Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 509: The Poisonous Blood Demon Tricks His Allies (3400 words, please subscribe)

A few miles away from the market, there is a vast sky.

The battlefield of Jindan.

The old poisonous blood demon, who was being held back by three Jindan level 4 unicorn giant bulls, saw four escape lights rising from the Longyuan flying boat, and his brows furrowed immediately.

Turning his head, he found that in addition to the more famous Jindan real people "Ling Pengyun, Bailing real people, Baiyuan real people", there was also a strange Jindan, a total of four Jindan appeared.

And these four Jindan have now left the flying boat and used escape techniques to rush here. The speed is very fast and it will not take long for them to arrive. He became more panicked.

He did not dare to hide his strength, and his aura also rose accordingly, and he actually rose from the level of Jindan level 1 to the level of Jindan level 3.

Previously, he hid his strength to prevent the two "allies" Ziyun Jade Scorpion King from attacking him after the capture of Yushan Market.

The advantage of hiding one's strength is that one can strike unexpectedly, and perhaps there will be an unexpected surprise.

And the reason why his cultivation level improved so quickly was thanks to the millions of human beings in the land of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect.

Relying on those human beings, he sacrificed a lot of magic pills for cultivation.

With the help of those magic pills, he was able to improve his cultivation level from the first level of the Golden Core to the third level of the Golden Core in just seven or eight years.

Then, the old demon of poisonous blood frantically transferred his spiritual power into the third-level intermediate "Poisonous Blood Flying Sword" with a green sword light of seventy feet.

The green light of the poisonous blood flying sword flashed, and the huge sword light on the tip of the sword increased by 20% again, reaching a length of eighty-five feet.

At the same time, a large piece of green and black poisonous fog gushed out from the sword body of the poisonous blood flying sword, covering the three golden-horned mad bulls that were besieging him, and the poisonous fog also swept over their bodies.

With the sound of sizzling, the spiritual power of the three golden-horned mad bulls was constantly corroded by the poison gas.

In order to avoid losing too much spiritual power, the three golden-horned bulls had to use their innate magical power "Golden Spirit Heavenly Gang Cover" to prop up a defensive light curtain to resist the breath of poisonous gas.

At this moment, the powerful poisonous blood flying sword slashed quickly, and directly broke the light shield held up by a golden-horned bull in the Xumi, and split the golden-horned bull in half.

The shadow of the golden-horned bull also flashed, dissipated in the smoke, and turned into a dim "golden horn arrow" again.

The poisonous blood old demon saw that he had succeeded in one attack and had a chance to escape, but he stopped as soon as he took a step.

He looked at the Bailing Zhenren who had the late Jindan cultivation base and came from a hundred miles away. Seeing his extraordinary speed, he was at least twice as fast as himself.

He also looked at the other two allies, the "Purple Spirit Jade Scorpion" in the Jindan realm, who were in the side, and it was difficult to escape in a short time.

His brows suddenly frowned.

According to this situation, if he escaped first, when the late Jindan Bailing Zhenren caught up with him, he would definitely chase him first. With his own strength, it was impossible to stop the late Jindan Bailing Zhenren.

After all, the other two scorpion monsters were still trapped and could not escape at all. They could be handed over to the other Jindan Zhenren who came later.

When he was thinking about it, a cunning flashed in his eyes, and he immediately had an idea in his mind.

After coming to his senses, he retracted his steps to escape, and suddenly urged the poisonous blood flying sword again, slashing at the left side of the remaining two golden horned bulls that attacked him.

With the previous golden horned bull as a lesson, the remaining two golden horned bulls were prepared.

When the golden horned bull on the left saw the poisonous blood flying sword coming, it immediately lowered its head and used the solid golden horns on its head to resist the attacking poisonous blood flying sword.

The collision of the two immediately aroused a sound of golden swords and iron ringing.

The third-level middle-grade poisonous blood flying sword was extremely powerful, and it was also refined by superior methods to upgrade its grade to the level of middle-grade life magic weapon, which was 60% to 70% stronger than ordinary magic weapons of the same level.

Even though the golden horn bull, which was only at the fourth level of the golden elixir, had a strong horn on its head, it could barely block the poisonous blood flying sword.

But its body was constantly repelled by the huge force transmitted by the flying sword.

The poisonous blood old demon seized the opportunity and cast his life magic "poisonous blood thorn", condensing a dark green seal and transforming into a short poisonous thorn three inches long.


The poisonous thorn turned into a black shadow and quickly hit the defensive light curtain held up by the golden horn giant bull on the left, causing a huge wave.

Although the defensive light curtain held up by the golden horn giant bull at the fourth level of the golden elixir was strong, it had been eroded by the poison gas emitted by the poisonous blood flying sword for a long time, and only 70% of its remaining strength was not at the time of complete victory.

The poisonous sting was also very good at breaking the barrier. In just three breaths, the poisonous sting pierced through the light curtain held up by the golden-horned giant bull on the left.

Then the poisonous sting hit the body of the golden-horned giant bull, piercing through its solid cowhide and piercing into the body of the golden-horned giant bull.

The golden-horned giant bull roared in pain and lost its strength for a while.

Seeing this, the poisonous blood demon's eyes became fierce, raised his hand and waved, and the poisonous blood flying sword with a huge sword light of 88 feet long fiercely hit the sharp horns on the head of the bull demon, pushing it back several feet.

And taking advantage of the fact that it had not yet stabilized its body, it used the poisonous blood flying sword to cut it in half along the broken part of the light curtain pierced by the poisonous sting.

This bull demon also turned into a "golden horn arrow" again like the previous one.

The remaining golden-horned mad bull followed the footsteps of the previous two and was killed by the poisonous blood flying sword in a few breaths.

The Poison Blood Demon, who had completely escaped, still did not run away, but went to help the other two Purple Spirit Green Cloud Scorpion Kings who were being besieged by the Golden Horned Mad Bulls.

The two Golden Core Realm Purple Spirit Green Cloud Scorpion Kings were overjoyed to see the Poison Blood Demon risking his life to save them, and they thought highly of this ally.

They also cooperated with the Poison Blood Demon to disperse the remaining six Golden Horned Mad Bulls one by one.

On the wall of the market town.

The Master of Ten Thousand Beasts looked at the nine dim "Golden Horn Arrows" in front of him, with a look of pain on his face.

"Looking at the condition of these nine arrow feathers, I'm afraid it will take at least a hundred years to warm them up before they have a chance to recover to their full strength."

"Fortunately, these nine arrows have completed their mission and held back the two purple spirit jade scorpions and the poisonous blood demon."

"If we can use the hands of Bai Ling Zhenren and Ling to kill the two demon kings and the old demon, our Wanshou Sect can also escape."

"The nine damaged arrows are not a loss."


At this time, Bai Ling Zhenren, who had reached the late Jindan stage, also caught up with the poisonous blood demon and others with his extremely fast escape technique.

As soon as Bai Ling Zhenren entered the seven thousand feet distance between the poisonous blood demon and the two scorpion demon kings, he immediately sacrificed the Bai Ling Sect's third-grade top-grade magic weapon "Black Flame True Fire Gourd", relying on spiritual power to transform a large amount of purple spirit true fire and hit the poisonous blood demon and the other two.

Seeing this, the old poisonous blood demon's eyes shone brightly, and he called out to the two purple spirit scorpion monsters in the Jindan realm who were about to use the escape technique to escape with a look of fear on their faces.

"My two Taoist friends, this Bailing Zhenren has reached the seventh level of Jindan, holds a treasure, and has extraordinary strength. If we flee, I'm afraid we will all be killed one by one."

"Follow me to fight, then there is a way to survive."

The two purple spirit scorpion monsters in the Jindan realm heard this and felt that it made some sense.

After all, they also saw the terrifying escape technique of Bailing Zhenren.

Thinking of this, they also stopped and attacked together with the poisonous blood Zhenren to resist the large piece of black flame true fire that Bailing Zhenren had sent.

The piece of black flame true fire was originally formed by the spiritual power, and its power was only slightly stronger than the true fire of the same level, not particularly strong.

With the combined efforts of the poisonous blood demon and the three, they barely blocked the piece of purple spirit true fire.

But Bai Ling Zhenren didn't just have this one method, Bai Ling Zhenren snorted coldly.

"A mere demon beast and demon cultivator in the early and middle stages of the Golden Core actually wanted to fight with this sect master, it's really looking for death."

He raised his hand and waved, and successively sacrificed three third-level medium-grade Fiery Flying Swords.

These three Fiery Flying Swords were forged by Bai Ling Zhenren relying on the third-level Fiery Treasure Crystal mined from the second-level upper-grade Fiery Iron Ore Vein in the Baiyun Mountains.

Moreover, the aura of these three Fiery Flying Swords is similar, and they are a set of third-level medium-grade magic weapons.

The three Fiery Flying Swords turned into three long red rainbows, and immediately hit the Poison Blood Old Demon who wanted to kill this time.

Seeing this targeting, the Poison Blood Old Demon immediately retracted the Poison Blood Flying Sword that resisted the Black Flame True Fire, and greeted the three sets of Fiery Flying Swords that were attacking.

The four swords collided, causing a series of harsh sounds.

Although the three Blazing Fire Flying Swords were just ordinary third-grade medium-quality magic weapons, their quality was superior.

The three swords were even stronger than the third-grade medium-quality "Poison Blood Flying Sword" of the Poison Blood Demon.

In just one encounter, the Poison Blood Flying Sword was repeatedly repelled.

Even the poisonous gas emitted by the Poison Blood Flying Sword was gradually burned by the countless blazing flames of the three Blazing Fire Flying Swords.

The Poison Blood Demon's expression changed drastically, and he immediately asked for help from the two Purple Spirit Jade Scorpions beside him who were driving their own life magic weapons to resist the black flames of the true fire.

"Two Purple Scorpion Daoists, come and help me block those three Blazing Fire Flying Swords. I can't hold on for long!"

The Purple Spirit Jade Scorpion King, who still had some strength left and had a higher cultivation level, heard the "loyal" Poison Blood Old Demon asking for help, and immediately looked over and took a look at the situation.

When it saw that the Poison Blood Old Demon's Poison Blood Flying Sword was being suppressed by the three Blazing Fire Flying Swords, it was afraid that it would be destroyed soon, and it suddenly became worried.

It knew that the Poison Blood Old Demon's strength depended on the Poison Blood Flying Sword. Once the Poison Blood Flying Sword was destroyed, the Poison Blood Old Demon's strength would be reduced by 30% to 50%. At that time, no one would be able to block the three powerful Blazing Fire Flying Swords, and it and the descendant of the early Jindan would be in danger.

Under desperation, the Purple Spirit Jade Scorpion King in the middle stage of the Golden Core had to bite the bullet and turned into a beam of light to quickly rush to the place where the three Blazing Fire Flying Swords and the Poison Blood Flying Sword were fighting.

Then, the Scorpion King waved the pair of purple-glowing, very hard pincers in front of him, and the scorpion tail that was dozens of feet long behind him, to help the Poison Blood Flying Sword of the Poison Blood Demon to fight against the three sets of Blazing Fire Flying Swords.

The offensive third-level middle-grade life magic weapon of this Scorpion King was resisting the black flame true fire. It was good at physical fitness, and the power of its life magic was not strong, so it fought with its flesh.

However, the scorpion king's pincers and the scorpion tail behind him were not weak, and the solidity alone was enough to be comparable to the power of the third-level low-grade offensive magic weapon.

In cooperation with the Poison Blood Flying Sword, it quickly reversed the situation and turned to suppress the three Blazing Fire Flying Swords.

But at this moment, the old poisonous blood demon saw that the "great plan had been accomplished" and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

He looked at the two purple spirit jade scorpion kings who were trying their best to resist Bai Ling Zhenren, and muttered to himself.

"Finally I managed to trick the middle-stage Jindan Scorpion King into helping me fend off the three flaming flying swords."

"The Jindans chasing behind are about to arrive. Now the two Scorpion Kings have no way to escape. They can only fight to the death with Bailing Zhenren and other Jindans."

"This way, you can also delay a few Jindans for me to escape."

"My two Daoists, please don't blame me."

"If I can escape successfully, I will avenge you in the future."

He immediately waved his hand to take back the poisonous blood flying sword, and quickly performed the poisonous blood escape technique, turning into a dark green escape light and escaping into the distance.

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