Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 507 Ling Yunhong's confidence Pure Yang True Fire (3600 words, please subscribe)

"Peng Yun, you underestimate me. I entered the Golden Pill three years ago. During these three years, although I spent two and a half years in the secret realm to resist the invasion of the Holy Demon Sect, I still had half a year to return to my family. But during this period, that’s not all I did.”

"Although I don't have the prototype of a treasure, in the past three years, I have successfully understood several powerful natal spells recorded in the Bihai Scripture that I majored in. Relying on those superior natal spells, no matter it is My combat power and defensive ability are also at the top level among the same level, which is enough to make up for my lack of weighing weapons. "

"In addition, the third-level low-grade alchemy inheritance given to me by Zhenjun Canglan of the sect half a year ago also contains a true fire cultivation method."

"Relying on the opportunity you gave me to improve my understanding, I have now understood it."

"As for the true fire that can be cultivated through the cultivation method, it is called Longyang True Fire. Although the main function of this fire is to temper the impurities in the elixir, in order to prepare for the melting elixir."

"However, this fire is a pure Yang true fire, which can defeat demonic energy. When faced with demonic cultivators, the power of this true fire is twice as powerful as the power of the blue sea true fire attached to our technique. many."

"With the help of this fire and the several natal spells recorded in the technique, even if I face the poisonous blood ancestor alone, I still have a chance to protect myself."

"Coupled with the fact that you are a powerful Jindan monk who can independently kill a third-level peak Jindan demon king, with the power of you and me, we have a slight chance of destroying the poisonous blood ancestor."

"And this Pure Yang True Fire is my confidence."

"If I hadn't heard from Peng Liang, the Poison Blood Demon Sect is now located in the boundary of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect to join forces with the two Golden Core Realm Scorpion Kings in the Purple Scorpion Ridge, a gathering place for monsters and monsters right next to the Ten Thousand Beast Sect."

"I am worried that when you and I are besieging the old poisonous blood demon of the poisonous blood demon sect, the master of Wanshou in the early stage of the golden elixir from the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect and the golden elixir demon in the early stage of the golden elixir from the sect will not be able to stop Zi Those two golden elixir monsters in Scorpion Mountain, otherwise I wouldn’t have deliberately asked you to find the Bailing Ancestor after hearing that you had formed an alliance with Bailing Sect.”

"If an outsider shares the interests of the Poisonous Blood Demon Sect, the family will lose one point... of the interests."

Ling Yunhong said domineeringly with a sense of contempt for everything.

After Ling Pengyun heard this, his expression was shocked.

He looked at Ling Yunhong, as if he was seeing the patriarch who had been away from home for a long time and was responsible for the entire Ling family. The burden of reviving the family on his shoulders was also relieved a lot at this moment.

Then, a smile appeared on his face.

"Since grandpa is so sure, my grandson will accompany you to go crazy for once!"

"It just so happens that I can take this opportunity to practice against the boys in the family war hall!"

Although Ling Yunhong had just returned to his clan, when he returned to his original clan mountain, Lingxiao Mountain, he heard Ling Pengliang, who was stationed there, talk about the family's recent situation, and he also heard about the war hall established to protect the clan.

He also agreed with those clansmen in the Experience Battle Hall whose cultivation levels were only in the early or middle stages of Qi training.

The two agreed, and Ling Pengyun immediately called Yan Siyi, who was practicing in Yunyi Island, and brought Feng Yingpeng with him.

Then he and Ling Yunhong walked around quietly, controlling 31 members of the war hall including Ling Chengxia, Ling Wanduo and others who were at the "Zhanling Island" where the war hall was stationed, as well as the Huangyan steel veins in the depths. "Ling Wanxu", a member of the war hall who mined the ore with the mining puppet, and Ling Pengqiu, the powerful leader of Lingxiaofang City, and others used Lingxiao flying boats to rush to the Bailingmen branch in the vast Baiyun Mountains. They all set foot on Yunling territory.

This matter was done so quietly that even the tribesmen on the Lingxiao flying boat didn't know why Ling Pengyun took them with him.

The rest of the family knew nothing about this matter.

One day later.

Ling Pengyun then used the Lingxiao Feizhou to arrive at the Taoyun Valley, the monastic place of Tayunling on the boundary of Tayunling.

Master Bailing, who was in seclusion in the valley, also sensed the arrival of the two Golden Core Masters Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong. He also escaped from the valley and landed on the splint of the Lingxiao flying boat, where he found Ling Pengyun. Two people.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, this fellow Daoist is the leader of the noble family, Fellow Daoist Ling Yunhong?"

Master Bai Ling glanced at the Ling's Taoist robes worn by Ling Yunhong, a first-level Jindan monk with an unfamiliar face. He paused and asked Ling Pengyun, who was already familiar with him.

In the past, Ling Yunhong was very famous in the world of Bailingmen, and the two of them had resisted the army of monsters rushing out of the vast swamp in the Python Lake together. However, since Master Bailing is Jindan Master, how could he care about Ling Yun? This is a small foundation for Hong.

In the past, the affairs of the sect were managed by his disciple of the fake elixir realm, "Renren Baiyuan", and he didn't know Ling Yunhong very well either.

This can be said to be the first official meeting between him and Ling Yunhong.

"Yes, this is the leader of my clan." Ling Pengyun said with a smile.

When Master Bai Ling, who was in the late Jindan stage, heard this, he was first surprised, and then felt happy.

"With these two golden elixirs in charge in the future, it will be difficult for the Ling family to decline."

"But having said that, it is really special that the Ling family gave birth to two golden elixirs in a row. I think it was Ling Yunhong who got the golden elixir with the help of the third-level high-grade Talisman Maker behind Ling Pengyun."

"This Ling family is really a good opportunity. The third-level high-grade talisman maker behind Ling Yunhong and Ling Pengyun is also really wealthy."

"That's all right. With the help of Ling's powerful helper, our sect will be more confident in facing the enemy sect Xuanyang Sect in the future."

After being distracted for a moment, Master Bailing came back to his senses. A kind-hearted look appeared on his face and he congratulated Ling Yunhong.

"Congratulations to the nobles for getting another golden elixir. When Patriarch Ling holds the golden elixir ceremony, I will make a decision to bring heavy gifts to congratulate my fellow Taoists."

"You're welcome, fellow Taoist Bai Ling." Ling Yunhong had the heart to avenge his tribe. He didn't really want to answer the question. He just agreed and took the initiative to express his intention to come this time.

"Fellow Taoist, I heard that you made an agreement with Pengyun to destroy the poisonous blood demon sect together. Now the news that I have entered the golden elixir has not spread yet. I wonder if you are willing to destroy the poisonous blood demon sect with my clan in advance. As before, How about catching the Poison Blood Demon Sect off guard?"

When Master Bailing heard this, his eyes narrowed.

He glanced at the other Ling cultivators on the high-flying boat and saw Ling's sincerity.

In addition, the poisonous blood demon sect has always been a problem in his heart.

Without hesitating for long, he nodded and agreed.

"I, Bailingmen, did this."

"But since we have to catch the Poisonous Blood Demon Sect off guard this time, I won't be able to summon as many monks from our sect at the Qi Training Realm and Foundation Establishment Realm this time, lest this matter gets leaked."

"Among the monks in the Golden Core realm, I am the only one who can go out, as well as the Baoyuan disciples who are at the Golden Core level."

"My sect's Master Baiyuan and Master Tianfu need to be stationed at our sect's headquarters and Jiaomang Lake branch respectively."

After clan leader Ling Yunhong responded, he made no move. "As long as fellow Taoists are here."

Immortal Bai Ling also followed suit, making several communication talismans.

After a while, Master Baiyuan, who was stationed at a second-level high-grade spiritual mountain not far away, came with more than 20 monks in the middle and late stages of foundation building, and three to four hundred monks in the middle and late stages of Qi training.

Master Bai Ling also took out the sect's third-level low-grade Zongzhen flying boat "Longyuan Flying Boat" and greeted Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong.

"Clan Chief Ling, fellow Taoist Ling Pengyun, our sect's Dragon Abyss flying boat is faster. Let the monks from your clan board my Dragon Abyss flying boat, so that we can reach the place where the Poisonous Blood Demon Sect is faster. "

After Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong heard this, they both agreed with this, and then they took everyone from the Ling family to the Longyuan flying boat.

The Flying Boat is only the prototype level of the magic weapon and can only travel 120,000 miles per day at most.

On the other hand, the third-level low-grade Longyuan flying boat can travel 240,000 miles per day, which is nearly twice as fast as the Lingxiao flying boat.

When everyone boarded the flying boat, Master Bai Ling also used spiritual power to urge the Longyuan flying boat to take off into the air and turn into a ray of light and fly away into the distance.

In about nine days, Ling Pengyun and his party traveled millions of miles and finally entered the realm of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect.

Afterwards, everyone traveled for several hours, crossing the five to sixty thousand miles of land. The group also rushed to the "Yushan County" where the Ten Thousand Beast Sect and the Poisonous Blood Demon Sect and the monsters of the Purple Scorpion Mountain Realm were fighting. .

This Yushan County belongs to "Shizhou", one of the two remaining major states of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect. Today, this Yushan County is the last county in Shizhou.

Once Yushan County is captured, the dignified Jindan Sect will only have one large state left, with only a territory of 50,000 miles.

It is equivalent to the size of Ling Xiaoling, which the Ling family looked down upon.

Originally, the Ten Thousand Beast Sect had three large states, occupying 150,000 miles of territory, but now more than 60% of the territory is occupied by the Poison Blood Demon Sect and the purple scorpion mountain realm monsters.

The mortals and cultivating families under his command also suffered countless casualties.

Now, within the boundaries of Yushan County, there is a sense of death.

Even though they were thousands of miles away, Ling Pengyun and his party could still hear the roars of countless monsters coming from the center of Yushan County.

The place where the voice came from was the Yushanfang City built by the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect in Yushan County.

Hundreds of thousands of monsters in the Purple Scorpion Mountain Realm and the demon cultivators from the Poisonous Blood Demon Sect are now gathering around Nafang City to attack Fang City.

At this moment, Master Bailing, the sect leader of Bailing Sect, contacted his old acquaintance, Master Wan Beasts of Wan Beast Sect, who was stationed in Yushanfang City, through a remote communication jade card, and informed the Wan Beasts Master, this time I plan to work with the Ling family to destroy the poisonous blood demon sect.

After receiving the news, Master Wan Beast, who was besieged by the two golden elixir forces of the Purple Scorpion Ridge Earth Realm Monster and the Poisonous Blood Demon Sect, was extremely happy and naturally cooperated with Master Bai Ling.

Immediately, Master Wan Beast informed Master Bailing through the remote communication token that nearly half of the demon cultivators of the Poison Blood Demon Sect and the ancestors of the Demon Sect were besieging Fang City.

Furthermore, he proactively agreed to stop the two Golden Core realm scorpion demon kings in Purple Scorpion Mountain.

Seeing the cooperation of Master Wanshou, Master Bailing immediately mobilized the Longyuan flying boat with all his strength and rushed towards Yushanfang City.

For the extremely fast Long Yuan flying boat, the distance of thousands of miles is only a blink of an eye.

In less than a hundred breaths, Long Yuan Feizhou entered within hundreds of miles of Yushanfang City.

Ling Pengyun and others who were on the Longyuan flying boat also observed the situation in Yushanfang City.

Now, the city-like Yushanfang City is being protected by a huge third-level formation.

Outside the city, there were more than 300,000 Qi-training and Foundation-building realm demonic beasts, as well as tens of thousands of Qi-training and Foundation-building realm demonic cultivators.

Those monster beasts and demon cultivators rotated with each other, continuously attacking Fangshi's formation, causing ripples to spread across the huge light curtain transformed by Fangshi's formation.

The flickering aura of the array light curtain is also slowly becoming dim.

"This time, if I can't wait, I'm afraid it won't take half a month for Yushanfang City to be captured."

Ling Pengyun muttered to himself.

He moved his eyes and immediately found that there were two huge scorpion monsters with golden elixir aura and purple body lurking behind the army of monsters besieging the market.

Not far from the two scorpion monsters, on a blue stone, there was a middle-aged cultivator sitting cross-legged, exuding golden elixir pressure, full of demonic energy, with eyes closed and a gloomy face.

Ling Pengyun stared at the cultivator, with murderous intent in his eyes.

The middle-aged cultivator was the "Poison Blood Ancestor", the main messenger of the Ling family's small demon chaos.

The other two giant scorpion monsters were both purple spirit green cloud scorpion monsters. They were the two scorpion monster kings in the Purple Scorpion Mountain area adjacent to the Wanshou Sect.

The purple spirit green cloud scorpion monster, which was sixty feet in size, had reached the fifth level of golden elixir.

The other purple spirit green cloud scorpion monster, which was only about 40 feet long, had just entered the golden elixir stage more than ten years ago, and now its cultivation was only at the second level of the golden elixir stage.

At this moment.

The two purple spirit scorpion monsters and the poisonous blood ancestor with his eyes closed all noticed the gazes of Ling Pengyun and others a hundred miles away.

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