Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 505: Experienced Ling Pengqiu (Update, please subscribe)

Three days later.

At the top of Yunxiao Peak where the market is located, a reception hall gathers more than 20 casual cultivators with panic on their faces, wearing different clothes and exuding the pressure of the foundation-building stage.

These casual cultivators of the foundation-building stage are the ones who agreed with the Ling family to manage the peace of Lingxiao Mountain in the early years.

After they came to the market from various places, they heard that three days ago, outside the market, a foundation-building cultivator chased and killed a Qi training cultivator outside the market in public.

After some association, they roughly guessed the reason why Ling Pengqiu, the owner of Lingxiao Market, suddenly summoned them here.

"Fellow Daoist Li, do you think that Master Ling will cancel our share of the dividends from the market?"

A middle-aged cultivator dressed like a Taoist priest in a black Taoist robe walked to the side of an old cultivator with white hair and wrinkles on his face who had reached the eighth level of foundation building and exuded the most powerful aura here, and asked him in a low voice.

The other twenty or so cultivators in the swamp heard this, and they all looked at the old cultivator of the eighth level of foundation building surnamed "Li". They also asked in the same tone, with the cultivator of the eighth level of foundation building surnamed Li as the leader.

"There are not many foundation-building cultivators in the Ling family now, only a few, not even half of our number."

"If the Ling family cancels our dividends and we don't have our help in patrolling the Lingxiao Ridge, then we'll see whether the Ling family should be troubled or we should be sorry for losing a spiritual stone."

"Don't worry, the Ling family will definitely not cancel our dividends in the market. You know, if we hadn't followed the Ling family to conquer the world, the Ling family would have some trust in us, otherwise the Ling family would not have entrusted us with the patrol of Lingxiao Ridge."

"Except for us, there are no other foundation-building cultivators in the Lingxiao Ridge. As for the foundation-building cultivators of other forces, I'm afraid the Ling family won't dare to use them even if they are sent to their doorstep."

After hearing this, the white-haired Li cultivator also had some doubts in his heart, but when he saw that there were more than 20 foundation-building cultivators here, he felt relieved and said proudly.

This white-haired old cultivator at the eighth level of foundation building is called "Li Danian". He used to be a casual cultivator who made a living by killing monsters in the Baiyun Market outside the Baiyun Mountains.

Li Danian was poor in his early years and could not afford to buy spiritual objects for foundation building. He wanted to break through to a higher level. In desperation, he had to try to break through the foundation building alone. By chance, he succeeded in breaking through.

It was for this reason that he broke through to the eighth level of foundation building with the sharp spiritual power and tough meridians brought by breaking through the foundation building alone.

This level of cultivation is considered to be a first-class level even among the cultivators of the entire Yan State.

This also made him extremely glorious. All major Qi training forces wanted to establish a relationship with him so that their own forces would have a backer.

These families could not afford wealth, so they had to send beautiful female cultivators from their families to be concubines for Li Danian.

Li Danian liked love between men and women, and he accepted everyone who came.

Although it is difficult for a cultivator to get pregnant, Li Danian can't resist the nightlife, so he has many children.

Because the parents of those children are both cultivators, the probability of giving birth to spiritual roots is also higher.

After these years of accumulation, Li Danian also has eight children with spiritual roots.

Among them, there is even a child with good qualifications and three spiritual roots.

Li Danian is also very fond of that child. Because he himself is a casual cultivator, he also knows the difficulty of practicing alone. In order to pave the way for this child, he joined the Ling family to attack the monsters in the muddy swamp.

With his good strength, he also helped the Ling family kill monsters and got a lot of military merits. Then he rented a second-level spiritual vein in Lingxiao Ridge as a permanent residence.

When the other foundation-building casual cultivators around heard what "Li Danian" said, the panic on their faces dissipated a lot.

After a while, Ling Pengqiu, the owner of Lingxiao Market, slowly walked into the reception hall from the outside world.

Li Danian and other foundation-building casual cultivators also greeted Ling Pengqiu enthusiastically.

Ling Pengqiu, who had been suppressing his anger, saw this and despised these people who took the spirit stones but did nothing.

He snorted coldly, sat on the main seat in the hall, looked coldly at the foundation-building casual cultivators present, and questioned.

"You all took the dividends from the market opened by my Ling family, but did nothing. You have not caught a single Jie Xiu so far, causing Jie Xiu to rise up everywhere in Lingxiaoling... You are really brave!"

"Are you planning to violate the agreement you made with the Jindan ancestor of my clan and play tricks on my Ling family?"

The more than 20 foundation-building casual cultivators present trembled when they heard this, and panic reappeared on their faces. Their eyes also looked at Li Danian, who had the highest cultivation.

Ling Pengqiu, who was sitting on the main seat, saw this and turned his eyes to Li Danian.

As the head of the market, Ling Pengqiu also knew something about Li Danian.

"Fellow Daoist Li, I remember that when the dividends from the market were distributed every month, you got the most benefits because of your higher cultivation level. What's the matter? Are you planning to be an ungrateful person?"

Ling Pengqiu looked at Li Danian, and his voice was a little murderous.

"Master Ling, this is a huge injustice."

"Since I promised the nobles to manage the Lingxiaoling territory, I have been patrolling the Lingxiaoling territory with my descendants every day. It's really that those Jie Xiu are elusive, and the Lingxiaoling territory is large, and I don't have enough manpower, which is why I haven't caught a Jie Xiu so far."

Li Danian's expression changed drastically when he heard this, and he quickly cried out in injustice.

"Insufficient manpower? You can even come up with such an excuse?"

"Since you, Li Danian, are short of manpower, why did I hear recently that you, Li Danian, relied on your own cultivation level of the eighth level of foundation building to threaten the Qi-training casual cultivators who rented several first-level spiritual veins of my Ling family around your base to only use the spiritual energy on the spiritual veins for cultivation, and occupied the spiritual fields on the spiritual veins where those Qi-training casual cultivators were located."

"And sent your descendants to those spiritual veins to manage those spiritual fields?"

Ling Pengqiu looked at Li Danian and said coldly.

Li Danian felt a chill on his back when he saw that Ling Pengqiu knew all about this, and he couldn't help but sweat on his forehead.

What Ling Pengqiu just said, he did.

He has many descendants with spiritual roots, and he is old, so he naturally wants to accumulate some assets for his descendant with three spiritual roots.

If Ling Pengqiu had not known about this, Li Danian would not have been afraid of Ling Pengqiu.

After all, he was the leader of the thousands of independent cultivators in Lingxiao Ridge.

Once Ling Pengqiu attacked him without any reason, it would have a huge impact, causing bad rumors that Ling Pengqiu killed his allies and ruining the reputation of the Ling family.

As for Ling Pengqiu finding him in secret without any reason, the probability of fighting with him was even smaller.

He was at least an eighth-level cultivator like Ling Pengqiu, and he did not provoke Ling Pengqiu, so he was naturally not afraid.

But now that Ling Pengqiu had caught him, it was hard to say.

Now he was in Lingxiao Market, which had a second-level superior formation.

Ling Pengqiu, the owner of the market, was not inferior to him in cultivation. He had reached the eighth level of foundation building like him, and he had also seen Ling Pengqiu's strength, which was three points stronger than him.

Although he couldn't beat Ling Pengqiu in a one-on-one fight, he was still sure of escaping.

However, if Ling Pengqiu used the formation here, he couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

Under such circumstances, Li Danian panicked for the first time, and he hurriedly explained.

"Master Ling, this fact is false. I spent spirit stones to rent the spirit fields on the spirit veins where those Qi training friends were located."

"Those friends are all hardworking people who don't want to take care of the spirit fields, so they rented them to me."

"If you don't believe it, we can find those Qi training friends and confront them."

Ling Pengqiu naturally didn't believe it, and his expression became colder.

However, this matter is indeed not easy to pursue, it's not a big deal.

Because of this matter, it's not a good reason to want to destroy Li Danian, the troublemaker, openly.

Then, he snorted coldly, and didn't talk about it anymore, and changed the subject.

"Since Fellow Daoist Li is so sure, it seems that the rumor is also false. However, if this matter is really discovered by my Ling family, my Ling family will not let it go easily."

"Let's not talk about this matter for now. In the future, the 30% of the spiritual stones allocated to you from the market revenue will be distributed according to the principle of "the more capable, the more work you do."

"Whoever kills more Jie Xiu will get more benefits."

"But it will only count if there is a video to prove that the person killed is a Jie Xiu."

"If you don't want to, just say it directly. In this way, we can give more spiritual stones to the other foundation-building casual cultivators."

The faces of the foundation-building cultivators present were different when they heard this.

The worries of those casual cultivators who were only in the early stage of foundation-building who were afraid that the Ling family would cancel the spiritual stones they received suddenly dissipated and turned into joy.

In the past, the spiritual stones distributed to these foundation-building casual cultivators by Lingxiao Market every month were distributed according to their cultivation.

Because of their low cultivation level, they received less spiritual stones, and the majority of them went to Li Danian, a cultivator in the middle and late stages of foundation building.

Now, the reform of profit sharing has given them the opportunity to share more spiritual stones from the market.

After all, Jie Xiu can appear anywhere, as long as they are found and killed.

Jie Xiu are generally Qi training cultivators, and there are fewer cultivators in the foundation building stage who act as Jie Xiu, so they can deal with them with their cultivation level.

In the past, they did not catch Jie Xiu because they were too lazy to find them and it was a thankless task. Anyway, the 30% of the market tax revenue that Ling family took out was divided according to the cultivation level, and they would not give them more spiritual stones because they killed more Jie Xiu.

But one side was happy, the other side was sad.

After the system changed, Li Danian, a cultivator in the middle and late stages of foundation building, who used to get 30% of the profits from the market, had a hard time.

But Li Danian and other cultivators in the middle and late stages of foundation building did not dare to directly express their opposition to this matter.

Once it is revealed, it will offend Ling Pengqiu, the initiator of the reform, and those early foundation-building cultivators who are also casual cultivators.

Among the more than 20 casual foundation-building cultivators here, there are 18 early foundation-building cultivators, accounting for the majority of the foundation-building cultivators.

Once their interests are infringed, these casual foundation-building cultivators dare not do anything openly, but they will definitely take action in secret.

Li Danian and other casual foundation-building cultivators in the middle and late stages all have some descendants.

This makes them have to be on guard.

In desperation, Li Danian and other casual foundation-building cultivators in the middle and late stages had to agree to the dividend system changed by Ling Pengqiu.

Ling Pengqiu did not care about seeing this group of scum and directly called them back.

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