Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 508: The Golden Horn Bow, the magical treasure of the Wanshou Sect, shows its power (3,500 w

They also opened their eyes, and when they turned around, they immediately noticed the arrival of Ling Pengyun and others.

Although the auras of the four golden elixir monks Ling Pengyun, Ling Yunhong, Bailing Zhenren, and Baoyuan Zhenren were all hidden using various breath-condensing methods, no aura was leaked.

However, Ling Pengyun, middle-aged Bailing, and Baoyuan, the three golden elixir masters, are so famous in the Yan Kingdom that even the two purple spirit biyun scorpion kings who are monsters recognize their faces.

Suddenly, both the two Purple Spirit Biyun Scorpion Kings and the Poison Blood Ancestor looked panicked.

That Bailing Zhenren was a strong man in the late Jindan period, and could be ranked among the top three strong men in the entire Yan Kingdom.

Although Ling Pengyun's cultivation level was low, he had killed a monster at the peak of the third level of Golden Core, which made him famous throughout the Yan Kingdom.

Baoyuan Zhenren's strength has been officially selected, and he is also an enemy that cannot be underestimated.

Ling Yunhong used the superior blue water breathing technique, but they didn't notice it.

What's more, in the Yushanfang City they were besieging, there were still two early-stage Jindan combatants, the leader of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, Wan Beast Zhenren, and the protector of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, the spiritual beast Golden Feather Dapeng.

Adding the two together, the human monks have as many as five golden elixirs.

Under such a disadvantage, the two Golden Core Realm Purple Spirit Blue Cloud Scorpions and the Poison Blood Ancestor did not think much. They immediately called on the demonic beasts and demonic cultivators under their command who were attacking Fangshi to retreat.

They also used their own escape techniques and escaped into the distance.

The more than 300,000 monster beasts and tens of thousands of demon cultivators that were attacking Yushanfang City were retreating like a tide at this moment.

At this time, above the city wall.

The master of the "Wan Beast Sect", Wan Beast Zhenren, who was stationed in Yushanfang City and was worried that Yushanfang City would soon be captured, was a little confused when he saw the sudden retreat of the external army of monsters and tens of thousands of demon cultivators.

However, when he thought about the content of the communication with Master Bailing just now, his expression moved slightly and he immediately looked around.

When he found out that Zhenren Bailing and others who were here to kill the old poisonous blood demon had suddenly appeared, he suddenly felt happy.

"I didn't expect that fellow Taoist Bailing and the others would arrive so quickly."

In order to help the supporting Jindan cultivators such as Master Bailing to kill the Poison-blood ancestor, and also to relieve the pressure on his sect from facing the Poison-blood Demon Sect and the Purple Scorpion Mountain Realm in the future, Master Wanshou gritted his teeth and secretly said.

"I can only use that thing. I hope I won't hurt the treasure this time, otherwise it will only increase the time required to warm and nourish the treasure."

He waved his hand and summoned directly from the golden elixir on his abdomen a long bow with shining golden light, engraved with cow-shaped lines, exuding the aura of a third-order high-grade magic weapon, and nine golden arrow feathers exuding the aura of a third-order mid-grade magic weapon.

This golden long bow and the nine golden arrow feathers are a rare matching magic weapon. Only when used together can its full power be displayed.

If used separately, their power would only be about 70% of what it would be in a complete victory.

The golden long bow and the golden arrow feathers are called "Golden Horn Bow" and "Golden Horn Arrow" respectively. They are the magic weapons of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, one of the five major golden elixir forces in the Yan Kingdom.

At the same time, the Golden Horn Bow and the Golden Horn Arrow were also the most powerful of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, with four golden elixirs in charge. The four golden elixirs of this sect spent decades entering the boundless vastness. In the great swamp, a full head of golden-horned mad bulls in the middle stage of the golden elixir and nine heads in the early stage of the golden elixir were killed and forged by taking the golden horns from their heads.

The horns of the demon king in the middle stage of the golden elixir were forged into a bow body, and the horns of the other nine demon kings in the early golden elixir stage were forged into arrow feathers.

And under the care of several generations of Golden Core Masters of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect over the past thousands of years, the grade of the Golden Horn Bow has been upgraded to the third level of top grade.

The grade of the nine golden-horned arrows has also been upgraded to the third-level mid-grade, which is not far from the peak. As long as these nine golden-horned arrows have been warmed by the real Wanshou for one or two hundred years, or smelted. With better metallic spiritual materials among them, the grade of these nine golden horn arrows can also be upgraded to the third level of high grade.

It was with the help of this set of powerful golden horn bows and golden horn arrows that Master Wan Beast was able to withstand the Purple Scorpion Mountain with the cultivation level of the third level of the golden elixir and the golden feather roc of the second level of the golden elixir at the other end of the sect. The two golden elixirs, the early demon king, and the extremely powerful Poison Blood Ancestor have been invading for decades.

Without the help of this magic weapon, I am afraid that the territory of Ten Thousand Beast Sect would have been captured by the two demon kings from Purple Scorpion Mountain decades ago.

However, due to the repeated use of this treasure, the golden horn bow and golden horn arrows have also been worn out. Currently, the power of these two treasures is only about 70% of what it was when the whole body was used.

Only by slowly warming them up with pure golden spiritual power or integrating metallic spiritual objects into them in the future can these two powerful magic weapons be restored to their full victorious state.

The golden long bow in Master Wan Beast's hand was tight, and he placed nine arrow feathers on the bow string. He fired nine arrows at Dongfang, who used his escape technique to escape, as well as the two purple spirit and blue cloud scorpion demon kings. Came out.


The nine bows and arrows flashed with golden light and quickly transformed into the phantom of a golden-horned bull with nine heads and a height of sixty feet, with four layers of golden elixir aura exuding all over its body, and its whole body transformed by golden spiritual power.

The nine huge golden-horned mad bulls stepped through the void at a speed that was 50% faster than the two purple spirit blue cloud scorpion demons and the poisonous blood old demon who were escaping.

In just a few breaths, the nine-headed golden-horned mad bull had crossed a distance of several miles and stepped within a hundred feet of the two Purple Spirit Biyun Scorpion Kings and the poisonous blood old demon.

The nine golden-horned mad bulls were also divided into three small teams, with three bulls forming a team, and they rushed towards the three poisonous blood old demons respectively.

During the decades since the three Poison Blood Demons invaded the territory of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, they had fought with the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect Master at least a hundred times. They had also witnessed the power of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect's magic weapon, the "Golden Horn Bow".

At this time, they did not dare to be careless, and all used their strongest defensive means to support a defensive light to protect themselves.

Just as the defensive light curtain they supported rose, the phantom of the nine-headed golden horned mad bull also bombarded those light curtains.

These nine golden horned mad bulls all contained a huge force of 800,000 kilograms and had the strength of a fourth-level Jindan cultivator. With just the first attack, they crashed the defensive light curtain supported by the Poison Blood Demon and others.

At the same time, they formed teams of three and forced the three Poison Blood Demons to stop, besieged and crashed.

The old poisonous blood demon and the two purple spirit green cloud scorpions had no choice but to use their own methods to bombard the golden horned bull phantoms that besieged them, trying to smash them as soon as possible so that they could escape and avoid being chased by Bai Ling Zhenren and others behind them.

The old poisonous blood ancestor took out his two third-level middle-grade magic treasures, the poisonous blood flying sword and the poisonous blood shield. These two items, one for attack and one for defense, cooperated with each other to beat the spiritual power of the three golden horned bulls that besieged him.

The purple spirit green cloud scorpion in the middle stage of the golden elixir is good at physical strength, and its physical strength is also strong. It uses physical strength as a means of attack and fights hard with the three golden horned bull phantoms.

The weakest golden elixir second-level purple spirit green cloud scorpion demon is a little weaker. It was beaten back by the three golden horned bull phantoms, which are comparable to the fourth-level golden elixir. The few ordinary defensive spells it cast were all smashed by the three golden horned bulls.

The magical spell "Purple Spirit Sky Barrier" of the Purple Spirit Green Cloud Scorpion Demon Clan was directly forced out, and a purple light curtain was transformed to protect itself.

Then, the scorpion's trump card was forced out.

The scorpion opened its mouth and spit out a flying sword that exuded the aura of a third-level inferior magic weapon.

The flying sword was extremely fast, turning into a purple light shadow, constantly sliding across the hard cowhide of the three golden-horned mad bulls, cutting scars on it, and hitting the three golden-horned mad bulls. The spiritual energy on their bodies continued to dissipate.

The three golden-horned mad bulls were like living creatures, and they would wail in pain after being wounded.

At the same time, they also lost their golden spiritual power due to the wounds on their bodies, causing their strength to gradually weaken.

The purple spirit sky barrier transformed by the purple spirit green cloud scorpion in the early stage of the golden elixir was extremely solid. Even if they contained huge power, it would be difficult to break it in a short time.

Under the current circumstances, the Purple Spirit Green Cloud Scorpion King in the early stage of the Golden Core gradually stabilized his position and could resist the simultaneous attacks of the three golden-horned bull phantoms.

However, its advantage was not that great, and it could only be considered barely undefeated.

The powerful purple flying sword it struck was the "Purple Spirit Green Cloud Flying Sword" of the Purple Spirit Jade Scorpion clan, which was forged by its "ancestor", the Purple Spirit Green Cloud Scorpion in the middle stage of the Golden Core, who had greatly increased his intelligence after entering the middle stage of the Golden Core decades ago, relying on his own understanding and the innate spiritual patterns on the Golden Core.

The Purple Spirit Green Cloud Flying Sword of the Purple Spirit Green Cloud Scorpion in the early stage of the Golden Core was also forged by the Purple Spirit Green Cloud Scorpion in the middle stage of the Golden Core with a large amount of third-grade inferior "Purple Spirit Treasure Crystals" and engraved with "Purple Spirit Green Cloud Treasure Patterns" for the Purple Spirit Green Cloud Scorpion in the early stage of the Golden Core.

Therefore, when forging this third-level inferior purple spirit jade cloud flying sword, a large amount of purple spirit crystals were added. The power of this life flying sword can be regarded as a superior inferior magic weapon among the same-level magic weapons.

It is about 30% stronger than the power of ordinary magic weapons of the same level.

Although the three fourth-level golden elixir gold-horned mad bulls have cultivation, they are slow to react and do not have the strength of the real fourth-level golden elixir gold-horned mad bulls. At most, they can only be comparable to the strength of the third-level golden elixir monsters.

Under such circumstances, the purple spirit jade scorpion king in the early stage of the golden elixir can barely block the phantoms of the three fourth-level golden elixir golden elixir mad bulls with the strength of the second level of the golden elixir.

The purple spirit jade cloud scorpion in the middle stage of the golden elixir, which was at ease in facing the phantoms of the three golden horned mad bulls, was furious when he saw that his offspring was in danger.

That scorpion demon in the early stage of the golden elixir was the only one among the tens of thousands of descendants with blood relations under its command that had entered the golden elixir stage, and it was also highly valued by it.

Now the scorpion demon in the early stage of the golden elixir stage was in danger, and the situation was not good. It was entangled. If it did not take action, the descendants would be dragged down.

It roared angrily and no longer concealed its strength. It opened its mouth and spit out a "Purple Spirit Jade Cloud Flying Sword" of the third-level middle-grade magic weapon level, and fiercely hit the three golden-horned mad bulls that were fighting with it.

The three golden-horned mad bulls had no time to dodge, and were pierced through the body by the extremely fast purple spirit jade cloud flying sword one after another. The spiritual light flashing on the phantoms of the three golden-horned mad bulls also became dim by several times.

This purple spirit jade scorpion in the middle stage of the golden elixir stage also took advantage of the fact that the strength of the three golden-horned mad bulls was greatly reduced, and swung the scorpion tail that was dozens of feet long behind it, and swept it fiercely, and all the three golden-horned mad bulls were blown away by half a dozen feet.

Taking advantage of this gap, it quickly retreated to the side of the Jindan early stage purple spirit green cloud scorpion and helped it block the attack of two golden horned bulls.

Under such circumstances, when the three golden horned bulls that were blown away stabilized their bodies and attacked again, the Jindan middle stage purple spirit green cloud scorpion had to face five golden horned bulls.

However, this Jindan middle stage purple spirit jade scorpion king was indeed strong, and it then summoned a third-level inferior purple spirit shield for defense.

Relying on the attack of the third-level middle-grade purple spirit jade flying sword, he easily blocked the phantoms of the five golden-horned mad bulls with one scorpion.

The situation of the purple spirit green cloud scorpion in the early stage of the golden elixir, which only needed to resist the phantom of one golden-horned mad bull, also improved, and fought back and forth with the only golden-horned mad bull that needed to be resisted.

In fact, the purple spirit green cloud flying sword he summoned continued to disperse the spiritual power of the golden-horned mad bull.

It is likely that it will not take hundreds of breaths for the phantom of the golden-horned mad bull to be shattered.

A hundred miles away.

Bai Ling Zhenren, who was in the late stage of the golden elixir realm and drove the Longyuan flying boat to Yushanfang Market, was delighted to see that the ten thousand beasts Zhenren had already held back the poisonous blood ancestor who was the target of this time.

He roared and turned into a beam of light, leaving the flying boat and chasing after it.

"Don't let the poisonous blood demon run away!"

"If he escapes this time, he will be on guard when he attacks the territory of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect in the future. It will be very difficult for us to kill the poisonous blood ancestor."

"Follow me and leave the flying boat quickly, and use the escape technique to catch up."

Bao Yuan Zhenren, Ling Pengyun, and Ling Yunhong all knew the seriousness of the matter, and they immediately followed suit, using the escape technique, leaving the flying boat and catching up with Bai Ling Zhenren.

Jin Dan Zhenren's escape technique is a few points faster than Long Yuan Flying Boat.

After all, Long Yuan Flying Boat is only a medium-sized flying boat, and its main feature is that it can hold many people, so its speed is slightly slower.

Without Bai Ling Zhenren controlling this Long Yuan Flying Boat, this Long Yuan Flying Boat slowly landed on the ground.

The Qi Training Realm and Foundation Establishment Realm cultivators who were originally on this flying boat also took out their respective flying magic tools and chased after Jin Dan Zhenren who had gone ahead.


Thanks: Book friend 20230202182050117, Book friend 20230202182050117, Nianhua, Book friend 201803051922107961, Book friend 20210301106614707378, Book friend 20210301106614707378, Little boy of wooden man , Starry sky ant, Book friend 2021030115255723300, Mo Twenty-six, I am a longbow , Book Friends 202201170104905051400723, Kuang Dao General, War Willingness, Book Friends 20230202182050117, w元来是你w, Ming Xiao, Book Friends 20200527072459240, Book Friends 160528204917348, Fei Chong, Book Friends 20230 323230616521、Book Friends 11202206240400300041、Wei Feng Qing Liang、Da Fa Tong's monthly ticket

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