powerful.

Some time ago, those Qi-training cultivators who made trouble in the market were easily killed by these patrols.

The Ling family patrol also gained great prestige in Lingxiao Market through fighting and killing.

At this moment, a huge sound with fear suddenly came from outside the market.

"Fellow Daoist of the Ling family, there is a buyer who bought spiritual objects from my stall. After I left the market, he followed me and killed me. Please help me."

The leader of the Ling family patrol team, "Ling Pengcheng", heard the words and immediately used the art of looking at the place outside the market where the voice came from.

Suddenly, he saw a young cultivator with a late stage of Qi training, a breeze surging around him, ordinary appearance, but decent facial features, and a panicked look on his face, running towards the market.

And about half a mile behind him, there was a cultivator who was wearing a mask in the daytime, wrapped in a black robe, and whose figure could not be distinguished as male or female, but exuded the pressure of the early stage of foundation building, chasing him.

After the fleeing young cultivator shouted for help, attracting many cultivators in Lingxiao Market, the cold face of the black-clothed cultivator in the early stage of foundation building immediately darkened under the veil.

"Damn it."

He knew that there was a late-stage foundation-building cultivator from the Ling family in the Lingxiao market.

Now he was not far from the market, only a few miles away. If he was targeted by the late-stage foundation-building cultivator from the Ling family in the market, he would be in trouble.

Thinking of this, he immediately interrupted his escape, but before leaving, he did not intend to let the young "fat sheep" have an easy time.

He pinched his hands and performed the second-level fire dragon technique, condensing a four-zhang-long fire dragon to bombard the young cultivator who was fleeing to the market.

The young cultivator who was fleeing saw this, and in order to save his life, he endured the pain and took out a second-level water cloud cover talisman from his storage bag and attached it to himself, which transformed into a thick water-blue light curtain, barely blocking the fire dragon.

The water-blue light curtain was also injured by the fire dragon and was covered with cracks.

The early-stage foundation-building cultivator who was chasing him, wearing a black veil and a gloomy face, was shocked when he saw this.

"A second-level lower-grade water cloud cover talisman!"

"This man is really fat, a big fat sheep, but unfortunately he has already attracted the cultivators in Lingxiao Market. It is difficult to pursue him and kill him to seize his spiritual objects."

Then, the cold and gloomy cultivator in the early stage of foundation building with a black veil immediately fled in the opposite direction of the market.

Ling Pengcheng, who was on the main road of the market, fixed his eyes on the breeze that pushed the young cultivator who had successfully escaped and the light curtain formed by the water cloud cover talisman. His eyes condensed and he was secretly amazed in his heart.

"This breeze is so strong, I'm afraid it's not an ordinary second-level low-grade wind control talisman... Could it be a second-level middle-grade wind control talisman?"

"A defensive light curtain formed by a second-level low-grade water cloud cover talisman!"

"I didn't expect that a cultivator in the late stage of Qi training could take out two talismans of this grade in a row. No wonder he was able to escape from the hands of the black-clothed cultivator in the early stage of foundation building."

"This person's origin is probably extraordinary."

The second-level talisman corresponds to the foundation building realm, and its price on the market is extremely high.

A second-level low-grade talisman requires at least 200 spirit stones. For defensive talismans such as the water cloud cover talisman, the price is basically about 30% more, and the market price is generally 250 spirit stones.

That second-level middle-grade wind control talisman is worth at least 400 spirit stones.

In this way, the young cultivator in the late stage of Qi training spent a full 650 spirit stones to escape.

Six hundred and fifty spiritual stones are a considerable sum for a cultivator in the Qi training stage. Even an ordinary cultivator in the early stage of foundation building may not be able to come up with this amount of spiritual stones.

As for Ling Pengcheng's identity, it is not simple either. He belongs to the Peng generation of the Ling family, ranks ninth in the Peng generation, is a cultivator with three spiritual roots, and is now over seventy years old. His cultivation has reached the state of Qi training perfection.

According to his qualifications and the cultivation of his family, he also has the opportunity to break through to the state of Qi training perfection before the age of sixty.

However, he was injured when he was young, and it took him several years to recover. It was not until he was sixty-two that he raised his cultivation to the state of Qi training perfection, and he missed the opportunity to build a foundation.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that Ling Pengcheng is the grandson of Ling Rufan, who has long passed away from the Ling family's Ru generation.

When Ling Rufan was old, he worked in the family to deliver salaries to the clan members stationed in various spiritual veins.

In the early years, when Ling Pengyun was still in the Qi Refining Stage and stationed at Qingshi Mountain, he had sent Ling Pengyun several salaries.

Ling Pengcheng's thoughts returned, and he looked into the distance. The black-clothed cultivator in the early stage of foundation building who had fled when he heard the young cultivator say the word "Jie Xiu" had a sneer on his face.

"If this person had a legitimate reason to hunt down the late Qi training cultivator, he would not have run away. With such a general behavior, coupled with his strange dress, wearing a black robe in broad daylight, the black-clothed cultivator in the early stage of foundation building is probably confirmed to be a cultivator."

"Dare to violate the rules set by my Ling family that no killing or interception can occur in the Lingxiao Ridge area around Lingxiao Market, it is really courting death."

He waved his hand lightly and crushed the token hanging around his waist that symbolized the Ling family.

In just ten breaths, a fiery red spiritual light rushed from the top of Yunxiao Peak where the market was located to Ling Pengcheng.

And the fiery red spiritual light also revealed a figure.

The person who came was Ling Pengqiu, a peak powerhouse of the eighth level of foundation building stationed in this Lingxiao Market.

"Brother Pengcheng, which blind cultivator dared to cause trouble in the market?"

Ling Pengqiu, who was interrupted in his practice, asked Ling Pengcheng, the Qi training perfect cultivator who led the patrol team, with a gloomy face.

"That man did something to kill in front of all the cultivators in the market!"

Ling Pengcheng saw Ling Pengqiu's expression, and raised his mouth slightly, pointing at the black-clothed cultivator in the early stage of foundation building who had fled ten miles away from the market and violated the rules of the Ling family.

Ling Pengqiu followed Ling Pengcheng's pointing and looked at the black-clothed cultivator in the early stage of foundation building who had fled far away but could still be seen.

At this moment, he heard some very small whispering sounds coming from the surroundings. Turning his head, he saw that many cultivators on the main avenue of the market were looking at him.

And those whispering sounds were the cultivators discussing in a low voice whether he, the "master" of Lingxiao Market, would take action to hunt down the black-clothed cultivator in the early stage of foundation building who acted as a cultivator in public.

"This is troublesome. That cultivator in the early stage of foundation building is also very bold. He dared to do something to kill near the market."

Ling Pengqiu was annoyed and sighed secretly.

If this matter is not handled properly, the reputation of the market will be affected.

Ling Pengqiu waved his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, summoned a second-grade top-grade scarlet flying boat from it, stepped on it, turned into a red spiritual light, and immediately chased after it.

This second-grade top-grade flying boat was refined by the veteran second-grade top-grade refiner Ling Pengyun. The quality is superior among the second-grade top-grade, and the speed is 30% faster than the same-grade flying boat, enough to reach a flying speed of about 120,000 miles a day.

On the other hand, the black-clothed cultivator who was escaping from the initial stage of foundation building did not even have a flying boat. He only relied on the second-grade wind control technique to travel, and could only travel about 10,000 or 20,000 miles a day at most. The speed was extremely slow compared to Ling Pengqiu's flying boat.

However, in just a hundred breaths, Ling Pengqiu caught up.

Then, he directly summoned the second-grade top-grade life-long magic weapon "Red Sun Fiery Fan" that had been sacrificed for decades.

He raised his hand and gently waved the magic fan in his hand. The magic fan suddenly burst into flames. Countless flames surged out and quickly condensed into a "fire dragon" that was twenty feet long, with clear scales on its body, a ferocious face, and a small bulge on its head.

As soon as this fire dragon came out of the outside world, it bared its fangs and claws and directly killed the black-clothed cultivator in the early stage of foundation building who was relying on the wind control technique to escape.

This fire dragon was extremely powerful. It could even compete with a cultivator who had perfected foundation building. Even if the black-clothed cultivator in the early stage of foundation building used his strongest second-level inferior flying sword, it was difficult to hurt the fire dragon. Instead, it was directly melted into molten iron by the fire dragon.

The fire dragon also spit out a mouthful of red flames, directly burning the black-clothed cultivator to ashes.

Ling Pengqiu, who was standing on the second-level superior flying boat, looked at the flying ashes on the ground and cursed secretly.

"It's really bad luck."

"Counting the incidents of this ambush, since the Lingxiao Market was built, my Ling family has known about it. There have been at least ten times that the ambush cultivators have ambush visitors from my market in Lingxiao Ridge. There are probably more incidents that my Ling family doesn't know about."

"If this continues, the market traffic that the family has accumulated with great difficulty will probably not dare to come to Lingxiao Market again, and will go to markets in other areas."

"I don't know what the twenty or so foundation-building casual cultivators who promised my Ling family that they would manage the thousands of Qi-training casual cultivators in Lingxiao Ridge are doing."

"They took a lot of spirit stones from the market built by my Ling family for nothing, but they deserve to die. If they were not in important positions and were still useful to the family, they should have been killed."

Before the market was built, Ling Pengyun of the Ling family found the few foundation-building casual cultivators, who were only more than twenty in the more than 500 spirit veins in Lingxiao Ridge where the market was rented.

An agreement was made with the twenty or so foundation-building cultivators.

In the future, one-third of the profits from Lingxiao Market will go to the twenty or so foundation-building cultivators.

What the twenty or so foundation-building cultivators need to do is to pacify the thousands of cultivators located on the more than 500 spiritual veins in the Lingxiao Ridge area, and manage the safety of this area.

If cultivators fight each other, they need to stop it.

The Lingxiao Ridge area is only about 50,000 miles long and short, and the spiritual veins rented by the twenty or so foundation-building cultivators are distributed throughout the Lingxiao Ridge area.

They all have many Qi training period subordinates.

Ling Pengqiu doesn't believe that the people who were chased by the intercepted cultivators have fled to the vicinity of Lingxiao Market, and the twenty or so foundation-building cultivators don't know about it.

Those intercepted cultivators are not fools. They will not intercept and kill cultivators near the market, but will do it in a remote place far away from the market.

Under such circumstances, the more than 20 foundation-building cultivators employed by the Ling family have not taken action. The only possibility is that they don't want to intervene.

Thinking of this, Ling Pengqiu's face suddenly showed endless anger.

He immediately stepped on the second-class high-quality flying boat and returned to Lingxiao Market. He loudly announced in the market that Jie Xiu was dead and that if Jie Xiu appeared in the future, he would definitely kill him, etc., to establish the prestige of the Ling family.

Then, he found Ling Pengcheng, the leader of the patrol team on the market street, and asked him to send people to summon the more than 20 foundation-building casual cultivators who promised the family to manage the safety of Lingxiao Ridge to the market.

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