Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 506 Ling Yunhong's return to the clan is furious (3400 words, please subscribe)

Five months later.

This night.

A blue streak passed through the sky and stopped outside the boundary of Lingxiao Qianxing Lake.

The figure of a middle-aged man also appeared. This man was wearing a Ling family Taoist robe and had sharp eyes. Although his appearance was ordinary, he exuded a majestic aura that was difficult for ordinary people to look directly at. He was quite extraordinary. .

This person's eyes swept across the endless lake in front of him, his eyes were shining brightly, and his face was smiling.

"The scenery in this area is good, and the water vapor is rich. Being here, monks like Pengyun and I who specialize in water-based techniques can increase our strength by about 10%."

"If there is another third-level water formation that can attract the rich water vapor in the Qianxing Lake to help, I am afraid that even a strong man in the middle stage of the Golden Core will have to be beaten by me and Pengyun if he enters the realm of our clan! "

"Peng Yun spent one or two years transforming this swamp into a lake. It was a wise choice."

Speaking of this, the middle-aged man showed a kind look on his face.

"This child really made me see a brand new family."

As soon as he finished speaking, the man took out a map of Lingxiao Qianxing Lake. After finding the direction, he turned into a ray of light again and rushed towards the monastery "Yunyi Island" where Ling Pengyun of the Ling family was located.

After half a day.

Deep in Lingxiao Qianxing Lake, at the core of Yunyi Island, there is a cave quiet room.

Ling Pengyun, who was sitting cross-legged here to deduce the "Art of Renewal of Fate Between Saints and Demons", suddenly noticed a breathless and extremely fast monk breaking into him within 3,000 feet of Yunyi Island.

If his consciousness hadn't reached the third level of the golden elixir, and he could feel the inexplicable familiarity of the incoming monk, it would have been difficult for him to detect the incoming monk.

Those who can avoid the detection of his spiritual consciousness must at least be in the realm of golden elixir.

"I don't know which fellow Taoist is here."

Ling Pengyun opened his eyes, murmured in surprise, stood up, walked out of Yunyi Cave where he was, and turned into a ray of light to greet the inexplicable golden elixir monk who was coming.

After a while, the inexplicable trace of the monk who arrived appeared in Ling Pengyun's eyes.

He also used the technique of looking for energy to bless his eyes.

Thousands of miles away, like clouds and smoke, he could clearly see the face of the monk who came over.

His eyes trembled, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face.

The face of the golden elixir monk was very familiar to him, and could even be said to be his direct relative.

He has been thinking about this person for several years.

And this person is none other than the clan leader Ling Yunhong, who has been leaving his family to go to Canglan Secret Realm to look for opportunities for golden elixirs for nearly ten years.

"Grandpa Yun Hong has entered the golden elixir, hahaha."

Ling Pengyun couldn't help but feel overjoyed that the patriarch, Ling Yunhong, had entered the golden elixir.

Immediately, he used his escape technique with all his strength and ran towards Ling Yunhong who was coming.

After a few breaths, the two crossed thousands of miles and met in the blue sky.

A gust of autumn wind happened to blow over the two of them, blowing their Taoist robes and long hair, which only increased their "immortal energy" a little bit.

Both of them looked at each other with smiles on their faces, and the scenes of parting a few years ago reappeared in their minds.

"Congratulations, Grandpa, for entering the Golden Elixir Avenue. You may live five hundred years."

Ling Pengyun looked happy, from the bottom of his heart, and sincerely bowed his hands in congratulations.

"Ha ha."

"I am able to enter the golden elixir, thanks to the opportunity you gave me in the first place!"

"If I didn't have the opportunity like you, it would be very difficult for me to enter the Golden Elixir."

Ling Yunhong looked at Ling Pengyun, whom he had not seen for about seven years, with a kind look on his face and said gratefully.

Hearing this, Ling Pengyun raised a wry smile on his face and said.

"As expected, Grandpa Yunhong noticed it. I hope that Grandpa will keep this secret for his grandson."

Ling Yunhong nodded solemnly.

"It's natural."

"The ability you possess to change your qualifications is truly astonishing. If outsiders know about it, it will definitely bring endless disaster to you, me and even our family."

"I will not cause trouble in vain."

Speaking of this, Ling Yunhong looked at Ling Pengyun with a strong sense of worry in his eyes.

"But I have always been confused over the years. When you were still in the secret realm of Bishui Island, I was worried about Master and they never asked."

"If you use that method, will it harm yourself?"

When Ling Pengyun heard this, the smile on his face grew and he said a simple sentence.

"It has no effect on me, but the opportunity needs to be condensed for a very long time, and each person and thing can only be used once."

When Ling Yunhong heard this, he felt relieved.

That opportunity is enough to change the qualifications. If it is replaced by a spiritual object, it must be at least the kind of spiritual object at the level of Nascent Soul Realm to have such effect.

And spiritual objects that can change aptitude are generally rare in the world.

Ling Yunhong had never heard of the ability to change qualifications that could be mastered by monks.

Ling Yunhong wouldn't believe it if there was no price to pay for using such methods.

And he was also more convinced by Ling Pengyun's words about the harshness of the opportunity to condense it and that the opportunity could only be used once.

Generally, there is a limit to the number of such powerful opportunities, which is also common sense in the world of immortality.

If there is no limit to the number of times that various powerful spiritual objects can be taken continuously, it is really unnatural. I am afraid that thunder will fall from the sky and kill such a person who defies heaven.

Just like a spiritual substance that enhances longevity, if it can be taken continuously and it is enough to live forever, why should we practice Taoism?

After returning to his thoughts, Ling Yunhong was worried that Ling Pengyun's opportunity was too powerful and too secretive. In order to avoid asking too many questions and causing estrangement with Ling Pengyun, his grandson, he also smiled and said.

"Peng Yun, I won't ask any more questions about this matter of chance."

"Tell me about Lingxiao Qianxing Lake. You led your family to destroy the hundreds of thousands of monsters that originally existed in this area. I heard Peng Liang say this before when I returned to Lingxiao Mountain, the original clan mountain in Huaishui County."

"You must have worked very hard on this matter. I, the clan leader, am not competent in my duties."

"Some time ago, after I helped the sect resist the invasion of the Holy Demon Sect in the Canglan Blue Sea Secret Realm, I was given a set of third-level low-grade alchemy inheritance by the sect's True Lord Canglan."

"After I become a third-level low-grade alchemist, I will do my best to help you practice."

When Ling Pengyun heard this, his eyes lit up and he asked two questions in succession.

"Grandpa Yunhong, is the secret realm where the sect is still safe now?"

"Is the third-level low-grade alchemy inheritance real?"

Ling Pengyun had stayed in the secret realm for three or four years before, and he also knew that the Holy Demon Sect would attack the secret realm every fifty years.

"The Holy Demon Sect attacked the secret realm three and a half years ago, and it didn't end until half a year ago. I only left the sect after the Holy Demon Sect retreated."

"As for the inheritance of the third-level low-grade alchemy, it is of course true. I haven't seen you for ten years. You kid, I don't even believe in your grandfather?" Ling Yunhong joked.

"It's good that the secret realm where the sect is located is safe."

"Grandpa, why don't I believe you? It's just that this third-level low-grade alchemy inheritance is really valuable. It's strange that the sect gives it so easily."

"But thinking about it, the sect is most likely thinking of your extraordinary talent in alchemy, and that's why it was gifted to my grandfather."

"Grandpa, now that you have obtained a set of third-level low-grade alchemy inheritance, I just have something to help you."

After Ling Pengyun replied with a smile, he took out a jade lock box from the storage bag and opened it with a smile.

Suddenly, an extremely rich spiritual energy spread out from the jade box.

And in the center of the jade box, there was an earthy yellow round golden elixir.

"Grandpa, this is the golden elixir I got from killing the only golden elixir demon king among the swamp giant crocodile clan of the golden elixir demon clan in this area after I first opened up this area."

"I currently do not have the inheritance of the third-level weapon refining. Relying on this golden elixir, at most I can only refine the prototype of the golden elixir. There is no inheritance of the third-level weapon refining. Even if I can refine the prototype of the magic weapon, my success rate is not high. I Keeping this thing will just gather dust in the storage bag.”

"Instead of doing this, I would like to leave it to you for some use. Grandpa, you can also rely on this elixir to refine a furnace of third-level elixirs and speed up the improvement of your alchemy skills."

Ling Pengyun said again.

"Okay, I will accept this item. In the future, if I rely on this monster golden elixir to refine a third-level elixir, it will all belong to you."

Ling Yunhong's eyes were fixed on the monster golden elixir in the spirit-locking jade box, and a look of joy suddenly appeared on his face. Because what Ling Pengyun said made sense, he was not polite, took it over, and said with a smile road.

"Haha, my grandson is waiting for the day when you succeed in refining the elixir, Grandpa." Ling Pengyun laughed.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a few more words. Ling Yunhong, the patriarch of the foundation-building family who led the Ling family from the sea of ​​​​blood in his early years, his expression became colder, and a thin murderous aura rose into the sky.

Even the clouds in the sky were moved by him, and strong winds blew around him.

In just a few moments, the half-mile radius where Ling Yunhong was located turned from sunny to gloomy, as if the sky was about to change.

At this moment, Ling Yunhong was like a volcano about to erupt, his body was constantly shaking, his hands were clenched into fists, and veins were sprouting near his temples.

He gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice with infinite killing intent.

"Peng Yun, I heard from Peng Liang about the little devil's chaos."

"During the little devil's chaos, the scores of clan members who were killed and injured must be avenged!"

"I want the entire Poison-Blooded Demon Sect to go underground... and make amends to my Ling clan members who died in the battle... as if they were cows and horses!"

"Peng Yun, do you dare to break into the poisonous blood demon gate with me?"

When Ling Pengyun heard this, his long-held desire to avenge his tribe became hot again.

"Of course my grandson dares."

He then revealed the agreement he had made two and a half years ago with Bai Ling Zhenren, the master of the late Jindan period of Bai Ling Sect, "to destroy the Poisonous Blood Demon Sect together in three years."

"With the help of Bailing Sect, it will be safer to destroy the Poisonous Blood Demon Sect."

"Two and a half years have passed since the three-year agreement. The agreement is approaching, and the news that I have entered the Golden Pill has not spread yet. I will go directly to find the Bailing Sect Master of the Bailing Sect, and catch the Poisonous Blood Demon Sect off guard!"

After Ling Yunhong heard this, his murderous aura became even stronger and he said coldly.

"Grandpa, although the poisonous blood ancestor of the Poisonous Blood Demon Sect is still at the early stage of the Golden Core Realm, he killed millions of mortals in the Bailing Sect and the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, and sacrificed two swords. A third-level middle-grade magic weapon.”

"With these two magic treasures, I am afraid that even a strong person in the middle stage of the Golden Core will not be able to kill them with confidence."

"The two of us, plus Master Bai Ling, have a chance to kill the poisonous blood ancestor, but the battle of the golden elixir is full of dangers."

"Grandpa, I happen to have an extra prototype of a magic weapon in my hand. How about waiting for you to refine the prototype of the magic weapon and increase some of its combat power. After practicing a few defensive spells and gaining some strength, you can go find the poisonous blood ancestor. ?”

"This can also be safer."

When Ling Pengyun heard this, he frowned slightly and spoke to dissuade him.

Although he wanted to avenge those clansmen who died during the Small Demon Rebellion, he was more afraid that Ling Yunhong, a Jindan, would be killed by the Poison Blood Ancestor during the battle with him.

Ling Yunhong had taken good care of him in his early years, and he had long regarded Ling Yunhong as a direct relative.

Not to mention, Ling Yunhong's cultivation level was as high as Jindan now. As long as he was not dead, the Ling family would have two Jindans in charge, and the Ling family would be more prosperous in the future.

Therefore, Ling Pengyun had to dissuade Ling Yunhong from both emotional and rational considerations.

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